American Comics: Take Over The Umbrella And Threaten The Widow At The Beginning

Chapter 40

Chapter 40 Nemesis Reward, Perfect Alice Clone

During the tense firefight, no one noticed that their leader, Crossbones Rumlow At the moment, had already run far away.

In fact, when Crossbones saw the tracker equipped with a vulcan, he knew something was wrong.

If it wasn’t for collecting detailed data on this tracker, he would have already disappeared.

Then, after collecting the data it needed, Crossbones ran away.

And before fleeing, Crossbones did not remind his men.

Because he needs a little time to escape, and the lives of his men just buy him time.


After escaping from the jungle in a panic, Crossbones took a big gulp of fresh air.

Panting heavily, he threw away all the electronic equipment and heavy equipment that could be located on his body.

Just now he didn’t dare to stop for a second, and ran at full speed, as if there was a hungry wolf chasing after him.

In fact, that thing is much more terrifying than the beast, whether it is the weapon or the monster originally.

It’s just that the Vulcan Cannon is so powerful that even the Crossbones Rumlow who ran a certain distance was not completely spared.

In an instant, a bullet exploded beside him, and at the same time chipped a stone fragment into the right side of his cheek.

Crossbones, unable to dodge, felt a stabbing pain in his right eye.

As a veteran who tortured others countless times, he immediately realized that his right eye might be disabled.

Without his right eye, his strength has dropped by at least 30% compared to before.

At HYDRA, strength is dignity.

In an instant, Crossbones’ left eye was bloodshot, and his heart was full of murderous intent.

The fist is hard!

Just looking back at the tall shadowy figure, thinking of the bone armor that even machine guns could barely penetrate, Crossbones loosened his fist.

He couldn’t beat the defense even if he was exhausted.

And that weird bone armor will recover by itself, what a B thing!

Subconsciously, Crossbones gripped his beloved Desert Eagle around his waist.

Then, the roar of the Vulcan Cannon continued!

Crossbones Rumlow was like being splashed on the head with a basin of ice water, and instantly woke up, and the injured right eye was even more painful.

He cursed secretly: “With such a big body and such a powerful weapon, you really don’t talk about martial arts, Fake!”

I can’t move in melee, but I’m blasted from a long range. I’m going to play NM!

I slipped away, and I went back to my hometown to sell it because of the wishbone!

Crossbones Rumlow, who had just regained a little strength, did not stay any longer, but covered his right eye and started to run away at full speed.

“You run fast, but this time, you have to wear a ‘couple blindfold’ with the black stewed egg.”

Seeing the familiar Crossbones disappear into the picture like this, Lin Luo secretly complained in his heart.

He could have kept the Crossbones here.

But that doesn’t make much sense.

And Lin Luo has already regarded HYDRA as something in his pocket.

If the plan is successful, he has the opportunity to incorporate the power of HYDRA.

If HYDRA is hit hard, it will be tantamount to harming Lin Luo’s own interests.

Therefore, he must maintain a balance and not let HYDRA lose too much.

In the end, Lin Luo took another look at the tracker, and the battle was basically over.

It has to be said that the Tracker performed above expectations.

Because it combines the advantages of the game and the movie, the tracker controlled by Lin Luo is ridiculously strong.

For example, electronic chips can be used to control the actions of trackers, and bone armor, which is comparable to light armor, has been added to make up for the previous shortcomings of no distinction between friend and foe and unstable injuries.

Moreover, Lin Luo also mastered the two powerful artificial intelligences of Red White Queen.

Therefore, the ability to control the tracker is greatly enhanced, and the electronic chip in the tracker’s body can be used to detect and regulate the tracker’s body data in real time.

With the control of the two artificial intelligences, Red and White Queen, the reliability and stability of the tracker have skyrocketed.

It is equivalent to evolving from the original “skeleton soldier” to the level of the death ice dragon, and it has no defects and will not be restrained.

This is a qualitative leap.

Even Lin Luo, who has a high vision, has to admit that the tracker at hand has strong strategic significance.

The tracker, which has comprehensively strengthened its defense, stability, and controllability, is like a biological version of the Mark 1, with infinite possibilities.

It is also the foundation of the Overlord.

This wave is actually Lin Luo superimposing the previous reward accumulation on the tracker, so he can break the modern steel torrent.

Therefore, this HYDRA team, which looked unusual at first glance, was not wronged.

If the previous T-103 Tyrant was just a small fight, the potential value is greater than the actual combat value.

But starting from this tracker, Lin Luo’s military strength and war potential have suddenly increased a lot.

With an army of trackers in hand, Lin Luo can completely establish an independent small kingdom and live a prosperous life.

In order to obtain such a powerful arm, some big countries need to spend ten years to do it.

But here at Lin Luo, all you need to do is move your mouth and complete a task.

This is the BUG of the system. It can quickly become stronger for no reason, and there is no upper limit, no price, no hidden dangers, and it is very comfortable.

Lin Luo can’t wait to see what the second mission of the Nemesis Project will reward.

Just thinking about it, Bai Hong reported:

“No surviving enemies detected, the battle is over, and the tracker is on standby!

Tracer battle footage generated, report transmission completed! ”

Lin Luo turned on his mobile phone and saw that the video of the tracker killing the HYDRA troops just now had been transmitted.

At the same time, a familiar sweet voice sounded in Lin Luo’s mind:

【Ding! The host completes the second mission of the Nemesis restart plan, and gets the reward of perfect Alice clone body! 】

[Start the final task of the Nemesis Restart Plan, create a tyrant stronger than the tracker, and complete the Nemesis Restart Plan! 】

Seeing this reward, Lin Luo was overjoyed.

This is awesome!

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