All People: God-Level Enchanter, The Country Takes Me To Level Up

Chapter 40

Chapter 40: Make A Jammer, A Bold Idea! (Ask For Tickets And Flowers)

There are general-purpose and applicable types of jammers.

The former targets all types of enchantment effects.

The latter has a wide variety, covering all occupations of the five major systems.

Such as magic interference launcher, ability interference launcher and so on.

The general-purpose effect is not as targeted as the applicable type.

However, Zhao Xing is only practicing his hands for the time being, so he found general-purpose materials first.

“Energy interference chip 1, magic compressor 1.”

These two things are dropped in each dungeon.

“Directional device 1, radioactive source 1.”

Dungeons drop materials, and these two are also some jobs in the mechanical department, which will be used when making self-made equipment.

“Magic Crystal, Radiant Crystal, Ethereal Essence, Tough Dust, Sand, Magic Dissolve…”

Most of them are common materials in the magic system, and most of them need to use material fusion skills for deployment.

There are more than 20 kinds of materials to be used in total.

This is just to make a generic version.

The more targeted adaptation version is more complicated.

The materials used are also more demanding.

everything’s ready.

Activated with the skill created by the primary enchanting tool.

Soon a white cylinder shaped like a handheld flashlight appeared in front of Zhao Xing.

However, at the top of the cylinder, there is a concave surface similar to an antenna.

Zhao Xing checked the properties.

[Universal jammer]

[Quality: White]

【Level: None】

[For all types of enchanted seals, the effect is doubled (5%X20)]

After reading the attributes, Zhao Xing was speechless.

“27 kinds of materials, 2 kinds of purple rare materials, 5 kinds of blue advanced materials, 20 kinds of white common materials.”

“The final result is just a non-level enchanting device for white equipment.”

“No wonder no one wants to do it. It’s a waste of money.”

If you don’t count the multiplier increase of your talent, this enchanting device only increases the effect by 5%.

It’s a sinkhole.

This bonus is negligible for the increase of the enchanted seal.

Because the enchanter casts the ‘seal’, he is not strong in the first place.

The scraping effect is increased by 5%, but it is still scraping!

“But it’s not without gains.”

“At least the effect of my talent multiplier has been triggered.”

Zhao Xing thought to himself.

Since the enchanting device is a non-level device.

The process of making it is the process of enchanting.

So the final effect is multiplied by a factor of 20.

“The base of 5% is still too small, we must find a way to increase the power.”

?There are multiple directions to improve power.

The easiest thing is to start with the material itself and skill proficiency.

Zhao Xing turned on the phone and entered the official website of the Enchanters Association.

A record was found.

There is an extraordinary enchanter named ‘Gu Chen’ who once made a king-level (red) quality magic interference launcher out of boredom.

Increased the effect of enchanted seals by 213%.

A record for the highest quality and highest effect of a jammer device.

There are additional information below this interface.

Mentioned this extraordinary enchanter named Gu Chen.

In the process of making, red grade materials are used.

And production requires advanced skill proficiency.

However, there are very few download records for this document.

Three years have passed, and the download volume is only more than 3,000.

It turns out that there are only more than 3,000 enchanters interested in making higher-level jammers.

The Enchanters’ Guild rewards the person who studies the most in a branch of profession.

But this branch is too unpopular, and the rewards given are quite small.

Since there is Gu Chen who has achieved the ultimate, it is normal that no one continues to study in depth.

Can’t win awards, can’t make money, and enchanters don’t need to fight, so what’s the point of researching this?

No motivation!

So it’s normal that not many people download it.

Paid 100.

Zhao Xing downloaded this document.

The research of this extraordinary enchanter named Gu Chen provided Zhao Xing with multiple directions.

The first is material quality and skill proficiency.

The second direction is ‘enchanting superposition’.

The process of making the interference transmitter is the process of enchanting, so of course you can use the skill of enchanting superposition to enhance the basic enchanting effect.

Just need to use more than one material.

The third direction is ‘directional multi-enchanting’.

The jammer is also a piece of equipment, but when it is formed, it defaults to one enchantment.

It is possible to amplify the effect if it is possible to perform multiple enchantments.

There is another direction that is not universal, that is, enchanters with buff talents can try it.

“It seems that if I want to improve the quality of the jammer, I have to hone my proficiency.”

