After transmigrating into the cultivation world, the school topper was reborn

Chapter 20

Su Xingchen smiled and said nothing.

Perhaps, there is no hatred between her and them. In the future, she will pay back. As for the blood relationship, the blood is thicker than water, maybe her relationship is weak, and she ca n’t afford it, nor is she blessed.

On the first day of moving to the dormitory, there are many things to be prepared, slippers, towels, toothpaste, toothbrush, thermos … etc.

None of these Su fathers moved her, and she did not want to go back to pick it up. After school at noon, she went to the school small supermarket to buy it.

“I’m going, you live on campus? After we take it, we can go to and from school together!” The front desk classmates turned happily.

Cheng Kangyao raised his hand in disgust and turned his head back: “You think too much!”

For some reason, Su Xingchen moved to the dormitory, he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, and his expression was always stinky, very uncomfortable.

When he was shopping at noon, he followed her again and helped her to move things very disgustingly.

Su Xingchen ’s dormitory is on the sixth floor. It is a newly built dormitory in the past two years. The original old dormitory area was for boys and stood side by side with the girls ’dormitory. Young teacher’s apartment.

The old teachers have long been divided into houses, in the staff apartment.

When Cheng Kangyao moved a lot of things up, he was stopped by the boarding house and said that he would not give him anything. “Go, the boys in the girls’ dormitory cannot enter.”

Su Guan completely ignored the breath of killing Matt nobility emitted from him, and his eyes were still despised. He even looked at Su Xingchen with disgusting eyes and asked Su Xingchen: “Is this your boyfriend?”

I originally thought that Su Xingchen looked white and beautiful, and had a good impression. As a result, this pretty little girl did not look well. Looking at this boy’s green onions, she did not feel like a good student.

Su Xingchen stood in front of Cheng Kangyao, lips tweeted: “No, actually … I am his boyfriend.”

Cheng Kangyao’s face suddenly turned red, and his speech was stuttered: “Who … who is your boyfriend? … Who are you boyfriend? No, when did you become my boyfriend? Pay attention when speaking!”

Su Guan was prejudiced against killing Matt, and as a result, he saw this shy boy responded so shyly. He suddenly changed his attitude towards killing Matt. He took the key with a smile and put his face on his face: “Get off after you give away what!”

The main reason is that Cheng Kangyao carried a bunch of things in his hand, and on the sixth floor, there was no elevator. She was afraid that Su Xingchen, a little girl, could not move up, so let the boy who killed Matt help him, then he was a tall man and helped girls He shouldn’t be tired by moving something.

Several roommates came back for a while after eating. At this time, they had just finished the meal and came to eat in the bedroom. The door was wide open.

Su Xingchen knocked on the door: “A friend of mine helped me move things up. Is it convenient for you to come in?”

Several girls were eating, and one of the girls with baby faces was very good-tempered and said, “It’s okay, come in.”

So they saw Cheng Kangyao, who was carrying a bunch of green onions, carried a bunch of things in, and their eyes were very strange.

The sixteenth class kills Matt!

Although everyone knows him, such a close contact is the first time. The close-up looks pretty handsome, except that the green onion-like hair waving in the wind is so spicy.

They looked at him with some curiosity.

“Something’s calling me.” He didn’t wait too much, turned around and ran as soon as he let it go. It was winter, and his face was hot and red.

After he went down, the talking girl’s eyes flashed gossip: “Is that just your boyfriend?”

Su Xingchen joked: “Don’t you see that I am his boyfriend?”

The girl laughed suddenly, put down the lunch box and came over, “Do you want to help?”

Su Xingchen was also polite and thanked with a smile.

The girl helped her put the thermos on the table and took out a correction fluid. “You must write the name on the water bottle. Do you have this?”

Su Xingchen, who was sorting things, turned back: “No, thank you.”

“Then I will write it for you.”


The girls were particularly serious about writing their names and classes on Su Xingchen’s water bottle.

Her characters are very beautiful and neat.

“By the way, my name is An Ran, class seven.” Introduce several other roommates: “This is Zhang Yingying, one class with me, Shan Qing, and five classes. Your lower bunk is one class, Zhang Wenqi. . “

Except for Zhang Wenqi, who was in the first class, sat on the bed and read a book, the other two nodded Su Xingchen with a smile and nodded, and continued to eat.

An Ran said again: “I am the head of our bedroom. This is our duty watch. Everyone takes turns on duty every day, plus you. Our bedroom is five people, and each person is responsible for one day. We clean the dormitory together on Saturday and Sunday What do you think? “

She asked others.

Both Zhang Yingying and Shan Qing said indispensably: “Yes, so you can clean one day less in a week.”

Zhang Wenqi, who kept reading his head without reading his head, said: “Don’t talk if the math is not good. Originally, four people cleaned for two days each. You can rest for one day every month. Now you have to clean on weekends, which is three more days. Ok? “

Zhang Yingying was almost annoyed by her frustration and replied: “As long as you are good at mathematics, you haven’t seen you enter the mathematics competition class!”

Zhang Wenqi said slowly: “That’s better than some people.”

Some people. Zhang Yingying / An Ran / Shan Qing / Su Xingchen: …

Being able to offend everyone in the bedroom in one sentence, I really did not sleep.

