American Comics: Take Over The Umbrella And Threaten The Widow At The Beginning

Chapter 86

Chapter 86 Mutations Are Unreliable, Only The Umbrella Can Lead The Gene To Soar

After listening to the conversation between Lin Luo and Tony, Pepper looked surprised, a little unbelievable.

Tony Stark is a living example of how effective the umbrella strengthening potion is.

Can there be a better product for this?

And why are you in such a hurry to develop new products?

Generally, isn’t it time to promote products on a large scale and quickly seize the market?

Rhodes’ eyes lit up even more, and he said excitedly: “Really? There is something I’ve been wanting to say for a long time. In fact, I also have a dream of being a hero.”

As Rhodes previously told Iron Man, he joined the military to fulfill his dream of being a hero.

However, Rhodes gradually discovered that he was just an ordinary colonel after all, no different from other colonels, and others could not recognize who he was.

That’s fine.

But what makes Rhodes unacceptable the most is that sometimes, as a member of the military, he actually stands on the opposite side of heroes.

Unknowingly, Rhodes became the person he wanted to defeat when he was a child.

This made Rhodes very painful.

Therefore, he envied his friend to be Iron Man.

Hearing Lin Luo’s description, Lordston suddenly felt that he also had a chance to become a superhero.

“Stay tuned, I can only say that everything is possible.” Lin Luo smiled mysteriously, revealing an inscrutable expression.

Up to now, everyone knows that the umbrella has a very powerful hole card, but they just don’t know what it is.

This is the result Lin Luo wants, sleepiness is the scariest thing.

And Lin Luo can also come up with new powerful products at any time, so this unknown threat is even more threatening.

So until now, these people have only dared to fight against the umbrella within the scope of the rules.

The definite downside is that these people’s infiltration and investigation of the umbrella has also reached a crazy level.

But here, only using “traditional business warfare” is considered virtuous and disciplined.

Such as spies, contract traps, pressure from contacts, etc. are just normal competition, and even murder and arson are considered “traditional business wars”. As long as it doesn’t involve high-level personnel

These days, Lin Luo is too much trouble, so he made up his mind to be ruthless.

Lin Luo has always done things fairly, as long as someone thinks to be immoral with him.

Here at Lin Luo, they are not protected by the law, and they have no chance to speak morally.

second chance?


At the moment Tony Stark seemed to have thought of something, muttering to himself: “Strengthening potion with better effect, it’s impossible! If it can be stably controlled and mass-produced, then…

This equates to mass production of Captain America Rogers.

Those military and careerists will only see that this potion can become a powerful weapon that can bring unimaginable power and fame.

However, Tony · Stark saw the hope of human evolution.

When the aliens invaded before, everyone could only pin their hopes on Lin Luo and the umbrella.

This time, Lin Luo resisted the pressure and defeated the aliens.

Woolen cloth︰

What should we do if stronger aliens come?

Tony Stark secretly considered several sets of plans, in fact, strengthening human beings in all aspects is one of the most effective plans.

But this requires extremely advanced biotechnology and a powerful group with inestimable strength.

Except for the umbrella, no one has this strength.

The Osborn Group can’t do it at all. It is said that their board of directors is a little unstable.

Thinking of this, Tony Stark thought: “Virus, healing the body, stimulating potential, why do I seem to remember where I saw it? It seems to be called Extremis? Forget it

Over the years, the similar investment proposals he had read had not 10,000 but 8,000.

All those assumptions, inventions, and ideas added up are nothing compared to a hair of the perfect T virus strengthening potion.

Whether it is the latest biological medicine or the so-called bottom-of-the-box treasures of the Osborn Group, they are all rubbish in front of the perfect T virus strengthening medicine.

Even the original Super Soldier Serum has limitations.

After all, it is capable of permanently changing the will of a person’s mind, supposedly making the bad worse and the good better.

Based on this alone, Tony Stark is not interested in this potion. After changing his mental will, is he still himself?

Therefore, even the super soldier serum can’t compare with the perfect T virus strengthening potion.

After all, it is absolutely impossible for everyone to have a tube of this thing, otherwise it will be a mess.

It can be said that the perfect T virus strengthening agent represents the hope and light of mankind.

Umbrellas are the future of mankind.

Lin Luo glanced at Tony Stark who looked thoughtful, and said with a smile, “It seems like ‘heroes see the same thing’!”

In fact, Marvel really has no shortage of potions to become stronger.

As far as Lin Luo knows, there are Super Soldier Serum, Extremis, Centipede Potion, Green Goblin Potion, Spider-man Power, Lizard Potion, Green Titan Power…

There are all kinds of medicines, some of which are not weak, and the potential is still very good.

