American Comics: The Leader Of The Cult, Creating The Cthulhu Gods

Chapter 40

Chapter 40: Beat The Hatred, Scare The Green Titan! (Ask For Flowers, Ask For Evaluation Tickets, Ask For Monthly Tickets)

Chapter 40: Beat the hatred, scare the green titan! (ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for monthly tickets)

Saieg’s terrifying power enveloped the entire Big Apple City.

That formidable power directly gave the fighting loathsome and green titan a huge pressure like being crushed by Mount Tai.

Under such huge amounts of pressure, they dare not even make a single move.

Even if you move your fingers, you will feel extremely difficult.

For a moment, both Green Titan and Abomination stood in place as if they had turned into stone statues, daring not to make any movements at all.

“Finally being honest?”

At this moment, a voice full of displeasure fell into the ears of the two.

Then they saw a young man with two women coming in front of them.

Looking at the young man in front of him with disgust and disbelief, he seemed to be wondering why this young man could still move freely under such a terrifying force.

Obviously he looks so fragile, there is nothing special about him at all.

Even in the eyes of hatred, the young man in front of him is just like an ant like those pedestrians who were shot to death by him on the road.

But why, he can be so relaxed?

In fact, hatred knows the answer, but this answer, which is ready to come out, is unacceptable to hatred anyway.

“You two guys, it’s okay to fight outside, but they all came to my house? You really think I’m dead, don’t you?!”

Xiao Wen scolded the two of them in a reprimanding tone.

This may not be a big deal to the green titan, after all, he doesn’t quite understand it with his IQ.

But this is completely different for hatred.

He gained power after a lot of trouble, and he would be the strongest existence from now on.

The whole world will tremble under his own strength, but he never thought that now even a weak-looking little boy can teach himself a lesson.

Suddenly, a stern look flashed in his disgusted eyes, and he struggled to attack Xiao Wen.

But just as he moved, a more terrifying pressure fell on him.

This is not pressure, but a real existence, a huge force like gravity, directly crushing the hatred to the ground.


Under the loud bang, the whole earth trembled slightly.

A big pit also appeared at the foot of the abomination, it looked like a titan directly stepped on the abomination.

Immediately loathed that strong body, like a ceramic doll that fell on the ground, with wounds everywhere.

Bright red blood flowed constantly from the loathsome wound.

Just one blow completely annihilated the hatred that an entire army could do nothing about.

This is just a phantom formed by part of Seeg’s power, which is not even an incarnation.

Every Old One is a powerful god, and their power can easily destroy a planet, or even an entire galaxy.

In contrast, abhor these seemingly powerful existences.

In fact, they are just creatures like their relatives. No matter how powerful the pet they raise is, the owner only needs to look at it to make him terrified.

After Saieg beat the hatred to the ground, he disappeared.

Originally, this phantom was summoned by Xiao Wen using a fragment of La’lye’s text.

This remnant copy is different from the original, it can act as the heart of magic power, so the magic power to summon Seeg is actually paid by Xiao Wen.

Xiao Wen’s current magic power is not yet inexhaustible, so the time that Seeg can exist is actually not long.

And Seeg was originally not a god who liked to kill indiscriminately, so only after the abomination was resolved, Seeg’s phantom disappeared.

At this moment, the entire Big Apple City also came back to life again.

The time that stood still began to turn again.

Almost everyone’s face was full of joy for the rest of their lives, and they felt that they were able to survive the time just now, as if they had walked through hell.

Especially Ada Wang and Natasha Romanoff next to Xiao Wen.

They are the closest to Xiao Wen, and they can feel the terrifying power of Saieg the most.

Even when Saieg appeared, if it hadn’t been for Xiao Wen’s voice, they would have been completely sunk in Saieg’s terrifying power by now.

“Speaking of Banner, what are you going to do now?”

Xiao Wen just glanced at the abomination in the big pit, and then set his sights on the green titan.

It’s just that the current green titan has been frightened by Saieg’s terrifying power, and he has no temper at all when facing Xiao Wen.

Before Xiao Wen could even say anything, he had automatically canceled the transformation, and changed back to Dr. Banner.

“Master, we are now…”

Natasha Romanoff looked at Dr. Banner who was lying on the ground, and just wanted to ask what should I do now?

But before he finished speaking, he heard a mess of footsteps coming from outside.

“Hurry up!”

General Ross rushed in with a large group of soldiers.

“Who are you……”

“The leader of the Chaos Secret Church, Mr. Xiao Wen?”

General Ross saw Xiao Wen as soon as he entered the door, and felt a little familiar at the time.

After thinking about it for a while, he immediately reacted.

Isn’t this the leader of the cult that has become known to everyone recently?

“General Ross, what do you mean you brought someone into my house?”

Xiao Wen looked at General Ross with a smile on his face, and his tone seemed very gentle.

But now General Ross is insane.

Preoccupied with grabbing the Abomination and Dr. Banner.

“Mr. Xiao Wen, I’m here to capture two green monsters, may I ask what they are…”

Before General Ross finished speaking, he saw Dr. Banner lying unconscious on the ground.

Then he looked to the side in the deep pit that must be at least ten meters deep, and there was still a bruised and bruised hate lying there.


General Ross’ expression suddenly changed, and he looked at Xiao Wen in disbelief.

He had already seen the strength of the abomination just now. The entire heavy armor battalion was directly torn to pieces by the abomination. He could even resist rockets and fragmentation grenades. How could he be beaten like this now?

Even Banner was beaten back to its original shape.

Couldn’t all of this be done by the person in front of him?

General Ross looked at Xiao Wen in astonishment, and asked tentatively.

“That… Teacher Xiao Wen, who are they?”


As soon as Xiao Wen mentioned these two people, the smile on his face became even brighter.

“They have received God’s punishment for blasphemy.”

“I still want to seek compensation from them. Now that you are here, General, or you can pay the compensation.”

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