All People: God-Level Enchanter, The Country Takes Me To Level Up

Chapter 91

Chapter 91: Not Enough Stimulation, Let’S Use The Magic Staff! (Seek Full Order)

The third prisoner who came up was numbered A403.

Martial Arts Department, Shield Warrior.

This profession is known for its defense and stamina.

Another characteristic of shield fighters is that they can use energy-based shields at a low level.

So on his attribute panel, there will be some more detailed values ​​than others.

When performing the living enchantment on the shield warrior.

It neither barked nor showed any particularly exaggerated expressions of pain.

Compared with the previous two, the living enchantment for A403 went quite smoothly.

It only took half the time, and the enchanting process of the seven parts was completed in 15 minutes.

“A403, how do you feel now?”

Seeing that the shield warrior didn’t shout, Zhao Xing didn’t come out immediately like last time.

Instead, communicate with him.

“It hurts a bit, but it’s tolerable.

“I feel much stronger now.”

A403’s voice was a little surprised.

Because he was able to stay relatively awake, he saw the changes in panel attributes immediately.

Such a powerful boosting effect was something he had never experienced before.

He even felt that he could break free from these shackles and rush out!

But as soon as this idea was born, he quickly dispelled it.

Not to mention whether it is really possible to break free.

In other words, the supernatural being guarded is not something he can deal with.

If you really dare to do this, you are looking for death.

“Show me your panel.”

This time Zhao Xing didn’t let other people replace the work.

Then he saw the various attributes of the shield warrior.

Compared with his previous data.

“It’s still full strength attribute enchantment, but the specialty of this shield warrior has not been improved.”

“Where is the problem?”

Zhao Xing thought about it.

Wait until the duration of the enchantment effect expires.

This shield warrior still hasn’t seen any changes in his specialties.

Tell Wang Hai, Lu Yuanwei, Huang Liang and others about this matter.

Everyone started a discussion.

A transcendent said: “Is it a matter of probability? It would be too exaggerated to say that the expertise has been improved by 100%.

“It is reasonable that there is no specialization improvement.”

Many people nodded in agreement.

Indeed, if it is a 100% increase in expertise, it would be too outrageous.

It should be known that the bonus of specialties will always take effect.

Improve skills, or improve attributes.

Perhaps the next level is opened, and the effect will not be obvious.

When stronger skills appear, those weaker skills may be discarded.

A higher total attribute will also make the attribute bonus less impressive.

The percentage added by expertise is continuously effective.

And he doesn’t rely on equipment or any other additional conditions.

When encountering some extreme dungeon environments, that is, when equipment, enchanting, alchemy, forging, etc. are all added, all of them will fail.

The feat still works because it’s part of itself.

Zhao Xing said: “Then let’s make a hypothesis.”

“Assuming that this probability is very high, under the same conditions, why didn’t the shield warrior improve?”

Lu Yuanwei took the lead in proposing a hypothetical answer: “I have some guesses.

“First, the characteristics of shield warriors are not in strength, but in defense and physical strength.

“So, the full power enchantment this time did not add the right direction.”

“Expertise, expertise, literally, is the special drive of a profession.

“I also looked at the profile of that shield warrior just now.”

“The two specialties he possesses are both defensive in nature.

“Maybe you can try to improve his defensive attributes.”

Zhao Xing agreed with Lu Yuanwei’s idea very much: “Director Lu’s professional understanding is really strong, and he thought of it with me.”

“Guys, do you have any other ideas?”

One of the officers suddenly said: “If you don’t consider the probability issue, then I think you should also consider the stimulus intensity issue?”

“Look, shield fighters have high defense and thick blood, and thick nerves.”

“This level of pain may not be enough to meet the requirements.”

Zhao Xing gave the officer a thumbs up: “You are also very reasonable, during the process of being enchanted, he did not yell or even express much.

“I don’t know if he was beaten so often that he developed pain resistance.”

The officer who was praised felt a little flattered at this moment: “Where, I’ll just talk about my thoughts casually. Brother Zhao is the best.”

No one thinks his words are wrong.

Because the officers present, after seeing Zhao Xing’s ability.

I have subconsciously ignored the age of the other party, and put him in a position equal to myself, and even needs to be respected.

Another officer frowned and said, “If that’s the case, then there is some trouble.”

“Our Xia soldiers have all received intensive training.”

“Let alone special forces.”

“There’s even special interrogation training.”

“If it is said to be accompanied by a strong stimulus to improve expertise, then the effect on special forces may be weak.

As soon as this remark came out, many people also frowned.

Indeed, Xia Guo’s special forces were trained many times better than ordinary people.

Although some things are not displayed on the panel, such as resistance or something.

However, the laws summed up by humans themselves show that the resistance, resilience, and resistance of special forces are stronger than ordinary people.

