After transmigrating into the cultivation world, the school topper was reborn

Chapter 3 - 3rd

Fortunately, her body is actually qualified for cultivation of immortals, and it is even better than the body after her crossing. Unfortunately, the spirit of this world is very scarce. She meditated for a long time and gathered a trace of it. Reiki, a small Zhou Tian ran in the meridians, and it was dark.

The old lady outside the door thought she was sleeping inside and scolded her loudly outside. “It’s such a big girl. When I get back, I lie down on the bed. I don’t even know how to wash my clothes. I also want an old lady in her sixties. I ’ve never seen such a lazy girl waiting for your family, I ’m too lazy to bite. ”

After a while, I cursed again and again, “I know that I can sleep all day long, I can’t study or study, I can’t study or study, I’m so lazy, I can’t do anything at all, I can’t wash the clothes or sweep the clothes? Your parents are busy, supper is not When I know how to do it, I just watched me busy and did not know how to help out. “

“Just like your sister, you can take the top ten in the exam, not to mention the top ten, which is the top twenty. I don’t want you to do anything. I serve you like the ancestors, but can you take it yourself? Don’t be disappointed, I count down the first time in each exam, and I want to give you a good face, I tell you that poor reading is just a part-time job, and people who don’t want to clean the toilet don’t want you. Even if you **** in the sky, you have to open your mouth. Eat, a lazy person like you, you ca n’t eat **** “

Since the nanny at home has resigned, the housework is now done by the old lady. Please ask the nanny that she loves the money, and she does n’t ask the nanny to do it, and she is unwilling to wait. , Su Xingchen did everything.

When Su Xingchen first came here, she was as quail as a quail. The adult did what she asked, but it was soon, when she saw that her sister and brother did nothing, the old lady only told her to do it without praise. When I was scolded all day, I also learned to resist.

Su Xingchen opened his eyes from meditation, although only a trace of aura was gathered, fortunately, the Qi was smoothly introduced into the body.

Looking at the impurities with a sour smell, Su Xingchen got up, pulled his head down and pulled out a box under the crib, found two changed clothes from inside, and opened the door.

The old lady saw her coming out, a face that had been pulled as long as the face of the horse, and her eyebrows and lips were all drooping down, “Now I know that I came out, I thought you slept in it, and I didn’t go to dinner If your mother comes back at night, if you have no food to eat, you wo n’t be able to loosen your skin. ”

“Hair is like a chicken coop. The little girl doesn’t look like a little girl. I don’t know if I’ve got **** on my body. I smell it all here.” The old lady frowned with disgust.

Su Xingchen ignored her directly, walked into the bathroom, closed the door, undressed and bathed.

There are two restrooms in the Su family, a public one outside, and one in the master bedroom of Su Ba and Su Ma.

Since she came, Su Xingyue will no longer take a shower in the public bathroom outside. Every night she will go to Su Da Su Ma’s bedroom to wash. All her own toiletries are also taken inside.

The blinds on the bathroom window were pulled, and some shower gel shampoo and the like were placed on the window sill, as well as a piece of soap and a facial cleanser squeezed by more than half.

Su Xingchen suddenly remembered that he started to make up at the age of fifteen, and the black paint on his eyes was black all the time. Unfortunately, he was young and did not understand the importance of makeup removal. Relying on the young age, young age and good skin foundation, I don’t know about skin care. By the age of twenty, my skin has basically been destroyed by myself.

Looking at her face like a palette in the mirror, she went to her parents’ room again. On her mother’s dressing table, she saw makeup remover oil. She poured some in her palm and carefully removed herself.

The old lady watched her open the door of the master bedroom and quickly followed in. She watched her fall and wiped her face on the mother’s dressing table without knowing anything. She also scolded, “Don’t learn well all day long. I learn makeup at a young age. Just like a ghost, wipe your mother ’s things on your face. No matter how you wipe it, you look at your sister. The face is clean, fresh and refreshing.

She was scolding Kung Fu in the back. Su Xingchen had already gone out. The old lady came out and locked the door of the main bedroom. She pulled the key and stuck it in her pocket.

Su Xingchen uses cleansing oil, mainly because the eye makeup is too tragic, a dark mass, it is estimated that the facial cleanser alone cannot be washed off.

The facial cleanser is also just a dozen pieces of ordinary facial cleanser. A large lump is squeezed out of the palm before the foam is rubbed out. Carefully remove the makeup from the face and clean it to reveal the clean and fair face below.

It was probably just breathing into the body and expelling the impurities in the body. Before the fight, several scratches on the face and neck and the slap print of Su Mu basically healed, and the skin looked tender and transparent, milky white. There was still a baby fat on his face.

