All My Disciples Are Kings

Chapter 1189: Killing chickens to scare monkeys

Xiao Hei is originally a demon lord. In this star field where the strong are respected, Xiao Hei also knows how to tame his subordinates.

When the thirty-six people present felt the aura coming from Xiao Hei and looked at his eyes, they felt an inexplicable sense of awe and fear in their hearts!

Hear Xiao Hei say calmly: "I know you don't obey me. Of course, I don't necessarily want you to obey me. It's just that those who don't obey can't continue to stay in my tent."

“Of course, after being kicked out of the camp by this commander, do you think any other commander will be willing to accept him?”

 Below, Anqiu was also standing there, his face slightly solemn after hearing these words.

Even if he is very talented, but he is expelled from the camp because of disobedience, other commanders will not accept him!

Although the Forbidden Army needs people with strong talent and strength, what is more needed is to obey orders instead of rebelling against the commander all day long!

 At that time, the result waiting for them is to leave the Demon King's Forbidden Army...

However, a subordinate named Wang Yuanbai stiffened his neck and said: "Then you have the ability to expel us all! Everyone has been expelled. As the commander, you will definitely be held accountable by the superiors, right?"

Hearing this, the others also nodded.

 Xiao Hei did not speak, but walked up to Anqiu and said, "The more you practice your dragon claws, will you feel a heart-breaking pain in your fingers and arms?"

Anqiu’s eyes froze, and then he nodded quickly: “Yes!”

Even Le Xun, who was in the rear, was stunned when he heard this.

 He also had the same condition, but he had been using elixirs to repair his arms for many years, which made his arms feel better. Normally, if you can't use Dragon's Claw, you won't use it.

“Listen well to me. Although the elixir has been used to suppress the hidden diseases caused by improper cultivation of Dragon Claws, they will accumulate and explode in the future!”

“By then, both of your arms will be completely lost.”

 Necrosis of the meridians and nerves.

 Even if it is reshaped with some kind of magical medicine, it is impossible to return to the state of its heyday, which is fatal to body practitioners.

 “How did you know?” Le Xun’s face was solemn.

 How can I not know what I created?

Xiao Hei said calmly: "You'll know just by looking at it." Then he turned his attention to Anqiu and said: "It's very simple to be completely cured. Don't use the Dragon's Claw again in the past two years, and then use the Black Flame The fire pill tempers the arm and uses the fire poison to completely eliminate the hidden disease in the arm."

Black Flame Fire Pill is a top-quality pill for those who practice the Way of Fire, but it is extremely poisonous to others!

 Because the fire poison contained in it cannot be tolerated by non-fire cultivation!

"It just so happens that I have one right here. You can try to see if what I said is right." Xiao Hei threw out a black elixir that was like a clay pill.

 Anqiu took it and just put it in his palm, and he felt the intense fire poison rushing into his palm!

 Believe it or not?

Anqiu raised his head and looked at Xiao Hei anxiously, when he looked at Xiao Hei's indifferent expression.

He thought to himself that there was no need for the other party to frame him, not to mention... he was just a **** he used to win over others. Once he failed... Kuroki would have little chance of gaining the trust of his subordinates.

Thinking of this, Anqiu rolled his throat, then threw the Black Flame Pill directly into his mouth and swallowed it hard!

When it rolls into the throat, it seems that it is not a pill that enters the body, but a blazing fire rushing in!

Xiao Hei said calmly: "Force the fire poison to your arm."

Anqiu did as he was told.

His face was also extremely pale, and big beads of sweat kept rolling down!

 The whole arm seems to be burned!

 According to Xiao Hei, after persisting for half a day.

 The effect of the Black Flame Pill gradually disappeared.

Anqiu also panted and half-knelt on the ground.

 Someone on the side asked carefully: "How's it going, Anqiu? Is it effective?"

Anqiu had a surprised look on his face. He ignored this person, but looked at Xiao Hei and said, "Thank you, Commander Heimu, for your guidance!"

 He could clearly feel that although the condition in his arm was not completely cured yet, it had improved somewhat!

 Anqiu's words shocked everyone present.

 This is something that even Commander Lexun cannot solve!

And it sounds like Anqiu has recognized Heimu as their new leader!

At this time, Le Xun also asked: "Commander Heimu, how should we solve the fire poison precipitation of the Black Flame Fire Pill?" Xiao Hei turned back to the camp, stood still and replied: "It's very simple, practice dragon training When using the claws, a large amount of energy needs to be released, so after exposure to the dark disease, then practicing the dragon claws can remove the fire poison."

Le Xun was suddenly stunned and quickly bowed and said, "Thank you, Commander Heimu, for your advice."

Xiao Hei glanced at Le Xun in surprise.

 It seems that he is ready to surrender to himself.

 Otherwise, there is no need to ask about this kind of thing in person, and to say thank you so solemnly in front of other people.

After all, Le Xun has been practicing Dragon Claw for a long time, so he naturally knows what will happen when practicing Dragon Claw. Since he asked this question, he actually already has the answer in his mind.

Although I don’t know why, Xiao Hei still accepted it happily.

 This actually saved him a lot of time.

At this time, Xiao Hei said at the right time: "As long as everyone here is willing to stay, you can ask me about cultivation problems now. As long as I can solve them, I will solve them."

"Those who didn't come, if they still want to stay in the camp, they need to complete the task and redeem the reward based on the completion of the task."

The voice was deliberately amplified, and all the subordinates in the camp heard these words!

 For a moment, the subordinates who did not come were stunned, and then immediately ran in the direction of the commander's camp.

When they arrived, they saw something unbelievable.

Thirty-six subordinates, including Le Xun and Shu Ming, knelt on one knee and shouted at Xiao Hei: "I have seen Commander Heimu!"

 After seeing Anqiu and Le Xun, commanders recognized Heimu.

 Coupled with the abilities displayed by Commander Blackwood.

 They don’t want to get involved anymore.

 The other people who came were also surprised and didn't know what happened.

Didn’t everyone say they would not recognize Heimu?

How long did it take before you changed your mind?

And Commander Le Xun personally admitted it?

After hearing the explanations from the people present, they finally understood and regretted why they had to maintain their **** pride.

 Who here doesn’t want to become stronger? !

Suddenly, Xiao Hei turned his head and looked at Wang Yuanbai, and said in a cold voice: "Of course, due to the disrespect of some subordinates towards my commander, I will not kill you, but you will inevitably be punished with death and you will not be able to escape the punishment alive. Please leave Heimu Camp."

Wang Yuanbai’s expression turned pale.

 Kill the chicken to scare the monkeys, he is the chicken.

 But who got himself into trouble? Did his career in the Demon King's Imperial Army come to an end?

Wang Yuanbai had no choice but to leave.

 And Xiao Hei also won the confidence of the other subordinates as quickly as possible!

the other side.

 “Is your identity okay?”

“Reporting to the Commander-in-Chief, there is indeed no problem.”

In the darkness, the commander narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a cold voice: "No problem is the biggest problem. Let's see if Commander Blackwood can complete this first task after becoming the commander..."


PS: There is only one chapter today, sorry, I will add three chapters tomorrow (this chapter is over)

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