After transmigrating into the cultivation world, the school topper was reborn

Chapter 7 - 7th

After all, the foreign language school is the provincial focus, and there is more internal information between the teachers and the teachers. Which teacher ’s cram school is good and which cram school is more suitable for Su Xingchen. There is no better than Mr. Chen who is a class teacher and a teacher. Got it.

When she was doing morning exercises, she was thinking about it. When having breakfast, she really asked her husband seriously.

Her husband Ke Zhi is the head teacher of the second grade of the second grade of high school, and also serves as the mathematics teacher of the sixth grade of high school.

Originally, a special-grade teacher like him would not bring such a poor class as class 16, but his wife was the class teacher of class 16, and he was not at ease. He was afraid that classmates in class 16 would bully his wife Chen Yun, so he applied to the school. He also served as a math teacher in class 16.

Saying that it is a math teacher, it is even more responsible than the class teacher. From time to time, I came to the sixteenth class and looked at it. The sixteenth class was very strict and often took the time to make up for them.

“Su Xingchen in your class needs to make up classes” Ke Zhi frowned.

He certainly knows who Su Xingchen is, and he has no good impression of the mischievous and mischievous students who are behind the 16th class, and it is difficult for his wife to bring the class with difficulty.

Chen Yun is a very gentle and gentle woman. She does n’t speak slow and gentle. “Yesterday she told me to study hard and improve every day. I still do n’t believe that today she told me that three years of junior high school was deserted Now, some courses ca n’t keep up. Let me recommend a cram school to make up for the missing courses. I do n’t worry about the language. As long as she is willing to learn, I will make up for her. You know some mathematics. The class is suitable. “

Ke Yizhi is not only the class teacher of the second grade of the second grade, but also the mathematics teacher of the first grade of the second grade. He is also in charge of the school mathematics competition class. He is very busy and has no time to make up for the class.

Besides, with his temperament, he did not have the patience to make up for the poor students in Class 16. If he did n’t understand it once, twice, or three times, he would be impatient.

Ke Zhizhi still knows Su Xingchen’s mathematics very well, but basically has no foundation.

His brow furrowed tightly, “Don’t introduce that she didn’t want to learn in the past, but also brought the students who wanted to learn bad.”

Teacher Chen is not happy, “She always wants to learn you will not let her learn”

“Well, let me observe how she has performed recently. If I really want to learn, I will say hello to Lao Zhao and send her to Lao Zhao.”

Lao Zhao is an old teacher who retired from their junior high school. The couple could n’t help themselves. The couple opened a cram school outside, and there were few people in the class.

It’s not that people don’t want to enter, but that the old Zhao couples have limited energy and don’t want to overpay.

That is the student in his wife’s class, Ke Zhizhi was willing to bother.

So after the first class after breakfast, Ke Zhi went to his class and detoured through the 16th class. He stood outside the window of the back door and watched the class.

Because of the winter, it was gloomy outside and the windows were covered with a thin layer of mist.

The student sitting by the window is holding his head in one hand, turning the pen in the other, lazily spreading out the small difference, his head unconsciously turned to the window, looking at the misty reflection on the window, and unconsciously reached out his hand on the glass window Wiping water mist, wiping wiping, suddenly wiped out a pair of copper bells with fierce eyes.

He almost didn’t scare him to death.

He quickly pretended not to see anything, opened his mouth and sighed on the glass again, turned his head to look at the blackboard and sat in danger.

Several times he wanted to turn around to see if Teacher Ke was still there.

After class, he looked out of the window for the first time. Teacher Ke had already left. He stroked his chest and yelled, “Lying trough, just old Lao stood outside the window and scared his father.”

“Lying trough, I saw it too. Isn’t he a class teacher in the second and second grades? Why don’t you go to our class and run his own class without watching?”

“Does he come to see how we are disciplined?”

The classmates wailed one after another.

Although Teacher Ke is not the head teacher of class 16, it is almost the same as the class teacher of class 16, because he is the husband of class teacher of class 16.

Fearing that the gentle wife can’t control the group of mischievous kids, Teacher Ke often runs to the 16th class to patrol and come to give them supplementary lessons whenever they are free. It is not a class teacher, it is better than a class teacher.

If other teachers, class 16 students may not be ridiculed, but Mr. Ke is different. The first thing is that he is very tall, burly, and strong, and he is not ugly, but his appearance is very fierce, especially his pair. The iconic bronze bell-like eyes have three or four layers of eyelids and folds, and the eyes are slightly convex. The eyes are particularly large. It is said that the bronze bells are not exaggerated. When they stare, they are particularly frightening and very hot-tempered.

According to his size, appearance, temper, and to play a role of Zhang Fei, Li Kui, Thunder God, or something, it is completely a natural performance, without any sense of disobedience.

But he is still the husband of class teacher Chen.

Mrs. Chen is a slender and petite figure, with a height of no more than one meter and sixty-three, with a very gentle personality, speaking slowly and reasonably, never blushing on them, and always talking to them in a whispered manner, saying well, life is right They are also very concerned.

Although they are rebellious, they are not people who do not know what to do. Which teachers are naughty and obedient to which teachers have a weighing scale in their hearts.

Although they sometimes talked to the teacher in charge of the class, Chen Chen, he respected her very much and gave her face.

