After transmigrating into the cultivation world, the school topper was reborn

Chapter 38

The software automatically ranks according to grades, total score, single subject score, class average score, first according to class ranking, then according to grade total ranking, ranking from high to low, at a glance.

The class teachers first of all paid attention to the ranking of the total points of course. The top 100 were basically no surprise, they were all students in the experimental class.

The teachers in the experimental class are concerned about how many of the top 20 are in their own class.

The head teacher of the ordinary class is concerned about which students in his class have entered the school’s 100 students.

Teachers who are not class teachers only focus on the subject they teach. How do students take the test, how many are in the top 20 of the grade, how many are in the top 50, what is the average, and how are they ranked.

In the past, Mr. Chen was also one of them, but since Mr. Chen took 16 classes this semester, such excitement would no longer have Mr. Chen ’s share, and Mr. Chen would not blend in. Search your own class and see the results of your class.

The first is naturally the overall ranking.

After the ranking was refreshed, Teacher Chen clicked it again, and then clicked it again, three times in a row. The student ranked first was the student. She rolled the mouse wheel and pulled down the grades. From the beginning to the end, she refreshed two more times. Second, the first place … or Su Xingchen.

Immediately after, He Ya, Zhao Zhurun, Zheng Yan …

She unconsciously moved her mouth, sucking the flesh on both sides of her cheek into her mouth, and forming a concave shape on both sides of her cheeks, her brows frowned slightly, and continued to read the single score.

Chinese 118, Math 121, Political History 132, Materialization 129, Earth Born 105, English 64 …

Such results, not to mention in their scum class, even in the ordinary class, is not bad, of course, except for English.

She has been helping her make up classes in Chinese, and it is not surprising that she can get this result. During the course of making up classes, she has found that she has strong memory and understanding, and will make a difference. The biggest problem now is her composition and reading comprehension It needs to be strengthened. Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry are also making up classes, but within two months, there has been such progress. To be honest, Teacher Chen is very surprised and surprised.

This shows that this student is really serious.

She was more surprised by Su Xingchen’s potential.

Although she showed her potential in the last quiz, it was not that she could not learn well, but that she did not learn before, but the quiz and the monthly exam are still different.

In the unit quiz, the content of the exam is only a little bit. The monthly exam takes all the content you have learned before.

She was playing for half of the semester before the mid-term exam, but she had never seen her learn, but in two months, she could learn to such a degree. Teacher Chen was surprised and happy.

What surprised her even more was that under such high-intensity learning, she not only improved her language and mathematics and chemistry scores, but also did not drop her political history. She was surprised by the highest score in all subjects. .

Originally she could pass, and Teacher Chen felt that she had made progress.

A part of political history is a combination of practical issues. It is not just memorized by memorization. It is necessary to accumulate in the test, otherwise her score may be higher.

She looked down from subject to subject.

She has been involuntarily, her eyes are occupied by this student, at this time want to know all her grades and average grades.

Regrettably, her English score has been pulled too many points, so that her total score and average score are not too high, only just enough to reach the first of the 16th class, one point difference with He Ya, occupying the first One.

He Ya’s science scores are behind, but her English test is okay, and her total and average scores are higher.

Zhao Zhurun ​​is also the same, partial science, liberal arts scores are slightly worse, they are all well-planned, when the second grade arts and sciences, they directly study literature or science, so usually focus on their bias.

They are in class 16, and are not obsessed with the overall ranking of the year.

From their usual test results, we can see that He Ya will definitely choose the liberal arts and Zhao Zhurun ​​will definitely choose the science.

If their grades can be averaged, they may not be inferior to those of ordinary students, or even better than some ordinary students.

Although the overall scores of Class 16 are relatively low, half of their classes are sports students, and the requirements for cultural classes of sports students are not so high.

It’s Su Xingchen, and his grades are average. If you don’t have a thesis or science, you won’t be a partial subject, only English …

She has a headache.

She turned around and asked her colleagues: “Who just revised the papers in our 16th class?”

A teacher looked up from the computer and said aloud: “The language is my approval, what’s wrong?”

Another teacher said, “The mathematics I approved, I found that your class is very poor, but some students have good grades. For mathematics above 120, I approved two, one hundred and one. One hundred and twenty-one, but the difference is very bad, there are more who fail. “

The big exams such as the monthly exams are all unified test papers for the slow class such as the key class, the regular class, and the 16th class. For the key class such as the experimental class, this paper is not particularly difficult, it can only be said to be normal. In the normal mode, it is a bit difficult for ordinary classes, but for specialty students such as class 16, it is very difficult.

For the papers that are so difficult for class 16, there are two more mathematics exams that are more than one hundred and twenty, which is quite good, and there are several more than one hundred and ten.

