American Comics: The Leader Of The Cult, Creating The Cthulhu Gods

Chapter 44

Chapter 44: The Action Of The Mutant Brotherhood, The Rat In The Wall Appears! (Ask For Flowers, Ask For Evaluation Tickets, Ask For Monthly Tickets)

Chapter 44: The Action of the Mutant Brotherhood, The Rat in the Wall Appears! (ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for monthly tickets)

Not long after Xiao Wen made an agreement with Professor X, the news of their cooperation has already fallen into the ears of some people who have always been interested in Professor X’s whereabouts.

Mutant Brotherhood.

“So, there may be a certain degree of cooperation between the X-Men and the Chaos Secret Church?”

Magneto was a little skeptical when he first heard the news.

After all, what kind of organization is the Chaos Secret Church, Magneto does not believe that Professor X will not know.

Even he can see that this is a cult.

And it’s a pretty dangerous cult.

There is no reason for Professor X to cooperate with such a dangerous organization.

But on second thought, Magneto understood again.

The concept of peaceful coexistence of Professor X has been repeated for so many years, but how many people are really willing to accept it?

Except for those guys who are also Mutants, there are very few people who can accept the Professor X concept.

So after so many years, Professor X still hasn’t made a big change in Mutant’s situation, and now he should be a little impatient.

“At present, it should be like this, but I don’t know what they are going to do? I only know that the Chaos Secret Church is planning to go to the Middle East, and Professor X asked Angel and Storm to protect him.”

A man holding a newspaper slowly approached Magneto.

While reporting information to Magneto, the body is changing.

Soon the man holding the newspaper turned into a woman with blue skin.

Mutant Brotherhood is best at inquiring about the woman, Mystique.

“Having gone to the doctor in a hurry, Charles has now fallen to the point where he even has to borrow the power of a cult. I really don’t know what he will do for his ideas in the future?”

Charles is the name of Professor X.

Although Magneto is now a stranger to him, even a deadly enemy.

But the two used to be very good friends.

But that’s why Magneto was surprised that Professor X chose to tap into the power of the Chaos occult.

“Everyone will change. In my two hundred years of life, I have seen such a scene more than once.”

Mystique has absolutely nothing to do with it.

As a rather long-lived Mutant, Mystique has seen compromises, changes, betrayals, etc. in her life.

So in her eyes, anyone can change.

It’s not a big deal.


Magneto slowly closed his eyes when he heard the words, and then took a deep breath: “Now that they know their itinerary, let’s get ready!”

“No matter what they are going to do, since it is related to X-Men, it will definitely be detrimental to our Mutant Brotherhood. It is best to let someone take a look and stop them at the right time!”

“Who will do this?”

Mystique looked at Magneto, there were plenty of people who could do it.

But exactly who to let go, that’s up to Magneto to decide.

“Sabretooth and Master Illusion, let the two of them play by ear.”

Magneto thought about it carefully, this matter is not difficult.

It was enough for Sabretooth and the Illusionist to go alone.

“Okay, I’ll let them know.”

After Mystique nodded, he turned and left.

And Magneto stood there, wondering what he was thinking about?

“Charles, I will prove to you that humans will never be able to coexist with Mutants!”

Another two days passed.

Near the base of a terrorist organization in the Middle East.

“Hey! Sir, can you tell me why you brought me to this place?”

Dr. Banner looked at this exotic land, and couldn’t help asking Xiao Wen in front of him.

Since I woke up, I found myself imprisoned by these people.

In other words, the captivity is a bit imprecise, it should be protected, right?

The other party did not restrict his freedom, and even still acted at will.

It’s just that he can’t leave the villa area, and there are no restrictions other than that, and he doesn’t even show any greed for the terrifying power in his body.

This surprised Dr. Banner, who had powers within him that even the military could only dream of.

I didn’t expect that they didn’t care at all, and since I stayed here, the army has never come to the door.

This also made Dr. Banner, who had been hiding in Tibet for several days, feel a sense of relief after a long absence.

So I didn’t care so much.

Until Xiao Wen brought him to this place later.

Dr. Banner really couldn’t understand why Xiao Wen brought himself to this place?

“Dr. Banner, we are here to find a house from long ago, where we have what our Chaos Tantric Church needs.”

Xiao Wen didn’t hide anything, so she told Dr. Banner the purpose of this trip.

But after Dr. Banner heard it, he couldn’t help exclaiming: “You are the Chaos secret church? That evil…”

Originally, Dr. Banner wanted to talk about cults, but he swallowed the words when they came to his lips.

After all, it is quite impolite to call someone a cult in front of others.

“A cult, right?”

Xiao Wen didn’t care about this, but said it directly.

Because in his own eyes, he is also practicing a cult.

There’s nothing wrong with that.

But the key point is that Xiao Wen only cares about whether his missionary work can succeed.

Other than that, don’t worry too much about it.


Facing Xiao Wen’s words, Dr. Banner was silent for a while.

With an embarrassing look on his face, Xiao Wen couldn’t help laughing.

“But speaking of it, Dr. Banner, you don’t know that we are the Chaos secret church? I didn’t deliberately hide it from you, did I?”

“Uh~ At that time, I was only thinking about being happy, and finally I can have a place to rest at ease, without having to live with mice in the sewer, so I forgot to ask who you are.”

Speaking of this matter, Dr. Banner was also embarrassed for a while.

But it sounds quite interesting to Xiao Wen.

Dr. Banner doesn’t want to live with rats?

But next, the place where I want to go is probably not as simple as having a mouse.

“System, realize the script of the mouse in the wall.”

“Successful realization!”

Dr. Banner, who was in embarrassment, suddenly looked up and saw a building not far away.

That is……

“Why is there a monastery here? And why didn’t I see it just now?”

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