All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 54 - chance encounter

Within a few days back to Beijing, the time for the opening of Shuimu University and Wuqi Art University came. Shen Long and Qin Ling came to the school to report and met their teachers and classmates.

They are already 21 this year. From a future perspective, it seems that it is a little late to enter the university at this age, but at this time it is normal.

In the computer class of Shuimu University, there are all kinds of classmates, from the educational level, there are old college students who have studied in the College of Surveying and Mapping, there are senior high school students from Beijing City No. 4 Middle School, Beijing City Normal University Affiliated Middle School, there are also Students who have only studied in elementary school; professionally, there are officers and soldiers of the PLA, factory workers, staff of the Academy of Sciences, rural youth, young people who jump in line, etc .; from the family, there are marshal’s sons and herdsmen’s daughters.

These are not the most exaggerated. What’s more terrible is that many of these people don’t know anything about computers, and some even have primary school education, but it’s no wonder that they should be in better conditions and better. He studied in Central China, but he lost his golden years in sports.

The Wuqi Art University where Qin Ling is located is similar. She only recruited 17 workers, peasants and soldiers in this session, including 5 violin majors, 4 cello majors, 1 piano major, 7 composers, and Qin Ling is a violinist. She is still better in majoring, and often practiced violin in northern Shaanxi, but many other students have never touched these instruments before.

Many of these students are beyond the age of high school. Twenty-one years old is a middle age, not conspicuous at all; just during the registration process, Shen Long obviously can feel that there are still many of these students. Factions.

Shen Long had no intention of mixing these things. When he met a classmate who had a good knowledge reserve, he talked to mathematics with others. When he came from a remote area, he talked to others about water conservancy and farming. A piece.

Even in such times, there are still a number of outstanding scientists doing scientific research work at Shuimu University, such as Zhu Jiawei, Wang Kehong, Fan Zhaokun, Yu Shumei, Shi Meilin, Zhang Jiayi, etc. Many of them will become successful in the future. With the authority of the national computer field, Shen Long is very happy to learn from those who can only look up to in the future.

In a special period, there is definitely no way to attend classes 24 hours a day like later generations, except that most of the hours are still enrolled in education, political reports, political discussions, large-scale criticism, rehearsal performances, celebrations, camping, digging shelters, digging trees , Digging rivers and clearing mud, cleaning up warehouses, welcoming foreign guests, watching internal movies, etc.

When studying, those students with better knowledge reserve hold their heads high and use the breaks to talk to the teacher. Those students with poor skills do not dare to talk easily. They just hold the pen tightly and write what the teacher writes and says. All words are carefully recorded in the notebook. This correct attitude also brought them huge profits; when they graduated, they gradually caught up, and many people have become experts in the field of computers from farmers and herders.

And when it came time to practice labor, it was the turn of the students in the city to complain. The students from the rural areas and factories shook off their shirts one by one, where they regained their confidence.

Shen Long is a rare student who can spontaneously use both in the classroom and outdoors, plus his enthusiasm and willingness to help others, he quickly won the recognition of various groups.

In addition to enjoying prestige among students, the teachers of Shuimu University also have a good impression of him. Some teachers even invited him to join his research project. Shen Long was originally studying computer, and he is very clear about the history of computer development. In addition to the special research on the problems faced by the computer field in this era before coming, it was like a fish in this occasion, and quickly helped the teacher solve several key problems.

Especially in the development process of the earliest integrated circuit computer in China, the 724 type integrated circuit computer, his contribution greatly saved the research and development time of the project team and won the key praise of the superior.

When the school was happy, Shen Long took a few days off and let him go home to rest for a few days. On the other side of Qinling, all teachers and students went to the suburbs when they first entered school. Due to the unanimous opposition of teachers and students, the campus moved back from the suburb In the urban area, the two of them finally had time to meet.

“My mother has gone out to perform outside these days, so stay with me at night!” The two haven’t seen each other for a long time, and Qin Ling’s eyes are watery.

“Okay, just when I went home, the house was pretty good, there was nothing to miss; let’s go to Lao Mo for a meal, pad our stomach, and then go to your house.” Shen Long decided to treat herself.

The two people took the bus from the school in Qinling to the Moscow restaurant at 135 Xizhimenwai Avenue. UU read books www. ordered special dishes like canned beef stew, grilled fish with cream, foie gras, etc., and enjoyed it deliciously.

“I haven’t eaten such delicious food in a long time.” Qin Ling enjoyed it happily. She still pays attention to the quality of life when conditions permit. “But it still hasn’t been delicious.”

“No problem, Minger, I will get up early and go buy some vegetables. Let’s cook at home.” Since returning to Beijing, Shen Long hasn’t been in the kitchen personally. It’s really a bit itchy.

When they were discussing what to change tomorrow, they saw Zheng Tong, Zhou Xiaobai, Jiang Biyun, and Yuan Jun coming in. They also saw Shen Long and Qin Ling.

Jiang Biyun came over in surprise, “You are here too? I also said that I went to see you that day, but I didn’t expect to meet here.”

“Just when the school is on holiday, just come out and go. Are you back here to visit relatives?” Since they met and ate together, Shen Long and Qin Ling moved their seats and let them sit down.

Zheng Tong felt a little uncomfortable when he heard this, and he wanted to go to university. Chang Gui did not recommend him. Now that Shen Long and Qin Ling have both enjoyed university life, he feels a little uncomfortable.

Zhou Xiaobai looked at Qin Ling curiously, woman, do you inevitably make a comparison when she is almost as beautiful as herself, and then look at her intimacy with Shen Long, she is not only a little puzzled, why is such a beautiful and temperament girl Got him?

But as time goes by, Zhou Xiaobai has to admit that although this man is a little inconspicuous in appearance, his temperament is absolutely the best choice, and is definitely worthy of Qinling.

“Yo, a few brothers are here, hurry up, who will help me go to the door to hand over my car to save money.” Zhong Yuemin appeared in a white, worn-out military uniform.

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