Although she was the uncle ’s parents, she had no hardships. Uncle had only two sons. The aunt took her like her daughter. Before the age of seven, she did n’t know that she was not her aunt ’s daughter. Parents.

At the age of seven, she is going to elementary school. She does n’t have an official name yet. Aunt has always called her, because she has no hukou. Before that, she only studied in a private preschool in town for two years. The aunt called her parents again and again and asked her how to resolve her hukou and name.

Her mother had little affection for this daughter who was raised in her mother-in-law ’s house for so many years, and she was very busy. She just said, “Whatever your name is, her generation is a star, you see the name of Xing Yue Xing Yang, Take one according to it. “

“Why don’t you take one of your parents’ names, and we still need to pick up the children to go to primary school, and the hukou hasn’t fallen.”

Uncle Ma was angry, and she simply left her account in their home, followed by Uncle He’s surname, and gave her the name He Xingchen according to the names of Su Xingyue and Su Xingyang.

She had been He Xingchen for more than twelve years, and Su Xingchen for eight years. The former He Xingchen seemed to be forgotten. The hukou and scientific names were all changed to Su Xingchen. Stars, He Xingchen is gone.

She said that she was called He Xingchen, and no one recognized it.

After removing makeup and washing from head to toe, she wiped her hair with a towel. She originally forgot which towel was hers. When she saw the towel on the towel rack, her memory suddenly became clear.

In order to distinguish everyone ’s towels, there is a word on the label of each towel. The two towels on the front row of towel racks have positive characters on them. At the end of the rack, put the towels on the hooks, and saw two hanging towels with the words Chen.

She couldn’t remember which towel was for washing her face, which one was for a bath, only distinguished by color, the pink one was estimated to be a face wash, and the blue one was estimated to be a bath, so she took a pink towel and wiped her hair.

To be honest, she looked at the urge to cut this hair. The hair might have been dyed yellow, and on the basis of yellow, the bangs were dyed blue, and the tail under the hair was dyed red. Maybe For the sake of coolness, a few strands of grandma ash were also spotted, but the hair roots also grew black that was more than two inches long.

It’s really colorful.

She quickly scrubbed the clothes she had changed and hung them on. The old lady watched her dry her clothes and stretched her face to reprimand her, “Wash your clothes and wash you alone. Then do I have to do it for you? I asked you to wash your clothes. I did n’t know how to move my mouth when I saw it. When I saw the dirty floor at home, I did n’t know how to use a mop to drag it, so I counted on me. “

Su Xingchen is completely like not listening to her nagging, putting on shoes and running downstairs.

There is still a lot of money left for her dad to buy medicine for her. There are several barber shops in the community. She found the nearest one and sat on the chair in front of the mirror. , All cut. “She pointed to her hair, which was still dripping.” Cut all the parts that are not black. “

The younger brother of the barbershop used earrings to support a coin-sized ear hole, stepped forward, twisted her strand of hair, rubbed it, and looked at her face again, laughing and saying, “All cut.” Then you can only see the inch, you do n’t need to cut the light at all, I ’ll fix it for you, and it will be dyed black. “

“How much is black”

The haircut brother handed over a price list, “Half a 50% discount card, as long as more than two hundred, and later come to wash your hair and cut your hair as long as 50%.”

Su Xingchen glanced at the price list and closed the “cut light.”

The younger man in the barber shop looked at her younger age and did not look like she could get a card. She just asked a question based on her professional habits and didn’t say much after hearing it. She picked up the scissors and confirmed the phrase “Is this a long line?”


“I’ll push you all after that”

After she nodded, the younger brother took a clipper very neatly, and suddenly pushed her back hair for most of it, and when she reached the front hair, she carefully trimmed it.

Such a small private barber shop generally does not cut hair like a large chain store, but fortunately, the technology is also good. After half an hour, a clean and clear position appears.

Su Xingchen is tall, has a small skeleton, and has a small face. Her eyes are raised, her nose is high, her lips are red and white, her hair is black, and her hair is black. Even if she cuts her head, she is not like a tomboy. Completely and completely displayed, clear and beautiful.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Su Xingchen finally felt more pleasing.

The author has something to say Three days before the essay, 200 red envelopes in a single chapter, red envelopes in the last two chapters have been sent, if there is a small partner who did not receive it, the water meows

You are all my little cute づ  ̄3 ̄ づ ╭

I am your little cute and threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2018121109: 44: 31

Walnut peach tossed 1 mine Throwing time: 2018121111: 08: 15

Walnut peach tossed 1 mine Throwing time: 2018121111: 11: 25

Soymilk threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2018121111: 17: 26

Yu’er came home and threw 1 mine.Throwing time: 2018121116: 14: 28

Big crab cake threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2018121122: 16: 06

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