All People: God-Level Enchanter, The Country Takes Me To Level Up

Chapter 67

Chapter 67: Fuck, New Structure? Crashed Sophomore! (Please Customize)

“Tingting, what’s wrong?”

Yang Na, the monitor of class 2, poked her head over.

Huang Tingting is the monitor of Class 1, and she is the monitor of Class 2.

The academic performance of the two is quite good.

Among the five classes in the sophomore year, they are all among the best.

Because they often study together in large classes, Huang Tingting and Yang Na are also very good friends.

“This piece of equipment, isn’t it, is it sent by mistake?”

“A defective item?”

Huang Tingting held the equipment suspiciously and shook it in front of her eyes.

“No, let me see.”

Yang Na took over the equipment.

【Fishscale Armguard】

【Level: 20】

[quality: purple]

[Status: Sealed. 】

“Hey, it’s really strange, why isn’t the attribute displayed?”

Yang Na was also very puzzled.

Huang Tingting said: “It must be broken, is this a defective product?”

If the equipment is destroyed, the property will be lost.

Yang Na shook her head and said, “No, if the equipment is damaged, there will be a damaged mark.”

Huang Tingting hesitated: “Is that a semi-finished product?”

Yang Na looked at it carefully and said: “Semi-finished products? Where do fish-scale equipment come from and what kind of semi-finished products, this is produced by dungeons, not made.”

“And it shows that it has been sealed, so it shouldn’t be broken, right?”

Huang Tingting asked: “Hey, didn’t you also get one, look at yours.

Yang Na quickly took out her fish scale armguard from her pocket.

【Fishscale Armguard】

[Strength +50, Speed ​​+3, Stamina +45]

[Enchanting: 1 time. 】

[Status: Sealed. 】

“Huh? There seems to be something wrong with mine.

Yang Na handed the equipment to Huang Tingting.

“Look, it does have attributes, and it also shows an enchantment, but the enchantment attributes are not distinguished from the attributes of the equipment itself, and are displayed independently.”

“Plus, its quality and class work is gone.

Huang Tingting said suddenly.

“I seem to understand that this should be the difficulty of the exam.”

“The fish scale armguard should have been sealed.”

“Do you still remember the hidden structure of the upper elements we saw in the library? Perhaps the seal enchantment of this piece of equipment hides the attributes.”

“We have to untie it first to see the full attributes.”

Yang Na’s eyes lit up when she heard this.

“Having said that, I seem to remember that it was invented by God Su.

“Could it be that the school used this structure for this batch of enchanted equipment?”

“It’s not going to be a new lesson for us to learn next.

Huang Tingting smiled and said, “You’ll know if you try it.”

“The seal is lifted!”

I saw Huang Tingting stroking back and forth on the fish scale armguard with both hands.

A burst of energy invaded the surface of the fish-scale armguard.

Then a faint white light radiated from the fish scale armguard.


Suddenly, the strength of the Japanese stock rebound came.

Huang Tingting shook her hands and almost lost her grip.

It was Yang Na who caught the thing with quick eyesight and quick hands.

“What’s wrong with you?”

Yang Na asked in surprise.

“I don’t know either.”

Huang Tingting was at a loss.

“Just now when I used the seal to lift it and tried to deconstruct it, I encountered a strange thing.”

“It seems that there is something that is involving my mental power.”

“I dare not continue to use force, for fear of damaging the structure.”

“However, this is too strange, I have never seen such a structure.”

Yang Na was also surprised: “A structure that can guide the operation of mental power? It’s really strange.”

Huang Tingting shook her head: “It can’t be called guidance, but… Forget it, I can’t tell.”

She just felt weird.

When the spiritual force penetrated into it, it felt as if it was about to be swallowed by that force!

Although this feeling of devouring is still very weak, it has a tendency to gradually strengthen.

Yang Na also tried it with her own.

After a while, she raised her head in a daze.

“My mental power dropped by 50 points in two seconds.”

“What the hell is this structure, it consumes so much to parse it!”

“It’s so strange!”

Huang Tingting and Yang Na looked at each other, and they both saw excitement in each other’s eyes.

They are the top students of Beijing University!

Being able to be the squad leader means that their strength and talent are recognized by everyone.

When you encounter difficulties, you will only face them!

The more difficult it is, the more excited they are!


“I think so too!”

Originally, they didn’t take this preliminary examination to heart.

but now.

Huang Tingting and Yang Na didn’t plan to do anything else, they both wanted to go to the public laboratory.

There are more precise devices that can help them unseal equipment.

This is allowed and not considered cheating.

After all, the use of enchanting devices is professional knowledge in itself.

In addition, the enchanting device does not play a decisive role, but only helps them understand better.

The teachers who gave the exam questions also thought of this.

