After transmigrating into the cultivation world, the school topper was reborn

Chapter 32

Suddenly, Cheng Kangyao felt that the hustle and bustle in the crowd seemed to be away from himself. In his eyes, only the Christmas tree sitting in the corner was left. By the light of the Christmas tree lights, he held a small red dictionary and held a bottle in one hand. Cocktail, girl reading books seriously.

Under the light, the girl’s face was like white jade, and the whole room seemed to gather around her.

No, the lights in the room are not as bright as hers.

Suddenly, he felt that everything around him was quiet, and his heart also calmed down. He looked at her quietly, unexpectedly … he wanted to hold the book and read it.

Oops, why didn’t he bring the book out!

Oops, such a great day as Christmas should be used to brush questions!

A cheerful piano piece was completed, and someone who could play the piano sat up to play the piano. The students were very enthusiastic, and the bottle blowing was very happy.

Cheng Kangyao looked at Su Xingchen, then sat down in front of the piano, and looked at the man in the corner.

She probably felt something, and looked up.

It seemed to be surprised to see him sitting in front of the piano. A pair of sharp inner pair of phoenix eyes seemed to be rounded. Under the light, it seemed a bit dumb.

His face warmed slightly, his fingers danced unconsciously on the keys.

Manana groaned, “Cheng Kangyao, don’t you kill Emperor Matt? Why do you still play the piano?”

But maybe his eyes were really too soft at this moment. Like the sky full of stars, her high voice actually stopped, and the others quieted down, listening to him playing the piano.

Except for the first glance, he lowered his head from beginning to end, looking at the keys and the flying fingers on the keys.

They seem to have their own consciousness, as if they have their own spirituality, and they are dancing as if they are out of control.

“Dream Wedding”

After the song finished, his entire face was flushed.

Camera, applause, whistle, scream, one after another!

It is not surprising that Cheng Kangyao can play the piano. Most of the students in foreign language schools will be talented, but few like Su Xingchen.

“” Dream Wedding “! You, a killing Emperor Matt, suddenly played” Dream Wedding “, did you like who fell in love with our school?” The boys yelled.

For adolescence, the dim emotions between men and women always make them particularly excited.

Although they are not surprised that Cheng Kangyao will play the piano, his song “Dream Wedding” still makes people look at him with awe.

Not all of their classes were promoted from the junior high school, and most of them were new students from high school. Their impression of Cheng Kangyao only stayed at home with rich second ancestors, dudes, and non-mainstream killing Matt.

But I didn’t expect to kill Matt and play the piano.

When they were coaxing, his eyes looked at the people in the corner.

Su Xingchen looked at him, raised the cocktail on hand, saluted him with a drink, and raised his head to take a sip.

He thought he was wrong, even if she looked up and drank, she was so **** and cute. & lt; (@  ̄︶ ̄ @) & gt;

Seeing everyone go to play the piano, the girls behind were also eager to try.

After playing two songs, Manana shouted with dissatisfaction: “Play the piano! Come to dance!”

So the boss of the music is playing again, and the villa is a scene of a group of fierce dances.

But not everyone is like this, each person has a different personality, some people are lively and extroverted, and some people are quiet and gentle.

Quiet and quiet, they sat on the sofa and watched them jump, eat fruit, drink mulled wine, or watch them applaud. Occasionally, they would be taken together and twisted, or even held by hands Jump around in it.

Although the alcohol level is not high, for young people who do not drink too much, after two bottles, the head is still a little dizzy, and the mood is even higher, and it is opened when playing.

The villa is located in the Nanhu Scenic Area, facing the South Lake and backing against the Nanshan. The villa is hidden in the lush trees of the Nanshan. The surroundings are sparsely populated. Except for some villa restaurants at the foot of the mountain, each villa is separated by a certain distance and will not be noisy. Others, this group of young people will be able to play wildly.

Su Xingchen didn’t read books all the time. She also liked the lively atmosphere. Sometimes she would put down the book, sit cross-legged on the carpet, watch them jump, and applaud them.

Several aunts and security guards in the villa did not disturb them, only arranged for them to drink and drink.

Aunt Liu stood in the corner for a while and went to the room upstairs to call: “Yes, the stars are here too. While reading, this kid is different. The downstairs is so lively, she can read in.”

“The rooms are all arranged, you can rest assured.”

In the eyes of Cheng Father Cheng Mother and Aunt Liu, the existence of Su Xingchen is simply a stream among Cheng Kangyao’s many fox friends.

