After transmigrating into the cultivation world, the school topper was reborn

Chapter 39

After reading the results of other classes, the physics teacher finally has time to look at class 16. He is not a class teacher and is not interested in the total score. He only refreshed the ranking and materialized by looking at the results of the single subjects he taught. One hundred and twenty-nine.

This result is quite good! This is a year-round unified test paper, which is quite difficult. Even the ordinary class he teaches, it is quite good to achieve this score. “Do n’t you make a mistake? Or do you fill in the grade 16 in the ordinary class?”

This kind of thing has not happened. In the past, there was a physics teacher who also took a key class and a regular class. Although the original score was still on the test paper, the overall score was improved by a lot. When the physics teacher issued the paper, he realized that he had made a mistake, but the total score was eliminated.

“What about the sixteen class papers? Let me see.” He looked for papers on his desk

A teacher pointed to a stack of papers: “Class 16, where is it.”

The physics teacher flipped the paper quickly, found Su Xingchen, and looked at the paper.

Physics and chemistry are together. Physics takes up a bit more importance than chemistry. He glanced at physics roughly, and they are basically right.

I also searched the physical and chemical results of others in the next sixteen classes, and Su Xingchen had the highest score.

The second place is Zhao Zhurun. He didn’t reach the one hundred and two, and he was almost one hundred and two.

This is certainly not a big deal in other classes, but in the sixteen classes that are mainly sports students, Zhao Zhurun ​​has done well.

This avoids the statement that Su Xingchen copied it, and the two people’s papers, they will know the difference at a glance, and they read Zheng Yan’s paper.

Zheng Yan is a representative of the math class in the class, not as serious as Zhao Zhurun ​​and He Ya, but also science.

She is worse than Zhao Zhurun.

Science is not like liberal arts, liberal arts, you can also prepare a small note to copy, science, unless you copy good grades, otherwise it is really difficult to copy, it is impossible to have exactly the same topic, at most say the type of question Same, what can I copy? formula? Does the formula still use copy? For students who listen to the class seriously, the formula is known when they listen to the class. For students who do not listen to the class, you just tell him the formula, and he does not know what it is.

He suddenly thought that this student seemed to have made great progress in the last quiz?

He handed the paper to the chemistry teacher who was also in the science group. The chemistry teacher was about 40 years old. He was tall and fluffy, but he was always a male teacher who did n’t wake up. His temperament was a bit like a sloth. It’s the kind of science students, seeing the teacher of physics handing in a paper, he responded slowly and took it, his face blank and dumbfounded: “What’s wrong?”


The chemistry teacher took the paper and slowly shook it, and then it looked slowly. After reading it, he commented slowly: “This question is not difficult, it is wrong …” , Looked at the physics teacher with a face, “Is there anything special about this paper …”

Physics teacher looks a little like Zhou Huajian, who has a shorter face and a shorter stature. It is completely opposite to the chemistry teacher’s sleeplessness. He is a person who speaks quickly and energeticly, and feels resolute.

He tapped the name and class on the paper with his hand, emphasizing: “Class 16! Class 16!”

Chemistry teacher:……


Physics teacher: …

Tired, do not want to talk to him.

On Sunday afternoon, the students returning home came back to school one after another. On Sunday evening, they had to study in the evening. More importantly, after two days of weekends, everyone knows that the monthly test results are coming out. They are all a little nervous, and the discussion in the class is basically about the test scores.

Not only the regular classes, but even the sixteen classes are inevitable.

However, Class 16 is a bit different from other classes. When the students of Class 16 arrive at the class, the first thing they pay attention to is: “Is the grade down?”

“It must have come down. Teacher Chen’s results must have come out. I just don’t know if I can find it on the school website.”

“Can you find out if you know it at once?”

The eyes are shining, and the little face is excited, just like they bet.

Some people who bring a mobile phone to the school have already entered their student ID on the school website to check their grades.

“It came out!”

“How much?” One by one excited!

The student who checked the results said: “I mean my results came out. I only found my own. I didn’t see the overall ranking. There must be Teacher Chen. Who will ask Teacher Chen?”

This kind of thing, it is generally less eloquent for Xueba to do it back. If it is a scum, is it not a fight?

So the academic scum that checked the results said: “I will go to you, I will not go.”

Several people encouraged Zhao Zhurun: “Squad leader! You go!”

