Alter Dimension: Lucky Dungeon Master

Chapter 87 Escape From Poverty

After playing around with Ferri for a minute, Alex walked away under the gaze of those people who came for Ferri.

While walking, he passed by the girl and her siblings and said,

"Follow me, we have something to talk about."

Then without looking back, he continued moving forward.

Behind him, when the girl heard his words, she bit her lips with an aggrieved look.

Her eyes look a little sad and seems to have fallen into despair.

She looked at her siblings who's asking her if there's something wrong and forced out a smile.

Then she said, "You guys, go back home first."

"I had something to talk about with that brother, maybe he'll give us food."

When food was mentioned, the eyes of those small kids lit up and a bright smile appeared on their faces that's covered in dirt.

"Really? Yehey!"

"Then we will be waiting for you, sister!"

The three waved their hands at the girl and left, heading towards a dark alley.

The girl watched them until they disappeared from her sigh before turning around and following Alex.

So, Alex, Ferri, and the girl walked around the streets without saying anything.

After walking for a while, Alex finally stopped in front of a bakery.


Alex opened the door and entered the shop.

The smell of bread immediately assaulted his nostril, making Alex sniff a few times.

"Hmm, the bread here smells good!" Alex said.

At this time, the person behind the counter greeted Alex with a smile.

"Welcome to Julie's Bakery!"

Alex nodded before looking at the bread displayed all over the shop.

Then, Alex started pointing at one bread after another saying, "I want this, this, that, and this."

He looked at the owner and said, "Please pack four of each bread that I chose."

"Ah! I will prepare it immediately, sir!"

The owner walked out behind the counter and started packing Alex's orders in a paper bag.

After a while, she finished and handed it to Alex.

"This is your order, sir."

"It's a total of 60 bronze coins."

Alex nodded in understanding and gave her a silver coin.

"Here, you can keep the change."

Then without caring about the reaction of the bakery owner, he turned around and left with a paper bag full of bread on hand.

The owner smiled brightly and thanked him loudly.

"Thank you, sir. Please come again!"

After that, Alex's group of three continued walking.

Finally, Alex found a park and sat down on an empty bench.

He turned his eyes at the girl who's been silent the whole time and said, "You, come here and sit down."

Hearing that, the girl stared at Alex for a while, trying to discern his intention through his eyes.

Seeing that she still didn't move, Alex raised an eyebrow and said, "Why are you still standing there?"

"I told you to come here and sit down."

Worry is visible on the girl's face, but still, hesitantly, she sat down beside Alex.

That is because she's afraid that Alex might get angry at her and hurt her.

However, unlike what she feared, Alex actually acted with goodwill.

Passing her the paper bag full of bread, Alex said, "Take this, eat this with your siblings when you get back home later."

The girl was stunned by this.

Looking at the bag of food hanging in front of her, she turned her eyes to Alex and unsurely said,

"Is this for real? Are you really giving these to us?"

Alex nodded without hesitation.

"Yeah, that's why I bought it. You and your siblings should eat more."

Suddenly, the girl's eyes became misty.

She looked at Alex with upturned eyes and said, "Sob… tha-thank you, sob…"

Alex looked back at her and smiled.

He patted her head and said, "It's alright. I understand how hard it is to live life like yours."

"After all, I was once living that kind of life as well not too long ago…"

Alex said with a melancholic mood.

After crying for a while, the little girl wiped her tears and stood up from the bench.

Then she stood in front of Alex and bowed down to him, saying, "Uhm, I don't know who you are but, thank you so much, brother!"

Alex smiled and nodded.

"Well, since that's the case, let me introduce myself."

"My name is Zero, I just arrived here at Nagels today."

In response, the girl hurriedly introduced herself, "M-my name is Angelica!"

"I have 3 smaller siblings that you already saw earlier."

After the short introduction, Alex decided to talk to Angelica.

"Say, Angelica, was it your idea to turn Ferri into an attraction?"

Alex asked while pointing at Ferri.

Hearing his question, guilt appeared on Angelica's face.

Bowing her head, she apologetically said, "I'm really sorry, Brother Zero!"

"I just want to find a way to earn money to feed myself so I used your wolf without permission!"

"It won't happen again, I promise, so please don't get mad at me!"

To that, Alex waved his hands and said, "No, don't worry, I'm not mad or anything."

When she heard that, Angelica slowly raised her head and took a peek at Alex's face.

After seeing that he was indeed not angry, she immediately sighed in relief.

At this time, Angelica remembered that Alex said before that he wanted to talk to her, that's why she followed him.

Curiously, she tilted her head and asked, "Uhm, Brother Zero, what is the thing you wanted to talk about?"

"Oh, that? Well, I just have a question for you."

"What is it?"

Crossing his arms together, Alex asked, "Angelica, do you want to live a better life?"

"To be able to provide for your siblings better food and a place to stay?"

Then full of seriousness, Alex added, "Do you want to escape from your life that's full of poverty?"

Alex threw one question after another which made Angelica fall into a daze for a few seconds.

Then when she recovered, she seem to think of something and a resolute look appeared on her face as she said,

"Yes! I want all of that, Brother Zero!"

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