All Realms Start with Python

Chapter 14 - Snake rat 1 nest


The weasel rushed towards Fang Yun, but Fang Yun’s eyes were fast, he evaded the attack of the former, and at the next moment, he rushed towards the weasel that had not landed.

But the weasel’s agility is equally good, and he leans slightly to the right.

“be cheated!”

At the sight of this scene, Fang Yun smiled at the weasel biting in the past, and the head that came out suddenly changed the line in mid-air, almost when the head of the weasel turned to the right, he did the same action.

This is not to say that he is as good as God, but because the left side of the weasel is a tree wall. If it wants to avoid its own attack, it can only hide to the right.

After Fang Yun turned the angle of attack this time, the weasel couldn’t do any more dodge movements, and could only watch Fang Yun bite on his hind leg.


It was at this time that a weird odor suddenly spewed out from the weasel’s ass. Fang Yun released his mouth in an instant, and then quickly climbed out of the tree hole.

“Call …”

Came outside the tree cave, Fang Yun took a greedy breath, the smell of the weasel spewed out like the smell of rotten eggs, and it was terrible.

The moment when he smelled that smell before, he felt he was suffocating.

After slowing down, Fang Yun turned his head and looked into the tree hole. At that moment, the weasel was lying in the tree hole and wailing, trying to climb out of the tree hole, but he felt a powerlessness.

At this moment, let alone climb out of the cave, even standing unsteady.

In fact, he had already guarded against the weasel’s odor.

So when he first bit the weasel, he urged his fangs and injected a venom into the flesh of the weasel.

Now, his venom is working.

“I didn’t expect that my venom would be so toxic.”

Fang Yun stared in surprise at the weasel squatting on the ground in the tree hole, shaking for only a minute or so, but this weasel could not even move.

Almost one minute later, the weasel turned over and completely bleed.

However, Fang Yun didn’t go down immediately to swallow this weasel, but waited until all the odor inside was gone before Shi Shiran burrowed into the hole, and then began to bite this weasel bit by bit. Devour.

The long-kissed squirrel next to saw Fang Yun swallowing the weasel, and his body shook like a tremor, as if afraid that Fang Yun would swallow it.

However, because the hind leg was injured, and the smell of the weasel had a certain paralysis effect, so at this moment, it could not run out at all, and could only look at Fang Yun in fright.

It twitched its teeth and made a gesture of intimidation, and the hair that was originally relaxed on the body burst like a steel needle.

But Fang Yun ignored it at all, quietly coiled up and began to rest.

When the squirrel next to him saw that Fang Yun didn’t seem to have the idea of ​​hunting it, his emotions slowly relaxed. After hesitantly glancing at Fang Yun, he curled up and rested like a ball.

Early the next morning, Fang Yun went out to hunt as usual, but the movement caused by the crawling made the squirrel startled and panicked out of the tree hole.

But his hind leg was injured, just climbed up a little and fell inside the tree hole, only to look at Fang Yun in panic.

Fang Yun ignored this squirrel, climbed straight out of the hole, and started his hunting trip.

He had good luck on this day. Although he didn’t catch as many prey as yesterday, he also gained fifteen biological energy.

And his total biological energy has reached 95 points!

“One day, I will be able to upgrade to another level.”

Fang Yun was excited.

According to his hunting efficiency, it will be almost impossible to upgrade tomorrow.

After ‘s size grows again, he will become safer in this jungle, as long as he does not expose himself to the vision of that eagle, he will not be in danger at all.

In addition, he can go further to view the terrain and expand his territory.

After all, as his level increases, he will need more and more biological energy.

Went back inside the tree hole, Fang Yun lay quietly, preyed for a day, and his mind was a little tired.

The squirrel hid in a corner of the tree hole as usual, staring at Fang Yun with great vigilance, but he didn’t tremble like yesterday.

After a night passed, the energetic Fang Yun went out to hunt again.

To Fang Yun’s surprise, this day his luck was terrible. He didn’t encounter prey very much when he went out. Even if he encountered prey, the other party ran away before he got close.

After one day, he only harvested three points of biological energy.

But he also tested his own guess today, that is, whether he can improve his attribute value through exercise.

Under his verification, he found that his conjecture was correct.

But it seems a little tasteless.

Using this method to improve his physical attributes is not as fast as predation to upgrade his level.

Because according to his discovery, if you want to improve your attribute value, you have to break your limits again and again.

For example, I ran for one hour at a high speed before, and my physical strength increased.

After, if you want to increase your physical strength, you can’t continue to run for an hour. According to Fang Yun’s test, UU Reading wants to increase your physical strength again. The running time must exceed one hour.

Of course, this method is not completely without the slightest effect.

For example, in such an unlucky day, you can’t capture more of your prey, but you can use this method to improve your attribute value.

And Fang Yun guessed that not only physical strength can be improved through exercise, but also strength, agility and so on.

Spent half a day, Fang Yun increased his physical strength from 2.1 to 2.3.

Now, the limit time for him to continue running with full strength has reached two hours.

After returning to the tree hole, it was already dark, and what surprised Fang Yun was that he did not see the squirrel in the tree hole.

This morning he found that the squirrel’s injury was much better. Maybe he went out to find a place to rest.

After all, before he was injured, he slept in the tree hole at night, and the squirrel found a place to rest.

But to Fang Yun’s surprise, after a while, the squirrel got into the tree hole, and after looking at himself alertly, he found a corner and curled up into a ball.

It seems that this squirrel is less and less afraid of himself.

Fang Yun didn’t have the idea of ​​pushing it out, even he was still willing to get along with this squirrel.

Is also unclear about the reason.

Maybe it was just because he was too lonely, so he wanted to find someone to accompany, even if the other party could not communicate with himself.

Thought about it randomly, Fang Yun fell asleep.

Wait until the early morning of the next day, Fang Yun continued to go out hunting, and on this day, he finally caught enough prey, successfully opened his fourth evolution.

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