After transmigrating into the cultivation world, the school topper was reborn

Chapter 25

The political teacher and the teacher in front of him are the front and back tables. Although everyone is joking, they sometimes have the meaning.

After all, there is contrast to be happy.

When he was spitting blood out of his class, he thought that there was a worse one beside him. Suddenly he felt, ah, it turns out that the sky is hot and blue, and the flowers are hot and fragrant. The students in their class are spicy. What a cute!

The teacher at the front desk took the paper handed over by the political teacher. When I saw the paper, at first glance, it was densely packed.

At second glance, I felt that the words were very beautiful, strong and strong, and very stylish. I couldn’t help but praise: “Don’t look at the poor performance of class 16, this handwriting is still very beautiful.”

The political teacher’s silent and serious face gave a rare smile, leaning on the back of the chair, reaching for the dark gray thermos on the table, unscrewing and drinking, and putting it back again.

Other teachers also heard a look at Wen Yan: “This word is beautiful, boys.”

Look at the name again: Su Xingchen.

Several teachers all reacted the same way: Oh! Kill Matt!

The reason why so many teachers know Su Xingchen is not only because she was criticized by the whole school some time ago, but the whole school is famous. One of the more important reasons is that her brother Su Xingyang has a good grade, the top ten in the grade, and the handsome. It is very famous among the teachers and students in the first grade, and it is probably as famous as Zhao Moqin was awarded the school grass in the second grade.

The teachers all like Su Xingyang, so naturally he knew that he also had a sister who killed Matt in Class 16.

Because the names are similar, and the name Su Xingchen is also impressive, everyone knows that the name of the killer is Su Xingchen.

It’s just that Su Xingchen’s style of killing Matt is deeply rooted in people’s hearts, and it will be difficult to change people’s impression of her in a while and a half, so when he sees Su Xingchen, the condition is to kill Matt.

A teacher sighed: “I can’t see that this little girl is good at writing.”

“It’s hard to imagine that the little girl would be just reading words …” The teacher didn’t know how to describe it. Anyway, everyone understood, so they all laughed with understanding.

The teacher like the political teacher Liu asked for the paper, looked at the paper in his hand, and only looked at the front and found out-all right.

Roughly glanced at the multiple-choice questions, and then turned over and looked behind …

The teacher felt very distressed.

He took the paper and asked the political teacher: “Lao Liu, this is the horse killer in your class … No, it is Su Xingchen, Su Xingchen?”

The face is full of doubts and doubts.

The political teacher knew what he meant and said slowly: “I watched what she wrote.”

Front desk teacher: …

As if hearing the voice of vomiting blood, the political teacher was satisfied, a pleasant smile was raised on the corner of his lips, and he lowered his head and continued to correct the test paper.

The teacher at the front desk looked at the paper more and more depressed. When he returned to class, he couldn’t help but say: “You said that some of you can’t even kill Matt!”


Because the time of the quiz is limited, the content of the quiz is not much. In order not to occupy the teaching time, the test papers are all 100 points and the amount of questions is not large.

Today, during the day, evenings account for the evening self-study, and the day is over.

The Su family is good at science itself, and Su Xingchen is also a little bit more effective in physical chemistry tutoring, but the effect is not as great as mathematics.

After all, the math teacher is Mr. Chen ’s husband, and he is very caring about Class 16. But the physical chemistry teacher, besides taking Class 16, also took other classes. In the class, even if Su Xingchen is very serious in class this month, they will not be mindful. For them, the overall learning atmosphere of Class 16 is not high. Even if they put more thoughts here, it is useless.

Moreover, within a month, Su Xingchen’s own energy is also limited, and it is impossible for the whole department to improve so much.

Like last night, she reviewed politics, and naturally ignored the course of history. She only read the book at noon, and in the afternoon, history occupied the physical education exam.

These are easy to handle, the key is English.

Thirty years of Xiuxian World, she completely returned the English she had learned to the teacher, and English is not only for you to be vocabulary, but her time is limited. At present, this course is the worst one she reviewed. Unless you need to find a teacher to give her a heavy tutoring.

But Cheng Kangyao, English is very good.

Seeing the exams of other courses, Su Xingchen can write most of the test papers. The process of making questions is smooth. When I meet English, I stare at the test papers in a daze. I feel that the roles of the two are like swapping. When he took the exam, she was in a daze.

There was no expression on her face when she was dazed, her eyes would be slightly rounded, and the baby’s fat cheeks were bulging, cute and dull.

At that moment Cheng Kangyao couldn’t help but want to rub the dull hair on her head, but he still didn’t reach out, afraid of being beaten.

Su Xingchen has a bad temper.

Suddenly he felt that his image was extremely tall, his confidence burst, and he showed a slain Matt-like emperor-like smile. He finished writing the paper, and he pushed it in her direction in a generous manner.

Although the desks are separate for each person, they are put together to form the same adjacent table.

Su Xingchen looked at the test paper that he handed over, and turned his head to look at him dumbly.

He danced his eyebrows, looked at the roll with his eyes, and told her: copy it for you.

Su Xingchen: …

This Su Xingchen is really helpless.

I copied Cheng Kangyao’s actions during the other several classes. Except for some short sentences of English-Chinese translation I learned recently, I stumbled and wrote a few paragraphs with no grammar at all in the following composition.

