All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 58 - Youth Song

I have n’t seen it in a few years, and Ning Wei has grown a lot. He wore a clean military uniform and no signs of injury. This made Shen Long feel relieved. It seems that the task was completed smoothly, and the thing that caused him to retire occur.

He took him to his restaurant to sit down in the box, let Li Kuiyuan make some special dishes, the two chatted while drinking, Ning Wei talked about his task some time ago, “They followed Zhong Yuemin some time ago they performed A secret mission, this mission is very dangerous, but fortunately, the skills you taught me, finally retreated. “

Hearing that Ning Wei said that he didn’t come back safely. He also saved several comrades. Wu Mandun, who was sacrificed in the original, also survived. After the action, he summarized according to the convention. Ning Wei gained second-class merits for his key performance and saving people. , An improvement over the third-class merit in the original book.

Ning Wei said shyly, “Because of this operation and my previous performance in the military area, some leaders interviewed me a while ago and talked to me about the special forces. I remember you told me before Those who spoke to the leader, the leader was surprised, invited me to join on the spot, I agreed. “

“Company Zhong … Oh, it’s already the deputy battalion commander, and it didn’t stop me. When the relatives return this time, I will report to the new army …” Ning Wei did not disclose the information of the new army. The reason is confidential.

However, Shen Long can also guess that this unit is definitely unusual. The reconnaissance battalion where Zhong Yuemin was in the original book changed the special forces in the future, but Ning Wei left now, which shows that this unit is definitely not a general special force. The entire military region dispatched senior special forces formed by elites.

“That’s good, you are born to do this material. Before we leave, let’s get together again. I will think about the special forces in these two days. Then I will tell you well.” Shen Long rested and entered. Special forces, Ning Wei will probably be in the army for a lifetime, and he finally has the right destination.

In a blink of an eye, it was 1984. In the past few years, Shen Long and Qin Ling had one more son. Qin Ling didn’t have a cold for having a baby. But after she saw the children of Zheng Tong and Jiang Biyun, Qin Ling ‘S motherhood was finally awakened, and soon she and Shen Long asked for their child.

This is a boy who inherited his mother’s outstanding appearance. She looks very white and tender and very cute. Li Kuiyong’s mother is distressed. Several uncles and aunts came to see him as soon as possible. Eighty-eight, there are so many elders who are distressed, this kid can’t be like Haidian Silver Gun.

It didn’t take much effort to get the name, just call Li Qin well. I used the names of Li Kuiyong and Qin Ling. The big guy knew they were their children.

After giving birth to the children, Li Kuiyong and Qin Ling ’s mother took care of them. Qin Ling ’s mother is now retired. The two elderly people also have something to do. They can also continue to work on their careers.

Shen Long has now been promoted to a professor, and Qin Ling has also ushered in a new opportunity. She has always liked to sing, and she also studied with a vocal professor during the school, but because the university studies violin, she can only teach in the school Students, occasionally go to perform.

In March this year, the National Television Conference was held at the Jingxi Hotel. At the meeting, it was proposed that the National Television Singer Youth Grand Prix be held, which was unanimously approved by the participants.

After more than a month of preparations, the first Youth Song Contest was officially held in May. First, various local stations will conduct the primary selection. The players who break out will come to CCTV for the finals in November.

Now Qinling has advanced to the first round of the Beijing TV station, and is having a headache for the rematch. “My voice is still not very suitable for” Loess Gaopo “. I can pass this song in the first round. I do n’t know what song to choose. “

“After all, is it the capital of Beijing, focusing on the best singers in the country, you let me think about it, what songs are suitable for you …” Shen Long thought about it.

At this time, a picture of the Chinese women ’s volleyball team actively preparing for the Los Angeles Olympics appeared on the TV. Shen Long immediately remembered a song that was very suitable for this era. He picked up a pen and wrote it quickly, maybe it was the role of the Shenlong system. After coming to this world for so many years, the memory of the future is still clear, and the lyrics will be written soon.

“The lyrics are here, I will hum the song first, and then you can find a way to write it, and then we will slowly revise it.” Qin Ling can get it done by writing music scores based on tune scores.

Shen Long humming, Qin Ling sat there quietly, looking at him with a smile on her left hand with a cheek in her left hand, her eyes full of tenderness, but the man always surprises her whenever she needs it, which has been the case for so many years.

This song did not disappoint her. Both the lyrics and the tunes are the best choice. Although from a professional point of view, Shen Long ’s humming is not very good ~ ~ but it is enough for Qinling to appreciate To the charm of this song.

“Very good song, also very suitable for girls in the women’s volleyball team. At this time I sing this song. Without rap skills, I can reach the finals with this song alone.” At the end of the song, Qin Ling applauded.

Isn’t it a victory to take this song to compete with other players? This idea was thrown aside by Qin Ling as soon as it came out. She also had confidence in her singing skills. She hanged her throat every day in northern Shaanxi. She has not interrupted her practice in recent years. Her talent and effort are worth it. This result.

It took a few days to write the music score, then arrange the composition, and then handed over the music to the organizer, so that they can rehearse the soundtrack in advance, and the time for the official competition came.

Shen Long drove Qinling to the studio of Jingcheng TV Station. This car was hung under the name of Li Kuiyuan, but he has been using it all the time.

Among the contestants who arrived today, Shen Long saw many famous singers in the future, such as the singers Guan Mucun and Yin Xiumei who have repeatedly appeared on the Spring Festival Gala stage. Coincidentally, they are also students of the Central Conservatory of Music. Yin Xiumei graduated last year. And Guan Mucun has just entered school this year; the apprenticeship competition is also a story.

The semi-finals officially started. Yin Xiumei and Guan Mucun appeared before Qinling and got a good score, but this did not bring much pressure to Qinling.

Qin Ling walked generously to the center of the stage, picked up the microphone, and reported the song he sang, “Next this” Cheng Chong Rose “is given to the girls of the women’s volleyball team, hoping that they will achieve good results in the Los Angeles Olympics …”

There was a little commotion among the judges. They never heard this song. Singing new songs on this occasion, this contestant named Qin Ling is a little too bold?

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