The squad leader is the squad leader of the 16th class, but in front of the school ’s total score, it is also a scum. Teacher Chen ’s office is not the only one of her. It ’s okay for him to check it at ordinary times, but this time, he feels that the paper is a bit Difficult, science is okay, he must be full of liberal arts, he was a little afraid to go, said: “You enter your student ID number to check, and then add the score, don’t you know how much you have taken the exam?”

Xue Zao said: “I don’t want to know Su Xingchen’s achievements, she hasn’t come yet! Who of you know her and Zheng Yan’s school number?”

Do not know at all.

Su Xingchen is still in class at the tutoring class of Teacher Zhao ’s home. She has to finish the class at 4:30, and then go to the cafeteria to eat. After eating, she has to hit a pot of water to go to the dormitory. It started at half past two, but they returned to school at four o’clock, and now are scattered in the class.

Zheng Yan and He Ya are still in the dormitory, they usually come down at this time, but today Zheng Yan is a little nervous, so she sits in the dormitory and reads.

He Ya was also nervous and asked Zheng Yan: “Yan Yan, you said she …” She didn’t need to say the name, they also knew who they were referring to, “Will it not exceed us?”

Zheng Yan clenched her hands and looked up pretending to be indifferent: “No, this time the invigilator teacher is so strict, she can’t copy it even if she wants to copy it. Even if the political history and language biology has copied it for her, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and English can’t always. Copy it? “She was really afraid that Su Xingchen would overwrite it, and said:” Well, what if she got those copies? By then, the total score is calculated, and it’s not just a single item, I’m not afraid of her than a single item, I did n’t believe it, but she was a non-mainstream. “

Although she didn’t think she would fail Su Xingchen, the people behind them would copy the most. Who knows? What if she copied it?

Zheng Yan was a little uneasy, and felt that the invigilator was so strict this time, even if they copied it, they would certainly not be able to copy much, and the score would not be higher than hers.

Subjects like Chinese and political history are easy to copy. Mathematical, physical, chemical, and English are not easy to copy. They usually want to copy, and they have to please them. The big topic is not copied.

Thinking of this, Zheng Yan calmed down again.

She said this, He Ya was finally relieved, but still very worried, she couldn’t even read the book.

When it was almost five o’clock, the sky was dark, and the time was almost the same, so I called Zheng Yan: “Shall we go down for dinner?”

The two little girls went to dinner together and went to the class together.

As soon as they arrived in the class, the people in the class gathered around with great enthusiasm: “Zheng Yan! Quickly, report the student number.”

Zheng Yan has a small face: “Why should I tell you the student number?”

“It’s okay not to tell me. The results are out. We have just checked ours. Only you and Su Xingchen are left. Let’s see how much you have taken.”

Zheng Yan was a little uneasy, “If you ask me to check me, you will check? You won’t ask Teacher Chen to go?”

Everyone looked at her with an inexhaustible look: “Zheng Yan, aren’t you afraid?”

Zheng Yan’s cheek flushed, “I’m afraid of you? Huh, just check!”

Before checking, he asked Zhao Zhurun: “Squad leader, have you got any grades?”

Zhao Zhurun ​​smiled warmly: “Come out, the liberal arts are all hanging.”

“Let’s see!” Zheng Yan hurried to Zhao Zhurun ​​and went to see his mobile phone.

Zhao Zhurun ​​reluctantly checked his score again, and the score came out. As he said, except for Chinese and English, the liberal arts are all linked, but the science scores are still good as always.

Seeing his results, Zheng Yan silently recorded his total score, and he had a count.

The top three in each class are basically He Ya, Zhao Zhurun ​​and her. He Ya and Zhao Zhurun ​​have a partial liberal arts and a partial science. Her own grades are average, but Wen Ya can’t compare to He Ya, and Zhao Zhurun ​​can’t. Now it is gradually becoming more rational.

She stretched her head to He Ya again and asked her: “Ya Ya, how are you doing the exam? Did you find out?”

He Ya bit her lip and shook her head.

“Quick check, quick check.” She lay beside He Ya, watching her check her score.

He Ya was a little nervous, and her heart thumped, fearing that she had failed the exam, and she let out a sigh of relief after the test score was over.

Although it is not very good for the exam, it is fairly stable and basically remains the same as usual.

Because I do n’t know the results of other people, there is no comparison, and I do n’t know how I rank this score, but if there is no accident, this score is in class 16, which is stable.

She let out a sigh of relief.

