Age Of Pokemon: I Started Flashing With My Handheld

Chapter 107

107. Totem Bangira!

Second floor, GolemLV50.

Nan Feng said that he likes to play Pokémon with high level but weak strength and obvious weaknesses.

Rock + Ground dual-type Golem did two moves in front of Greninja.

With one move, Water Shuriken was seriously injured, and it was high-level and tough enough to not be knocked out by seconds. Follow-up Greninja a trick Water Pulse, take away directly.

Judging from Greninja’s combat power, Nan Feng felt that he could try it out after giving it a few more levels to see if he could pass the dungeon of the Flame Plan. Maxie’s Trump Card is nothing more than that Camerupt. I’m afraid of Rock and water, so I have a Steelix in my lineup, and it’s not a problem to kill a level 50 Camerupt.

LV50’s Golem, Nan Feng still caught it, check Attribute, its individual value attack + defense 2V, it’s okay.

Judging from the results of these captures, the individual values ​​of Pokémon encountered in the Mirage Tower on the third floor seem to be relatively good.

Level 50, or double V, Pokémon of this strength can be used for instant combat power.

Just like hunting Diamond Onix before, if there were LV50, but not LV30 Golem to help, Nan Feng might not have to wait to set up to catch Diamond Onix.

Step to the third floor.

The gust of wind blowing in the face made Nan Feng eat a mouthful of sand.

The sand on this floor is extremely large. It seems that the sand outside Mirage Tower flew into the third floor, but when Nan Feng fixed his eyes on the figure in the center of the third floor, he immediately understood.

The Pokémon standing in the middle of the third floor is the “Bangira” known as the Sandstorm Emperor! (also called Tyranitar)


“Why is this Bangira so big?” Nan Feng was surprised.

The normal Bangira is about three meters in size, but the current Bangira is at least five meters! This is no longer a matter of individual differences!

It’s kind of weird how big it is.

The dark green armor, with its hideous appearance, is like the size of a normal hill, it is like a miniature version of Godzilla! The yellow sand all over the body was rolled up by the strong wind, wrapping it in it, at first glance I thought it was wearing Got a Sandstorm armor!

“Could it be Totem Bandera?” Nan Feng guessed that the more he looked at the Sandstorm armor on it, the more like Totem’s aura was stuck with yellow sand.

Pokémon are larger than normal, either totem or gigantic. Obviously, this Bangira doesn’t meet the gigantic size standard, so it can only be a Totem Pokémon!

But…isn’t the presence of the Totem Pokémon here a little out of the ordinary?

Aren’t Totem Pokémon a specialty of Alola?

Could it be that this Totem Bangira is from Alola?

“Huh” Nan Feng let out a sigh of relief and stopped thinking about it.

With the example of Krookodile, the Pokémon himself shouldn’t be surprised to find somewhere in Mirage Tower. This game has long been no longer a pure emerald.

Plus, this is good news for myself.

Totem Bangira, tsk tsk, isn’t this the core Sandstorm player of your Sandstorm Brigade?!

If the individual value is good, then the strength of this Bangira will be much higher than that of the ordinary Bangira. Even if it is exchanged for the Flash Bangira, Nan Feng will not necessarily agree.

Flash Bangira is not necessarily strong, but Totem Bangira must be strong!

However, there is a big problem in front of Nan Feng. If he wants to conquer Totem Bangira, he must defeat it first.

Bangira LV52.

The highest level Pokémon in Nan Feng’s hands is GabiteLV42.

So it’s going to be an uphill battle.

“Please, Blaziken!” Nan Feng threw the Poké Ball.

In the distance, Bangira’s eyes were cold and disdainful.

As a tyrant Pokémon, it has no interest in bullying the weak.

“Blaziken, use Growl!” Although the Fighting system quadrupled Bangira, Nan Feng never thought about using the 36-level Blaziken to fight with Bangira at level 16.

If you have six Pokémon with you, then use the six Pokémon to your advantage.

Wheel battle!

“Cha~~~” Blaziken howled loudly.

Since it evolved into a Blaziken, the juvenile voice before is no longer there, only a thicker howl.

When Bangira heard this voice, a burst of anger suddenly jumped in her icy eyes.

It is not interested in bullying the weak, but it will never allow the weak to initiate Taunt to itself!

Open your mouth a little, and a dazzling white light bursts out!

Is the destruction of death light!

“Boom!” The wall on the side of Mirage Tower was penetrated instantly, leaving a huge gap, and Blaziken disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Nan Feng broke down in sweat.

As expected of Totem Bangira, the real Pokémon uses the ultimate move of destroying the death light at least a little stockpile action, it doesn’t need a stockpile at all! It seems that this Bangira usually uses the destruction of death light a lot.

So that Nan Feng didn’t react, and Blaziken was gone.

Fortunately, in the game, Pokémon will automatically return to the Poké Ball after losing the ability to fight, so Nan Feng doesn’t have to worry about where Blaziken has gone.

Although he was killed in seconds, Blaziken’s tactical intention was realized.

Growl: Reduces the target’s attack by 1 level

Just don’t know how much effect Blaziken’s Growl has on Bangira.

The real world naturally cannot be the same as the game.

It is a Pokémon that uses a Growl-style move, and the weaker the power, the weaker the effect.

Nan Feng took off the second Poké Ball from his waist and released it.

The Pokémon to appear is Lairon!

“々` Lairon, use Metal Sound! 35

“Kola!!” Lairon growled softly, opening his mouth and making an unpleasant metal rubbing sound.

Nan Feng felt goosebumps when he heard this voice.

And Bangui (King Lee’s) Ra is even more irritable!

Opening the mouth is another destructive light!

Nan Feng’s eyes are about to pop out, please, isn’t it immobilized for a period of time after using the Destruction Death Light? How can you shoot the Destruction Death Light in a row?

Bangira: Didn’t I stand still?

Dazzling white light filled Nan Feng and Lairon’s eyes again.

Nan Feng has no command, and command is useless. It is impossible for the slow Lairon to dodge, let alone defend.

The level gap between the two sides has reached nearly 20 levels!

However, Lairon’s mission has also been accomplished.

Metal Sound: Reduces the target’s Special Defense by 2.

The weakening tactics before the official battle were basically completed, and it was a little unfortunate in the process that Blaziken’s speed ended up using a move Growl.

The next four Pokémon are Nan Feng’s main force in this battle.

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