After transmigrating into the cultivation world, the school topper was reborn

Chapter 203

Kill Matt again and take the first place again

Chapter 203:

Moreover, she is completely hard and soft, and she doesn’t get oil or salt. There is no way to get her.

From the moment she was 16 years old, when she left the Su family, she never leaned on the Su family again.

Even in the previous twelve years, she was congratulating her parents, and she was full of money. She was in the Su family, and she actually stayed for more than three years and less than four years.

He had heard about what his uncle’s family is like now, because Su Xingchen has been dying more and more in recent years.In the past, they did not go to their mother-in-law’s house.In the year that Su Xingchen took the college entrance examination and last year, they went back to their hometown. .

They knew everything about the big uncle’s family.

The year that Xingchen just sent it, the big uncle’s house was just an ordinary gray brick building.When Su Xingchen was taken over when he was 12 years old, the big uncle’s house was a two-story small building, and the walls were all painted with lime, although it was The building, but the first floor below has a facade, the second floor above has only two rooms, one lived by themselves, one room was divided into two, He Qicheng He Qihang one room, his daughter one, because it is a room. The two rooms are small, and the country always likes to play with the big wooden cabinets with wooden beds, which makes the room narrow.

Once again, it was Su Xingchen who was 19 years old when he took the provincial entrance exam and they were busy with their careers and had no time to go back. Finally, they took the time to go back to see the old white wall of the old mother-in-law after a few years of wind and rain In addition, the gasoline for repairing cars and the like caused the wall to burst, and lime powder fell down in some places, exposing the red brick wall inside.

Last year they went back again. The original grey and grey two-story building has been replaced by a small villa.

The first uncle’s house was originally the first one down the slope, next to the field. Now the field was bought by the uncle’s house. The original two facades became four, and the back yard was built into a house.The facade is deep and large. The uncle’s family also got electrical appliances on sale.

The upper two floors are for my own home.In the countryside, the cement bricks were built by myself, and the built villas are no worse than the villas bought by him. If it is poor, it is probably poor decoration. The big uncle’s family is all in the country. People, even if they built small villas, the decoration inside is still rural and idyllic.

Although the piece is now such a small villa-style house, but the big uncle’s family knows that he can earn less than one hundred thousand a year, and there are two sons studying, and these years can save two hundred thousand. Well, where did the money come to build such a big house and bought two acres of land next to and behind, the land in that place is not cheap even in small rural towns.

I want to know that his second daughter gave them money.

Not only the small villa, but also the two nephews He Qicheng and He Qihang, I heard that they are also developing very well now. Both nephews have opened their own shops as bosses, although they do n’t earn much, there are always two or three hundred thousand Yes, for the small country in the country, two or three hundred thousand a year is already very good. I heard that these two nephews have bought a house in their small county and paid the down payment.

Although he has not returned to his hometown in recent years, he also knows that the house in the county will be completed in four to five years, and that a down payment of at least two or three hundred thousand will be required.

Where did the starting capital come from

I usually do n’t want to feel it, but when I think about it at this time, Su Su feels very uncomfortable.

He didn’t care about the money, but only about the difference between his daughter’s treatment of their family and the big uncle’s family.

Thinking about these years, she didn’t bother to make a phone call to Su’s family. Last year her grandfather became ill, and she only transferred money after hearing it. No one came back to take a look.

If he did n’t call her often, would n’t she want to contact them?

Su Su’s thoughts were colder and colder.

After that, Su Fucha made several phone calls to Su Xingchen, and said all the good things, and asked her to go to her sister’s wedding, but she didn’t say anything.

Father Su said that he could not move Su Xingchen, so Su Xingyang, who had a good relationship with her, called her to let her go to the wedding.

Su Xingyang was helpless: “I’m useless to call.”

He knows his weight very much. He and his 2nd sister seem to have been in contact for many years. The 2nd sister also treats him as Yan Yue, but he knows that he does n’t know how to relate to his 2nd sister.

He doesn’t find his phone calls useful.

If you are called to fight you, you will fight if you do n’t fight. How do you know that it ’s useless? What you say are all brothers and sisters. You might be able to listen to her if you talk. “Su Su said irritably and sullenly.

Su Xingyang had no choice but to call and tell Su father what he meant.

Su Xingchen really did not give him face.

Su Xingyang shrugged innocently towards Su’s father.

Finally, Su father called her and said in an angry and sad tone: “Even if my mother and I sent you to your grandmother’s house, your grandmother and they raised your money is also what we said. He is inexplicable here. At the time, they did not go back once a year, usually only once every two or three years, when they were more, they gave two pieces at a time, and when they were less, they were given a thousand. At that time, I thought that I was a family, and the children couldn’t spend much money, so I didn’t think so much.

The main reason is that this daughter has not lived with them and took them away as soon as the full moon. They really do n’t have so many ideas. Many times they ca n’t remember it at all. There is such a child who only remembers it occasionally. Make a phone call and ask, no I have been together, how can I feel that they still have a child

Even when you came to H city, your mother and I did not treat you badly. For you to eat and live for you, to go to aristocratic schools, even if we neglect you, there are places where we ca n’t do it. Abuse you “Su’s father said that he was right.

Su Xingchen: “I hit and scolded. “

If you do n’t have anything else, you have a good memory. The higher your cultivation level, the better your memory. The things you once forgotten in the years will become deeper and deeper as your cultivation progresses.

Father Su was almost unable to continue to chat below.

“Even if you hit you and scold you, that’s your parents too. You have a kindness and a kindness to you. If you don’t let you have the kindness and the kindness, you are not willing to let you participate in your sister’s wedding.”