That’s why it is required that the enchantment effect on the equipment cannot be damaged.

Of course, it is really going to be damaged.

You can also apply for another piece of equipment.

Anyway, fish scale armguards are not expensive, so I prepared a lot of them in advance.

Huang Tingting and Yang Na stopped a sightseeing car.

Then the two came to the public laboratory building with the equipment.

Apply for a lab.

The device they are going to use this time is called a mental deconstructor.

Strengthen the detection strength and breadth of mental power in the micro state.

able to see more clearly.

There is also a device called a perception-enhancing collar.

The effect is similar.

Huang Tingting and Yang Na are very confident.

“With the help of these two devices, basically we can see clearly the thinking of the questioner… right?”

Huang Tingting, who had already begun to observe, suddenly lost her momentum.

Yang Na on the side asked: “Hey, what’s wrong with you? What did you see, tell me!”

Huang Tingting frowned at this time, looking quite confused.

“I-I didn’t see anything.


Yang Na pushed Huang Tingting away and joined her.

Three minutes later.

Yang Na and Huang Tingting sat on the stool, staring at the fish scale armguard with their cheeks resting in a daze.

They can only confirm that there is a sealing medium at work.

And there is no superclass in this range.

But the struct type? No idea!

Where is the structure? Not found!

But there is actually a structure that carries the sealing medium in operation.

“No, I don’t believe it!”

Yang Na stood up angrily.

“I’ve been studying for so long, I don’t believe I can’t even find the structure of the seal anywhere.”

Huang Tingting shook her head and said, “I’m afraid this hidden structure is beyond the outline.”

“But its sealing medium is not super-grade, and the energy level of the seal is not higher than the middle level.”

“I’m going to try again.”

Yang Na angrily stood up again.

This time, she chose to immerse herself in following that traction to deconstruct the entire seal.

Yang Na felt her spiritual power, as if floating in the sea.

She is like a small boat, and the boat is sliding towards a bottomless vortex at an uncontrollable speed.

Yang Na’s mental power is constantly being consumed.

After a while, her face became a little pale.


At a certain moment, a light golden pattern on the fish scale wristband flashed away.

Then a ray of light swept across the entire equipment.

Yang Na suddenly looked down.

The entire fish scale wristband has cracks.

Huang Tingting noticed something unusual and rushed over to take a look.

【Fishscale Bracers】

【Level: 10】

[quality: blue]

[Strength +10, Speed ​​+1, Stamina +5]

【Status: Broken】


Huang Tingting was taken aback.


The seal is gone.

But the 1 enchantment is gone.

Not only that, even the equipment was damaged.

“Nana, what did you do?”

Yang Na shook her head, and said with a bitter expression: “I didn’t do anything, and followed the lead of this structure to explore, only to find that it was a trap.”

“Beyond 21 cycles, the structure collapsed on its own.

Huang Tingting was also stunned when she heard the words.

Yang Na’s actions couldn’t be more normal.

Just a slight movement like this.

This thing is self-destructing!

Not only is the enchantment gone, even the attributes of the equipment itself have been destroyed!

What kind of structure is this!

Yang Na said: “Do you know what I felt just now? It’s like walking into the trap of the questioner.

“Stupidly followed the trap he left for 21 cycles.”

“In the end, what I saw in the spiritual world was an explosion!”

“It’s like… like fireworks.”

Yang Na laughed at herself: “It seems to be mocking the incompetence of the deconstructor.”

Huang Tingting looked at her friend who seemed to be hit and said, she couldn’t help hugging her: “Don’t be discouraged, let’s try again, if it doesn’t work, let’s ask Teacher Zheng again.”

Huang Tingting and Yang Na are outstanding sophomores in the Department of Magic.

Even they hit a wall.

It is conceivable that the rest of the students were gone.

on this day.

All the candidates were pulling their hair and thinking hard.

“By the way, what kind of structure is this? What’s going on? Why am I so tired after watching it for a while?”

“Crazy, what the hell kind of problem is this, why is it so difficult?”

“I touched it casually, and it self-destructed.”

“I swear, this equipment is made by itself, and it has nothing to do with me!”

“It’s weird, it’s so easy to break.”

“It doesn’t look like a magic shell structure, hey, didn’t you make it?”

“Third brother, you are the smartest in our dormitory, have you done it yet?”

“Third? Damn, why are you dizzy? Hurry up and save him, he’s mentally exhausted.”

On this day, the sophomores in the Department of Enchanting were all on their way to the public research room.

And he held a fish scale armguard in his hand.

“Hey? Are you going to the lab too?”

“Yeah, these few hands are too difficult, how can it be unsealed without the help of equipment?”

“Fuck, me too, let me tell you, there is a researcher in our dormitory who fainted!”

