Act Gracefully As A Villainous Lady

Chapter 33

33 Villain warrant lady, dress heroine

“… Yeah, I knew it was blue”

Looking at the trial-and-error performance, Merriah Rose nodded contentedly.

At the end of his gaze, Julia was dyeing her cheeks bright red and picking up the hem of the dress around her, roughly like that.

The detailed consultation will be after the tailor arrives, but Merriah Rose wanted to see what would look good on Julia to some extent.

Blinking blonde hair, clear, empty eyes.

The material is not bad. On the contrary, it will grow into a superb gem, which everyone will look back upon if polished.

In the meantime, I’m going to put on the dress owned by Melia Rose from one end to the other, and see what looks good in it.

And there was a unanimous response from Merriah Rose and the maids, “This is it! What turned out to be a bright blue dress, as if it had captured the waves of the ocean as it were.

“Nice! Looks like a mermaid princess!!

“That’s your lady friend!!

Julia turned bright red after being praised by the maids, she looked up much as soon as she heard the word “friend”.

“My friend…!!

“No, I’m a rival.”

“Melia Rose. Well……!

While gently admiring the tearful Julia, Merriah Rose next began to move on to selecting ornaments.

By the way, this dress was worn by Mary Rose at a luncheon hosted by the Duke of Maxwell last year.

But it’s very difficult to match this dress with some reddish Merriam-Rose hair.

If you make a mistake, you’re going to give them a hell of an impression.

There were circumstances when I said that, and then I hadn’t slept through it once, but it was perfect for Julia now as if she had.

Perhaps I could give this dress to Julia as well, taking it for granted that it is newly tailored.

Secondly, Melia Rose thought about that.

Indulge in thoughtfulness and choose the ornament that suits Julia.

A shiny necklace scattered with small diamonds around a large sapphire.

This bracelet is woven into a series of shimmering pure white pearls, as if they were a symbol of purity.

Good quality golden hair decoration inspired by bird feathers.

“… Ok, that sounds good!

“Dear Julia, you’re going into the finish!!

The Duke of Maxwell family. A selection of maids will apply makeup and put their hair together so that it can best be seen in Julia’s dresses and ornaments today.

Julia was just blinking and hardening her eyes, like a dressing doll.

And seeing as he could, Merriah Rose accidentally leaked an exclamation.

“This is me…?

Julia also had her hands gently on her cheeks in such a way that she couldn’t believe what she looked like in the mirror.

There was a brilliant reborn Julia, who would not be defeated by any noble princess.

– It’s not a bad color to line up next to a prince.

Meliá Rose was satisfied with her own standpoint.

Now Julia will be recognized by all as the grand princess of kings.

Whatever you say, the majesty of appearance is important.

This would also frighten anyone who tries to complain about Julia’s origins.

“Be confident, Julia. You deserve my rival now.”

“Oh no, Master Merriah Rose……!

“That’s why we need to be more polished.”

Of course, I’m not going to let you attend a dance party with an old dress from Meliá Rose.

I just got an image. Tailor a new dress.

That’s right, I just burned up, and I heard a modest knock on the door of the room.

“Ma’am, Madame April is here.”

“Oh, you’ve already come. Please let me through immediately.”

A maid in the name of Madame April sprang up.

That should be it, too. She is such a first-class tailor that no girl in the King’s Capital knows her name.

And before Merriah Rose, who arms gracefully, and Julia, who nervously solidifies, the woman appeared.

“Hope you’re in a good mood, Lady MerriaRose. Whoa! Who’s your princess?

When she saw the woman who appeared refreshed, Merriah Rose raised her mouth angle.

Her name is Madame April. He is an amazing tailor with a shop in the corner of the Wang capital.

The woman in the sprinkled feather hat is wearing moveable clothing, but it should be said that she doesn’t look wild at all.

She is not a nobleman, but rather more so than a single nobleman, it may be said that she is entering the pockets of the senior nobles.

Meliá Rose had also had many dresses tailored to her from an early age.

Nowadays, it was even like a friend.

“Madam, this is my alumni Julia. This time, I want you to tailor me and this kid’s end-of-semester dance party dress.”

“Oh, how impotent of you to wear both. But you’re gonna burn…!

While complaining in his mouth, Mary Rose didn’t miss Madame’s eyes twinkling.

“Um, Dear Merriam Rose… you can’t really give me my dress…”

“It’s not natural. I’m not allowed to run away, you know.”

“Yes, no!

I giggled at Julia, who nodded reflexively, and Merriah Rose opened her mouth.

“Julia is elegant anyway! I ask you to be kind and dignified.”

“And then you, Melia Rose?

“I am evil…… no, please feel flashy. You can be a glossy woman.”

Seems like a villain’s warrant, trying to put it to words, Mary Rose hurriedly shut her mouth.

No matter how busy Julia may be, she may feel about the operation if she speaks like that with dignity.

Just a few more moments, no alarm.

“Fine. If Julia were blue… Merriam-Rose would be red! Flames and ice, pairs of beings, things that are attractive because they are incompatible…”

I don’t know what inspired Madame’s harp line, but she took out her sketchbook looking excited and seemed to be writing and hitting even galloping.

Now, the rest is the battle against time…… and Merriah Rose immediately began to assemble her plans for the future.

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