But such a class teacher who can be described as weak and slender, gentle and elegant, has a monster-type husband with two extremes of her personality, appearance, and body shape. Even in the face of Teacher Chen, they also have to treat the big monster Teacher Ke. It ’s too hard to resist three points.

In their hearts, Teacher Ke, a big monster, has more prestige than gentle Chen.

Of course, they will not admit this, they will only admit that they are giving Mr Chen a face.

Who made Big Monster a family member of Teacher Chen?

I thought that the appearance of the big monster Ko was just by accident, but I didn’t expect the big monster Ko to appear again in the next two lessons.

The emergence of Ke Yizhi immediately made the order of class 16 more than ten times better than the effect of class teacher Chen Yun.

Since they are not attending classes, they all lie on their backs and sleep, no longer whispering.

However, it was a bit cold to sleep in winter, and the class did not turn on the air conditioner. Most of them were still awake, trying to keep themselves awake at the teacher on the podium.

After the lecturer finished the class, he came back to the office and ridiculed Mr. Ke. “Lao Ke, if you are like every day like today, you will go to Class 16 to patrol several times every class. You see how good the discipline is today. “

Teacher Ke’s big bell-like eyes glanced at the talking teacher, his expression serious.

The teacher who had spoken was already accustomed to his fierce face, and he smiled and picked up the thermos and drank tea.

Other teachers also followed the ridicule of Mr. Ke, “Lao Ke took mathematics from two top classes, and mathematics from competition classes, and also took time to patrol class 16.”

The teacher sipped his mouth in a meaningful way.

Teacher Chen picked up the ruler on the desk and was about to hit the teacher’s mouth in shame. Teacher Ke also used his big bell-like eyes to tease his teacher.

The office is full of cheerful atmosphere.

Teacher Ke ran several times a day, and came to class 16 in the evening for self-study at night. He secretly observed Su Xingchen and saw that she was really listening to the class. Only when she went back in the evening did she call Lao Zhao and make sure. this matter.

Su Xingchen’s previous life was a year of hard work in the third year of high school. Although he did not have much effect, he only passed the third-rate university, but he studied hard. After passing today’s class, although there is still a lot of knowledge, I am unfamiliar and can’t keep up, but the memory With the teacher’s explanation in the classroom, the valve was slowly opened, and even understood.

Su Xingchen listened to the class very seriously today. Cheng Kangyao wanted to talk to her several times, watching her so intriguingly reviewing the book knowledge in her hands. There was a feeling of facing a good student and being embarrassed to disturb her.

Moreover, today’s Su Xingchen really makes him feel strange.

Not only is he stranger to her, he can feel it, she is also very strange to him, to their entire class, always looking at him with a bystander’s eye, watching this class, seeing everyone in the class .

This made him very unhappy, and ignored her for a day.

What makes him even more upset is that he ignored her for a day and wanted her to come and talk to him actively. As a result, she ignored him for a day.

Cheng Kangyao was very angry and had serious consequences.

When he was going to self-study next night, Cheng Kangyao leaned on the chair, deliberately tilted his feet on the table, and shook with the music.

Su Xingchen first dragged the table away a bit. Unexpectedly, the movement on his side was even bigger. He lay on the table and shook his thighs with the rhythm of the music. The music sounded the boss, even if she was wearing headphones, she could hear it.

Su Xingchen turned his face and looked at the green-haired boy in front of him, “Cheng Kangyao, what are you doing?”

Cheng Kangyao is very upset and has a stinky face and nothing to do. “What do you mean you want to break away from our funeral family?”

Su Xingchen wanted to ask her a question about how she joined the funeral family.

But she did n’t do it, but she lifted her face sadly, and looked at the ceiling at a forty-five to fifty degree angle of sadness, “I found that the previous way did not bring them any harm, but made them look less Go to me, so I decided to change my way, study hard, and improve every day. Today, they ignore me, and tomorrow I ca n’t make them climb. ”

“Poo poo.” After her classmates at the front desk heard the words of her middle two, she couldn’t help but laugh on the table and turned to applaud Su Xingchen.

Cheng Kangyao kicked on his stool “Laughing farts, you are everywhere”

The front table hurriedly clenched his fists with his hands to sue “King Rao, King Rao.”

Cheng Kangyao was too lazy to take care of him, but looked at her with a very complicated look that Su Xingchen could not understand, “Come on, I am very optimistic about you.”

Pat her shoulders, lie on the table and sleep.

The little friend who followed him suddenly decided to work hard. Cheng Kangyao suddenly felt an indescribable emptiness and unspeakable uneasiness in his mind. He could not distinguish it. He only knew that he was empty and needed something urgently. To fill.

Going back in the evening, Su Xingchen would like to report on the cram school and told his father, “I have asked Teacher Chen to inquire.”

Father Su was very pleased, “As long as you are willing to learn, I will pay you how much you spend.”

I returned to the store the next day and very actively called the customers of his education system to find out where there are good cram schools and tutors. I asked a lot.

Mother Su was very dissatisfied when he heard him calling. “What’s the use of that money? If you don’t use it,” she picked up a screwdriver on the cash register and threw it on the desk of the cash register. Eat this thing “

The author has something to say The last chapter of the red envelope has been sent out. One hundred red envelopes in this chapter are waiting to be collected.

Those with more words will take precedence

Thank you I am your little cute, Chang Geng, fish home, soy milk mine, happy happy

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