After transmigrating into the cultivation world, the school topper was reborn

Chapter 181

When Su Xingchen was eating at the Su family, they were also asking Su Xingchen which school to apply for.

Father Su also read the analysis on the Internet. Even if she had heard that she had to report to the medical profession before, she was afraid that she would go to the Academy of Film and Television as analyzed by netizens.

Su Xingchen reported to Yanjing University.

She has checked the information before. Among the several schools with relatively strong medical majors in China, the School of Medicine of Qingda University has just been established in recent years. In the past, it was called a medical experiment class, and it was not a school with a doctoral degree.

In comparison, the medicine major at Yanjing University is much stronger.

After hearing her say this, Su Su felt relieved.

With the film school at the front, Su Su now doesn’t feel anything wrong with Su Xingchen’s medical major, at least better than the film school.

She wanted to study medicine. The netizens outside did n’t know about it, and only a few people had heard about it. So when discussing online, she was discussing whether she wanted to go to the film school because she wanted to be mixed in the entertainment industry. , Connections are very important, and where is the best and most convenient place to accumulate connections

It is undoubtedly the school.

Whether it is a classmate, a teacher, or someone you will meet in the entertainment industry in the future, if it comes out of a school, it can be called a senior sister and a younger sister. This is a natural close distance. Relationship.

Another point is that after entering the film school, you can systematically learn acting skills.

Su Xingchen is still a nod to the school right now, and is not part of the academy.

Others are saying that her personal utilitarianism is relatively heavy, and she abandons her national interests. In order to make up for her college entrance exam, the international Olympics is about to come, but she is not fully committed to preparing for io. Becoming the drag of io, if the Chinese national team loses, it is Su Xingchen’s pot.

Fans sprayed back immediately below, “Su Xingchen missed so many classes and was able to take the top entrance exam, enough to see her talent, how do you know she didn’t review well, didn’t go all out, and how she knew she would be behind Your home college entrance examination champion is behind “

“Even if the Chinese national team didn’t get the first place, they didn’t get the first place in the past three years. What happened to us?”

“Since our head can take the first place in the college entrance examination, we are naturally aware of the io competition.”

In addition to these debates, Su Xingchen also attracted a large number of fans, from 80-year-olds to old ladies, middle-aged to 40-year-old parents, to elementary school students to 70-80 years old, especially those mommy fans and grandpas Grandma ’s powder, it ’s not okay if my children do n’t have Su Xingchen. Take her to educate your children. “I like Su Xingchen. I support it. Our son always likes Su Xingchen. The college entrance exam champion, we like it.

“My daughter-in-law has done a lot better this year. He said that it was bad grades and was embarrassed to tell others that she likes Su Xingchen.”

“I’ve been a lot better. I used to wear strange clothes before. Now I only wear school uniforms. I don’t want to buy clothes for him. I also said that I would take the college entrance examination.”

As soon as the news of Su Xingchen’s college entrance examination came out, Zhou Qing immediately received a large number of cooperative advertisements and endorsements, and his worth doubled.

Originally I wanted to wait for her to take the picture as soon as the college entrance examination ended, but now she can’t do it. She still has to participate in the International Olympics, so she can’t take pictures now.

But those partners didn’t care about her io competition a month later, even because she would participate in the io competition one month later. Even if the popularity of her college entrance examination champion dropped temporarily, there would be new popularity rising. Their endorsement is not bad, so they are happy to sign with Su Xingchen.

Unlike some of the black guys on the Internet who sing in the Su Xingchen io competition, Su Xingchen’s college entrance examination champion gave the partner great confidence. Even if the io competition results are unsatisfactory, the io competition itself will be welcomed by the time. Come to watch a lot of fans.

Even the io games that few people paid attention to in the past years, this year were bought by some domestic TV stations for broadcasting rights.

This year’s io competition is different from previous years.

In the past years, only io contests have attracted more attention from students and teachers and parents. This year, because of Su Xingchen, it can be said that the whole network is concerned. All the Internet is discussing the results of this io and Su Xingchen.

Even if there are many black spots and black Su Xingchen on the Internet, she thinks that she is selfish, selfish, and disregards national interests for her own selfish interests, but most netizens and fans believe Su Xingchen blindly and think she will definitely shine in io this time.

As for those who analyzed the emperor’s rational and well-founded analysis that Su Xingchen’s trip must be hindered, they should not listen.

Su Xingchen is a **** of learning, a super **** of learning, and a combination of culture and martial arts. He will definitely achieve good results on behalf of the Chinese national team, win glory for the country, and will not accept rebuttals.

After the college entrance examination results come out, it is filled with volunteers.

Cheng Kangyao and the same school she chose.