This is not something that can be fully summarized by the panel properties.

“Not exciting enough?”

Wang Hai smiled immediately.

“Don’t worry about it, I have a solution.

Zhao Xing and Lu Yuanwei also understood and smiled immediately.

“Yes, this is really not a problem.”

“We can ask Phantom to assist.”

The rest of the officers were at a loss.

Not sure what they are talking about.

After all, not everyone knows the effect of the Red Rock Staff.

Not everyone pays attention to the five-nation exchange competition.

Soldiers are also very busy and need to perform tasks in various instances.

“Then let’s rule them out one by one.”

“Instructor Wang, is there any illusion in your company?”

Zhao Xing asked.

“Yes, I’ll call one over. y

Zhao Xing looked at Huang Liang again:

“Then please pick another shield warrior over here.”

“no problem.”

everything’s ready.

The fourth prisoner A404 enters the scene.

At the same time, Zhao Xing was not the only one beside the workbench.

There is also an illusion holding a red rock staff.

“I’ll try to increase my physical strength first, so you don’t have to do it this time.”

The illusion next to him nodded.

The growth of physical strength will also bring about the growth of defense and life value.

The conversion method is roughly to increase physical strength by 1 point, increase physical defense by 2 points, and increase life value by 5 points.

However, only shield warriors can see the specific defense and health values ​​at low levels.

【You carry out ‘Enchanting Physical Strength’ (hand) on the living target, and the physical strength of the living body will increase by 440 points (22X20), and the duration will be 600 seconds. 】

【You perform the ‘Physical Attribute Enchantment’ (legs) on the living target, and the physical attribute of the living body increases by 620 points (31X20), and the duration is 600 seconds. 】

【You carry out ‘enchantment of stamina attribute’ (abdomen) on the living target, and the stamina attribute of the living body increases by 840 points (42X20) for 600 seconds. 】

The new shield warrior still didn’t shout.

Although it was said that this process caused pain, it was still within his tolerance.

Wait for the overall enchantment to complete.

Zhao Xing and everyone waited patiently.

Lasts until the enchantment ends.

Prisoner A404 also did not produce any improvement in expertise.

“It seems that what Director Lu said doesn’t work.” Someone questioned.

“Not necessarily.” Zhao Xing retorted, “It can only be said that with a single condition, the possibility of expertise improvement has decreased.

Not too much discussion this time.

Zhao Xing directly asked Huang Liang to send in the fifth prisoner.

No. A405.

The conditions for this test are: strength enchantment, superimposed red rock staff, pain intensification.



“Hastily, let me go, I quit!”

“Grass Nima…”

The effect of the Red Rock Staff is really not covered.

Soon the criminal was struggling frantically.

And swearing wildly.

However, he didn’t scold for long, and quickly collapsed into a coma.

Enchanting complete.

Zhao Xing checked the prisoner’s status.

10 minutes later.

This prisoner also did not have the effect of improving his expertise.

[Preparation for the sixth test. 】

[Target: Prisoner A406, level 40 shield warrior. 】

[Test prerequisites: 1. Intensity stimulation, 2. Stamina enchantment. 】

[Test result: A406 did not wake up for 10 minutes after falling into a coma. It lasted until the end of the enchanting effect, and there was no improvement in expertise. 】


There are record keeping staff on file.

And Zhao Xing fell into deep thought.

The sixth test completely conformed to his and Lu Yuanwei’s assumptions.

That is: the physical attribute of the enchantment corresponds to the characteristics of the shield warrior, and the stimulation intensity is sufficient.

However, there has been no improvement in expertise.

What’s going on?

Is it really a matter of probability?

The first two were lucky?

Or, is it because my original talent is triggered, which leads to the improvement of the target’s specialty?

Thinking of this possibility, Zhao Xing looked at his prompt on the panel.

Not triggered.

Therefore, this is not the effect brought by the original blessing.

Lu Yuanwei pondered: “Could it be that the effect of the Hongyan staff is too strong?”

“We can’t measure these criminals at the level of special forces.”

“They simply cannot bear such a strong stimulus.”

Zhao Xing raised his eyebrows: “You mean to stay awake?”

Lu Yuanwei smiled and said: “That’s right, among those who succeeded twice, one of them completed the specialization in 187 seconds.”

“The second is the specialization upgrade that was completed in 324 seconds.

“Before we only noticed the time.”

“But ignore these two people, both are in a state of sobriety.”

“Maybe we just need to control the intensity of the stimulus to keep them awake and it will work.”

Zhao Xing’s eyes lit up: “There is this possibility, come on, continue!”

Time goes by, and the years are like years.

In the blink of an eye, Zhao Xing had been in Tianhe Prison for eight days.

More than 300 prisoners have been tested one after another.

