All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 18 - World First Budokai

“This is only about five pounds, right?” Shen Long picked up and turned upside down. The turtle shell was about five pounds up and down, much lighter than Goku and Kerin’s back. Both of their back shells are now 20 pounds. .

“Hey, you are far from me!” Kling smiled smugly.

“Okay, go and send milk!” Guixian people urged them to start a new day of training. This time Shen Long also started to learn Wukong and Kelin and began to leap and run around the tree with milk. Milk is delivered to customers.

At noon, the Guixian people took them to the construction site again, and found the foreman. “I brought another person here, and I paid the money as before.”

“Okay.” The foreman wiped a sweat, the two little guys were so powerful, two could hold six workers, this adult must be more powerful? If you go on like this, the construction period will definitely be completed ahead of time. What can you do if you give more money?

It’s really a beast. Watching Wukong dragging the roller and running, and Kelin pushing the mountain like mud, Shen Long kneeled directly. Is this still a human? If the two of you go to my world to move bricks, I am afraid that you can buy a house in Beijing just by moving bricks.

“What are you still doing there, start working quickly!” Guixian Ren urged.

“Yes, start now!” Shen Long hurried over, pushed on a small cart, and began to transport the soil quickly. His speed and physical strength could not be compared with Wukong and Kelin, but compared to ordinary workers. Be much stronger.

“How is it? Is this okay?” Guixian Ren figured out, these guys are too good to eat, even if they have milk income and six workers’ income, they can’t afford the expenses of buying rice and seasoning. Days have been losing money. If you go on like this, I am afraid that even the money to buy beauty magazines is gone.

“This is the wage for two people.” The foreman was a little disappointed. Shen Long was far from Wukong and Klin. The two of them could top ten strong laborers, and the wages for six people would still be earned. Shen Long, I ’m afraid I can have up to three people.

After a few hours of hard work, the brick moving was over, and Guixianren took away the wages of eight people. After deducting the cost of buying rice and spices, there should be surplus.

The next session of training was even more exciting. The turtle fairy took them under a big tree, wrapped their waists around them with a rope, so that they could not get too far away from the big tree, and then climbed up the tree and beat with a cane Honeycomb, brushed off the tree and hid behind the stone, protruding his head and looking far away.

Only listened to the “buzzing” sound for a while, and the enraged bees flew out of the honeycomb, showing that the bee thorns rushed towards them.

“Wow ~~~” The three of them fled in embarrassment, but they were bound by ropes and could not run far.

The key to this training is how to avoid the enemy’s attack within a limited range, but so many bees, even if they run fast, it is inevitable that there will be a fish that misses the net, and soon Shen Long will be strewn with big bags, Wukong and Kelin received this training earlier than him, and the situation was slightly better, but they also suffered a lot.

When he went back at night, Lan Qi saw the three of them in awkward manner and couldn’t help but smile with her mouth covered.

“Lan Qi, go back to the market tomorrow and buy some honey. I’ll make honey char siew for you.” Damn it, you bit me so badly, I have to eat some honey and get back.

Waking up after sleeping, Shen Long found that the swelling of the bee sting on his body had completely disappeared, should it be the role of qi? He can return to his best condition and start a new day of training.

Just like this, Shen Long, Wukong, and Kelin began formal training. They carried milk with their turtle shells every day, went to the construction site to move bricks, and then went under the big tree to meet the challenge of bees.

In a blink of an eye, several months have passed, and now Shen Long has been able to complete the entire journey effortlessly, and the wages on the construction site have risen to the standard of three people, even if he changed a larger honeycomb and a shorter rope. It is difficult for bees to sting him again.

But the practice also entered a bottleneck. He seemed to feel that the rate of progress was getting slower and slower. In the last month, there was little progress. It seems that the training results are now close to the limit.

“Grandpa, Grandpa, come with me.” While resting in the turtle house that day, Wukong ran in excitedly and pulled the turtle fairy down to a hill-sized boulder. The turtle fairy said earlier When they can push the stone, they can officially teach them the martial arts of Guixianliu.

“Drink! Wahhhh ~~” I saw Wukong’s hands pressed against the stone. As he shouted for a while, this huge stone was pushed by Wukong.

“Look at me below, but I don’t push Wu Kong so fast.” Kling was not willing to show weakness, UU reading stepped forward and pushed the stone for a short period of time.

The turtle fairy ’s sunglasses shattered the ground, and Shen Long opened his mouth in surprise; this stone was about ten meters high and six meters square, and it was probably a few hundred tons in weight, plus the friction of the ground, Wukong and Klin can promote this, it is really a beast!

“Uncle, will you give it a try too?” Goku and Kerin pull Shen Long down to the big stone.

“Should I still be far away?” The words said, but since I came, I always felt a bit sorry if I didn’t try it. Shen Long pressed his hands on the stone, which gave him the strength to feed, but the stone was still one. at every turn.

Huh, is this normal? Guixian Ren breathed a sigh of relief. If Shen Long could push it, he should have doubted his life.

“How about, should we teach us martial arts this time?” Goku and Kerin stared at the turtle fairy.

I ’m just talking. I did n’t expect you to be able to do it. The turtle immortal is very speechless. He said for a long time, “I have nothing to teach you. In these seven months of training, your eyesight, punches, feet and body are different. The parts and the mind are well trained, as long as these forces are used to life, it is martial arts. “

Seems like this. In the world of “Dragon Ball”, there are no complicated moves in the martial arts novels. The fight is the speed and strength of the reaction. These are the things that these trainings have done before.

“It ’s one month away from the First Martial Arts Association in the world. This month you can replace the turtle shell with forty catties! Oh, you can do it for ten catties. You are still away from participating in the First Martial Arts Association. There is a certain gap. “The turtle immortal threw out several turtle shells.

One month later, the time of the world ’s first martial arts meeting is about to come. Tomorrow Guixianren will take them to Nandu to participate in the competition, and Shen Long is wondering whether to go to the scene to see it?

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