“The consumption of mental power is too great, and it can’t be done without the help of a device.”

“Walk, walk, go together.”

However, these sophomore enchanters were surprised to find out.

Even with the help of instruments, they couldn’t lift the seal on the fish scale armguard.

Because this small seal has several difficulties.

First, the structure is hard to find.

Some students have summed up their experience that this structure should be a hidden structure.

The point that really works is hidden.

The second is the whirlpool effect.

can’t find

To the hidden functional structure, the only clue is the vortex that devours mental power.

However, Huang Tingting and Yang Na, the two monitors, have already proved that this is a trap.

It is simply to cause trouble for the deconstructors!

Running along this structure will only waste mental energy.

If you want to prevent it from self-destructing after 21 cycles, you must keep your mental power in a healthy state throughout the process.

Otherwise, a little mental fluctuation will cause it to self-destruct!

Under the exchange of brainstorming and teamwork of five classes.

They found some other equipment.

That is the equipment that completely shows the fish scale wrist guard.

Also, the swirl effect is not that strong.

It seems that a certain teacher got impatient while doing it, and came up with some simplified versions.


Even the simple version is still a big mountain in front of the students.

Because there is no other way to go than to abolish it by force.

No one can find the starting point of this structure.

Just like peeling off the film, it can’t be completely uncovered.

“.々I can’t help it, go ask the students in the special class 1.

Special class 1 is not among the five classes in the enchantment department of the sophomore year.

They did not participate in this project either.

Because the learning progress is completely different.

Many people couldn’t break the seal, and decided to seek help from their friends in Special Class 1.

Just like Huang Tingting and Yang Na.

The two had already received a fish-scale wristband again, and came to the classroom of special class 1.


“I’m coming.”

After a while, a beautiful girl came out of the classroom.

Yang Na took out the fish scale wristband.

“That’s it, let’s take a look.”

“No problem, leave it to me.” Han Feifei took the equipment confidently.

But it didn’t take long before her face became a little dignified.

“It’s not right, this is a new structure with strong concealment, and it is easy to self-destruct, which is an obvious trap.”

Yang Na was stunned: “You see?”

At this time, Huang Tingting also felt admiration for Han Feifei.

Without the help of an instrument, they immediately saw that something was wrong.

“Isn’t that easy to see?”

Han Feifei: “However, if you want to remove the seal, you still need to use an instrument. It’s interesting. Let’s go to the laboratory.”


after an hour.

Han Feifei looked angrily at the fish scale wristband that had lost its purple light.

Almost dropped it on the ground.

“Why is this teacher so boring!”

“Research a new structure to cheat students?!”

Yang Na was stunned: “Feifei, you can’t crack the seal on it?”

Although Han Feifei didn’t want to admit it, she still nodded.

“Yes, I can’t unseal (well, well) the enchantment of the equipment without destroying it.”

“Which teacher did it?”

“Teacher Zheng, but he is on vacation these days, and we can’t even find him.”

Han Feifei held her chin and said, “No, I’ll try again.”

After two days of research, the sophomore student of the Enchanting Department finally confirmed three things.

One, this is a new type of structure, which has never been seen in books or in reality.

Second, the deconstruction process consumes a lot of mental energy, and it is impossible to avoid the trap.

Three, there is absolutely no possibility to unseal it without destroying it.

A student who does the best can only ensure that the equipment itself is not damaged.

As for the effect of one enchantment, it will definitely dissipate in the process of deconstruction.

Ever since.

After two days of continuous fighting, the sophomore students of the Enchanting Department, who were on the verge of collapse, went to the school forum to complain.

“This question is too difficult, I can’t do it at all!”

“What kind of teacher would come up with such an outrageous structure to torture people!”

“Laughing to death, I have given up, if I fail the exam, I will fail the exam, anyway, I will lie flat (dog head)”

“There is an unbeliever in our dormitory, who has been unconscious twice in a row.”



The sophomore’s Tucao post quickly attracted the attention of seniors and sisters.

They made fun of each other.

“This year’s juniors and juniors are not good either. Is it difficult for a preliminary examination at the beginning of the semester to be like this?”

“What kind of new structure? It’s ridiculous. If you can’t do it, you can’t do it. What kind of new structure is it? Do you think that new structure is so easy to invent?”

“Take in the heartbroken juniors, and call the seniors, the seniors will help you unblock them!”

“Upstairs is shameless, I just want to say to your behavior… please take me!”


“proceed if you can!”

“I bet, the seniors can’t do it either!”

The sophomores suddenly became unhappy and fought back one after another.

For a while, there was endless debate on the forum.

As a result, many unbelieving seniors in the third and fourth grades, driven by curiosity, found the fish-scale wristbands.

Get off the ground and take part in this unblocking operation. .

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