All People: God-Level Enchanter, The Country Takes Me To Level Up

Chapter 63

Chapter 63: The Desert Shows Off Its Power, An Amazing Phantom! (Please Customize)

“The person in charge of Sakura Country, Yoshida Kunihiko, decided to give up the single group arena and only participate in the team competition.

Lu Yuanwei was taken aback: “Why?”

Wang Hai shook his head and said: “I don’t know why, it seems that Li Zhengxian and that Hank said something.”

Zhao Xing said: “Is it possible that they are afraid? This country has always been afraid of power and not virtuous.

Wang Hai: “It’s very possible, or maybe they think that the team competition can avoid the advantage of illusion. Hahaha, this idea is very good.”

Zhao Xing regretted: “That’s a pity, don’t watch them get killed once.”

Zhao Xing also has a deep understanding of Mirage’s current strength.

The screening of special forces is quite strict!

The special forces like Phantom announced that they have the qualifications to select personnel from the whole army, land, sea and air!

Choose one in a million, and you have to choose among the elite.

In addition, the population base of the Xia Kingdom is already large, and the resources provided are also quite rich.

According to this standard to select people, it is not scary to be surprised!

Sakura Country thinks very well.

Playing in a team match, the terrain is scattered, which may make it impossible to play the role of the illusion mage.

But in Zhao Xing’s view, this is completely self-deception!

If you can’t fight alone, the team wins?

It can’t be said to be naive, it can only be said to be fantasy.

This cannot be blamed on Yoshida Kunihiko.

It is entirely because Lee Jung-hyun and Hank both mentioned that the phantom troops are likely to be supported by the demon king’s enchanting technology.

A low-level skill is so strong that there is no other way to increase it so high.

Korea was beaten like this.

Why does Kunihiko Yoshida dare to participate in the group arena of the single group?

“The military exchange competition itself has different events and groups. It is completely reasonable and compliant for us not to participate in the single group arena competition.”

“It’s definitely not because I’m afraid of Xia Guo!”

“I believe that the fighters of the Great Cherry Blossom Empire will definitely be able to win this team competition and win the final victory!”

Kunihiko Yoshida, cheering up his players before the exhibition.

There is also a recording officer from Sakura Country next to him.

But after saying this, the recording officer felt that Yoshida Kunihiko lacked a bit of confidence.

The state of the soldiers does not seem to be so bright.

“I can only find a way to add special effects in the later stage to make Yoshida-san and the soldiers look more energetic.”

The recording officer thought silently in his heart.

“Damn chickens, a bunch of cowards!”

“They actually gave up the single group arena competition!”

“It’s so high-sounding, it’s like laughing out loud!”

Hank was drinking coffee in the lounge while complaining.

He originally thought that Yoshida Kunihiko would be able to serve as cannon fodder in front of him and have another touch with Xia Guo’s phantom.

Let them gather more data.

But I never thought about it.

Korea’s withdrawal triggered a chain reaction.

Due to the outrageous score of 116209 to 0, Sakura Country decided to give up the single group arena.

Only for team competitions!

It also made Hank’s abacus come to nothing.

“Master Sasha, your country of Tianzhu has always been a top power in the world!”

“Your warrior of Allah is the bravest warrior I have ever seen!”

“Should you not give up on this project?”

Sasha, sitting on the sofa with a turban wrapped around her head, seemed to be thinking back.

I didn’t drink the coffee in front of me.

“God will guide us, Hank, will you Great Britain fight?”

Sasha did not respond positively, but kicked the ball back.

“Of course we in Great Britain are never afraid of any challenge!”

“This time we are here to find out the details of the real country.

“However, the most important thing now is to find out how Xia Guo’s enchanted equipment is made.

“Tom, is there any way your guys can get one?”

Tom was expressionless.

Staring at Hank like a fool.

“Xia Guo’s equipment is bound to the individual player, and now we are in Xia Guo’s territory.

“Your Excellency Hank, if this mission is entrusted to you, can you handle it?”

Hank smiled awkwardly.

Indeed, this request is too much.

“Well, this situation is very tricky. It seems that we can only expect the players from Sakura Country to bring us more news in the team competition.”

The next day, morning.

Korla, desert.

A desert with a radius of 10 kilometers has all-round follow-up shooting and various fixed camera equipment.

Since Korla often holds exchange competitions, there are various obstacles and terrains.

For example, indoor warfare in housing construction, such as local battles.

“It’s about to start.”

Zhao Xing looked at the big screen.

At this time, it has been shown above that the 120-man company of Phantom and the 120-man company of Sakura Country have entered the venue.

“Drone scanners are constantly compressing space on the periphery.”

“Touch that line and you’re considered eliminated.”

“It will eventually shrink to a radius of only 50 meters within four hours.”

“The extremely hot high-temperature environment will cause serious loss of physical strength of soldiers.”

“At the same time, drones in the sky will carry out simulated bombing and simulated poisoning from time to time.”

