Apocalypse Rebirth: Chief, Don’t Move!

Chapter 1475

#1476 dust settled (end of this article) (1)

The key is that even if her uncle is treated like this, there is no painful expression on her face. Bai Ling gritted her teeth and closed her eyes to adjust her mood. “You want to deal with me like this, are you afraid that I will kill you!”

“Oh, don’t make what you said so powerful, if you don’t have the God Sword, what are you? I can easily kill you!” Yu heard Bai Ling’s cold voice, and was immediately unhappy, then his eyes wandered. Fist, hand gently squeezed on the tender neck of the small meat ball, “I almost forgot, you still have Tenjin sword in your hand, give it to me!”

If there is no Tenjin Sword, can she deal with her?

Yu’s words made Bai Ling stunned, but when he saw Yu’s eyes, they were terribly harsh, and his hands began to exert force obviously. Bai Ling said, “Let him go, I will give you!”

Bai Ling wanted to pretend to have no feelings for them, but it was basically impossible. They all knew the importance of Li Zhenghao and others in Bai Ling’s heart.

And as long as she showed little concern for them, she believed that the next second Yu would twist their necks or let the zombies eat them.Because this is the thinking of the perverted person, the useless person naturally has no need to keep it. If they want to kill her, they will have a tough way.

Now Bai Ling doesn’t need blood to condense a sword at all, and she sees a force slowly appearing in her palm, and finally this force grows into a sword shape, isn’t it a god of heaven?

But the Tianshen sword at this time is different from the previous one. The blood red on it has completely receded. It is the same as Bai Ling once saw the Tianshen sword. It is slender and very thin. It seems to have a trace of transparency. It is cold in the sun. Take it, get closer, and people with low strength may be frozen directly into ice sticks.

“You go get it!” Yuzuko zoomed out. When she came out of the sword, she felt uncomfortable, and she seemed to see something swimming on the sword, and it was very sharp for her. Will rush to pierce her body at any time.

Before she fully felt the horror when the god sword absorbed her power.

An Ning wanted to move forward, but he didn’t want to be stopped by Yu. His eyes were soft, but very cold, “I’m talking about it!”

An Ning’s face immediately showed a flattering smile, “So this is it!”

Not to mention that An Ning had thoughts about Tenjin Sword, even Wei Xingxing wanted the legendary sword, so when Yu said, they naturally wanted to pass by.

Following Yu’s fingers, she could see that she was instructed to stand next to her, about three meters tall, resembling a human, but incompletely covered with purple and black, all zombies with flesh and no skin that felt like saliva.No eyes, but nostrils and a wide mouth, the teeth of the mouth are all grown outside.

The level is more than one hundred and thirty, and in the blink of an eye, he reached Bai Ling’s side, stretching out his bulging claws. Bai Ling can also see its muscles surging, placing the sword on his hand, watching The sword was immediately wrapped in rebirth insects, but in the blink of an eye those rebirth insects seemed to be injured by Jian Qi and disappeared.

Bai Ling saw Yu’s look very ugly, his lips moved, but did not hear the sound, did not expect the zombie to take a bold action after taking the sword, actually swallowed the God of God sword in front of everyone.

Although the God Sword is greatly influenced by Bai Ling, the zombie is also a flesh and blood body, and there is not much difference between the inside and the outside of the body. The power is wrapped, and it will not affect it if swallowed.

The key is that even if Bai Ling can perceive the Tianshen Sword and even control the Tianshen Sword, she will not dare to move under the control of Li Zhenghao and others.

Before waiting for Bai Ling to react, a black shadow appeared in front of her, and Bai Ling’s abdomen was heavily hit. Although he was not impacted, he could also see Bai Ling’s abdomen appearing behind. Layers of power spread outward.

With a loud grunt, Bai Ling spit out a bloody stain on the face in front of him that was still beautiful but expressionless.

Bang Bang, Hugh Feng coldly punched and fiercely attacked Bai Ling fiercely, Bai Ling who could not fight back could only withstand unilateral violent beating by Hugh Feng.

And she believes that as long as Yu is bored, she will order people to kill her, and Li Zhenghao and others can’t live.

“Do you want to go out?” After the Wen people saw the Bai Ling who was kicked into the air and surrounded by black shadows, all the people gritted their teeth.

In fact, Yu’s method is too shameless, and actually used this method to contain their young master.

Shadow Tiger stopped them quickly. “Don’t act rashly at first. It wasn’t the time. The reason why she didn’t want to let Li Zhenghao and others go wrong.” Suddenly, Shadow Tiger froze and smiled bitterly, “It seems that you don’t need to go past Help!”

That’s right, the sound of rustle came from not far away. Obviously, many zombies and mutant beasts have come to them. The key is also the advanced mutant beasts and zombies, enough to deal with their group of people.

Hibiscus quickly put on the gloves with a touch of charm from the usual time, but instead had more coldness and madness, “It came just right, and the old lady hasn’t done it for a long time. Under the two black dragons, don’t mention holding back!”

Their level is not low, but it is still so many people in Jincheng. How can Hibiscus like to swallow this breath.