When testing other subjects, even if she doesn’t, she has a deep heart, only English, and her face is dumbfounded.

Back in the bedroom at night, I talked about today’s test papers. Su Xingchen was still immersed in the coercion of the English test. When An Ran asked her, she looked at her blankly: “Not at all.”

“Oh ~” Zhang Wenqi snorted with a sneer, and shook his head like that, “Your papers are difficult, what are we called? Hell mode.”

The tone is full of complacency.

An Ran asked her: “Where can’t you?”

Su Xingchen: “Except for mutual translation between English and Chinese, nothing else.”

The main reason is that I didn’t find the exact rules, and I was not sure.

The teachers are very responsible. The test the day before yesterday has been completely revised.

Teacher Ke is particularly vengeful. After the examination paper is revised, it is not counted. He also placed the mid-term chapter of the revised examination paper in front of Mr. Xing, referring to the score on the paper. He said, “Is your class average score high?”

Teacher Xing looked up: 91 points!

A one-hundred-point exam has a score of 91 points!

“Ah, I said Lao Ke, this Su Xingchen … isn’t it cheating?”

Teacher Ke used his brass bell-like cow eyes to whiten him angrily: “Who do you say she copied?”

“He Ya, the director of your class, Director Zhao … is it called Director Zhao? You said his parents gave him such a name.” Teacher Xing Tucao: “How about them?”

Zhao Zhurun ​​’s name sounded like Director Zhao, many people called Director Zhao, because the name was so impressive, he was also the class leader, and often went in and out of Teacher Chen ’s office, leading many teachers to know that Class 16 There is a student named Director Zhao.

Teacher Ke took two more test papers and put them in front of Teacher Xing.

He Ya, eighty-one points; Zhao Zhurun, eighty-seven points.

Teacher Xing’s first reaction when he saw Zhao Zhurun’s test paper was not how many points he took, but … he was originally called Zhao Zhurun.

Looking at the three people’s papers again, although they are all right, the mistakes are obviously different.

Su Xingchen mainly made the last big question, and He Ya and Zhao Zhurun ​​both made mistakes.

Teacher Xing is angry!

Look at the results of killing Matt, and then look at the results of some students in their class …

If it is He Ya and Zhao Zhurun ​​who passed this test, he will not vomit blood. After all, he is two good students who study hard. Tedu is better than half of your class.

That’s the heart.

Mr. Xing looked at Mr. Ke’s face again. That’s what it looked like and how annoying. How can you say that there are people who hate and hate so much.

When I returned to the class, Mr. Xing’s complexion called a stink, pointing to the students in their class: “How many times have I talked about this question in class, and everyone has done a killing Matt, you can’t do it! It ’s not as good as killing Matt! “

The following students are very dumbfounded. I do n’t know who he is talking about. It ’s really … There are too many Class 16 killing Matt. Which one is he talking about killing Matt?

After the class was discussed, Lao Xing said which killing Matt.

They didn’t do it for no one. On the contrary, most of them did it. The problem is that they still didn’t do it for half of their class, and then they killed Matt.

The point is: others. Kill Matt!

Not only this class, the same situation also happened in other classes.

For example, Mr. Ma at his front desk who has been abused by Mr. Liu: “Such a simple question, as long as you recite it, you will write a question, that is to send sub-questions! You will not send sub-questions! Matt knows that the sub-question must be memorized. Some of you have made such a question wrong. “

Mr. Ma stood on the podium, he was thumping on the chest, and he was sad!

What is even worse is the students who have been brought to several classes by a teacher at the same time.

There are fifteen classes in each grade, usually one teacher, at least three classes are required, and they are all in the same grade. There are few cross-grades like Teacher Ke, and of course there are.

Main courses such as Yushuying are usually two or two sessions in a row, with a minimum of six classes a day.

Think about it, there are only a few lessons a day.

There are not many six lessons. Basically, all teachers need to keep talking on the podium, so basically every teacher has a thermos, and if you do n’t drink water, you ca n’t eat.

Some have to make up classes, like Teacher Chen, who has to give Su Xingchen more than three hours of classes every day.

Their class hours are also separate, and it is not immediately the 16th class.

When they first took classes in other classes, the mood of these teachers was very complicated. In their minds, which of these ordinary class students is no more than a hundred times stronger than the killers of Class 16. If nothing else, the class atmosphere, the degree of seriousness, and the degree of his attentiveness during the class are also higher than that of Class 16.

So those students in the class saw their teacher, a deep-faced clip paper came to the class and stood on the podium. After two seconds of silence, the class representative sent the test paper.

After everyone got the test papers, the teacher started to talk about the test papers and talked about some questions that should not be wrong at all. The teachers could not help holding the chalk and poking hard, poking the blackboard: “Some of you classmates, I do n’t listen to the class seriously. I ’ve talked about this topic many times, knowledge points, students! There are still some people who make mistakes, the questions that everyone in Class 16 will kill Matt, you will not do it! Shame is not shame! “

Let ’s talk about one more question, and then pull out the ‘Sixteenth Class of Matt ’s killer’ for another round. After one class, these students all have ‘Sixteenth Class of Matt ’s killer’ in their minds.

So many people are very curious, this killing Matt who abused most of their classes, which killing Matt in the end?

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