“Only in the 10 buildings in the desert, you can evade and get the antidote.”

“Those who are under simulated bombing will be eliminated according to the situation.

Zhao Xing looked at Wang Hai curiously: “What about the simulated poisoning? How is this simulated?”

Wang (bdbc) Hai said lightly: “Oh, this is not a simulation, it is real poisoning.


Wang Hai explained: “We will have a drone that regularly sprays an alchemy potion.”

“This poison is aimed at the players and will definitely be spilled on them.”

“Cause a variety of negative states.”

“If you can’t get the antidote, you will continue to reduce your physical strength and various attributes.”

“Until you get the antidote from the house, or enter a coma and be eliminated.”

“This kind of potion is not harmful, and in the worst case, it will only temporarily incapacitate people and make them unconscious.

Zhao Xing was stunned.

The alchemy potion is equivalent to Shixiangruanjinsan.

Is it forcing them to grab the antidote, or that sentence, to avoid bladder war.

In addition, actual combat must look like actual combat.

The environment inside the dungeon is also varied.

It will only be more terrifying and extreme than the simulated one.

“In this project, I, Xia Guo, have always been among the best.”

“The cherry blossom country chose this way, presumably the assistance they received should be related to magic potions.”

“Maybe it can really have some miraculous effects.”

Lu Yuanwei thought about it.

“What are you afraid of?!” Wang Hai said with a smile: “This is also very good, and it also allows us to see what new things Lao Mi has researched.”

“It gave Sakura Country such great confidence.”

“Look, the game has begun.”

Zhao Xing looked up, and saw the drones around the periphery, taking off in a row, sending out a ray, perpendicular to the ground.

And shrink toward the inner circle.

There was also a reminder on it, which was sent to the ears of all the contestants.

[Attention, the training site starts to shrink! After 1 hour, it will shrink to 1/2 the size. 】

[Warning, the simulated poisoning will take place in 10 minutes, and the simulated bombing will start in 15 minutes. 】

Send with these two prompts.

Zhao Xing noticed that the teams on both sides were quickly moving towards the buildings in the central area.

Both sides need to get to a place that can be avoided as soon as possible.

And grab more antidote.

Otherwise, the overall strength will be weakened.

“From the map, 10 buildings are distributed on three lines.”

“If you go through the shortest route 1 in the middle, there are 5 buildings where you can get the antidote.”

“Another arc, longer distance, route 2 with 2 buildings.

“Route 3 is the farthest and has 3 buildings.”

“These buildings are match points.”

“Occupy one, the advantage will increase a little bit, occupy more than five, one will change, and the strength gap of the team will basically be widened or made up.”

Wang Hai introduced to Zhao Xing.

“There are still some roadblocks, trigger mechanisms, and scattered monster groups on the road.”

“The probabilities of the two teams triggering are similar.”

“This takes into account the strength of the investigation team.”

“A good investigation team can help the team avoid many troubles.”

Switch between multiple viewing angles on the screen.

Sure enough, Zhao Xing saw scattered monsters and close-ups of traps in some monitoring windows.

Here I have to mention the [Hunter] profession in the martial arts school, the [Natural Mage] and [Contract Envoy] in the magic department, as well as the [Psychic Master] in the Psychic department, and the scanning robot of the mechanic.

They all have very good investigative methods.

Being able to detect abnormalities and dangers in the environment, generally speaking, if the dungeon type needs to travel long distances in the wild, it is basically necessary to configure several such occupations.

In order not to be defeated by the abnormal and extreme environment before seeing the boss.

This is mostly the case with non-combat attrition.

“Phantom has 12 teams, and now the team that is at the forefront is the investigation team.”

“From the perspective of marching speed, we are already slightly ahead of Sakura Country.”

There was a hint of pride in Wang Hai’s voice.

Zhao Xing noticed that the companies on both sides chose the shortest route No. 1 by coincidence.

Only 5 minutes had passed, and the Phantom’s people were already hundreds of meters ahead.

In terms of marching speed, it is indeed faster than Sakura Country.

10 minutes later.

Simulated poisoning begins.

A large number of unmanned transport aircraft began to spray poison.

The phantom people have already begun to enter the first building, to get the antidote.

However, the amount of antidote is not enough for 120 people to use.

Only available for 20 people.

The remaining 100 people have all entered the state of [slow poisoning].

“The antidote is given priority to magic spells!”

“Warrior helps teammates increase their load!”

“Keep going full speed ahead!”

The phantom company commander quickly distributed the antidote and set off for the next location.

About 2 minutes later, the company of Sakura Country also found a building close to their direction.

The choices made are similar.

They give priority to using antidote for mages.

Allow martial artists with stronger physical strength and poison resistance to share more burdens.


It is the first stage of rushing, the second stage of avoiding roadblocks, and the third stage of fighting monsters.

Xia Guo led by 5 minutes on the way.

