American Comics: Start Making Tama’s Shadow Tattoo Stickers

Chapter 76

076 What Are You Barking At? What Is My Status, What Is Your Status? ! (1 Begging To Subscribe!)

Seeing the horrified riot, Venom became extremely happy in his heart!


It made the symbiote elite look terrified.

For the first time, it breaks class boundaries and realizes the suppression of the elite symbiosis.

Venom let out a pain-quick laugh.

Seeing the black feet flying across the sky, even more beaten than himself, the riots were almost frightening.

Wouldn’t this kick directly blow up the rocket ship?!

Then its flight plan will be completely ruined!

Wanting opportunities that are close at hand, riots are extremely uncomfortable and angry.

But more than fear!

Because if the rocket is dry-exploded, huge amounts of explosion will release massive amounts of flame and high temperature.

Symbiotes simply cannot survive in this!

That is the absolute death zone!

Is the other party crazy?

Isn’t the other party also a symbiote?

To actually do this, is this courting death?!

Riot doesn’t dare to stay in the rocket anymore, because it doesn’t want to die.

Its great plans are not yet complete.

It roared angrily, turned its hands into sharp knives and slashed open the rocket hatch, and quickly jumped out.

call out!

The riot quickly fell towards the ground.

It looks to the sky again.

I saw the giant venom hit the rocket with one kick.

That kick is amazing!


The rocket explodes directly!

Infinite flames gushed out and turned into mushroom clouds, sweeping and releasing!

Riots were also affected.

The blazing heat wave swept over its body, and it let out a piercing cry of pain.

That sound could pierce the eardrums.

this moment.

The riots were unimaginable.

Why does the most useless guy like venom possess such amazing power?

This kind of cannon fodder-like waste at the bottom of its rule can actually possess such terrifying power.

For the elites at the top of the symbiosis such as riots, they possess absolute strength and dominance, while the symbiosis at the bottom are like pigs and dogs.

Like most intelligent societies, in the eyes of some creatures above, the creatures of the same kind below are not at all two species in which the two sides of the same kind always look similar.

The other party only wants them to be raised in captivity and harvest the profitable leeks and pork pigs.

Being frightened by this kind of person, and even destroying the plan, this makes the riot who has always been aloof a bit unacceptable.

Not only the building, but people on the road around saw this scene.

Because the rocket has already vacated some distance.

So even those who are farther away can see this scene.

Saw a gigantic monster kicking an ascension rocket!

Everyone was dumbfounded and stunned.

“My God! Kick a rocket?! Damn, this is too strong, where did such a big monster come from!”

“Oh my god, this venom has to be as tall as a three-story building! It’s huge!”

“I went, what did I see, I saw a titan kicking a rocket!”

“Isn’t this… the venom? How did the venom grow so big, and it’s even more terrifying.”

“This… this is the biggest creature I’ve ever seen! Three stories tall! This is a real titan!”

In the distance, Spider-man was wandering around, and the intimate zero-distance contact last night made him still ache all over.

Spider-man gritted his teeth slightly: “I’m still not strong enough! I still need to keep getting stronger! One day, I will defeat Venom!”

“I’m Spider-man, I still have a lot of untapped potential!”


Spider-man was shocked, stopped wandering, and landed on a building.

Just because he also saw this scene in the distance.

Seeing the incomparably huge amounts of venom, little Spider-Man’s eyeballs almost popped out.

“How…how is this possible?! Is this venom?!”

For Venom, little Spider-Man that’s pretty clear!

After all, he has been chasing the other party for the past few days, and even got in touch with him yesterday, and now he is still in pain.

Therefore, he is the clearest about the size of the venom.

In other words, it is a circle larger than normal people.

But what about that giant venom in the distance?!

Can venom grow bigger?!

And it got so big?!

How to fight this?!

What does he Spider-man do to win?!


There was a loud noise in the distance.

The sea of ​​fire fills the air!

Watching the opponent’s kick exploding huge amounts of rockets, little Spider-Man’s back felt cold and his scalp tingled.



A burst of fear rose from my heart: “I…can I really defeat this giant monster…”

“Do I still have a chance…to defeat Venom?”

In little Spider-Man’s mind.

Figures of Thor, green titan, Ghost spider and others emerged.

Think of their horrible output.

and everything he saw before his eyes.

little Spider-Man murmured: “Is this the truth of this world? Every superhero possesses terrifying power beyond the limit.