For eight days, Zhao Xing kept trying different possibilities.

For example, full strength enchantment, full strength enchantment, full speed enchantment, full vitality enchantment…

For different occupations, different characteristics, exclude

other factors.

In the end, more than 300 inmates, nearly one-tenth of their occupations, were promoted in specialties!

“One tenth probability, which is already quite high.”

“It can be called a stable promotion path!”

“Zhao Xing, you have made great achievements for the country again.”

“Perhaps in the future we can replicate and promote this method through similar external conditions.

“If you can succeed, you will benefit countless people!”

It was General Ye Zhanping who spoke.

The old man came on the fifth day.

He also came with Sun Zhenggong, the head of Tenglong Special Forces.

At this time, they all looked at Zhao Xing very kindly.

“General, I just did some small experiments. If this method can be promoted to benefit the army and people of Xia Kingdom, it would be great.

The result of the experiment shows that there are three main reasons for producing expertise.

One is the relevant characteristics of the corresponding occupation, which has experienced a substantial increase in a short period of time!

The second is that the corresponding occupation has been strongly stimulated, but they are still sober!

The third is the living enchantment cast by Zhao Xing.

On the first day, when summing up the first two reasons.

In the No. 1 Prison on the other side, Ye Zhanping also ordered people to do the same test.

Compare the same data.

If there are only the first two, the probability is quite low. There are more than a thousand people, and only 3 of them appear.

Far less than Zhao Xing’s 10%.

Of course, this is much higher than the 0.12% probability given by the Enchanters Association.

And knowing the general principle, Xia Guo can start with these two reasons.

For example, to find the optimal interval of the intensity of this stimulus.

For example, some treasures are used to make up for the fact that it is desirable to make people’s strength increase at a rate of 590 days.

Although not as easy to use as Zhao Xing.

But it is also a way.

“The two experiences that have been summed up can be tested in ordinary troops. Although the probability is low, the advantage is that it can be replicated and promoted, and many people can be sent to do it.

“Zhao Xing’s method is best used on special forces, because he only has one person. With such a high probability, of course the best troops should be given priority.”

Ye Zhanping brought the topic here.

Sun Zhenggong, the chief officer of the special forces behind, immediately understood.

“Xiao Zhao, do you still have any needs for your research?”

“I think the scum in this prison is too useless, you should need stronger test subjects.

Zhao Xing nodded: “Indeed.”

The willpower of the prisoners is relatively poor, and many times they cannot reach the range of stimulation intensity enough to trigger, and they collapse on their own.

It doesn’t mean that it is enough to be stimulated, and there is also a rigid standard for the intensity of the stimulus.

If there is an index for painful stimuli, 10 is probably the lowest threshold.

Among these prisoners, only about 30 can reach this threshold.

Maybe some secret expertise promotion rules are prepared for those who are determined, not for those dregs.

Seeing Zhao Xing nodded, Zheng Gong was overwhelmed.

Ye Zhanping also introduced: “This is Colonel Sun Zhengyi of the Tenglong Army. Among his soldiers, he has the most martial arts professions.”

“What do you need, you can talk to me.”

Zhao Xing nodded: “Then I will trouble Mr. Sun.”

Sun Zhenggong quickly waved his hands and said, “No trouble, no trouble, hehe.”

The first phase of prison testing is over.

Zhao Xing also came to the Tenglong team for the second phase of the test.

In fact, this second stage is not limited to the participation of Tamron troops.

And phantom people.

The special forces are selected by geniuses, and the training they usually receive is not comparable to that of ordinary soldiers.

So Phantom also sent three magic spells of level 40.45.50, and followed Zhao Xing to Tenglong’s barracks.

“Xiao Zhao, did you have a good rest yesterday, do you think you should send someone to visit the barracks first?”

“There is no rush for enchanting.”

Zhao Xing glanced at Sun Zhenggong and said that he was not in a hurry, but the expression on his face betrayed his heart.

“No need for Colonel Sun, let’s start now.

“There will be time to visit in the future.”

Sun Zhenggong was overjoyed: “Well, here is the personnel list of Tenglong Special Forces, you can see what occupations and levels you need, I will call over immediately.

Compared with the prisoners in Tianhe Prison, the occupations here are indeed more diverse.

And they are all elite.

Zhao Xing ticked 10 people on the list with a smile.

It was handed over to Sun Zhenggong.

He also wants to see as soon as possible whether the goal of the second phase can be achieved.

“In Tianhe Prison, the willpower of those prisoners is too weak to withstand higher intensity stimulation.

“In addition, my original blessing has not been triggered.”

“Living enchantment is also enchantment. I don’t know what effect it will have after triggering the blessing of the source.”

Thinking in my heart, soon a soldier came to the laboratory. .

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