All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 56 - Time flies

Everyone reunited, sitting in the cave of the educated youth, remembering all the emotions in the past, Shen Long once again told them not to give up studying, maybe the opportunity will come soon.

During the time of teaching, he took time to see Zheng Tong and Jiang Biyun together with Qin Ling. The two of them are now teachers at the local school, and their lives are much better than before. Shen Long brought them some books. So that the two of them can borrow books to pass the boring time.

In the next few years, Shen Long will return to Baidian Village every summer vacation to teach the outside world to local children, and at the same time urge Jiang Shaoan and Hu Jianjun to study hard.

When the college entrance examination was resumed in 1977, almost all the educated youths in Baidian Village signed up to participate. Li Kuiyuan, Li Kuiyang, Li Kuiying, Li Dani, and Li Erni also returned to Beijing from all over the country to prepare for the exam.

Before the exam, Shen Long wrote a letter to Jiang Shaoan and Zheng Tong. They asked for leave and stayed at home to do the final sprint training for these younger siblings. During the period, he mixed some college entrance examination questions into the example questions and told them again. .

This hard work was not in vain. When the exam started, Jiang Shaoan, Hu Jianjun, and Li Dani were surprised to find that many questions on the test paper seemed familiar, and many types of questions were seen in the “Self-study Textbook of Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry,” and the most changed. The data is just that they answered it handy.

The results of the examination were revealed. Eight educated youths in Baidian Village except Shenlong and Qinling were admitted to five, Zheng Tong was admitted to the Department of History at Yanjing University, Jiang Biyun was admitted to Beijing Normal University, and three Lijia brothers and sisters were admitted to three Li Kuiyuan and Li Kuiyang have been so deserted these years, and because they do n’t like to study, they did n’t pass the exam; this ratio has been surprising in this era.

It should be known that 5.7 million people across the country signed up for the college entrance examination this year, and only 270,000 people were admitted. The admission rate was only 4.7%. In 2018, Shenlong passed through, the national average admission rate exceeded Eighty percent … the difficulty can be imagined.

After the notice came down, Nanheng Street was boiling. Whether they knew it or not, they all rushed to the Li Family to congratulate them. Some of them felt that they had a light on their faces when they were admitted to the university. Some of them wanted to have a good relationship in advance. , More is to ask them if they have any test secrets.

Li Kuiyong ’s mother looked at a letter of enrollment and burst into tears. She knew that with these, her few children would be able to serve the country ’s iron rice bowl, and it was still a very beautiful job. The Li family could finally turn over Too.

Thinking of Li Kuiyuan and Li Kuiyang did not enter the university, she began to regret why she did not discipline them hard. Li Kuiyuan and Li Kuiyang also dragged their heads and felt that their faces were dull.

“Don’t worry about the two of you, read at home for another year, and try to get into the exam next year!” Shen Long reassured that the 77-year college entrance examination and the 78-year college entrance examination are only half a year away. They still have a chance, if they wait until 79 In 2014, the other candidates had sufficient time to prepare, and the hopes of the two of them were not high.

Shen Long was able to give them the exam questions and let them remember them, but these guys have known a lot of friends in these years, and it would be bad if they were bragging in the future and even leaking the questions before the exam. However, it is necessary to go to prison; and if you do not study hard enough, you may be expelled even if you mix in.

Also, the policy will become more and more open in the future, and even if you fail to enter the university, it does not mean that there is no way out.

After the school started, Li Kuiying, Li Dani and Li Erni went to school happily. The three of them are in the Beijing school, and they can often see them.

At this time, Shen Long and Qin Ling both became teachers of their respective universities. Shen Long taught at the Computer Department of Shuimu University, and Qin Ling worked as a violin teacher at the Central Conservatory of Music. By the way, he studied professional courses such as vocal music. The schools have restored their original names.

The 78-year college entrance examination began, and those who did not pass the Baidian Village successfully entered the university. Li Kuiyuan and Li Kuiyang fell into the list again, but the hard work of the past six months has severely polished their temperament, and both of them have become stable. Many things that were not suitable for them can also be left to them.

With plans, he didn’t start acting immediately. Shen Long spent another year teaching them how to cook. The two of them did not do well in cultural classes, but their ability to do so was not ordinary, and they were willing to work hard.

By the year 79, the cooking skills of the two of them had been very good, and at this time, the famous economist Xue Muqiao proposed that young people returning to the city should be encouraged to find employment, restore snacks, small stalls, etc .; this view It was quickly recognized and a pilot was launched in Beijing.

The hard-working skills of Li Kuiyuan and Li Kuiyang finally have a place to use ~ ~ Shen Long helped them get the storefront, completed the formalities, and the snack point opened smoothly.

The skills taught by Shen Long made the customers rave, and the snack bar was crowded every day. When the first month ended, everyone closed the door to check the accounts. The profits made Li Kuiyuan and Li Kuiyang dumbfounded. They did n’t think they could Make so much money …

“How much is this? The policy is still tight for the past two years. You should continue to open the store. There are many opportunities for real money after two years; by the way, you will learn Japanese for me in the past two years.” The real meaning of the child is not how much money can be made, but that these two brothers can finally get rid of the embarrassment.

It took another two years. When it was 81 years, Shen Long asked Li Kuiyuan and Li Kuiyang to take down the overseas sales rights of Zhang Guang 101 hair regenerative essence. This product was promoted to Japan and became a great success. After the war, the Japanese were under great pressure to work. The hair loss situation is very serious. Zhangguang 101 just met the market demand and soon became a household name. In the next few years, this product earned them a lot of money. Li Kuiyuan was even received by the Japanese Prime Minister Toshiki Haibu Put the limelight.

This was originally the opportunity of Li Xiaohua, China’s first millionaire, but now Li Kuiyuan has taken the lead.

At this time, Shen Long had finished his Ph.D. and became the backbone of the computer department of Shuimu University. Not only did he lead the team to make breakthroughs to fill the gaps in the country, but also published many articles in foreign journals, which won unanimous praise from the international computer community.

On this day, he and Qin Ling packed up and prepared to watch the Louvre Tibetan painting exhibition. They are already rich now. However, due to policy reasons, it is still more difficult to go abroad privately, and there are not many opportunities to appreciate foreign art works. .

Arrived at the exhibition hall, the two soon met two acquaintances.

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