After two years of study, his grades have been raised. This time the college entrance examination played very well. If there are no surprises, there should be no problem, just in case, the second volunteer fills a school close to Yanjing University.

Su Xingchen looked at the few volunteers he filled at the time, but took his hand silently.

In this relationship between the two people, it seems that he has been actively chasing, and she is passively accepting. She knows that he has more feelings for her than she has for him.

It is also wonderful to think about it. In the first life, he had already gone abroad to study at this time, and he was not used to it just after going abroad. The longest thing he did was call her.

At that time, she was completely unaware of it. She worked hard for one year in her senior year and was admitted to a second-rate university. She worked several times a day for her living expenses and tuition fees. She had no intention of thinking about anything else. Mostly, he was only regarded as his deadly friend to kill Matt until she passed through the world of Xiuxian. She had only a road in her mind. Without these, she did not expect to go back to the original place and meet him.

Filling in volunteers, taking photos, receiving scholarships, and eating casual meals, Su Xingchen and Cheng Kangyao can finally hold hands in a fair and decent way.

Teacher Li saw the two of them holding hands without shyness in the school, and sucked their teeth with some spicy eyes. “You two also pay attention.”

Classmates in the class seemed to have defaulted to the two being together. When they saw the two holding hands, they just laughed and raised their hands to ask for sugar.

Cheng Kangyao is generous. At this time, he must be out of sugar. He directly invited them to eat as a casual meal.

It was not just a group of people, people from class 16 were invited together, opened several tables, one box could not sit down, and two boxes were opened.

Before going, everyone now took a group photo in front of the teaching building. Class 1 was taken first. At the end of Class 16, Su Xingchen and Cheng Kuangyao were dragged up when taking photos. After that, everyone ran over and Su Xingchen Group photos, some also asked Cheng Kangyao to come and take a group photo together.

There were still a few couples who were secretly in love in a class, but they were not exposed. As a result, they looked so generous with Su Xingchen and Cheng Kangyao. Teacher Li smiled and pointed at them, the girls shy, the boys laughed.

In the evening, I have to take a group photo when I have a casual meal. Teacher Chen and Teacher Ke quickly said, “It’s done, Su Xingchen still has a game next month, so let others go back and read.”

Su Xingchen and Cheng Kangyao are gone. Others have other shows at night. They still want to call Cheng Kangyao together. Curly Su also asks him to play together. Cheng Kangyao only took her hand. “I will send you back.”

This wave of dog food made curly hair and they booed with a smile, sour.

Su Xingchen spoke with Mr. Chen, Mr. Ke, and Mr. Li about the feast of Master Xie, together with Su Xingyang, at the Kaiyue Hotel.

As soon as I heard at Kaiyue Hotel, Teacher Chen said, “What to do in Kaiyue, just find a place to eat, Kaiyue is too expensive.”

Mr. Ke knew that most of the students in the foreign language high school were in good condition. Now Su Xingchen is not that bad. So he took Mr. Chen’s hand and simply nodded and said, “OK, we will go.” He waved his hand. “Go back.”

Teacher Chen was not at ease and told them to “drive slowly.”

After being nourished by Reiki for three years, Mrs. Chen’s physical condition now looks much better, his body is better, and his complexion is also better. The hair with some white spots on the temples has been blackened a lot, and he is no longer as weak as he first saw. Still soft, full of book fragrance.

The magic charm on her body will become smaller and smaller as time goes by. Now the effect is very weak, but as long as she still wears it, as long as it is not wetted by water, there are more or less. efficacy.

Thinking of Teacher Chen’s charm, Su Xingchen thought of Cheng Kangyao.

She hasn’t given him anything in recent years, so she wants to return to give him a jade charm.

Jade symbols are different from paper symbols. The characters on the paper symbols are painted with cinnabar mixed with spiritual power. The spiritual power that can be attached to cinnabar is very weak, and the time is long, and it is easy to be damaged by external factors. Yufu does not have to consider these , As long as the spiritual power continues to be engraved at the time of the rune, such as gathering the amulet, as the gathered aura increases, the aura nourishes the wearer ’s body while also nourishing the jade rune itself, the so-called jade rune People, people raise jade.

The amulet, although it does not have the effect of gathering spirits and gathering spirits, can emit a protective aura in the event of a crisis to stop the wearer. The paper amulet may stop the next robbery and disappear. The skill of the person is different, and the protection they bear is also different. Some minor disasters can even be blocked two or three times.

At the entrance of the community, Su Xingchen asked him to stop and let him go back and continue to play with the classmates. She just went up. Cheng Kangyao didn’t listen to her at all and drove the car directly to the underground garage of the community, holding her hand.

After opening the door, close the door and press her behind the door to kiss.

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