All People: God-Level Enchanter, The Country Takes Me To Level Up

Chapter 89

Chapter 89: Enchanting Also Adds Expertise? Shocking Effect! (Seek Full Order)

Tianhe Prison.

The original logistics department building was divided into one.

Within a day, it was transformed into a laboratory.

All kinds of devices and materials have been transported here.

When Zhao Xing walked in, he even felt a little dazed.

Because Huang Liang and Liu Wei of the Supervision Department reproduced Zhao Xing’s laboratory at Peking University one by one according to the requirements.

There is no difference in the placement of commonly used equipment.

According to the words above, strive to make Zhao Xing feel like coming home here.

“That sounds weird…”

Zhao Xing complained in his heart.

The laboratory consists of three parts: material room, equipment room and sample room.

Everything is really the same as at Beijing University.

It’s just that the sample room at this time has been expanded a wave, and the samples to be sent in are no longer sawtooth rats, but criminals.

At the same time, Zhao Xing could not conduct the experiment alone this time.

In the four corners of the room, there is a supernatural guard.

Avoid surprises.

At this time, Huang Liang and Liu Wei from the Supervision Department were reporting to Wang Hai from Phantom.

“All criminals voluntarily participated in the experiments.

“The first batch of prisoners who were not on death row had done ideological work before.

“Cooperate with the experiment, and you will get a reduced sentence.”

Wang Hai asked, “What about the rest of the protective measures?”

Liu Weihui reported: “Every criminal wears an energy suppressor, and neurochips are implanted in all vertebrae.”

“After multiple reviews by hypnotists, their cooperation is very high.”

Wang Hai nodded.

With these measures, cooperate with the 4 extraordinary guards in the room.

Basically, it can be said that it is foolproof.

Huang Liang said: “We have carefully checked each of these criminals’ skills, martial arts professions, and there is still a trajectory to follow.”

“What a surprise, Yinjia was able to react.

If it’s the supernatural system or the power system, then they dare not say that it is absolutely safe.

Because of the skills and moves of these two systems, it is difficult to detect.

In addition, there are professions like Shadow Assassin.

They are also excluded.

So even if there are criminals who can’t bear the pain, or want to deliberately hurt Zhao Xing.

With the extraordinary surveillance present, it is absolutely possible to respond in advance.

Wang Hai thought for a while, then looked at Huang Liang: “We still have to check again, Minister Huang, please give your people another warning to those serving prison sentences.

Huang Liang nodded: “Okay.”

Zhao Xing waited for a while in the lounge, about another hour later.

Lu Yuanwei came over and told him that everything was ready and we could start.

“The first batch to come in are all martial arts professions at level 40.”

“We’ll be watching from the outside.”

“There will also be guards in the room.”

“They won’t interfere with your work.”

“I hope you understand.”

Zhao Xing said: “Understand.”

His security work must be in place.

Otherwise, the higher authorities would rather Zhao Xing start with lower-level in vivo experiments.

Living body and equipment can be different.

Equipment can’t struggle and can’t fight back, but the living body is different, let alone a criminal?

“You don’t have to be nervous.” Lu Yuanwei said in relief, “The first batch of criminals are all level 40. Under the control of chips and suppressors, their ability to resist is not as good as that of level 20 criminals.

“I’m not afraid, but I’m afraid of affecting the effect.”

Zhao Xing still believes in the strength of the country.

He was afraid that wearing those suppressors and control chips would have any effect on his enchantment.

Lu Yuanwei shook his head and said: “You are not the first to conduct this kind of experiment, there have been enchanters who have done it before.”

“Essentially nothing.”

Zhao Xing nodded, “Then I’m relieved.”

The quiet room is about 120 square meters.

There is an operating table in the middle, and there are concentrators on it.

All four corners have supernatural shadows hidden in the corners.

Their eyes looked here.

Zhao Xing can’t see them, so it won’t have any influence.

This distance, for the four extraordinary.

are all within the controllable range.

Their reactions are below the second level, and the speed of their shots is the same.

It can be done first.

Just glanced around the corner.

Zhao Xing didn’t care anymore.

Man lying on the operating table.

He was probably in his forties, and his body had been stripped off, except for a pair of big underpants.

There is an iron collar around the neck.

Limbs were chained to the stage.

The head is also imprisoned.

And wearing a blindfold.

Can’t see what Zhao Xing looks like.

I don’t know what kind of ideological work the people from the Supervision Department have done to him, but he seems quite nervous anyway.

After thinking about it, Zhao Xing said:


“You, hello.”

“I’m going to start.”

“Will it hurt?”

Zhao Xing thought for a while and said, “Usually, living body enchantment doesn’t hurt very much, if you really can’t take it, you can shout it out.

“I, I understand.”

The prisoner trembled a little at first.

