After transmigrating into the cultivation world, the school topper was reborn

Chapter 178

The leading teachers of the second high school, military city, Zhenhai and other high schools are waiting for the news of this year’s college entrance examination champion. Their own school has a few students who are very optimistic about them. However, Chu Yunzhi entered io and became one of the members of the national team. He has been escorted. Now he is making all his preparations for io, so he will not take the college entrance examination.

There are other students with good grades in their schools, all of whom have the strength to compete for provincial champions.

But the provincial champion has only one position after all. In addition to his second middle school, Juncheng High School, Zhenhai High School and the next city No. 1 middle school, because this time there are no members of the io, so all the top students of their school can put all their energy on On the college entrance examination, preparing for the college entrance examination, their chances are also very large.

In fact, they are discussing in private, this time the provincial champion is likely to be in the military city high school or the next city No. 1 middle school.

Last year’s provincial champion was in the second middle school. The former provincial champion was in Zhenhai High School. This year’s Chu Yunzhi entered the io. Although Liu Fuzong of Zhenhai High School didn’t enter the io, he went to the last fifteen in the training team and was escorted. Even if it is not guaranteed, long absences and competitions will inevitably affect the college entrance examination results.

Only Military City High School and No. 1 High School in the next city, this time in o, because the top students are eliminated early, you can put more energy on the college entrance examination, hoping for greater.

Of course, this is not to say that competitive students must be better than non-competitive students in the college entrance examination, but they are science students, and the contestants themselves represent some of their extraordinary talents in science, so relatively speaking For those who can enter the training team, it must be that their school does not say that all subjects are top, but it is indeed a top group.

For example, Liu Fuzong and Chu Yunzhi, before that, they were the first in the second grade and the first in the Zhenhai high school.

The two most competitive candidates for provincial champions have been removed, and the rest, although there is also a competitive force, are compared with the generals of the military city high school and the first city of the next city. The chance is relatively speaking Lower.

Military City High School and No. 1 Middle School in the neighboring city think the same way, especially Military City High School, which was originally the No. 1 high school in the province, has been completely caught up by the No. 2 High School in recent years, especially last year’s No. 1 Provincial No. 1 It has already had some influence on the military city high school. This year is the third year. If we can’t get the provincial champion, that is, we won’t get the provincial champion for three consecutive years. This has a great impact on their school.

So this year they would rather give up the competition in o and put all their energy on the college entrance examination.

The principals and deputy principals of Military City High School are nervously waiting for the news, because they also know the people of the Education Bureau, they are all old friends, so almost immediately the results came out, they asked.

The results inquired are desperate.

Are you kidding me? Su Xingchen, a foreign language high school

The teachers and students of the foreign language high school were shocked, and they reacted again. Su Xingchen’s college entrance examination score was so high. She is serious about the college entrance examination. The problem is that she put her energy on the college entrance examination. Live

But immediately, they felt that Su Xingchen hod lived.

Su Xingchen, she is not a human being

She ran to the competition and missed so many classes, she could get the top spot in the college entrance exam in z province, and what else could she do without an international Olympic

Teachers and students of foreign language high schools have unprecedented confidence in her.

It is really her college entrance examination this time, the results are really amazing

College entrance examination champion

Who can think of

They have been in high school for so many years. Because of the particularity of the school, they have never won the top prize in the college entrance examination.

Their province’s annual college entrance examination champion is either in the second middle school, or in the military city, or in Zhenhai, and the first middle school in the next city.

Even if they already value Su Xingchen very much, after all, she has entered the top six nationwide in the competition, and no one doubts her god-learning personality, but for her sudden entrance exam for the provincial college entrance examination, all teachers and students in foreign languages ​​are still allowed , I feel caught off guard.

Yes suddenly

Yes, caught by surprise

This is too sudden

The principals and teachers of the foreign language high school thought that they had heard the news incorrectly. The principal also specifically asked “why do you say that the college entrance examination champion is in our school”? He thought the old guy on the phone was joking with him, no I think people are particularly happy to say, “Yes, your school, Su Xingchen, is the one who is a star”

They were also shocked when they knew the news.

Isn’t Su Xingchen a star? She is the No. 1 provincial science entrance exam this time

But after being shocked, they spread the story as anecdotes just like gossip.

Because they are in the education system, they also know that of the six members of the national team participating in the International Olympics, two of them are from the Z province. Naturally, they are very clear about their names, let alone one of them is a star. The net knows this.

Just because they knew she was one of the members of the national team participating in the International Olympics, they were shocked when they learned that she was the first place in the science entrance examination.

After participating in the competition for so long, missing so many classes, and giving up the **** to come back to participate in the college entrance examination, compared with other candidates who sprinted for the college entrance examination in school, it is already difficult for her to get good grades, let alone It is said that there are also key high schools in the veteran high school, No. 2 Middle School, Juncheng, Zhenhai, and No. 1 Middle School in the next city. .

So don’t blame the old principal Yuan for shock.

Principal Yuan was more than shocked. For him, it was the same as the fantasy of Night Fantasy, but what was so impossible happened really happened in their foreign language high school.

Because of the particularity of their high school, there are more than 20% of the entrusted places. Every year, some people discuss the rationality of this matter online, saying that they should reduce the entrusted places in their schools, and even have so many entrusted places for their schools. The matter questioned.

Because of the particularity of their schools, even if they are provincial-level key schools, but among all provincial-level key high schools, their school performance is actually the bottom of the provincial-level key schools. .

Because their school’s strength is not in grades.

Of course, their school performance is not bad, after all, it is a provincial-level priority. The school is focusing on the quality education of students, and it is also very strict on the students’ academic performance.

In addition to the normal cultural classes, there are many other courses in their school, such as physical education, art, music, etc. More importantly, their school has a lot of language classes.

Before high school, the students of their school chose another required foreign language course in addition to English. Until the third day, this course was changed to elective course, that is to say, a student must know at least three foreign languages, Chinese , English and other languages.

At the same time, there are many activities in their school, such as the previous long-distance running around the lake marathon. Although they have been done as far as possible without affecting the student’s academic performance, because of the particularity of their school, more or less will affect it.

So everyone agrees that the enrollment rate and academic performance of foreign language high schools are slightly worse than other schools that are also provincial key high schools.

However, the provincial science champion

Even after repeatedly confirming that the provincial champion of science was Su Xingchen, President Yuan was still a little unbelievable. Then he immediately called the director of the teaching office and asked him to arrange banners, propaganda, etc., and then called Su Xingchen’s family, That is Su Su Su Mu.

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