In terms of avoiding roadblocks in the second stage, it has already led Sakura Country by 12 minutes.

After encountering a group of monsters.

Both sides chose to kill through directly and rushed over.

But the speed is not the same on both sides.

On Xia Guo’s side, the illusion that has been favored all the time, went into battle with a red rock staff in hand.

The group of monsters, as if they had been greatly frightened, dispersed with a bang.

ran away.

There are four to five hundred monsters of level 40-50.

Surprisingly, with just 20 magic spells, these monsters were directly dispelled.

A company of 120 people passed the third stage smoothly in five groups.

At this time, when Xia Guo’s team reached the second building, it was already 30 minutes ahead of Sakura Country!

In the same period of time, the marching distance exceeded twice that of the Sakura Country Company!

Seeing this scene, the audience was in an uproar!

“Damn it, it’s so much ahead. Calculated at this speed, when Xia Guo arrives at the third building, I’m afraid the city of Sakura has not yet reached the second building!”

“There are three stages between each building. If it is so fast, the advantage of snowballing will become bigger and bigger!”

“How did you do it? Is magic so powerful now? Could it be that magic is the only answer when the version is updated?”

“Look, the Phantom Company has already left the second building and is heading for the third building!”

“I’m convinced, I’m really kneeling, there are so many monsters, and they scatter away with a wave of the staff, it’s too awesome!”

“What is a gap, this is called a gap!”

“Xia Guo is awesome, Phantom is awesome!”

Seeing that the distance has been opened, Wang Hai immediately laughed.

At the same time, I also feel that Zhao Xing’s enchanted red rock staff is too damn easy to use.

Sakura Country needs a hard kill to pass, but they don’t have this trouble at all.

For Phantom, the difficulty of the entire competition was directly lowered by a level.

Hard mode, reduced to easy mode!

On the other hand, Sakura Country, although it is not too slow, but compared with Phantom, the gap is not too obvious.

“Cheating, this country must be cheating!”

“I am a big cherry blossom country, how could it be so far behind!”

“Impossible, absolutely impossible!”

“You despicable Xia people must be cheating!”

“Ba Ga, shut up!”

When Yoshida Kunihiko saw Xia Guo’s reporters coming to take pictures, he immediately stopped his subordinates from cursing.

Let’s not talk about quality or quality.

Let this group of guests from the Xia Kingdom scold their mothers in the group, if they arouse public anger, they don’t have to cry when they are beaten.

The guests invited to the military exchange competition are not ordinary people, they are proper patriotic soldiers!

And the level is not low!

Yoshida Kunihiko has already seen a group of people looking at this side with unkind expressions in their eyes.

It seems to be saying: You try to scold me again?!

“Sit in your seat for me, don’t speak, and take a good look!”

“Regardless of success or failure, Xia Guo’s phantom troops are worth learning from!”

Yoshida Kunihiko spoke earnestly.

He has completely lost the contempt he had when he came here, and regards Phantom as a worthy opponent.

The fact is here, the opponent is stronger than them.

“It’s useless to abuse and anger, learn from the strong, and use them as a teacher, you will have a chance to kill them in the future!”

Yoshida Kunihiko, already has no expectations for the result of this game.

He only hoped that the company of Sakura Kingdom would not lose so badly in the encounter.

At least some phantom people should be eliminated.

It can’t be as good as Korea, right?!

“Shet, it’s like this again!”

“The people of Xia Kingdom are more than twice as fast as those of Sakura Kingdom!”

Illusion can still have such an effect on these brainless monsters?”

Hank’s blue eyes widened, compared with the single-player group arena.

This time the visual shock is stronger.

The group of monsters that outnumbered the players by four or five times was separated just like that.

It’s just unbelievable.

“It’s amazing, after we go back, it’s time for us to form a troop of illusionists.

Tom, a military expert from the United States, couldn’t help but sigh with emotion at this time.

Other troops don’t have phantom phantasm.

Because the performance of this profession has been very flat before.

Once the resistance requirements are met, it is easy to save the illusion.

After that, there is no other attack power.

According to the international recognition, magic magic belongs to the sewer profession in the magic system.

Therefore, the various special forces basically do not have many magic spells.

But today, Phantom taught them a lesson.

It’s not that illusions are bad, it’s your people who can’t!

“Even without that enchanter, the phantom troop can still reap miraculous effects when thrown on the battlefield.

“Xia Guo is already ahead of us on the road of exploring the potential of various occupation combinations and partial occupations.”

Tom said so.

He was already thinking about how to write the report after this military competition.

From the current point of view, Sakura Country has no chance of winning.

Counting Tianzhu and Great Britain, there is no tire of hope.

“Look, the phantom people have already arrived at the third building first, and the investigation team has discovered the company of Sakura Country that rushed over!”

PS: Here is an example of DNF’s low-level core skill dominance: Ghost Warrior. You can search for it. .

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