I didn’t see him for a long time before playing with her, but they all spontaneously asked for tutoring, did you study hard?

“Good hospitality, as long as you don’t go out to cause trouble, you can do anything. Have you called Mr. Chen?”

Aunt Liu immediately said: “I’ll fight.”

Mother Cheng is very polite: “You have worked hard.”

Aunt Liu immediately smiled and said: “No hard work, what hard work should be.”

She has been with the Cheng family for many years. At first she was just a babysitter. Because of the delicious cooking, she deliberately went to learn cooking.

The Cheng family doesn’t have many things, and the salary is high.

It was more than nine o’clock, and Teacher Chen also received a call from Aunt Liu, saying that the students in the class were playing at Cheng’s house. Parents, notify them one by one to pick them up.

Outside, I just asked Aunt Liu to take care of it.

Teacher Ke is almost ten o’clock, and his wife is still worried about the group of little guys in the class. She is very unhappy and took her mobile phone directly: “Go to bed, I will call.”

I have decided in my heart that I will cut them hard in class tomorrow.

It seems that this time the test paper is too simple, so that they have time to go out after the test.

Teacher Ke has made up his mind that in the monthly exam after New Year’s Day, they should be well packed and their skins tightened.

At almost eleven o’clock, local parents came to pick up people.

Students who are away from home must be unable to return to the dormitory, and live in the villa.

The rooms of the villa have already been arranged.

Su Xingchen also lives here, the room is next door, and everything in pajamas is ready-made.

The only thing that puzzled her was how the pajamas looked like men’s pajamas, gray-blue, silk, a bit like the same size that Cheng Kangyao wore at home that day.

After all the grooming was finished, it was almost twelve, and Su Xingchen did not read any more, but sat cross-legged on the bed to practice.

I do n’t know if it ’s the Nanhu Lake in the background, because it is backed by the Nanshan Mountain, the aura is stronger than the school. Su Xingchen has been stagnant for a long time, and after a night of cultivation, it has grown slightly, especially when it was dawn in the morning. A ray of sunlight enters the room through the clouds, the purple qi covers the earth, and the aura is the most intense.

Because Christmas is not on holiday, I have to go to class today. Su Xingchen got up very early. After washing, she went downstairs. Aunt Liu had already prepared her breakfast. When she saw her coming down, she quickly brought over the porridge and xiaolongbao she had made. “Hurry to eat, just finished, I went up to wake them up.”

The early reading time is 6:30, driving from here, at least half an hour without traffic jam, so they have to get up.

Last night it was fun to play. When I got up in the morning, I pushed my **** into the sky and couldn’t get up.

Drinking too much wine, waking up in the morning is more of a headache and lack of sleep, the head and heel are like sticking to the pillow, and the one pulled out is called a pain.

Finally, I got up and brushed my teeth and washed my face. One by one my hair was beaten by me all night ~~ it was called a group of demons.

Just listen to the whole villa’s morning call: “Cheng Kangyao, is there any stereotyped water?”

Cheng Kangyao didn’t set the water himself. All the green onions growing up in the sky were messy. After washing his head, he combed his back directly to reveal his entire delicate and handsome face.

Not to mention, it’s really imposing, looking like the big guy coming out of the beach.

That’s right, this big guy’s hair is green, green and green.

The girls in the class seemed to GET to Cheng Kangyao’s handsomeness suddenly, and they looked stunned for a moment.

Manana screamed: “Cheng Kangyao, if you dye your green hair, dress a little bit more normal, the position of the school grass, really, nothing Zhao Moqin!”

Another girl disagreed: “I don’t think so, Zhao Moqin is very handsome, okay? They are two different styles, Zhao Moqin is the kind of handsome and handsome, looking at the kind who wants to bully, Cheng Kangyao …” She thought about it, but did not think that Cheng Kangyao was that handsome. Suddenly he saw him in the green prairie, and said with a smile: “Cheng Kangyao is the handsome to kill the Matt Emperor, and kill the boys in the school.”

Clearly it is ridicule Cheng Kangyao.

It may be that Cheng Kangyao is usually too middle school and too non-mainstream. At ordinary times, they really don’t think how handsome Cheng Kangyao is. They are too close, and they only see his green hair.

It was Zhao Moqin, perhaps because of the distance. He was very popular in the third grade of high school and high school. He was handsome and had good grades. In his school days, boys with these two qualities are very popular.