A huge zombie had just come out of the trees after the voice of Hibiscus fell. He roared at them, and rushed towards them with a huge pressure.

Soon this area became a battlefield seen by zombies and people, Yu completely cut off the possibility of their sneak attacks, and increased the attacks of zombies and mutant beasts on this side.

As for Bai Ling’s scars, her embarrassed appearance clearly made Yu and Anning clap their hands.

But did not find that the dragon on Bai Ling’s shoulder did not know when to start and disappeared.

The wind with silver flowers flying in the sky standing in the sky narrowed his eyes, restraining his impulse not to go forward, suppressing the strong feelings that did not know where to come from, and staring at the stricken Huo Feng. Abused woman.

Xiu Feng naturally exerted all his strength, because he was not a zombie but also had human feelings. He could not forget Wen Qing’er who was fleeing out of Beijing at the time and was brought by the gentleman lord to find the feather. Although he later left the feather, but He knew that Yu had placed bugs on her as well. If he did not obey Yu’s instructions, Wen Qing’er would definitely be killed by her.

Poof, another blood spattered directly on his face, making Xiu Feng’s face tingling, yes, her blood seemed to be poisonous to him, and it felt extremely uncomfortable if contaminated, if from Bai Ling’s perspective It can be seen that the place where Xiu Feng was splashed by Bai Ling’s blood was actually recessed, as if something under the sebum was afraid to avoid Bai Ling’s blood.

Bai Ling naturally discovered this feature. Obviously, there are many viruses hidden in Xiufeng’s body, and the virus condensation can become a rebirth insect. The painful eyes glanced at Li Zhenghao and others below, not enough, not enough.

After half an hour, Bai Ling could feel more and more injuries in her body, and even some bones were smashed. It was because the wind was attacking too fast, and the repair speed in her body could not reach the speed of destruction. .

But for a long time, the zombies even brought the mutant beast and Anning Weishaxing together with Xiu Feng to attack her.

If it weren’t for her strong body, her body had already been penetrated by Xiu Feng’s sharp hands.

And the zombie that devoured her god sword did not come up, obviously Yu was also guarding her.

Bai Ling gritted his teeth and turned slightly when An Ning and others attacked together. When he touched it, Bai Ling’s body fell down like a meteor, with a strong momentum.

Yu looked up and saw that Bai Ling’s figure was obviously directed at her. She didn’t move, but the zombies beside her waited for the first time to reach out to block her.

But at the moment when the zombies reached out, Yu seemed to notice a reflective desire to wave away the zombies’ hands. When he looked up, Bai Ling was surrounded by a lot of people. These people were none other than Li Zhenghao. It was the same little white dragon attacked by the zombies and the little black dragon transformed into a slap. It was already prepared to rescue. While everyone’s attention was on Bailing, the blood that was injured on the little black dragon was not wrapped by its power. It was exposed, which attracted those zombies who guarded Li Zhenghao and others.

The dragon’s blood itself has a fatal attraction to any creature, let alone a zombie that uses blood to make a living?

Even Yu Yu couldn’t help but focused on the little black dragon, but was finally drawn back to Bai Ling’s scream.

Also at this time, Xiao Bailong’s spiritual movement power was compounded in Li Zhenghao and others. As for the unconscious little meat ball held by the feather, in order not to hit the grass and startle the snake, it could only save a part first, and because Bai Ling absorbed After the dragon blood, it seems to have a similar mental perception with the dragon, so her thoughts can be clearly transmitted in its mind.

Otherwise, with such a chaotic scene, under the powerful feather, there is no way to communicate, and there is no way to cooperate so perfectly.

Because Bai Ling itself was shocked by them and went down, and had been prepared, even if Yu had already reacted at this time, controlling the insects in Li Zhenghao’s body and others, but found that the insects seemed to be imprisoned by something. .

Yes, it is the unique ability of the white dragon, which can act on the human body and trap the bug with invisible power.

Of course, it also takes time, and it can’t be easily found out otherwise the life of Li Zhenghao and others can’t be guaranteed.

This is a very risky approach, but for Bai Ling, if you do not take risks, everyone will die.

The small white dragon succeeded, and Bai Ling had already prepared thunder and lightning in his hands. At the moment they came up, they penetrated into their bodies with close touch of the thunder and lightning of Bai Ling’s blood, and drove their heads in a zest. The bugs in the cat died of electricity.

You have to know that when Bai Ling hunted those zombies with more than one hundred levels, he used lightning to completely kill the rebirth insects, and those rebirth insects seem to be very afraid of the blood on her body. Under double, Bai Ling can It felt like the strange breath of them had disappeared, which was a matter of a moment.

Bai Ling’s body didn’t stop. He directly attacked the feather that was holding the small meat ball and found that he could not control the bug.

Despite the huge damage to Bailing’s body, he was still able to continuously attack the feathers under the support of gritted teeth, not to mention that the slap-sized little black dragon had now become those who recognized the thickness of the waist and continuously attacked the protective feathers. Zombie.

