After transmigrating into the cultivation world, the school topper was reborn

Chapter 22

High school is a seven-day exam, three days and a small exam, of course, this is a bit exaggerated, or that is not enough for high school students, but there is an exam every month is sure.

Su Xingchen wore the node back after the mid-term exam this semester. Because the mid-term exam is the first big exam, she has only now begun to face the first quiz after wearing it back.

Every time the quiz, what kind of physical education is music, it will become the main class teacher’s test class, including the evening self-study time, because the main class teachers will try not to let the exam occupy their teaching time.

So it became an English teacher with a physical education exam, a physics teacher with a music exam, and if there was really no match for chemistry, politics, and history, they changed courses with other teachers. Collocation exam.

The original two-session evening self-study was changed to three, and two exams were taken each night.

So when it came time to take a short exam, the 16th class was a wail.

Even if it is a poor student class, it is also a poor student class in a key high school.

Mr. Chen stood on the podium and smiled: “Okay, the mid-term exam has passed for more than 20 days, and I haven’t rested yet? It’s time to wind you up tightly, I’ll say it first I won’t be polite if I meet my requirements! “She gave the test paper to He Ya, the study committee member,” Come on the test paper. “

He Ya is the best student in Class 16 and the most serious student. It is completely different from the fierce and cheap girls in Class 16. She is a really good student, a very serious and hardworking student. It is also a kind of good student who is very serious and hard working, but can’t compare with others who can surpass her in academic performance.

But she is very serious and hard-working, and this kind of hard-working spirit and attitude is worthy of praise and learning.

She couldn’t keep up with the progress in other classes, but she was well adapted to class 16, which is typical of chicken head and phoenix.

She particularly honestly sent the papers one by one. Teacher Chen thought she was too slow and called the monitor: “Zhao Zhurun, you can help with it.”

A tall boy stood up and took the half of the roll delivered by He Ya. He moved the roll down extremely quickly and then returned to the seat.

He did things very quickly. He finished sending both sets, but He Ya hadn’t finished sending them yet.

The first exam is mathematics, because the math teacher Mr. Ke took a late self-study in his own class, and the class teacher Mr. Chen came to supervise the class.

Mrs. Chen stood on the podium, with a gentle voice and a little dignity: “Okay, don’t talk anymore, take your own exam, Cheng Kangyao, get up for the exam, do not write and complete it for me, don’t sleep.”

Cheng Kangyao, who was sitting in the last row of the class, stood upright and bored, picked up the test paper and looked at it.

The question on the test paper is that they do n’t know him, and he does n’t know them either. He does n’t know what Mr. Chen asked him to test. Anyway, he wo n’t.

The main reason is that he didn’t have to copy it either. He was not a sports student in the front and back, he was the same as him in the second stage of killing Matt, at the same table … at the same table is his former girlfriend who killed Matt, and the results are the same as him. .

Even though she seems to have worked hard a lot in the last month, she looks a little better as a student and starts to study.

But doesn’t he know her yet? He did n’t understand on the first day, and he was his girlfriend on the second and third day. How mixed he was, how mixed she was with him, a typical husband and wife.

Yuck, what’s the matter … woman?

Teacher Chen stood on the podium, watching Cheng Kangyao’s face change, and then red to the root of his ear.

“Some students concentrate on the exam during the exam, Feiyuan’s thoughts come back, and I want to wait until the exam is over.”

Cheng Kangyao looked at the teacher in a guilty manner, watching the test papers pretend to be a serious exam.

All in all, he was also unreliable at the same table. It would be better to copy her to write a few blindly. He could learn one, two or three in a month without trusting her.

So Cheng Kangyao skipped the blank question very chicly and went directly to the later multiple choice question for blind selection.

As for the following calculation questions, what are the questions? Isn’t it difficult for him?

Most of the students in the class are scratching their heads and scratching their heads, and a small number of students are taking the exams seriously. Su Xingchen is very serious.

In a month, it was impossible to say that Su Xingchen had any reborn changes that would allow him to be among the best.

But because of her fast learning speed, high efficiency, and good understanding, plus the junior middle school mathematics is not difficult, in this month, she not only finished the mathematics of junior and junior high school, but also understood the general content of junior high school After a while, the math class no longer heard a dull face.

That is to say, she can understand the teacher’s lecture roughly, even if she doesn’t understand it, she can almost understand it by asking the teacher after class.

What she lacks is the early accumulation.

So the question on the exam paper, she said that she would n’t meet in plenary session, but most of the time she did. Actually, this kind of feeling is quite good, especially with a sense of accomplishment. For her, the process of solving the question is like playing a game. After finishing a question, you won a game yourself. The examination process and the problem-solving process are a very relaxing and enjoyable process.