“I always thought that I was very strong, but it turned out that I had been sitting on the sidelines.”

“The world is so dangerous, can I really protect this city and myself?”

little Spider-Man was in doubt at the moment.

For the first time, he felt a sense of powerlessness and depression.

“I, I really am a failed man.”

Because of the strengthening of superheroes one by one, Spider-man, who was originally standing firmly in the first echelon of superheroes on the earth, was firmly kicked down.

Especially when you get hit again and again.

Just make little Spider-Man a little autistic.


Inside a city.

Thor also went through the Internet and saw the scene where the giant venom kicked and exploded the rocket.

His expression was solemn: “Sure enough, the earth is crouching tigers, hidden dragons, strong people emerge one after another, I came to the earth to test, it is indeed right.

“Looking at these powerful existences one by one, I will recognize the vastness of the world, and then I will know that there are people beyond others, and then I will know Nuli.”

“I used to be really narrow-minded, thinking that I could see the Nine Realms clearly and stand on the top of the Nine Realms, but in fact I didn’t understand the real world at all.

“My choice was indeed right.”

“The world is where the strong should be.”

Somewhere in New York.

Banner sat cross-legged and saw all this through the Internet.

He murmured: “It’s really amazing in size, I didn’t expect the creature to grow to such a huge size.

“The most unexpected thing is that its attack and speed far exceed the average level of its original size. Not only is it huge, but its strength is even more terrifying.”

“This world is really dangerous. I want to reconcile with Hulk as soon as possible, complete the unification of myself, and fully grasp the power of the green titan.”

Think here.

Banner closed his eyes again, and began to breathe evenly. He began to meditate, began to feel himself again, and completed the reconciliation and unity of himself.

In the dark and cold space.

On a barren gray planet.

A small purple titan sits on a throne.

This is Thanos who has destroyed planets and wiped out countless lives.

Beside him, Ebony Maw and other generals of Black Day stood respectively, and the stars guarded Thanos like the moon.

in front of them.

Loki stands.

With a three-inch tongue, Loki finally persuaded Thanos to lend him a huge space fleet and a scepter.

Loki held the scepter, a gleam in his eyes.

With this powerful fleet and the magic scepter in his hands, the weak earth will be within easy reach.

Soon, he, Loki, will be the king of the earth and the master of the world.

He will complete the unification of one of the nine realms.

Accomplish a feat that even Thor failed to accomplish!

Loki said: “Don’t worry, little Earth, I will easily hold it in my hands.

Thanos smiled: “I look forward to your performance.”

Under the scorching heat wave, the riots were painful.

But it looked at the giant venom engulfed by the flames, and the riot was painful and joyful.

Pain is a burning in the body.

The joy is to see the one who caused one’s plan to be shattered and the instigator of physical pain to be engulfed by flames and turn into ashes.

Riot laughed wildly, mixed with resentment: “You trash! You actually use your life to stop the rocket! You are such trash!”

“For the sake of inferior species, you actually have to risk your own life! You are worthy of living at the bottom of the trash, and you can resonate with this inferior existence!”

“Do you like humans that much?!”

“For them, they are even willing to give their lives!”

“However, so what if you stop me this time?! You can only stop me this time! And I’m still alive, and I can continue!”

“A rocket is gone, I’ll just rebuild it!”

“Next time, it will be when the symbiote army descends on Earth!”

Riot laughed wildly, unscrupulously.

“You’re right, I can only stop you once.”

“Because you will disappear this time.”

Among the flames.

A deep and familiar voice sounded.

The wanton smile on Riot’s face froze.

next moment.

It saw a huge amount of fist breaking through the flames, and bombarded towards the chaos.

The sound tore through the sky, and there were huge amounts of tearing air sounds.

Riot’s body began to tremble, and infinite fear rose from its heart: “How…how is it possible?!”

“How can you not be afraid of flames?! You are a symbiote!”

Flames are the absolute fatal weakness of their symbiosis.

It’s their innate fear.


Huge amounts of fists hit Riot.

There was a scream.

Riot burst out.

It hit the ground and made a big hole.

The giant venom fell to the ground, and the ground trembled slightly.

In the big pit, the rioters basically had all their hands and feet broken, and they were crippled into flesh.

The piercing pain made both Riot and De Rake scream.

However, with the terrifying healing ability, the riot squirmed, and finally returned to its shape.