But these medicines all have a characteristic, which is also the characteristic that the perfect T virus strengthening medicine does not have, that is, they can turn into monsters.

“The poor rely on mutation, the rich rely on technology.”

This is presumably a traditional Marvel feature.

Moreover, it is the kind that can really mutate and become a monster, but the protagonist happens to be immune to this side effect.

In fact, the Super Soldier Serum could also be called the Red Skull Serum.

Thinking about it carefully, this is also very logical. After all, the effects of these potions are the same as the mutation alchemy potions of the demon hunters, which are equivalent to gene-induced mutations that can take effect quickly.

The genes have changed, and the body cannot be justified without changes.

Moreover, modifying genes originally is a very dangerous thing, and if you don’t pay attention, it will cause side effects such as physical breakdown and personality transformation.

From this, classic and evil villains were born, such as Red Skull Smith, Green Goblin Norman Osborn, the abomination…

In fact, the T virus is also the same principle, but the T virus can originally integrate various good DNA fragments, and then change the host’s DNA.

Therefore, the perfect T virus can not only gather the strengths of a hundred schools of thought, but can evolve infinitely stronger without any side effects.

This is the perfect route for genetic ascension.

Therefore, in Lin Luo’s view, Marvel’s potions and “monster power” are the nourishment of the T-virus, and the T-virus is just a pre-tool. Once the golden key is completed, he will open the path of genetic ascension. ladder.

Because of this, Lin Luo has been committed to completing the Nemesis Project.

Although Lin Luo didn’t express the potential of the perfect T virus, Stark has faintly realized that the perfect T virus strengthening potion is an epoch-making product that can subvert the world and change the fate of people.

It has to be said that Stark’s sense of smell is still very keen.

“So what you said before is true.” Stark looked shocked: “T virus is really the hope of human evolution!”

…… Ask for flowers O……

In fact, when talking about better products just now, Yuni Stark also first thought of Kaida’s interests and world-class business groups.

Later, Stark remembered that Lin Luo said that the T virus was originally a treasure used to allow humans to evolve, and he also said that humans should be on par with or even surpass gods.

At that time, Tony Stark was very excited when he heard it, and he just laughed it off when he calmed down afterwards.

After all, this kind of thing is a bit too unimaginable, even Lin Luo can’t do it easily, it can only be said to be a good hope.

But after personally experiencing the beauty and power of the perfect T virus strengthening potion, Tony Stark changed his mind.

Now Tony Stark has become a loyal fan of Lin Luo and T Virus.

Now he finally knew that he was just a frog in a well, and his vision was no different from those people he looked down on before.

The smarter people are, the more they can appreciate the meaning and great potential that the perfect T virus strengthening potion can represent.

Such technology is simply not something that can be developed at the current level of technology.

“The umbrella is indeed for making money, but at my level, money is just a number to me.” Lin Luo has a serious face:


“So I have been limiting the development of the T virus, and I have tried to make it an Angel that saves people, not a demon that destroys the world.”

“You should understand the pressure I can bear?”

In fact, this is almost the same as the truth.

If it weren’t for Lin Luo who controlled the T virus, the world might have been infested with zombies long ago.

Normally, no matter how strong the ability of the person in power to control the group is, there are too many people who can’t stand it.

A small-scale leak of this thing is inevitable [There are too many people and too many influences who want to believe that the T virus has leaked.

Therefore, Lin Luo fulfilled their wishes.

Some idiots will not stop playing with fire and setting themselves on fire until they throw their ashes up with a torch and make them feel the pain.

Tony nodded again and again: “I understand, I understand!”

These days, the military is coercing and luring him in various ways, just to obtain the technology of the steel battle suit.

If it weren’t for the fact that Tony Stark was about to die, and he was backed by the behemoth Stark Industries, he might have given in early.

Therefore, he can fully understand Lin Luo’s mood.

Facing a man who saved himself and a great man like a saint, Tony· Stark is 100% trusting.

Stark has even begun to imagine an image of a hero who endures humiliation and perseveres for justice.

Moreover, he felt that Lin Luo’s words really touched his heart.

No matter what decision Lin Luo makes in the future, Stark will fully support it and will never have any opinions.

“We are very fortunate that the umbrella is under the control of President Lin Luo.” Pepper, who understood a little bit, raised his glass quickly and took a big sip.

After experiencing Obadiah’s incident, she also felt more and more afraid of those careerists.

If that virus really fell into the hands of an ambitious person like Obadiah, the consequences would be disastrous.

“Regard the umbrella!” Rhodes followed suit and let out a sigh of relief.

And the common thought in the hearts of the three is that Lin Luo is too strong to be able to defend the T-virus while holding up the umbrella of the sky.

No one else can do it.

Only people like Lin Luo are qualified to grasp such a treasure with infinite potential.

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