Su Xingchen paused, and after a while, a voice came from the phone: “Are you sure you want me to participate in Su Xingyue’s wedding to return your life

Somehow, Su Su’s words swallowed and swallowed, just like knowing that once something was spoken, something was completely lost. I do n’t want to come, and I do n’t ask you. My sister ’s wedding also requires me to be unable to attend. ”

Su Xingchen: “Oh, then I will not participate.”

Su Su nearly got angry again.

He felt that his blood pressure was elevated by the two daughters

Su Xingyue Because of Su Xingchen’s relationship, the Pang family actually treated her well. The most chatting with her was not about the Su family, but Su Xingchen.

Even though Su Xingyue almost got her fingers in her palms, she still smiled gently and gently, saying: Our three sisters had a good relationship since childhood, and I and Yuyu both slept in the same room when I was young. The room is sleeping. “

Listening to her saying this, her boyfriend was more considerate to her, and the mother who was originally picky and indifferent also showed a smile: “” You and Gavi can invite her to stay here for a few more days. Scenery of Hong Kong City.

Su Xingyue couldn’t guarantee that Su Xingchen could stay here for a few days, so he didn’t say death, and smiled brightly: “You know that my sister founded the company herself, she is also a researcher, and stays in the laboratory all day. Here, I hope she will be free then. “

Her future mother-in-law smiled lightly, but she was still polite.

Her boyfriend said to her in private, “We are married, and my sister-in-law is a rare visit. No matter how long she comes, we will entertain well.” The voice was very considerate. In fact, they didn’t recognize each other within two months.

Su Xingyue didn’t care.

The third man in the second room of Pang Family in Hong Kong City, no matter what his purpose of contacting her, she is the best she can reach and can marry.

She must catch

And she is not afraid of the other party’s purpose, she can better stand on purpose.

After her boyfriend left, she immediately called Su Su and asked him if he had said to Su Xingchen, “When will she come? Is the time set? It’s better to say in advance. I can arrange it here.”

Her voice was still cold, like inviting Su Xingchen to her wedding, just to give Su Xingchen a great face.

Father Su sighed, “Your sister said she had no time.”

Su Xingyue didn’t respond at once: “No time, no time. What does it mean for my once-in-a-lifetime wedding, she actually said that there is no time?” She collapsed and turned around, pacing back and forth in the room quickly: ” What do you mean she doesn’t come? How can she not come? How did you tell her? Did you tell her? “

Father Su is also helpless: “Not only did I say it, I also called your brother to say, when she is now the busiest in the company, where will there be time to come out?” He does not want to make the relationship between the two daughters more rigid, and naturally will not To speak of Su Xingchen’s bad things, but to blame Su Xingyue: “I want to say that your wedding time is still too hasty. On May 20, a few people might as well set it to eleven, or the end of the year. When there is time, the wedding is also lively “

Su Xingyue interrupted her impatiently: “Give me her number”

In fact, she used to have Su Xingchen’s number. She was also asked by the host to call Su Xingchen on the show. She called and no one answered.

She smiled awkwardly at the time and said, “My sister-in-law is usually busy, and she must not be on the phone at this time.

The audience and the host didn’t understand their sister relationship, and they really thought so.

At that time, she was young and full of vigour, and she turned the number of Su Xingchen into the blacklist after turning off the show.

She didn’t know that the number she pulled at the time was Zhen Su Xingchen’s private number. She had kept it for many years since she was studying. Except for some old friends, it was basically not reserved for outsiders.

Father Su sent the number of Su Xingchen to Su Xingyue, and added a sentence: “” You call her this time, she must not be able to receive it, only from 11:30 to 12 noon, from 6 to 6 in the evening She had time to call her at half past this time.

After saying this, he was helpless again. Which old man called his daughter and had to specify the time, just like the appointment, must be called within the specified time, otherwise no one had answered.

Su Xingyue also suffocated and called Su Xingchen.

She must let her come.

Finally, when it was six o’clock in the morning, she couldn’t wait to pick up her phone and call her, but she couldn’t get through.

She immediately dialed Su’s phone: “Is there something wrong with the number you gave me?

Father Su wondered, “Impossible, I got it a few days ago. You will wait a while and I will try it.

The phone got through quickly, but Su Su hung up after only one beep.

This phone is used by Assistant Su Xingchen, not her private number.

Assistant Su Xingchen saw Su Xingchen after seeing the missed call, and Su Xingchen didn’t care: “It is estimated that it was a wrong call, no matter what, they will call again if there is a problem.

The assistant looked at Su’s name on the phone and was silent.

Su Xingchen’s assistant was arranged by the special department after she handed over the special trauma medicine formula she had studied, and said that surveillance is also good, and protection is also enough. Su Xingchen simply handed this mobile phone to her to take care of it. Usually, she can handle any phone calls that she can’t push, but she can handle them. It can be said that she is very trustworthy and self-willed.

Her assistant also discovered that Su Xingchen is really a very self-willed person who does not want to be afraid.

After Su Su got through, he said to Su Xingyue: “I can get through, I just got through.”

Father Su was afraid of sending the wrong number, and copied the number and sent it to Su Xingyue again.

Su Xingyue tried again, but still couldn’t get through.

Father Su also felt weird. He changed the landline in the store to call, but it didn’t get through.

They just reacted. She may have a stranger barred from her phone.

The author has something to say

Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or the irrigation nutrient solution

Thank you little angel for irrigation nutrient solution

Xiaobai 135 bottles of Yasu, 20 bottles of 7icky, 2 microphones, 3 bottles of flying thorns, light as a bird, 2 cute bottles

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard

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