American Comics: The Leader Of The Cult, Creating The Cthulhu Gods

Chapter 48

Chapter 48: Cannibal Family, You Are All Livestock! (Ask For Flowers, Ask For Evaluation Tickets, Ask For Monthly Tickets)

Chapter 48: Cannibal family, you are all livestock! (ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for monthly tickets)

Since coming to this basement, everyone has actually noticed.

The Dono in front of them obviously has a problem.

Especially after the basement was opened, everyone could clearly feel that Dono had changed.

It’s just that none of them said anything about it, they just saw Dono’s behavior and kept it in their hearts.

Just be careful with Dono at all times.

Seeing that Dono seemed to be making a new move at this moment, several people immediately followed, and no one was willing to lag behind.

Everyone is full of curiosity about the secrets hidden behind this monastery.

Especially when they really faced the existence of the rat in the wall and knew that the backside of this monastery was not simple.

That kind of curiosity is even more ready to come out.

This place is actually called a cave, but it’s actually more like a Warehouse, but it’s a bit too big.

But think about it, after all, this was originally a basement.

Isn’t it Warehouse?

But as everyone went deeper, everything they saw subverted their cognition.

Until the end, they all came to a bottomless pit under the leadership of Dono.

After arriving at the big pit, Dono stopped and stood in front of the big pit, his eyes glazed over, like a puppet without a soul.

Especially that sluggish face, without a trace of the expression changes that humans should have.

But now Dono’s back was facing everyone, so naturally everyone couldn’t see his face.

“Aren’t you going to continue?”

“Dono, although I don’t know what you want to do? But the prank should stop here.”

Master Illusion saw that there was nothing worth caring about in this cave.

Dang even exposed Dono’s disguise.

“From the very beginning, you have been lying to us. My eyes can clearly see that you are trying to deceive us!”

Master Illusion himself is a master of fabricating lies, he can tell at a glance whether others are lying or not.

So when he first came into contact with Dono, he had already discovered that Dono was lying.

In other words, Dono didn’t tell everything he knew, but the master of illusion didn’t expose Dono at that time.

He also wanted to see what kind of medicine was sold in Dono’s gourd?

And now that Dono seems to have some new tricks, it’s time to clarify all this.

“From the beginning, you wanted to guide us into this cave, but you obviously have some hesitation. What is in this cave?”

The Illusionist looked at Dono suspiciously, with deep curiosity and greed in his eyes.

“Also, how on earth did you create those illusions? Even I can’t see those illusions, and even after encountering them, my heart is filled with fear, and even the sixth sense can be deceived. Your illusions are really amazing. Interesting!”

Master Illusion spoke very excitedly, like a treasure hunter who has found a treasure.

In other words, Dono in front of him is really a treasure for Master Illusion!

Because as long as he thought of the scene where he encountered the rat in the wall in the house before, he would tremble with fear.

This fear, even after the master of illusion has firmly believed that all this is an illusion, has not weakened in the slightest.

This is a means that the master of illusion has never been exposed to.

If I can get this means, then my strength will definitely get an unprecedented improvement, and even surpass Magneto and become the most powerful Mutant!

However, the master of illusion, who was still immersed in his own fantasy, did not notice that the Dono standing in front of him at this moment had undergone huge changes.

At this moment, Dono exuded a strange aura from the inside out, especially after hearing the words of Master Illusion, he turned around slowly.

That icy expression, like that of Deadman, immediately made everyone feel their backs light up.

The spine couldn’t help shaking.

“Lies? Illusions? Can you really tell what is reality and what is false?”

Dono’s strange tone immediately made everyone’s heart tremble.

But before they had any reaction, a strange force enveloped them all.

This power is like a dream, but it is extraordinarily real.

It’s as if it’s between the virtual and the real, the crack that can’t be confirmed as true or false.

It was at this moment that everyone saw the truth about this monastery.

It’s still this cave, it’s still this place.

Nothing has changed, just a few more things.

A group of fat, chubby pig-like livestock was rolling wantonly in the filth and mud at this moment, but for some reason, everyone who saw this scene did not feel a chill in their hearts.

Especially when they saw a man like a swineherd approaching a livestock with a butcher’s knife, and directly crushed the animal to the ground, the shining butcher’s knife was about to stab it.

At this moment, everyone also saw the swineherd’s face clearly.

It was Dono!

Although this has long been in their guesses, when they actually saw this scene, they still couldn’t help but feel a burst of fear in their hearts.

Especially after seeing that Dono was a swineherd, they suddenly thought of another question.

Since Dono was a swineherd, what was that cattle on the ground?

Or, who?

They have already guessed what kind of history is hidden behind this Ikem Abbey.

This is a family of cannibals, perhaps a cult.

And since it is a cannibal family, it is natural to know what the animals they domesticated are!

But it is precisely because they know this that they are so afraid.

Especially under the influence of this strange force, the fear and anxiety in their hearts are also infinitely magnified.

And finally, when they saw the face of the beast that Dono had pinned to the ground, it reached its climax.

Because that animal that looks like a pig has a face that is exactly the same as his own!

All of a sudden, everyone felt cold all over their bodies, as if they had fallen into an ice cave.

A kind of horror that cannot be described in words surged into their hearts in an instant.

Then it turned into the most primitive emotion of human beings, the most direct way to express fear.


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