“The materials don’t seem to be complete.”

Zhao Xing flipped through the list on the tablet.

On the above memo, write down the list of materials you need.

There are only some purple rare materials for the jammer here, and no king-level materials are provided.

Apparently, Lin Feng from the Education Department did not expect that Zhao Xing would continue to focus on such a direction.

After making the list, Zhao Xing opened the door and came to the next door.

“Director Fang.”

“I need some materials here, the list has been added, take a look.”

Fang Hong got up quickly, took the list, glanced at it briefly, and nodded readily.

“I’ll apply to Minister Lin immediately and ask him to transfer from the inventory.”

“You didn’t mark this quantity, do you have any requirements?”

Zhao Xing hesitated for a moment: “I need a lot, especially the two materials of purple and red, and try to get the best.”

“I don’t know how much I want, I can only say that the more the better.”

Elementary equipment manufacturing needs to be honed to be advanced, and skills such as material fusion and transformation, and material enchanting also need to be improved.

The way to speed up the improvement of proficiency is not only to explode the liver, but also to increase the quality of materials.

However, Zhao Xing also felt a little weak.

Will the higher-ups agree with me to do this?

Because from a normal point of view, this is a complete mess and a waste of material.

Some of the materials used to make jammers can be used by manufacturing occupations in other systems.

Fang Hong didn’t think so much, nodded and said, “Okay, don’t worry, I’ll do it right away.”


ed, conference room.

Zhang Haiqiang, Shen Yun, and Lin Feng were chatting.

Suddenly Lin Feng received a report from Fang Hong.

After repeating Zhao Xing’s request.

Shen Yun laughed first.

“Hey, this kid actually took the initiative to ask for it.”

“He never asked for it before.”

“We use what we give.”

“Old Lin, what did you say he was going to do, can you tell?”

Lin Feng could tell at a glance: “Zhao Xing should be planning to study enchanting tools in depth, and most of these materials are used in it.”

Shen Yun was stunned: “He wants to make some achievements in this unpopular branch?”

Lin Feng said: “It should be that most of the materials here are common, so I don’t know which series of devices he wants to make.”

“No matter what he wants to do, the education department of his hometown has to give him great support.” Zhang Haiqiang said with a smile: “Even if he is practicing blindly and making a bunch of useless devices, it can also increase his proficiency, right?”

“Old Shen, are these materials in stock enough?”

“Is there any more, 2,000 copies of each can be obtained.”

Shen Yun didn’t mention the purple material, and the inventory below the king level is all measured in millions.

Zhang Haiqiang made a decision directly: “Then adjust it first, and don’t need to add more.”

Shen Yun nodded: “OK.”

Zhang Haiqiang: “This kid took the initiative to assign more tasks. He seems to be full of energy recently. I heard from Fang Hong that he has been staying up late in the laboratory lately.”

“I don’t know what I’m researching, Mr. Lin, Mr. Shen, I have to go to the Cangshan base recently, please pay more attention to it.”

“rest assured.”


Zhao Xing seems to have underestimated the support of the Nanhu Education Department.

After finishing talking that day, several truckloads of materials were shipped over there in the middle of the night.

All moved into the laboratory building.

Seeing tens of thousands of red materials added to the list, Zhao Xing was also slightly shocked.

After I finished speaking, I shipped it directly.

“Director Fang, don’t the higher ups even ask me what I’m going to do?”

Fang Hong smiled and said: “Minister Zhang said, don’t ask, he believes you.”

“But if you want to talk, Minister Zhang has time to listen anytime.”

Zhao Xing nodded silently and said, “I will tell the Minister when I have achieved results.”

In fact, the reason why he studied enchanting tools in depth.

It is because I read the latest information on the copy of Qingtian World.

Which leads to a guess:

If the giant monster itself has not evolved, the energy level has not increased.

Instead, he used the lava sea to enhance his own strength.

So is this a natural enchanting effect of the environment on the giant beast?

Can the universal version of the jammer be effective against it?

At that time, this idea was born in his mind, and Zhao Xing felt more and more feasible.

If this speculation and idea are true, then making a jamming launcher may be able to help the country conquer the sky world!

Taking a deep breath, he suppressed the agitation in his heart.

Zhao Xing walked into the laboratory.

“Next, let’s improve your proficiency first!”

“Make a red jammer first!”

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