After reading her results, Zheng Yan saw that she and Zhao Zhurun ​​had almost the same total score, and began to sit on their seats to check their scores. The scores came out without any surprises. It was almost the same as her usual. I have been reading the book all the time, but for the overall, the improvement is not big, the single subject score is still not good, it is not as good as Zhao Zhurun, but there is no particularly obvious shortcoming.

Of course, it can also be said that her grades are in the eyes of the teachers in the ordinary class, that is-all shortcomings.

On the contrary, like He Ya and Zhao Zhurun, those with outstanding single-class performances, teachers will not be very worried, because it is clear that they have clear goals and know that they have limited energy, they simply give up the ones they are not good at, and will give more It is also a strategy to focus on the subjects you are good at.

But the total score, she is a little higher than Zhao Zhurun, only a little lower than He Ya.

She was relieved.

Now waiting for Su Xingchen to come, all the students in the class are looking forward to it one by one.

Zheng Yan was anxious to know the result, and became more impatient.

How to describe that mood, I already have a winning ticket, and I want to hit my face, but the person who has been beaten never comes, just like I hit the cotton with a fist, and I am eager.

The students in that class have gone to their class teacher to check their grades, and it is their class monitor and Su Xingyang.

Su Xingyang is the favorite of the science teachers in their class. The seed contestants in the mathematics competition class and the physics competition class, like him, have basically stable results in the top ten of the grade.

He pushed Su Xingyang’s shoulder. At the beginning of the semester, Su Xingyang was not taller than him. Now he is almost as tall as him. How come he is not long?

The squad leader looked at Su Xingyang’s head and muttered inwardly.

Students like them who have the best grades in the whole year often deal with teachers. The teachers are also very tolerant to them. They came to the class teacher ’s office with a cheek, with a big smile on their faces, and asked the class teacher carefully: ” Old class, did the grades come out? How did my test take? “

The head teacher of the first class pretended to be very fierce, with no expression on his face: “How do you like your exam?”

The squad leader smiled: “I think my test is okay, isn’t it to check the score?”

The head teacher was sitting in a chair, holding a pen in his hand, and looked at Su Xingyang: “Su Xingyang, what happened this time, the grades have deteriorated.”

The squad gurgled and yelled badly.

Su Xingyang blinked and looked at the teacher.

His eyes are like his dad’s, big and round, with light pupils, slender eyelashes, and soft hair, not very dark, but lighter maroon, a boy, it is long, white and tender The face of the goose egg, the contour of his newly developed face is still not clear, so when looking at you with the round dog eyes, it is particularly innocent.

The head teacher gave him two glances, and he couldn’t help it anymore. He stopped teasing him and gave them the computer: “Check it.”

The squad leader quickly found the total score of the monthly exam in the computer query system and clicked on it. The scores were ranked from high to low, and then quickly found his name from the top ten of the grade.

When he saw his name in the fifth place, he was relieved. Look again, the second grade is also his class, Su Xingyang grade ninth.

In the top ten of the grade, his class accounted for three, and the class leader was relieved.

In the three experimental classes of the whole year, the competition is still fierce. I am afraid that even the three classes in the top ten do not occupy even three of them, the pressure will be great.

After reading the top ten, and then looking at the top 20 and the top 50, count the number of people in your class.

After reading it, the squad leader was leaving. I did n’t expect Su Xingyang to take over the computer, roll the mouse wheel, and continue to turn down. He watched extremely fast, and it turned to 200. He said, “Go, there is no class below us.”

There are 16 classes in the whole year, forty students in each class, and more than 600 students in one grade. No matter how much the experimental class is, there are no more than two hundred students left.

Su Xingyang loosened his mouse and looked back at the computer when he was dragged out by the monitor. Unfortunately, because of the light, although he could still see the computer screen, he could not see the words on the computer.

When he loosened the mouse, his finger touched the wheel. If he could still see the name at the bottom of the page, it was the one he knew well.

Outside the office, the squad leader was still joking: “It’s enough to take a look inside the top 120. I really want to fall out of the 200. The old class will not be so calm. I will tell you!”

Su Xingyang licked the slightly dry, peeling lips without explaining, but looked back at the computer from the window and returned to the class with him.

Su Xingchen came back with Cheng Kangyao. Cheng Kangyao told his father last week that he would go to Mr. Zhao’s cram school. Cheng didn’t know what to do, so Cheng Kangyao also followed.

The first thing that Cheng Kangyao arrived at Mr. Zhao ’s house was to see if Zhao Moqin was there or not. He was satisfied, sitting in a chair like the uncle, waiting for the class.

