All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 37 - Not exactly the same

Zhong Yuemin stayed in the Shichuan Village of Tucheng Commune for a short time before leaving the army. Li Kuiyong stayed in Baidian Village until 74 years before entering the city as a worker. Shen Long ’s goal was the college entrance examination. He did not plan to recruit workers. It takes only 77 years in Baidian Village to go back. For such a long period of time, it is a waste of nothing to do something.

Before crossing, he studied the situation of Jingbian County very much. He personally came to Jingbian for a few days. He also asked some experts to talk about the changes in Jingbian County in the future and sorted out several ways to change the status of the village. It ’s just that I ’ve just arrived first, I ’m not familiar with the situation in the village, and I have n’t got the full support of the villagers. Many big actions ca n’t be carried out, so I ’ll start with the simplest; support him.

Paying attention to education is in the heart of the Chinese people, and Bai Mingchuan was moved when he heard it.

“I’m better when I’m there. I still have some energy to help the village. But the female educated youths are different. So many people can’t use laundry alone to cook. It’s better to let them teach. “Shen Long added that he knew that Bai Mingchuan would not be willing to let go of such a strong labor that he could earn points, so he gave the school to the girls.

“Well, in fact, we are most worried about the teacher. Since you are willing to help, I will find a way to repair the cave.” Bai Mingchuan agreed.

Shen Long took the lead. The village sent a few more people to fix the cave in less time. Although there are still some gaps, at least you do n’t have to worry about collapse; the seven girls are also divided into two groups to take turns to teach the children. Burning fire and cooking are much better, these girls are very grateful to Shen Long.

With the classrooms in place, some teaching aids are needed. These villages do not have them. They need to go to the city to buy them. Bai Mingchuan doesn’t know what to buy. This responsibility naturally falls on Shen Long.

“Sometimes it’s easy to go to the city, what are you going to buy? I’ll help you take it, oh, yes, the girl’s side will also arrange a representative to go with me. I’m afraid I can’t bring so many things alone. There are some things for girls that are not convenient for men to buy on their behalf, Shen Long made an excuse and said.

The last person who went with him to the county town was Qinling. Qinling secretly looked at him behind Shen Long. She naturally understood why Shen Long was called a girl. Shen Long ’s carefulness surprised her again. How much is this man hiding Something?

The two set off early in the morning and happened to encounter a tractor entering the city on the road. Shen Long said a few good words and took a free ride. It wasn’t until noon to finish things in the city.

The two went to the Educated Youth Office together to find Ma Guiping. As expected, Zhong Yuemin was still assigned to Shichuan Village of Tucheng Commune. Thanks to Ma Guiping from the Educated Youth Office, Shen Long asked, “I want to go to Shichuan Village to see my friends. You see you are in The county will go around again, or will I find someone to take you back? “

“Let’s go with you.” Qinling grew up in Xi’an City, and the county town had nothing to see in her eyes. Instead, she was more interested in Shen Long and was naturally happy to be alone with him for a while.

“I went to Shichuan Village for dozens of miles, and I might spend the night there at night.” Shen Long reminded that Qin Ling didn’t care either. The two found an acquaintance who worked in the commune on the street and asked him to go back and say something to the village. , Rushed to Ishikawa Village after eating something.

Along the way, the Loess Plateau was eroded by the long-term strong water, gradually forming a special natural landscape with thousands of gullies and fragmented terrain. The sparse Lala villages were scattered in a slightly flat place, and there was not much people to see for a long time.

After walking for a long time, it is inevitable that it will be boring. Shen Long and Qin Ling put together, “It seems that I heard you singing in the morning, what song is it? Very nice.”

Qin Ling did not speak, and sang directly, “I have prepared the sacks of money for you, I brought spiritual animals for you, I opened the squeaky back door for you, I ignited the starry sky for you, I let you kiss Put your mouth up, I think you smile and shed tears … I do n’t think it ’s embarrassing, I ’m not ashamed, my brother, you take me away … “

Shen Long gradually shook his voice with a clear voice. This voice is definitely professional and highly contagious. In addition, since coming to this world, Shen Long has often heard revolutionary songs. At first glance This folk song that sings love is unconsciously completely attracted by the singing.

It wasn’t until Qin Ling finished singing that he praised, “The ancients have clouds, and they have been around the beam for three days. I didn’t know what it means today! Who sings professionally enough, and who learned it?”

I do n’t know why. After hearing Shen Long ’s praise, Qin Ling was very happy. “I learned from my mother. She is an actor of the National Song and Dance Troupe. She specializes in singing folk songs in northern Shaanxi. I have heard it since I was a child.”

“After listening to your song, I can’t thank you. I’ll sing you a song too!” Shen Long also liked to howl his voice in ktv before. He heard Qin Ling’s song and he became addicted. He cleared his throat and sang aloud. Get up,

“My family lives on a high **** of the loess, and the wind blows over the slope,

Whether it is northwest wind or southeast wind, it is my song, my song.

My family lives on a high **** of the loess, and the sun walks over the slope,

I drew my arms in the cave, and my cow followed me.

No matter how many years have passed, my grandparents have left me,

Leaving me endlessly singing songs, and the Yellow River around me.

My family lives on a high **** of the loess, and the four seasons wind blows over the slope,

Whether it is 800 years or 10,000 years, it is my song. “

Unlike the softness of Qin Ling’s “Screaming Brother You Take Me Away”, this “Loess Gaopo” is rude and full of passion. Shen Long’s broken voice not only does not weaken the charm of the song, but just like the eyes. The loess plateau is average, and there are thousands of ravines but magnificent and magnificent ~ ~ Hahahaha, you are a capital city, when did the loess Gaopo become your home! Qin Ling laughed, his voice as crisp as a lark.

After laughing, Qin Ling frowned seriously and thought about it, “This song is not like the folk songs in northern Shaanxi, but it has some shadows of modern music, and I have never heard it. Have you heard it from there?”

“Huangtu Gaopo” was written by the famous writer Chen Zhe in 87 years when he was collecting wind in the countryside in the northwest of the mountain, and then composed by the song writer Su Yue. Zhang Jinglin’s first sing, and in the future, Fan Linlin, Tian Zhen, Hang Tianqi and other bold female singers all became famous or awarded with this song.

“You are indeed the first listener to hear this song.” Shen Long smiled and Qin Ling asked him again but refused to say more.

When I arrived at Shichuan Village, I found Zhong Yuemin successfully. My old friend was naturally happy to visit Zhong Yuemin, especially because he also brought such a beautiful girl. However, what made Zhong Yuemin depressed was that Qin Ling did not seem interested in him.

Shen Long is also stupid, what happened? Are these two gone?


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