Age Of Pokemon: I Started Flashing With My Handheld

Chapter 131

131. Seaside Villa

“Stay anywhere, pick whatever you want”

This is Lin Jian’s answer.

Nan Feng originally offered to rent, but Lin Jian didn’t ask for it.

Although he knows that the other party is very optimistic about him, Nan Feng also knows that he owes a favor.

It’s not that they are afraid to owe favors, and they will gradually have friendship with each other’s help.

Lin Jian, the mentor who gave him help at the beginning, Nan Feng is still happy to make friends with him.

That afternoon, Nan Feng went to see the house.

The island made by Qiantang University for Lin Jian is the seventh trial island.

Because seven islands are built around Qiantang University, they are not far from the school.

Nan Feng tried to ride the Flygon at full speed for one minute. The reason he didn’t ride the Garchomp was because he was afraid of his buttocks.

There are three villa-style buildings on Trial Island No. 7, namely the main villa on the top of the mountain in the center of the island; the Cave at the foot of the mountain, which houses a large number of Nosepass research villas, where the researchers of Lin Jian’s laboratory live and work. .

The last one is a seaside villa with its back to the island and facing the boundless East China Sea.

30 Lin Jian also lives in the research villa, so the only options for Nan Feng are the hilltop villa and the seaside villa.

Nan Feng can’t be so ignorant of the world, even if no one lives in the hilltop villa, it is Lin Jian’s exclusive. So Nan Feng chose the seaside villa.

That’s fine, back against the island and facing the East China Sea, so that no matter how much noise these Pokémon make, they won’t attract attention. Moreover, it is close to the sea, so it is very convenient for your Pokémon to try the Surf moves you just learned, and to learn Whirlpool in the future.

After ordering the necessary furniture in the evening, Nan Feng started to move the next day.

There are not many things that need to be moved in the dormitory, and the furniture in the dormitory is also left by the previous senior and senior. Nan Feng didn’t take it away either. What he wanted to take away was his own pile of Pokémon, as well as some training equipment for Pokémon.

Nan Feng threw it all into the secret base, and waited until the seventh test island to open the secret base and take it out.

“It feels like a space ring” Nan Feng recalled the settings in many novels he read in his previous life.

The seaside villa is a three-story building with a huge living room on the first floor. As long as Bangira and Steelix are not there, all of their Pokémon can be stuffed here at the same time.

There are seven or eight rooms on the second floor. There are two more rooms than the dormitory. Each room is wider than the dormitory. Pocobi and Delibird still live here. Delibird flew from the cafeteria to Nan Feng’s dormitory, or from the cafeteria to the seaside villa, within a few minutes.

There are only two rooms on the third floor, with a large balcony, which is enough for Nan Feng to hold a small party and have a BBQ.

However, what really surprised Nan Feng was the backside of the seaside villa.

The seaside villa is built against the mountain, and a passage is opened on the hillside, and if you go straight in, you will enter an open space with a space equal to about half a football field. And the height is a full six meters, and it can even accommodate Bangira who walks upright.

At the beginning of construction, it was designed to be used as a laboratory for Lin Jian. The same is true of the cave laboratory at the foot of the mountain where Lin Jian is now. You can choose one of the two, but the seaside villa is not selected, so Nan Feng is cheaper.

Nan Feng is going to turn it into a den for Steelix and Bangira so they can stay outside Poké Ball all the time.

I also need to develop a relationship with Steelix often.

Its MEGA evolution stone has been obtained, and the focus is on the bond and the Mega Ring.

Mega Ring is a matter of course, even if you can’t go to the Kalos Region in the game for the time being, you can also find it in reality. The problem is just that his own strength is not qualified to have it.

The site is large enough, and it can also perform some Pokémon training with relatively large movements, such as the training of Machamp moves and so on.

Nan Feng is quite satisfied with this configuration.

Move in!

“Then, let’s all come out and see the new home” Nan Feng threw all the Poké Balls into the sky.


“Banji! 39

All the Pokémon appeared one after another.

Greninja glanced at her new home, turned her head and ran to the sea. No water Pokémon can deny the sea’s Captivate!

Blaziken exerted force with his feet, jumped up to the balcony on the third floor, and then jumped up the cliff to explore towards the top of the mountain. It was originally a Pokémon who likes to run and Bounce. It was not that big in the dormitory before. Now it is on an island, and it can finally have fun.

Garchomp flew to the balcony, found a good place to lie down, and began to take a nap in the sun, and the two little brothers were like Garchomp. Slakoth found an ordinary Pecha Berry tree and lay down, opening his mouth slightly as if waiting for Pecha Berry fall into its mouth.

Lairon lay lazily at the door of the villa and began to bask in the sun, he couldn’t climb up to the balcony.

Axew and Tyrunt chase around Lairon, and the Bite army has a new member.

“Don’t let them run away,” Nan Feng told Lairon.

“Kola~” Lairon agreed without looking up, taking care of the children, it is professional.

Super Power King and Wobbuffet, wearing a Pocobi, scrambled into the house, ready to grab the TV in the hall.

After entering, I found that several rooms have TVs. This is specially matched by Nan Feng, and everyone can stop fighting for these 577 because there is not enough screen.

Dedicated gaming room, dedicated movie room, and even Nan Feng prepared a gym for himself.

This way you can exercise without going out.

Smeargle burst into inspiration, stood in front of the villa, took out a paintbrush to paint the villa.

Bangira looked around and didn’t see her beloved rockery, but quickly took aim at the beach, came to the beach, sat on the ground and started to pile sand.

It is piled up like a person, and then swallowed in one bite.

Bangira: (-) Salty….

Nan Feng:!!!

Shouldn’t that be me?

Only Gardevoir stayed by Nan Feng’s side and walked into the villa with Nan Feng.

However, Nan Feng still went to the backyard cave first.

Steelix’s size is too large, and it is easy to destroy the fruit trees when moving around, so Nan Feng only released it after entering the cave.

Finally able to get out of the Poké Ball to play, Steelix happily circled in place, and immediately began to explore underground.

Seeing that everyone was satisfied, Nan Feng was also relieved.

“The first meal in the new home, let’s have a BBQ!

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