But after chatting with Zhao Xing for a few words, I feel much better.

It’s calmed down a lot.

There was a gleam of light in Zhao Xing’s eyes.

Then the light is transmitted to the hand.

Immediately afterwards, the hand was placed flat on top of the opponent’s arm.

The white light gradually diffused, covering the prisoner’s arms.

In the first attempt, Zhao Xing did not use materials.

Just simply cast [attribute enchantment].

The vein structure of the arm emerges in the spiritual world.

The field of vision in front of him also gradually turned red.

“A martial artist of level 40, with qi and blood like mercury, and a newborn silver bone.”

Under the observation of the horizon, there are light spots of four different colors, and there are also many inexplicable black spots emerging.

Zhao Xing’s Living Enchantment skill and Glitter.

Immediately following is “life energy balance life structure optimization

Immediately thereafter began to erode into the interior of the arm.

[You are performing attribute enchantment on the living target (hand), please select the enlarged attribute. Strength, speed, stamina, vitality. 】

After reaching advanced proficiency, living enchantment can choose directional amplification attribute.

The martial artist’s arm has only four attributes to display, and has no spiritual power.

Only the head will have it.

Even at the low level of the martial arts department, the blood value will be displayed, similar to the magic value of the magician at the low level.

strength. ”

Zhao Xing thought about it.

Afterwards, many black dots in the field of vision disappeared, replaced by red dots representing power.

Three minutes later.

The prisoner’s forehead had begun to sweat, and a look of pain began to appear on his face.

At this time, his arm was a circle bigger, and he had already begun to struggle subconsciously.

Chaofan inside and outside the house became nervous.

Always keep an eye on the movement on the stage.

Five minutes later, the prisoner couldn’t help but let out a low growl.

Just when everyone was about to take action.

The white light on Zhao Xing’s body disappeared.

[You perform ‘strength attribute enchantment’ (hand) on the living target, the strength attribute of the living body increases by 400 points (20X20), and the duration is 600 seconds. 】

100% success rate trigger, multiple increase trigger.

A normal enchanter with high-level proficiency, without using materials, would probably increase his strength by 30 points, but now it has increased by 400 points.

It can be said to be quite exaggerated.


At this time, the prisoner’s struggle also increased significantly.

His left arm was already twice the size of his right arm.

The intense pain made him unable to bear to take deep breaths.

“The magnification effect brought by the multiplier is too exaggerated. Even advanced life energy balance and life structure optimization will bring a lot of pain to the target.”

“A negative state of pain emerges.”

Zhao Xing couldn’t help asking.

“Are you all right? Can you hold on?”

“If you can’t stand it, I will dispel this effect immediately.

“Yes, I can withstand it.”

“I’m much better now.”

“Please, please continue.”

Zhao Xing nodded, and continued to enchant the rest of his parts.

[You perform ‘strength attribute enchantment’ (hand) on the living target, the strength attribute of the living body increases by 400 points (20X20), and the duration is 600 seconds. 】

[You perform ‘strength attribute enchantment (legs) on the living target, the strength attribute of the living body will increase by 600 points (30X20), and the duration will be 600 seconds. 】

[You perform ‘strength attribute enchantment’ (legs) on the living target, the strength attribute of the living body increases by 600 points (30X20), and the duration is 600 seconds. 】

[You perform ‘power attribute enchantment’ (abdomen) on the living target, and the strength attribute of the living body increases by 800 points (40X20), and the duration is 600 seconds. 】

【You carry out ‘strength attribute enchantment’ (back) on the living target, the strength attribute of the living body increases by 800 points (30X20), and the duration is 600 seconds. 】

[You perform ‘power attribute enchantment’ (head) on the living target, the spiritual attribute of the living body increases by 200 points (10X20), and the duration is 600 seconds. 】

After half an hour, the prisoner’s pain became more and more serious.

It was just a low growl at first.

Slowly it turned into a roar.

But after the enchantment of the fourth part is completed.

The voice gradually faded away again.

Because under the influence of advanced life structure optimization and advanced life energy balance.

He has adapted to this super-substantial growth.

Wait until the enchantment on the head is over.

The prisoner spoke suddenly.

“I’m completely pain-free now and seem to be in control of my body.

“But it feels like my head is swollen.”

Zhao Xing nodded: “You can take a rest.”

Soon someone walked in the door.

The prisoner was taken to the next door to check his physical condition.

At this time, it was Zhao Xing who was watching outside.

The people inside are questioning and checking the prisoners.

“Report sir!”

“Prisoner No. A40, the total strength has increased by 3600 points!”

“Spiritual power increased by 400 points!”

With the report results inside came out.

Huang Liang, the Minister of Supervision next to him, and Wang Hai, the commander of the Phantom.

