American Comics: The Leader Of The Cult, Creating The Cthulhu Gods

Chapter 47

Chapter 47: Mysterious Cave, Faith In Outer Gods! (Ask For Flowers, Ask For Evaluation Tickets, Ask For Monthly Tickets)

Chapter 47: Mysterious Cave, Faith in Outer Gods! (ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for monthly tickets)

green titan?

Dr. Banner?

Now I knew who it was, but it became a little troublesome instead.

After all, the green titan has gone crazy, so it’s still a little troublesome.

Xiao Wen pushed hard on his feet, and he jumped backwards into the air and landed directly on the bed.

Then the already dilapidated gate shattered on the spot, turning into a sky full of sawdust.

A tall figure stood at the door, it was Dr. Banner’s green titan.

“what happen……”

“Fack! What kind of monster is this?!”

Dono was the first to rush over when he heard the noise, but he was shocked when he saw the green titan standing in front of Xiao Wen’s door.

After all, it looks like a green titan, and anyone who looks at it will be afraid.

Then the green titan seemed to be even more afraid of Dono, as soon as he saw Dono, he rushed into Xiao Wen’s room, stood in a corner and squatted down.


Seeing the appearance of the green titan, Xiao Wen was stunned for a moment, but then he came to his senses.

“Is this scared?”

Xiao Wen looked at the green titan squatting in the corner, shivering constantly like a child, and didn’t even have the courage to look outside.

He already understood what was going on.

Although the green titan is powerful, but at the same time his mind is only three years old.

Before fully integrating with Dr. Banner’s consciousness, the actions of the green titan still rely more on instinct.

The power left by the gods in this room just now suddenly played a role, causing a series of strange phenomena.

For ordinary people, this may be similar to being haunted.

It’s just that under the blessing of the mysterious power of the restraint system, it will appear even more terrifying.

But for the green titan it is completely different.

He had only felt it not so long ago, along with the abomination, the pressure of the Great Old One.

Now there is a sudden encounter, the power of the outer gods that is more terrifying than the old masters.

This powerful but frightening force immediately aroused the deepest fear in Green Titan’s heart, and he instinctively wanted to find a safe place.

And right now the safest place in the entire monastery is undoubtedly Xiao Wen’s room.

Because none of these forces pose any threat to Xiao Wen.

So the green titan naturally rushed in, wanting to be sheltered.

The green titan curled up in the corner seemed to sense that it was safe here, so it gradually relaxed.

The body began to shrink constantly, and finally Dr. Banner came again.

He was looking at Xiao Wen with a look of fear, and asked stammeringly.

“Xiao…Master Xiao Wen, no… Are you okay?”

“Dr. Banner is fine, don’t worry.”

As Xiao Wen spoke, he stepped forward and pulled Dr. Banner up.

At this moment, Dono from outside rushed in holding a shield and a short knife.

“Xiao Wen, are you okay? I’m here to save you!”

Dono yelled and rushed in, waving the dagger in his hand indiscriminately.

Seeing him like this, Xiao Wen couldn’t help laughing, then grabbed Dono’s hand holding the knife, and said softly, “It’s all right, Dono.”


Dono calmed down after hearing this, and then looked around, only to find that the green monster was no longer visible.

“Xiao Wen, what about that green monster that looks like Shi Laike?”

“There are no monsters at all, probably because you are too nervous and have hallucinations?”

Xiao Wen did not say that Dr. Banner is the green titan, but chose to help him conceal it.

Dr. Banner breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time looked at Xiao Wen gratefully.

Ever since I met Xiao Wen, I have been causing trouble for Xiao Wen.

But Xiao Wen not only helped him solve the military’s problems, but also never asked more questions about his own situation, showing absolute respect.

Maybe after I go back this time, I should really officially join the Chaos Secret Church.

Thinking of this, Dr. Banner suddenly felt that joining the Chaos secret society was not unacceptable.

After all, Xiao Wen has helped him so much, and he should reciprocate both emotionally and rationally.

Dr. Banner made up his mind that after returning this time, he must formally join the Chaos Secret Church.

How can a religion that can be led by an upright and helpful leader like Xiao Wen be a cult? This must be a rumor from the outside world!

After thinking about it this way, Banner became more determined in his mind.

At this moment, Angel and Storm, as well as Sabretooth and Master Illusion also came.

“We found out that all the cats had gone to the basement.”

Angel looked at Xiao Wen and the others, and after confirming that no one was injured, he turned to Dono and asked.

“Mr. Dono, do you know what’s in the basement?”

“The basement?” Dono thought for a while, and then said: “The basement seems to be built by the Romans, but I don’t know the more specific things, because I have never gone down.”

Angel nodded, and then said speculatively.

“Now it seems that the old nest of those mice should be the basement, and this should be the only place in the whole house that hasn’t been investigated, right?”

Hearing this, Dono hesitated for a moment, then immediately nodded and said, “Since this is the case, let’s investigate.”

After speaking, Dono took out a key and led several people to the basement.

Xiao Wen also supported Dr. Banner, whose legs were still weak, and followed.

When they came to the door on the last floor of the basement, Dono took out the key and opened the door, and then pushed hard, and what everyone saw was a cave.

Everyone looked at the cave in surprise, but at this moment Dono’s expression became a little unnatural.

Although he concealed it very well, everyone present, except Dr. Banner, is an old world who has experienced many years of ups and downs.

They immediately noticed something was wrong with Dono.

Although everyone didn’t say anything, they were also cautiously guarding Dono.

But at this time, Dono seemed to feel some kind of guidance, and walked towards the cave in stride, and the rest of the people followed closely behind.

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