But the body is still aching.

At the same time, this recovery will basically consume De Rake’s life.

………seeking flowers… 0

Riot understands that after this time, De Rake’s body is basically useless.

Looking at the huge venom in front of him, Riot’s eyes were full of fear.

It said in disbelief: “Why… why can you become so huge, most importantly, you can even eliminate the weakness of fear of fire, how do you do that?!”

The venom laughed: “Trash, you don’t deserve to know. The only answer I can give you is death.

As he spoke, it ran wildly.

Boom boom boom!

Every step is basically a small local earthquake.

The intense pain and the counterattack of waste like venom deeply hurt the dignity of the elite leader of the riot.

Riot glared angrily, and opened his bloody mouth: “Kill me?! Are you worthy of this trash?!”

“What are you barking at? Who am I? Where are you?


It also ran towards the giant venom at an extremely fast speed: “I am the best existence in the symbiosis! You, a low-level loser, deserve to kill me?”


Riot opened his arms and turned into two huge sharp blades.

“Even if you grow bigger, so what? I can kill you with one blow! As long as I kill your host, it will be a waste that can’t do anything!”

“At that time, I will easily devour you! As long as I devour you! I will also be able to overcome the weakness of the flame! Even become extremely arrogant!”

A trace of madness and eagerness flashed in Riot’s eyes: “Everything about you will be mine!”

“All this is doomed from birth, this is class!”

“You can’t defeat me!”

“You are a loser who is only worthy of rotten at the bottom!!”


Let out a loud drink.

It jumped up and turned into an arrow and shot at the opponent.

Every sentence of the riot, status, class of birth, is like a needle piercing into the scalp and skull of venom!

The dusty stinging memory came back to life again, and rushed towards the venom.

It thought of its own treatment on the symbiosis planet.

Countless symbionts live together, just like human society.

In that world, its destiny was decided upon birth.

Forever suppressed, always living at the bottom, suffering from cold eyes and bullying, with no hope in sight.

In every war, these guys are the cannon fodder at the forefront.

When they eliminate the enemy, the higher-ups will reap the benefits.

Rao is so desperate, it can’t get any benefits, because the strong are born to be strong, they suppress everything and get all the resources.

Even if they try to resist, they can never succeed.

Because strength is determined at birth, they are inferior to others for life after life.

They are doomed from the very beginning, they are cannon fodder, losers, another form of slaves, beings who are oppressed and exploited.

Just because of a bad background, I have to be like a puddle of stinky mud, rotting at the bottom of the deep darkness all my life, living in a numb and mechanical way every day.

They can’t even struggle, and they are deprived of even the way to surpass.

That’s real suffocation!

The sting ignited all the suffocating despair in Venom’s heart.

It opened its bloody mouth wide and let out a roar.

Why are some people born so high!

Why is it born so that it will never stand up! It will be squeezed and stared at by others!

Those life experiences, like an infinite sharp knife, broke Venom’s brain!

That was a heart-pounding pain that was a hundred times, a thousand times more intense than physical pain!

The venom that had been laughing all this time finally broke out.

Venom laughed wildly, his voice so piercing that everyone outside had to connect their ears.

“Why should birth decide everything?! Why should the luck of one reincarnation rule my life! Why!”

This angry question that resounded throughout the world seemed to burst out the suffocation and despair of a lifetime!

The giant venom swung a huge fist, the air burst, and the momentum was huge.

Seeing this, Riot grinned loudly: “Why? Just because I am superior to you!”

“You still want to use your hands to block my cutting edge?! You are really stupid! I will cut off your hands! Then cut off the head of your host!”

Riot excitedly swung his blade towards the giant fist.

The two sides collided together.


Sparks fly!

The sharp blade seemed to have cut something extremely hard.

Riot’s heart was shocked, extremely horrified.

Its sharp blade can easily cut through steel and even aerospace alloys!

Ordinary symbionts can be cut off at will.

Turns out it didn’t cut Venom’s fist.

There was a light click.

A tiny crack popped out of the riot blade.

Riot watched the scene in disbelief.

next moment.

The cracks expanded rapidly.


The invincible blade of the riot breaks directly!

how come?!

Huge amounts of fists slammed into Riot again, and an incomparably terrifying force acted on Riot.

(Today was delayed because of the tax refund, but I will try my best to have more three demons tonight. Only).

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