Shan Qing is a tall girl with a round face, cherry small mouth, thick front and thin sharp eyebrows like a sheath and a sword. She raised her eyes and glanced coldly at Zhang Wenqi, saying: “How come you are so good? Class, what do you do with us in the dormitory? “Said to An Ran again,” I’m not here on Saturday and Sunday, don’t you have to clean it? “

An Ran nodded with a smile: “You don’t have to clean it when you are away.”

Shan Qing stopped talking and heard a slow meal.

Zhang Wenqi was sulked by Shan Qingding and wanted to refute it, but she looked at her and ignored her, squeezed her lips and snorted.

“Then say that, I’ll draw a new duty watch again.” An Ran is probably an activist, doing things neatly, took out a piece of paper, measured it with a ruler and painted it on the door: ” Monday to Thursday is still the original, Su Xingchen on Friday, is there no problem? “

Zhang Yingying said with a good temper: “As long as you don’t schedule me on Friday, I will do it.”

They have to go home on Friday night, which is very inconvenient on duty.

When Su Xingchen finished packing, she went downstairs to dinner, and as soon as she arrived at the cafeteria, Cheng Kangyao waved at her, “Here!”

Probably when he saw that the soup was cold, he got up again and beat the bowl of soup and vegetables again. The food was changed again.

The soup in the school is divided into two types: charge and free. The free one is tomato and egg soup and seaweed egg flower soup. The seaweed soup of tomatoes and seaweed is basically not seen, but it is free soup anyway. .

Cheng Kangyao’s corn ribs soup, a portion of seven dollars, full of a big bowl.

Su Xingchen was also polite and took out an amulet she had painted before and handed it to him: “Send it to you.”

“What’s this?” He took it and turned it over and looked it over twice.


His eyes widened in surprise, and he was particularly disgusted: “You actually still engage in feudal superstition! And you gave me so barely, at least get a package, get a bag?” Then he slammed it in his pocket.

At noon, Su Xingchen went to the dormitory to take a nap. Cheng Kangyao did not take a nap today, but lay on the table with a mobile phone on Taobao.

The boy at the front table saw him attentively and walked quietly from behind him, saying: “Amulet bag, waterproof.” The front table looked at him in surprise: “I go, as the emperor who killed the Matt family, you Actually engage in feudal superstition? Is it okay? “

Cheng Kangyao almost didn’t scare him to death, he quickly blushed and hid his phone.

The front table was also taken aback, and it really jumped back: “What are you blushing well? Wouldn’t you have any thoughts on me?”, Arms crossed on his chest, a pair of small white flowers that encountered the bandit bully: “I tell you, I swear to die.” Suddenly, his face changed and he laughed cheaply, and he lifted the school uniform coat to reveal the shoulders of the sweater in it: “But if it is you, I can still From the following ~ “

The next few killing Matt and sports students took the lead to applaud and coax: “Together! Together! Together!”

Cheng Kangyao looked at his radiant face with acne, and he almost didn’t spit it out: “Just like you Yasha, I don’t want to post it!”

He found an amulet waterproof bag similar to the shape of the amulet that Su Xingchen sent her, quickly placed an order and bought a few, and slept on the table.

Originally, Su Xingchen had always slept with him beside him … Cheng Chengshumat Kangyao blushed again, looking at the empty seat next to her. Now she was not there, he was sleeping alone, and it was strange lonely.

The farthest distance in the world is that the good friends are striving to be good students, and he is still gone on the non-mainstream road.

It’s really lonely like snow!

Su Xingchen didn’t know that his little boy’s heart was a bit lonely. At this time, she was taking a nap in the warm bedroom.

Everyone else in the bedroom had just fallen asleep, but she hadn’t fallen asleep. When she came in, the curtains were pulled. When she went back, she was light-handed, because she had already practiced Qi. In this modern society, where most ordinary people make up the majority, she only needs to If you want to be quiet, you can do nothing.

In fact, she did the same. Her movements were light and sensitive, like a cat, her toes were only a little light on the ladder, and the person had fallen on the bed, and she had not laid down. The lower bunk Zhang Wenqi suddenly slapped on the wall. Top: “Can you move lightly? I want to sleep if you don’t sleep!”

The other few people who had been drowsy to sleep were frightened by her sudden, loud slap, and they were dozed off all at once, opened their eyes in unclear condition, and looked in horror. Zhang Wenqi.

Zhang Wenqi got very upset about Shan Qing’s getting up on the bed. She was awakened by Zhang Wenqi’s slap as soon as she fell asleep. She lifted up the mosquito net, picked up the slippers on the ground, and took off her shoes to Zhang Wenqi!

Fortunately, Zhang Wenqi also hung a mosquito net, and the slippers hit a recess in the mosquito net and fell to the ground.

Several others were about to applaud Shan Qing.

Zhang Wenqi said nothing.

When she was about to stop sleeping, there was an earthquake-like tremor suddenly coming from the upper berth, but no sound had yet been made. That is to say, only she felt the earthquake-like tremor, and the other few people had no effect.

Zhang Wenqi lifted the quilt: “What are you doing!”

Su Xingchen’s voice came slowly from the upper bunker: “Don’t you say I’m moving? I’ll show it to you.”

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