All Realms Start with Python

Chapter 7 - 1 minute

Swallowed this black-spotted frog in one bite, and Fang Yun’s heart showed a satisfaction.

This black-spotted frog has grown up and can provide him with two points of bio-energy. It only takes ten minutes to come out, and there is such a harvest. This is a good sign.

Go on like this, today he can catch enough prey, and then start his third evolution!

“Good, let’s have three more adult frogs!”

Fang Yun thought excitedly at the same time, at the same time, his body continued to wander among the trees, his eyes were also scanning around, looking for small animals that could be preyed!

Along the way, he saw several frogs, but all of them jumped past him, so that he had no chance of catching. In addition, he also saw a small gecko. When he saw him, he ran away.

In addition, he also saw an earthworm. This earthworm swayed slowly in front of him, but Fang Yun couldn’t even see the biological energy that an earthworm brought him, and simply let it go.

After almost half an hour, Fang Yun still found nothing, but he was not in a hurry. After becoming a snake, his temperament changed a little bit, and he was more patient than before.

Finally, a frog appeared in front of Fang Yun.

“Target lock, Zea frog, amphibia, no tail order, can provide 2 points of biological energy!”

When he saw the frog in front, Fang Yun was suddenly ecstatic, but then he restrained his excited emotions, so as not to disturb the frog by any movement he made.

This frog has grown up and is four or five centimeters long. It is crouching quietly on a piece of fat moss at the moment. It is easy to ignore its existence at first glance.

And Fang Yun also caught the scent that flew from it through Snake Letters, only then he could perceive its position.

Fang Yun creeped slowly, crawling straight towards that Zea frog, because that Zea frog was facing away from Fang Yun, and the speed of Fang Yun’s movement was very slow. Zefrog didn’t feel the existence of Fang Yun.

Almost a minute later, Fang Yun was only twenty centimeters away from this Zefrog.

This position is the best place for him to launch an attack!


Fang Yun’s body shot like a sharp arrow, and his mouth was wide open. He bit the Zebra Frog in one bite, and the Zebra Frog reacted suddenly at this moment and began to struggle violently.

However, at this moment its body had been hooked by Fang Yun’s sharp teeth, and he couldn’t break away.

The pain in the body, and the panic that caused predation, made it emit a “chirp” sharp hiss at this time.

Fang Yun was unmoved. Two rows of teeth hooked the Zea frog, and finally, the Zea frog resisted less and less, and finally the vitality dissipated.

At this time, Fang Yun began to swallow the frog into his stomach bit by bit. After a while, Fang Yun swallowed the frog into his stomach completely.

Fang Yun’s stomach swelled up. At this time, he twisted his lower body slightly, as if he wanted to swallow that Zefrog.

Breathed lightly, Fang Yun was more excited, and the successful hunting again encouraged him greatly, and he was more confident that he could catch enough prey to upgrade today.

But he did not stay too much in place, then dragged the bulging body and continued to crawl away.

And in the next period of time, Fang Yun was like a god. He swallowed two grasshoppers and two black spotted frog young frogs. Up to now, the prey he has hunted can already obtain seven biological energy!

It is worth mentioning that the adult black spotted frog and adult frog that he swallowed in his stomach had already been digested long ago, and he successfully obtained four points of biological energy.

In addition, after the two adult frogs were digested, his belly became dry and deflated again, and he could devour a few more prey.

Fang Yun glanced at the sky, and it was dark for a while, he had enough time to hunt a few more prey.

“Well? There seems to be a golden frog over there!”

Fang Yun’s eyes gleamed brightly. At this moment in front of him, there was a frog crouching there, his belly bulging, looking like he was hunting insects.

“Hey, this golden wire frog is also an adult, as long as I have swallowed this golden wire frog, I will meet the conditions for upgrading!”

Fang Yun happily started at this time, and then began to crawl quietly towards the opposite side.

He has some distance from that golden frog, but it doesn’t matter, he can crawl slowly over, and the more to the end, the more patient he is.


But at this time, there was a black shadow across from the bushes, and he suddenly grabbed the golden wire frog, and then looked up to Fang Yun.

Was suddenly surprised at Fang Yun, who was crawling towards the golden wire frog. He quickly fixed his eyes and looked at the dark shadows on the opposite side.


But when he saw the real appearance of the dark shadow on the opposite side, he shuddered violently, and a sense of horror suddenly rose from his heart!


What appeared opposite him, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com is a wild cat!

Wild cats, which feed on rodents, insects, small amphibians, and birds, are considered one of the natural enemies of snakes!

Looking at the opposite wild cat staring at him, Fang Yun had a urge to scold his mother. She was very careful and careful, but she still encountered such trouble!

“Ding, target locking, wild cats, mammals, carnivores, can provide 150 points of biological energy!”

Your uncle!

Hearing the sound of the system in his mind, Fang Yun could not help but swear in his heart, and also provided 150 points of biological energy.

The wild cat across from is about the size of an ordinary adult domestic cat, about 40 centimeters in length, but that kind of look is much sharper than the domestic cat!

And at this moment, the wild cat grabbed the golden frog with its head down and ate and ate, while its eyes were staring at Fang Yun at this time!

“Damn, this beast really beats my idea!”

Fang Yun burst into hair, from the eyes of this wild cat, he read a trace of dangerous information!

How to do! How to do!

Fang Yun’s brain was working quickly. Although the situation was extremely critical at this moment, he didn’t feel embarrassed at this time. Instead, he thought clearly and looked for countermeasures.

I have poisonous teeth!

But the wild cat is extremely responsive, and the ghost knows if he can bite it!

And even if it bites the other party, when does the venom react?

Don’t be bitten by the wild cat until the venom works. Then there is a fart!

So, don’t make it hard!

As Fang Yun was thinking about countermeasures, the wild cat opposite him … moved!

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