The teacher who revised to the political test paper said: “Let Teacher Chen take Class 16, and the effect is still good. Now these naughty students can’t work with high-pressure policies, they have to be Huairou. It just happens that Teacher Chen and Lao Ke, I just got a soft one. I see the effect is obvious. I just got a score of 132 points. I was also surprised. I looked at the class specifically. It was really class 16. “

The teacher said: “If you can get more than 130 points, you can get a good grade in the ordinary class, if your grades are no problem.”

Teacher Chen didn’t like to listen to these words: “You just need to talk about the previous one. The last sentence is free. You have to say this. Whoever supervises the exam will talk to whom.”

A teacher looked up: “The 16th class of political history I supervised was plagiarized. I have received several papers, but I haven’t seen any plagiarism in the back.”

“In their class, the skins are too skinny, like those …” The teacher wasn’t good at directly speaking about killing Matt, so he said: “… It’s strange to be disguised, it doesn’t matter if the exam is good or not, I will go directly to study abroad in the future and get a gold plate When I came back, the starting point was higher than others, and there was a name like Cheng Kangyao, right? Born at the end of others, there are some, I do n’t know the name of your class, but I just said that I took a test of 120 For cents and 130 cents, I definitely want to study hard. “

They did n’t even ask who were the 120 and 130 testers, nor did they think it might be a person. They just thought that this test took 120 and that test took 130. This is not the case. No, if a person can take one hundred and two hundred and one hundred and thirty-three in a single subject, he will not be in class 16, and will be directly assigned to the ordinary class.

The teachers talked and laughed, discussing the results of their class, and some said: “Oh, this kid actually took the fifth grade in the grade. It must have been lax, and I must talk back and talk about him.”

The man said, “Haha, these boys are playing fairly well, not too bad.”

He also said: “What happened to Su Xingyang this time? How did the ranking fall? Last time it was eighth, and it was ninth this time.”

One by one is pride in modesty.

The head teachers of the other ordinary classes just looked at them: … hehe.

Speaking of Su Xingyang, everyone couldn’t help thinking of Su Xingyang’s sister, Su Xingyue, and asked teacher Ke, the class teacher of the second grade of senior sophomore: “Lao Ke, I remember that … Su Xingyue, in your class? How about the exam?”

Su Xingyue is also a relatively serious student. His grades were not obvious when he was a freshman. When he was in the second grade of high school, he went to science, and his grades came up immediately, entering the top 100 of the grade.

Originally, this ranking will not be remembered, but she has a younger brother in the top ten of the grade, and both sisters have good results, so it is easy to be known.

Teacher Ke ’s standard is not what the average person can achieve. He ca n’t enter the top 20 of the grade. In his eyes, there are two words: “OK.”

As for Su Xingchen, they can’t remember.

Although Su Xingchen’s examination was not bad this time, only Teacher Chen noticed that the other teachers who reviewed the papers were all single subjects, not all subjects, so I didn’t know Su Xingchen’s overall scores, plus her total score and The average score is not outstanding, did not enter the first two hundred grades, and naturally will not enter the eyes of teachers in other classes, and will not attract their attention.

It ’s a single subject teacher. When I heard that the sixteen classes I had had scores of 120 and 130, I was a little curious about who I was. After reading the other classes I brought, I also came Watch Class 16.

Originally, except for Teacher Chen, even if it was a class 16 teacher, they would not pay attention to class 16, because they are concerned about the class they teach, the total ranking of the single subjects in the grade and the average average score of the single subjects in the class. The number of the class in the top 100 of the grade.

They do n’t only take one class of class 16, less, take two classes as teachers, and more have three classes. The three classes are usually two normal classes. Adding a 16 class can bring them casually. of.

Class 16 will definitely not go in this way. After they have understood the grades they want to know, they will know by looking at Class 16.

The mantra of a planner on the Internet is: It does n’t matter!

Teacher Liu, who teaches politics, came to see it first, because some people mentioned that the 16th class he taught had political history exams of more than 130.

He is a middle-aged male teacher in his 40s and nearly 50s. He wears glasses with the thickness of the bottom of the bottle. He is tall and thin. He is silent. He holds a tea cup all day and does not leave his hands. , Two hands slowly type on the computer, use the mouse to open the results of class 16, and turn to the column of politics he teaches, see the results, Su Xingchen-political history: 132 points.

He pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, not surprisingly.

Slowly enter Su Xingchen’s name and search for her score alone. This is a bit unexpected, and several subjects are actually pretty good.

After reading it, the political teacher took a sip of tea, smiled in his eyes, pouted, and left.

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