All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 34 - Who am I?

In addition to the educated youths in the train station, there are also military ranks that sent recruits to the army. Shen Long saw Li Yuanchao when he got on the train, and he didn’t know the reason. He dragged him to the army until this time. Maybe he was waiting for his old army. Recruit?

Li Yuanchao is still in that posture, surrounded by a group of diehards and talking in the middle, with a confident smile on his face; Shen Long took a deep look at Li Yuanchao, keeping this face in his heart, he touched his abdomen and shoulders The scars, these two can not suffer in vain.

It’s not the right time to go to the future, and Li Yuanchao will do much more illegal things. Even without this hatred, Shen Long doesn’t want to see him take the hard-earned money of the people to go abroad.

This train car is full of educated youths who are going to line up. These people are either excited about starting a new life, or are sad because they leave the capital. As the train gradually leaves the capital, everyone is enthusiastic whether they know or do n’t know. I chatted with each other and asked each other about the school where they came from, as well as the place to jump in.

Shen Long was not busy with this, he directly held a bag full of chairman badges and ran over to the car to find someone to change, “This classmate, I admire the chairman very much, I want to collect all the chairman badges that can be found to express to the chairman. Admiration, you must satisfy my revolutionary blood! “

This is seen from an online novel. The protagonist of this book exchanged badges with the educated youths on the train going to the queue, and he exchanged them for a large number of special badges that will appreciate in value in the future.

Shen Long also has a lot to learn. He also did his homework. He talked with the dealer who specializes in stamping badges in Panjiayuan for several days. From the mouth of the badge dealers, he learned that there are more than 80,000 kinds of badges for the chairman, and the number exceeds Five hundred million pieces will become modern cultural relics in the future, and the most precious ones are the “Top Ten Famous Chapters” and “Top Ten Chapters”.

The so-called “enclosures” are multiple sets of badges, such as the 34 chairman poems in Shijiazhuang and the nine model dramas in the navy, etc. These “enclosures” are too difficult to collect and he only changes on the train. Arrived a few scattered.

A single “Name Badge” has been changed several times, the Lace Ocean Sailing Eastern Red Badge has been replaced by two, five milestones are smiling like a badge, and the twilight sky is full of Jinsong poetry like a badge … Some can photograph hundreds of thousands of treasures.

Changed the badge in the bag to a clean one, and Shen Long returned to his car. They were not sitting on a passenger car with a seat, but a stuffy tank car with a half-dim lighting hanging from the center of the car. The lights, the educated youths sat directly on their luggage, and the cold wind outside the carriage blew down the gap between the small iron windows …

In this case, if you want to sleep, you can only lean on someone else for a while, because there is no toilet in the car, and you do n’t dare to drink too much water. Every time the train comes to the station, the educated youths will hurry down and squeeze the toilet in the station. The educated youths are better, as long as the toilet can stand down, and the educated youths are guilty. They line their legs with frowns outside the toilet.

Was hungry, took a bite of dry food, and was thirsty. He took a military kettle and sipped it and dared not drink too much. When he was bored, he squeezed to the small window and sucked in two fresh cold winds.

Fortunately, the big guys are young people in sixteen or seven, at most in their early twenties, which can still be carried. Someone will sing and sing songs soon. The revolutionary song of the car became lively.

Shen Long didn’t show the limelight. He leaned on the carriage and closed his eyes to refresh himself; the train speed during this period was very slow. The train they took was estimated to be twenty or thirty kilometers per hour. From the capital to Xi’an, it was 1,200. Many kilometers, plus the parking time in the middle, it took them three days and two nights to reach Shaanxi.

When they got off the bus, the group of people walked floating. When they arrived in Xi’an, the educated youths dispersed. Some had to continue westwards to the northwest to jump in the queue. Some transferred from here to Sichuan, while Shen Long stayed in the area to prepare Go to Northern Shaanxi.

After a night ’s rest in Xi’an, Shen Long and a group of local educated youths squeezed into a large truck heading to northern Shaanxi. A shed was built on the truck to protect them from the wind and rain. Go north.

This is much more uncomfortable than being a train. Many people get sick and vomited without going too far, and the driver does not stop. Those people lie on the edge of the car and vomit down. The car drove all the way and the vomit spilled all the way.

They are going to Jingbian County, which is located on the edge of the Maowusu Desert, and Anbian and Dingbian are also called the three sides. In the Ming Dynasty, Daming ’s army was here to resist the attacks of the Mongols, Tatars, and Wa’aos. This shows how remote this place is.

When the big guy soon vomited all his bile, the car finally arrived at Jingbian County. It was said that the county was actually worse than the town in Shenlong ’s hometown. UU Reading The county had only one street and street Both sides are low-rise houses, and there are only a few concrete houses, either government units or schools.

“Comrades, this is Ma Guiping, the director of the county educated youth resettlement office. Welcome everyone to come to our county to join the queue … everyone eats first and waits for the meal before sending you to the commune.” Not tall, but very lean.

This is Zhong Yuemin’s old guard, right? Shen Long finished the corn paste in two or two, and found Ma Guiping, “Hello Director Ma, I want to ask you personally, this person is my friend, also from Beijing, came a month earlier than me, called Zhong Yuemin, do not know him Going to that commune? “

“Here from Beijing? Zhong Yuemin?” Ma Guiping thought the name was a bit familiar. “I happened to be on a business trip last month. I will look it up for you and come back to me next time you enter the city.”

“Hey, Holler, his dad’s name is Zhong Shanyue, don’t make a mistake.” Shen Long ordered specially.

“What? Zhong Shanyue? The former teacher of Shino?” Ma Guiping stood up immediately. How did the children of his old head arrive at his house, he only knows now.

“Yes, that’s it. His dad didn’t make it clear that he had a problem. Yuemin couldn’t serve as a soldier, so he came to Northern Shaanxi to join the team.” Shen Long said.

Ma Guiping took these things to heart, intending to go back and find out the village where Zhong Yuemin lined up to see him.

After eating, the educated youths from all over the country were divided into several groups and took a cart to their villages. Like the original, Shen Long wanted to join the queue at Baidian Village, Hongwei Commune. There are ten people in his group and seven women. Three men, the other two boys are stealing happy wolves and less meat.

Shen Long looked at the seven girls and scratched their heads. Who is Li Kuiyong’s best friend?

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