All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 10 - rule

“Boss, talk about chanting, how do you book to eat here?” A group of people surrounded Shen Long, and they were all foodies. When they met delicious food, they naturally had to eat a happy meal. The full Han people seated 300. Twenty dishes, tasted today even less than one tenth, how could it be satisfied.

“I will not only make a full seat in Han, Lu, Cantonese, Huaiyang, Sichuan, etc. are also proficient. If you come next time, I will try some classic dishes from other cuisines.” Shen Long said with a smile, it seems that everyone treats themselves The craftsmanship is very satisfactory, it has not been hard for so long.

“But everyone also sees that my shop is such a big place. I have to come alone for the big dishes and small dishes, so the reception capacity is limited. I can only receive two tables a day, up to 20 people, no lunch, noon, 7 pm Start eating on time. “Shen Long said the rules he had been thinking about these days.

“Understanding and understanding, don’t look at our meal for more than two hours, there are many dishes that need to be worked in advance, such as that shark fin, you have to stew a long time in advance, plus the purchase of food, you can make a day The two tables are already very powerful. “The diners also expressed their understanding while regretting.

Like a top-level chef of this level, you must pick your own food when you buy food. You must find the best ingredients. It takes a lot of time.

“Isn’t Li Jia Cai the same? Boss Shen, how much is yours here?” Some people murmured, this restaurant tastes better than Li Jia Cai, but if the price is too high, it can’t bear it.

“The price is not cheap, but it can’t be said to be very expensive, 1,000 yuan per person.” Shen Long said lightly. One thousand yuan in the past was almost enough for him to have a month’s lunch, and here is just a meal for one person.

“It’s fair, for this skill, this class of dishes is indeed worth the price.” Today’s are all relatively rich, and one thousand yuan can occasionally eat one or two meals.

Look at the plate on the table again. The ingredients such as shark fin and deer are not cheap. It is not too low to eat these dishes in other restaurants. As for the taste, there is no way to compare it with Shen Long.

Is still a bit expensive compared to the average person. Several people who just yelled to eat and played back out of their seats and stopped talking in the chair, but more people still chased Shen Long and asked how to book.

“Open five days a week, I have two days off.” When working, Shen Long didn’t enjoy the treatment of weekends. Now it’s his turn to take care of himself. I must make up for this regret. Anyway, I earn five days. The money is enough.

Receiving 20 people each day, 1,000 yuan per person, the calculated income is 20,000 yuan, the catering industry is half profit, and the higher catering profit margin is higher, even if the rent, water and electricity, labor, taxes, food ingredients Shen Long ’s daily profit can also reach more than 10,000 yuan.

“Considering that you have a lot of free time on weekends, I don’t take a rest on weekends, Monday and Tuesday, you don’t have to come to the door for the next two days, you can accept the reservation for the remaining five days. Turn on the phone on time and accept the next day’s reservation. Whoever comes in first will be the one. If you call and shut down, it’s already booked the next day. You will call again next time! ” Otherwise, don’t think about stability yourself.

“Only book the next day’s seats every day, and then it won’t work anymore.” Maybe the task came suddenly that day. At that time, I still wanted to do something.

“There is only one scheduled channel. It is useless if you can’t get through the phone. You can also take a temporary break. You have a golden week. Do I want to relax?” When there are new tasks, Shen Long may go out of business at any time. In preparation, this has to be said in advance, “Anyway, as long as the phone can’t be reached, you don’t have to run in vain.”

“What about tomorrow? It’s already six o’clock now.” There are still people who haven’t eaten enough to continue eating tomorrow.

“You guys can come here for a few days to give me a face. Naturally, I should have preferential treatment. This is good. I want to eat here in these days and draw lots. We will arrange them in the order of draw. Who will draw the first lot? Sign with No. 2 and continue coming tomorrow. “Shen Long had already prepared.

“But we have to say in advance. We can receive up to ten people. If there are more people, we can’t receive them. If there are fewer people, we still count on ten people. There is no menu. You just have to say if you have anything to avoid. The rest I ’ll arrange it. ”There ’s no objection to the big guys, and it ’s not the first hotel in Beijing.

Someone soon came forward to start the lottery. The overwhelming draw of the No. 1 and No. 2 draws was overwhelming. The rest of the draws were too disappointing. You can eat it a day or two later. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Before leaving, the big guys are discussing not to talk about the store and the reservation phone for the time being, so as to avoid too many diners and want to eat in the future, but they have forgotten what they just posted in the circle of friends, many people even the name of the store All the addresses are spoken.

When the meal arrived the next day, many people came to this hutong to find a private restaurant called Jinyumantang. Unfortunately, when they got to the door, they saw the door closed and a full sign hanging on it.

Still has reservation phone numbers and reservation rules. They had to write down the phone number and wait to call again tomorrow afternoon. There are also those who have a bad temper, and then left.

For these people, Shen Long didn’t care much. Every day, two people at two tables would always want to eat again. When these people eat again, they will attract new customers. The new customers will feel satisfied and want to continue eating, so One pass, two pass, two pass, three, slowly Shen Long, a private restaurant in Jinyu Mantang, made a great reputation in the Beijing food circle.

There are even many celebrities in the chef circle who have become interested in this shop after seeing the pictures of the diners on the Internet. Although they do n’t know what the taste is, the skills of cutting and arranging the dishes are revealed. Undoubtedly, at least in this technique, Jingzhong can not compare with Shen Long.

After some famous chefs have tasted it, Jin Yumantang’s reputation has grown in the circle. Many well-known celebrity chefs said that Shen Long’s cooking skills are far above himself.

This caused Shen Long to turn off the phone for up to five minutes every day. There was no way to have too many guests and too warm. Someone called in as soon as the phone was turned on. It would take less time to discuss the dishes.

On this day, another wave of guests was sent away. Shen Long was planning to return to the newly rented house nearby for a rest, but he did not want to hear the wishing voice again in his mind.

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