Qian Chaofan, Quan Qizhu was too shocked to speak.

“For a level 40 martial artist, the average strength attribute is 3000 points, and the threshold for excellence is 4000 points.”

“This enchantment has more than doubled the target?!”

Chaofan, a martial artist, couldn’t believe his eyes at all.

……… Ask for flowers…

Strength increased by 3600 points, the increase is too exaggerated!

A single piece of legendary equipment, even if it is level 80, rarely adds so much power!

It’s just off the charts!

In contrast, Wang Hai, who has known Zhao Xing’s talent for a long time, is relatively indifferent.

Set some.

However, his eyes widened.

“Repeatedly report target attributes!”


“Prisoner No. A40, the total strength has increased by 3600 points!”

“Spirit power increased by 400 points!”

?Consecutive report twice.

Now everyone is convinced.

Huang Liang said with emotion: “A transcendent level enchanter is probably at this level?”

Lu Yuanwei shook his head and said, “Extraordinary enchanters can indeed do it, but they need to use precious enchanting medium.”

“And this is just a temporary attribute enchantment, and no precious materials are used.”

“Under the same circumstances, it will be difficult for an extraordinary enchanter to surpass this record.”

Perhaps in terms of material processing and structure, the extraordinary enchanter can surpass Zhao Xing.

But Zhao Xing is only level 40, and he doesn’t have extraordinary power now.

There’s still plenty of room to grow!

“Everyone, don’t get too excited.” Zhao Xing said: “Let the people inside report the prisoner’s panel status to see if there are any negative effects.

“Yes.” Wang Hai nodded.

Super high power increase, it is impossible without any price.

It is difficult to circumvent this with living enchantment, the greater the increase, the greater the negative effect may be.

This deficiency needs to be compensated by precious materials.

“Report panel status!”


“Report, the target has a state called ‘Sorrow of Power’.”

“Speed ​​-20%”

“The power of skills related to speed is reduced by 20%.”

“Duration 600 seconds.”

“The report is over!”

The strength became stronger, but the speed dropped by 20%.

The power of related skills has also been reduced by 20%.

The impact is not small.

Still, that’s for a strong gain.

It’s totally acceptable.

Because of the enhancement brought by strength, the power of skills will also be positive!

The coefficient of increase is far more than that of decrease!

“There are only so many negative effects?”

“The amount is doubled, but only the negative effect of reducing the speed by 20%!”

“Compared with the benefits, the disadvantages can be completely ignored.”

? A group of people were discussing.

The main reason is that the increase is too exaggerated!

With 3600 points of power, the power of the skills can be more than doubled.

What is a 20% drop in speed?

It doesn’t have to be chasing after the enemy!

From a military point of view.

At level 40, the total strength is as high as more than 7,000! It is already enough to disdain the power players in the area of ​​​​level 40.

It is a level that can directly enter the top special forces of various countries.

If Zhao Xing can solidify this effect.

It is equivalent to raising a soldier with mediocre talent to the genius level of recruiting special forces in various countries!

“This negative effect should not be brought about by the increase in strength, but the increase in body size.

“The increase in mental strength cannot keep up with the increase in strength, so I cannot control my body.

Zhao Xing was communicating with Lu Yuanwei in a low voice.

“This time I am enchanting with full strength, and I can also balance it by improving other attributes.

“The water of life and the pollen of the seven-star gladiolus should be able to weaken this negative effect.”

Just when people outside were discussing.

Suddenly, another message was reported inside.

“Report, there are important findings!”

The voice sounded a little excited.

It immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

The people discussing outside also stopped.


“The prisoner’s specialty ‘Bone Enhancement’ changed at the 187th second!”


At this time, everyone was shocked.

Wang Hai hurriedly said: “Report the specific situation!”

“Yes, the prisoner has a primary specialty of the Martial Arts Department, [Bone Enhancement].

“It can increase the basic blood value, speed, strength, and physical strength by 5%.”

“But now it has changed, it has become an intermediate specialty!”

“How much has it grown?”

“Intermediate bone body enhancement, increased the basic blood value, speed, testosterone and physical strength by 10%!”

?When the detailed results of the report came out, everyone couldn’t help being stunned.

As we all know, expertise is a passive effect!

At present, there is no equipment that adds expertise, and there is no 100% stable and effective way!

The only way to obtain specialties is to have a certain chance to trigger them in learning professional knowledge.

The way to improve it is that growth will only occur in battle or in some extreme and specific situations.

It is like talent, uncontrollable.

Now, actually, there is growth?

Even Zhao Xing himself was surprised!

An extraordinary trembling voice from the Martial Arts department asked: “I know there is no temporary increase in specialties, but I still want to ask, is it a temporary or permanent effect?”

“Report, there is no temporary explanation!”


For a moment, everyone became excited! .

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