Teacher Zhao is good-tempered, but Teacher Qin looks a little serious.

Seeing that Su Xingchen respected the teacher so much, he coughed and sat in a hurry, studying hard.

Teacher Zhao and Teacher Qin found that this young boy with green hair like a green onion had a worse foundation than Su Xingchen.

They are really reluctant to accept students with such a poor foundation, but the old friends of the Education Bureau have called him here, and he can only accept them.

Fortunately, although I looked at the unruly, but quite stable, I had a day’s class here. Although I occasionally felt that there were nails under the buttocks, I always wanted to move, but as long as Su Xingchen heard the movement and looked at him, He immediately calmed his expression and pretended to study hard, which was not too difficult to teach.

Su Xingchen and Cheng Kangyao returned to the school together, fetched water and returned to the bedroom. Cheng Kangyao had already cooked the meal and waited for her. Vinegar tenderloin, fried shrimp and the like.

After dinner, it was six o’clock in the class.

The class 16 students completely ignored the usual cool handsome tyrant and dragged the green-haired boy Cheng Kangyao to express his enthusiasm to Su Xingchen, as if he had never been so eagerly expecting her arrival When she came, she greeted the door and squeezed Cheng Kangyao away: “Hurry up, wait for you! Why are you here? How much are your student numbers? I’ll check your grades for you.”

Cheng Kangyao, who was squeezed to the side, grabbed the collar of the yellow hair and carried it to the side. “Is it right?”

“I’ll do it. Check your grades. Don’t make trouble.” Juan Huangmao is not afraid of killing the Emperor Matt, and his tone is strange to pamper him.

“Give me the phone!” Cheng Kangyao took the curl phone. Open the school website and ask Su Xingchen: “Student ID.”

He didn’t wait for her to report her student number, and he slammed into it.

When Huang Huangmao saw it, he ridiculed: “It is worthy of being a couple, can you remember the student number?”

Cheng Kangyao couldn’t help but curled his lips, and was urged by curly yellow hair: “Laughing so **** ~ What are you doing? Hurry up!”

Cheng Kangyao glanced at him: “Are you in a hurry?”

Curly Huang Mao sees that he and Su Xingchen are as slow as outsiders, and can’t help but ridicule themselves: “Hold the grass, I’m really the emperor’s impatient eunuch.”

Seeing him describe himself as an eunuch, the Manana who came with him laughed, “Curly, you have a clear understanding of yourself, knowing that you are an eunuch!”

The classmate Huang Huangmao turned to the classmate who said: “Brother took it out and scared you to believe it or not?”

The classmate who just spit out laughed: “You quickly took it out and scared me!”

Classmate Curly despised him: “Not pure at all!” An expression that is not in his company, followed behind Su Xingchen intently: “Su Xingchen, hurry up, student number, brother did not play today, come early When I get to the class, I’m waiting for you. “

“Have you checked all?” Su Xingchen sat back in his seat and put the book down.

“I checked, and I’ll wait for you. Where did you and my generous brother go? I came here so late!”

A group of people gathered around Cheng Kangyao and stretched his head to look at his mobile phone.

Cheng Kangyao glanced at Su Xingchen.

He was afraid that Su Xingchen had failed the exam, so many people asked her to admit plagiarism, he …

She was also looking at him, and smiled at him in a very calm manner, and his heart suddenly calmed down and pressed the query.

“How is it? Did the results come out? Hey Kang brother, you’re hurry up, you’re really anxious to me!” Juan Huangmao urged.

Seeing the score, Cheng Kangyao calmed down immediately, regaining his usual expression of hanging the sky: “The test is not bad!” He carried his chin and directed the others: “Who are you, take notes.”

The others in the class were all looking at Cheng Kangyao. He Ya and Zheng Yan were all sitting in their seats. They turned around and looked at them. When they saw Cheng Kangyao’s face with a proud and proud smile, he suddenly had a bad feeling. .

Sure enough, I saw him saying one by one: “Su Xingchen, Chinese-118, math-121 …”

When reading the Chinese score, Zheng Yan frowned. When he read mathematics, he even showed an incredible expression. When he read Political History 132 and Materialization 129, Zheng Yan stood up and shouted: ” I do n’t believe it! Show me! “

Cheng Kangyao gave her a squinted look and smiled. The phone was thrown upwards and was snatched by curly students.

Seeing that Zheng Yan was anxious to grab, she was particularly satisfied and handed her the phone: “Yes, I will show you, you can see for yourself.”

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