Manana suddenly turned her head to look at Su Xingchen: “Su Xingchen, which one do you think Cheng Kangyao and Zhao Moqin are handsome?”

The boys laughed when they heard the words: “Su Xingchen has fought for Zhao Moqin and others, and definitely thinks that Zhao Moqin is handsome.”

This point can’t get through, right?

Cheng Kangyao sullen his face and threw an egg to the talking boy: “Eat your meal!”

The eyes don’t look at Su Xingchen, and at the same time when he is unhappy, there is an unspeakable anxiety and discomfort in his heart.

Su Xingchen had finished his breakfast and sat on the side with cheeks watching them laugh.

To be honest, before he came back, Zhao Moqin’s kind of gentleman with good grades was really Su Xingchen’s dish, but now, she and Zhao Moqin don’t know each other.

Then he smiled and said: “Of course my handsome brother is handsome.”

She had finished her breakfast and sat in a chair with a relaxed posture. A gesture of dangling Lang, with a slight smile on her lips and eyebrows, she slightly tilted her head and looked into Cheng Kangyao ’s eyes, as if with countless Spoiled.

She knew that she might be telling lies, but Cheng Kangyao’s calm face still laughed involuntarily into a trumpet flower.

A boy squeezed his mouth and blew a loud and sharp whistle.

When they came downstairs, they noticed that Su Xingchen, who was sitting in the restaurant, had a radiant look, and she looked at her with a little smirk, and looked at Cheng Kangyao. It ’s more like it ’s glowing. There is an idiom called full house brilliance. In the past, they did n’t understand what the word meant, and finally they had a clear concept.

Manana was so close to her that she felt like her heart was poked by her, pounding straight.

She hurriedly exaggeratedly covered her heart, pretending to look unbearable: “I’m going! No, no, I have a feeling of being handsome by Su Xingchen! They are all hangovers, why do you follow beauty? It looks like you came back after a trip? Did n’t you go back to us and get a needle last night? “

Then several people all looked at Su Xingchen’s face.

Su Xingchen knew they were all kidding.

After being brought into the body, the operation of spiritual power will indeed remove some toxins and impurities from the body, which makes people’s ears clear, and the five senses are sharp, and the body’s functions will be optimized, but there is no beauty effect.

At most, it is because the impurities in the body are discharged, and the skin looks crystal clear, otherwise Xiuxianjie does not need any beauty skin care pills and skin care products such as beauty face pill and Xuefu pills.

So I smiled and joked: “When the time comes, I will vote for the candidate, please remember to vote for me.”

Su Xingchen had already finished his breakfast. Others were late, and the time was too late. They ate a little bit, took a glass of milk or cake, and ate in the car before they finished.

At the age of sixteen or seven, he had a big appetite, and after three or two bites, he started chatting to discuss where to go on the three-day holiday of New Year’s Day: “Go to the hot spring!”

The boys all applauded!

Su Xingchen looked at them without a smile.

It ’s good to be young. I slept so late last night. I woke up so early this morning. After a while, the spirit came again.

But this group of guys who were wolves after class, as soon as they arrived in class, they were like a group of sheep who were hypnotized, all lying on the table to make up for sleep.

It is rare that Cheng Kangyao did not sleep on the table like them, but took a language document and read it.

But soon, they were all sober.

Today, it is not Mr. Chen who reads early reading, but Mr. Ke ’s monster husband, Mr. Ke.

Teacher Ke is quite fierce, and he has a face of a late lady, and a pair of big copper bell-like eyes seem to be murderous, looking at them expressionlessly, and they are suddenly dozed off, all sitting in danger. , Take out the book to read early.

Teacher Ke stayed in Class 16 for about five minutes. When Teacher Chen came, he glanced at them with warning and took a vacuum flask.

Teacher Chen looked at the podium and said, “Play and play, it’s time to take it easy. Don’t think you can relax after the quiz. After the New Year’s Day is the final exam. The final exam is not as easy as the quiz. It ’s also unified. If you do n’t worry, I will see what you do in the final exam! “

Class 16 students felt that their scalp was tight, and they hurriedly studied.

In the morning math class, Teacher Ke came, and it was really fierce. Last night, all the students who went out to Hi were named by him to do the questions. If they could n’t do it, they would n’t scold you. They used his pair as if they were murderous. Eyes, looking at you expressionlessly, you are in a state of panic and panic.

