All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 35 - Qinling

In the original book, Li Kuiyong told Zhong Yuemin before he died that he had joined the team in Baidian Village in the past few years. He had a good relationship here in Xi’an. The two had been well together for three years. Li Kuiyong was afraid of dragging the girl and finally gritted her teeth. Broke, and someone introduced him to his wife, Wang Shufen, to be considered a family.

It can be seen from Li Kuiyong’s words that he really likes this girl. Shen Long naturally has to find a way to satisfy his desire to find the girl at the beginning, but his inheritance of Li Kuiyong’s memory is only until he was stabbed, and the memory afterwards is completely gone. Ah, does the girl’s name appear in the book, how should I find it?

Shenlong was a little bit blind, and even if she did n’t marry Wang Shufen, it should be helpful to her family, but the name Shufen is too common, and Wang is the surname, I am afraid it is not easy to find?

With hope in case, Shen Long said, “Students, we are going to pour a spoon in a pot in the future. Let’s get to know each other first? Let me introduce myself first. My name is Li Kuiyong, I came from Beijing . “

“My name is Hu Jianjun, I came from Xi’an.” Many people called Jianjun this year, but this guy didn’t come from Beijing, otherwise Shen Long would ask him to borrow the “Sixteen Character Yin Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique” Looked at it.

“Jiang Shao’an, also from Xi’an, I am from the Fourth Middle School, your school?”

“I’m in Iron One.”

After the introduction of the two boys, a handsome girl with a slender figure opened her mouth generously. “My name is Qinling, I came from Beijing, but my hometown is Guanzhong.”

No wonder that Zhong Yuemin can be fascinated like this. This girl looks so beautiful. Even Shen Long, who has seen more beauties, couldn’t help but look twice.

The remaining six sisters introduced themselves one by one. Sun Xiaoxia, Jin Hongmei, Liu Weihong, Liu Ying, Wang Liping, and Zhao Hongxia all came from Xi’an, so Shen Long’s plan to find Li Kuiyong from his native place fell short of hope.

“Co-authors, you all came from Xi’an? Just the two of us are from Beijing?” What should we do now? Shen Long looked at each other one by one, and he could be sure that Qinling was not, and the remaining six looked like and didn’t look like that.

“Most of our group is from our own province, and the wave that came from Beijing left last month.” Jiang Shaoan was well-informed. Hearing this, Shen Long understood a little bit. He was late for a month because of an injury. I had to follow the educated youth of our province.

“Then we know each other, we will help each other in the future.” Yes, this is no way. We are different from Li Kuiyong’s temperament, and the girls we can attract are different. I’m afraid it is difficult to catch up with him. Then, see if you can find Wang Shufen. Shen Long took out a bag of large front doors and opened them to Jiang Shaoan, Hu Jianjun and Baidian Village to pick up his secretary Bai Mingchuan.

“Yo, big front door, it’s a good smoke.” Bai Mingchuan didn’t want to smoke, sniffed his nostrils twice and caught it in his ear, and lit his dry tobacco bag.

“Secretary Bai, let me ask what is happening in our Baidian Village? Are all of them surnamed Bai?” As soon as he opened his mouth, he asked Wang Shufen to be too abrupt, so he had to knock on the side.

“Not all, Baidian Village Bai is the surname, but there are Wang surname and Tian surname. If it is put in the entire commune, the surname Wang is the largest. At least half of the children in the Hongwei Commune are surnamed Wang.” Bai Mingchuan said, smoking a cigarette bag .

Completely finished, not only can not find each other, his wife is gone! The commune is equivalent to the townships of later generations. A township has a few thousand and as many as tens of thousands of people, half of whom are surnamed Wang. Wang Shufen is definitely indispensable. There is no way to find it.

On the way, I didn’t meet the young couple who returned to my family, and Bai Mingchuan didn’t sing the Xintianyou. The cart creaked and returned to Baidian Village. Welcome the educated youth’s meeting. Bai Mingchuan drove the cart to their residence.

Like Zhong Yuemin, Baidian Village arranged for the educated youths two abandoned cave dwellings by the village. The village helped repair it and managed to live there; now the village is not rich, and there is really no money for them to overhaul.

Shen Long had been mentally prepared for a long time. Hu Jianjun and Jiang Shaoan didn’t think so much. They pointed to the cave and talked about the chairman’s days in Yan’an.

Leaving the slightly better cave for the girls, Shen Long took them to unload things from the cart. He was strong and strong looking for big luggage to move. Hu Jianjun was not willing to be outdone. He lifted Shen Long ’s box and left, almost Was taken staggered.

“Kui Yong, what are you carrying, what is this heavy?” Hu Jianjun rubbed his shoulders.

“It’s all books, there are some chair badges, let me come!” Shen Long slipped up with one hand, and he also lifted Hu Jianjun’s box, and easily sent it to the cave.

“Books? What kind of books are there? Can I borrow them to read?” Qin Ling asked as soon as he heard the book.

“Most of them are books on mathematics, physics and chemistry ~ ~ There are also some books on agriculture and industry. There are also several novels. I want to read them for a while and don’t break them.” Shen Long replied casually. Tao, he knows that Qin Ling is a girl who loves to read books. When he first met Zhong Yuemin, he chatted with him all these foreign novels such as “On the Road”, “The Catcher in the Wheat Field”, “Climbing Up”, and “Train Tickets with Stars”. In the words of the future, Qinling is a young literary girl.

“You just came, let’s take a break for two days, and then I will arrange the task for you.” The car was empty, Bai Mingchuan patted his **** and left, and the educated youths huddled in the cave of the boys to start discussing their future life.

“Baizhishu let us rest for two days, but we can’t take it seriously, if tomorrow is okay, let’s go to Baizhishu to work, just come and give a good impression to the fellow, if they make us feel that we are squeamish “Look at nobody speaking, Shen Long spoke first.” Also, I heard that there is not enough food here. Every time the food is cut off, the villagers go out to beg together. We have to prepare in advance and try to save food as much as possible. “

“No? Isn’t the county asking the village to give us food?” Sun Xiaoxia asked.

“You have seen exactly what happened in this village, just a few bits and pieces of land, not watered, how much food can be collected in a year? It is difficult to supply the village, and it is not enough to fill our ten mouths. I ate. “Zhong Yuemin was out of food there, and they probably wouldn’t feel better here.

“So, in order to save food, let’s have a meal together, who of you can cook?” Cooking big pot rice can not only save food, but also save firewood. At the edge of the desert, firewood is also scarce.

There are a lot of girls who can cook, and the boys are Shen Long. “So, let me do it for them first, let them learn slowly!”

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