She actually began to like to do questions and exams, and even enjoy solving problems and exams.

In the process of solving the problem, she also had a deeper and clearer understanding of her current shortcomings, so that when studying, she would also take the initiative to understand what she did not yet.

This exam, even if there are a lot of questions, she is still very happy to write.

Cheng Kangyao was sitting next to him, with a green head in one hand and a pen in one hand, and he looked at his ex-girlfriend to solve problems.

Would n’t she just be blind like him?

Why can it be written like this? It feels like it really will be the same, unconsciously!

Teacher Chen Yun stood on the podium, watching a classmate under the stage, staring at his side at the same table, dazed.

In the view of Mr. Chen, he just looked at his fellow at the same table!

Teacher Chen stepped down from the podium, raised his hand to make a gesture to hit him, glared at him with a fierce and light tone and said, “I haven’t taken the exam yet, can’t I see enough every day? I can’t study hard and wait for others Focus class, you do n’t have to watch it! “

Cheng Kangyao’s eyes, which were not round, were suddenly rounded, and he looked up at Teacher Chen in surprise.

Why did Mr. Chen understand every word that he said, but he couldn’t understand it when combined?

He … When was he watching Su Xingchen? Mouthless! He was clearly in a daze! Are you in a daze?

Cheng Kangyao’s face burst into red, and he laid his head down like a guilty conscience.

In fact, he can’t write anything, he has finished writing multiple-choice questions.

But how dare you not dare to look up?

He … he killed the Emperor Matt, how could he lower his noble head, so he put up a red tomato face, a lush green onion, and his head high, like a risk The smoked sweet potatoes, or the sweet potatoes with vines.

Teacher Chen walked back to the balcony and sat down, looked down at him from above the glasses, his lips raised, and he bowed his head to do his homework.

After writing for a while, I looked up and looked at the following: “Exam yourself, don’t talk, don’t whisper, don’t think I can’t see, I tell you, what small actions do you do below, I see clearly on the top!”

When handing in the papers, Teacher Chen found that most of Su Xingchen’s papers were finished. I took a look at them. Basically, I did everything right. There were two major questions that I couldn’t do later. I also tried it. A question made her right.

She nodded secretly and put away all the papers quietly. “Take a rest for ten minutes, go to the bathroom to use the toilet, and wait for the language test later.”

There was another wailing in the class.

In fact, they are already accustomed to such an exam, but just how to mourn Teacher Chen in this way, just like being cute to Teacher Chen.

Teacher Chen received the test paper and returned to the office.

There were no two teachers in the office. When she saw Teacher Chen taking the test paper and asked her, “Is the language test finished?”

Mr. Chen smiled and said: “The mathematics of the first exam, Lao Ke took his own class, there is no time to supervise the classroom, I supervise the exam for him.”

The speaking teacher knew that the 16th class was the worst class in the school. Although the class he brought was an ordinary class, it was better than the 16th class. He could n’t help but proudly said: “Luo Ke is also true, just take Lao Zhu directly The test papers are for you to test. Are your class students mistreated this time? “

He lowered his head and took a sip of tea. He said happily: “This time we used Lao Zhu’s rolls, this time Lao Zhu rolls the rolls, and next time Lao Wang rolls the rolls, but it’s hard for Lao Ke to take two points. Class, also bring a competition class, each time you have to give your class a test paper, no wonder he used Lao Zhu’s paper directly this time. “

Teachers will also be lazy. The teaching progress of ordinary classes is about the same. Generally, one teacher has a paper, and the other teachers use it together, saving time and effort. Next time, another person will take the paper.

The teaching progress of Class 16 is much slower than that of other classes. The big test is taken together with the whole grade. Like usual quizzes and quizzes, some teachers give out papers separately.

Most of the time, the instructor will steal a lazy and take other class papers together. At this time, the students in class 16 will be mistreated, and it will be the penultimate year.

Teacher Ke is serious and responsible. In general, as long as he is free, he will take out the paper by himself.

After the teacher finished speaking, he put down the teacup and glanced at the paper in Mr. Chen ’s hand. When she saw the top paper in her hand, she was half empty and she laughed more. Teacher Chen folded it up The roll was tucked into the large drawer of the desk and he was not shown.

Another teacher in the office saw that Teacher Chen was going to be angry, and said with a smile: “I said Laoxing, you can do it. If Lao Ke does not use Lao Zhu’s paper, your class will be at the bottom.”

The teacher called Lao Xing smiled happily.

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