It was hard to get through the morning. All the students who lived at noon ran back to the dormitory to make up for it. The spirit was better in the afternoon. I thought I could escape the psychological abuse of Teacher Ke. I did not expect that he would not take him in the evening. Don’t go to the competition class for your own class, but actually came to occupy two classes of self-study in their class, continue to abuse them, two classes! It’s all math! In the face of Teacher Ke’s vicious night-girl face, the students of Class 16 simply thought!

Just because Teacher Ke was still not satisfied, he reprimanded them with a sullen face: “Do you think there is still much time? There is still energy to play! I think it is too little homework for you! After the New Year’s Day is the final exam, you think Do you still have a lot of time to play? How can you explain to your parents when the exam is not good? By then it will be the penultimate grade of the whole year. Tell yourself, I am sorry! “

The following sports students and killing Matts wanted to say: “I’m sorry.”

In the eyes of Teacher Ke with a murderous bull, he dare not say anything.

Their class was originally full of specialty students, and the culture class is the last one in the school. They are used to it. What’s embarrassing?

If other teachers are trained like this, they may still be disgusted, and they will be a bit stern, but who made him Mr. Chen’s husband? Mr. Chen is so weak and so kind to them, they do n’t dare to be angry with Mr. Chen at all, for fear of getting angry with Mr. Chen.

What’s more, they don’t dare to look at Mr. Ke’s sturdy body. There is always a fan-like hand that Mr. Ke can slap to the wall.

After the class, Manana collapsed directly on the table and shouted autistically: “Lao Ke, this is not the face of a late lady, it is the face of King Yan!”

In the evening, I took a self-study lesson, and all of them ran fast like escape. Soon, there were three people left in the class: Su Xingchen, Cheng Kangyao, and Zhao Zhurun.

Zhao Zhurun ​​is the squad leader. He wants to stay at the end and lock the door. It is strange to see Su Xingchen not leaving. Ask her: “Su Xingchen, Cheng Kangyao, don’t you go back?”

Su Xingchen is still brushing questions and raising his head after hearing the words, “I haven’t finished writing the paper, please go back first, just put the key on the podium, I will lock it in a while, and I will open the door tomorrow morning.”

Zhao Zhurun ​​also went to the Christmas party last night. I had a refreshment at noon, and now my spirit is okay.

For Su Xingchen, his impression is still in the non-mainstream stage of killing Matt. I am afraid that she will not come tomorrow morning and affect the normal early reading of the class. I thought about it and said, “OK, I will stay with you.”

The taller one will study on two evenings, but those who live on campus can go on three sessions, or they can go back to the bedroom to read after two sessions.

Originally, Class 16 was no one in the evening self-study class, and now there are more Su Xingchen and Liu Zhurun.

Cheng Kangyao originally wanted to go back, and stayed at the end, only to see that Su Xingchen was still writing test papers, so he followed the brush and wanted to go with her.

As a result, Su Xingchen and Liu Zhurun ​​both stayed. He looked at Liu Zhurun ​​and then looked at Su Xingchen. He didn’t leave anyway and stayed.

Uncle Zhang, who was picking up his driver, waited outside and waited until there was no one waiting. He called him anxiously, and he said, “In the last night, I will study at nine o’clock and hang up.”

Uncle Zhang, who looked at the phone, couldn’t help but touch his head, and then called Cheng Cheng: “Master said he stayed at school to study for himself at night, and he wouldn’t finish class until nine.”

Father Cheng: …

Father Cheng feels like he has won the prize recently. The good news is one after another. I can’t believe it.

The son seemed to have grown up suddenly, sensible, and knew that he had taken the initiative to study at night. This has never happened in the past!

Father Cheng felt that it was Su Xingchen’s credit!

As the old saying goes, it ’s true to learn from the good and learn from the bad.

He Ya originally had only two nights of self-study, but after seeing Su Xingchen, Zhao Zhurun, and Cheng Kangyao all staying on the last three nights of self-study, she looked back at them and gritted her teeth.

Her roommate called her after class: “He Ya, don’t you go back to the bedroom?”

He Ya looked up and looked at her friend, with a thin voice: “You go back first, I haven’t finished my homework, and I will write for a while.”

Her friend looked at her, and then looked at the few people in the class who had not left, and put down the book in her hand and sat back in her seat: “Forget it, I will accompany you.”

As a result of the three people’s self-study in the evening, two more people became five people.

Then on the third night, it became eight people.

On the eve of the New Year’s Day holiday, there were already a dozen people who stayed at night to study on the third quarter.

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