After repeated interruptions, Yu was unable to hunt the small meat ball, and more importantly, the small meat ball also carried a thunderbolt, which seemed to be wrapped in the small meat ball, so that her reborn insects could not get close.

At this moment she knew she was calculated.

When Bai Ling touched her, the thunderbolt on the fist only reached the body of the small meat ball.

Don’t forget, the small meat ball is a thunderbolt, his body can be said to be full of lightning, and the subtle bloody lightning will naturally be absorbed by the small meat ball to the feather side, but because there are white dragons between the two compartments The special ability acts, so the lightning separation is not completely absorbed by the small meat ball.

This is enough to keep the meatball from being killed by other methods of feathering.

Because of the energy of thunder and lightning, the small meat ball woke up in an instant, and he was not sleeping seriously, and after so long, it is reasonable to have been awake for a long time. The reason why he did not wake up is Because of that bug, the bug is now under control, and he naturally returned.

At the moment when the bugs were lifted in the sky, the sober Li Zhenghao felt the deep environment, and for the first time blocked those zombie mutant beasts who were rushing towards Bailing. They were also god-level people anyway. But it’s okay to delay for a while.

Of course, in addition to the rest of the wind, the power of the wind is above them.

Because of Bai Ling’s calculation, the anxious feather blocked the Bai Ling’s attack while throwing the feather out, and soon saw a large mouth of blood appearing in front of the small meat ball. The meatball was devoured.

She also pinched the little black dragon in her hand. She didn’t want to let the little black dragon die, but the two dragons were too disobedient. Moreover, if she wanted the dragon, she could start with the other two, Jincheng’s. People will not be all greedy anyway.

Unexpectedly, Bai Ling didn’t actually save the small meat ball, it seemed that he was not afraid that he would be eaten, and with a loud cry, Yu only felt that there was a strong threat behind her coming towards her.

With the roar of the zombie tearing, pouting, Yu pinched the hand of the little black dragon was actually cut off, taking advantage of this time the little black dragon quickly turned into a little loach, quickly ran away.

But what I did not expect was that the hand seemed to consciously chase the little black dragon, but the hand that was about to touch the little black dragon again was crushed by lightning.


When Yu looked up, he saw that the sword was held by Bai Ling again.

When An Ning and Wei Shaxing saw this scene, they quickly moved away from them. After all, Bai Ling is now fighting back, and her power cannot be underestimated. They are not opponents at all.

When they saw that Yu was about to squeeze the dragon to death, they were really a pity. They never thought that Bai Ling didn’t know what he did to actually let the zombies devour the god sword from the zombies. This undoubtedly shocked them. Incomparably.

Bai Ling, who got the Tianshen sword, is really like a fish, because the action is very fast, even if the zombies that swallowed the small meat ball are already very fast, but they are still faster than Bai Ling’s sword spirit. The huge mouth was cut into two ends, even if there was a feather attack, she didn’t mean to avoid to catch the small meat ball forward, and clearly saw that the red thunderbolt with her blood entered the body of the small meat ball Among.

This lightning is obviously different from the lightning that Bai Ling gave Li Zhenghao and others before.

No one had expected that when the lightning was sucked into the meatball, what he suddenly saw was the breath of the meatball’s promotion.

Breaking from the second floor all the way up, the input of Bai Ling on the other side is unbroken, but also has to deal with the abilities of zombies and mutant beasts, as well as the attack of Xiufeng.

It wasn’t until the tenth floor that Bai Ling let go of the small meat ball, and the direction he flung towards was actually the direction of her retreat attacking her again.

“I’ll give it to you, meatball!”

“Relax, auntie!” When the small meat ball who also practiced the longevity tactics completely opened the power of the Tianshen sword in Bai Ling, he knew that the power required in the body of the small meat ball because of the changes in the longevity tactics. Closer to her current power, the power shown is his original power, but her power can increase his original power by stimulating the power of the longevity formula in his body.

Yu had no chips to deal with Bai Ling, and felt the powerful power of Bai Ling at this time. She naturally wanted to escape from here. At least she still doesn’t want to confront Bai Ling.

Unexpectedly, zombies and mutant beasts can’t stop the white spirit like the god of killing.

The two quickly moved away from the battle, and Feng Chaoge’s figure flashed far above the sky, and he caught up in the blink of an eye.

On the edge of a cliff, Yu stopped and never turned his head, but his hand stretched out, so that the delicate hand actually blocked Bai Ling’s sword, and the sword’s qi struck her hair flying.

The corner of Yuzui stared at the cold face in front of him with a smile, “Bai Ling, do you think you are really strong enough to kill me? What about Tenjin Sword? My strength is different from before!”

During this time she devoured not only zombies but also the dragon-specific mutant beasts she encountered when she came over.

She is someone who can choose blood to strengthen herself.

Holding the sword, he lifted it gently, watching Bai Ling, who was following the sword of the follower, and threw her down the cliff in the blink of an eye, but never thought Bai Ling was not slow, stepping on when she threw it down The rock protruding from underneath quickly jumped up, and then turned over once again towards the feather thorn.

In order to stop Bai Ling’s attack, Yu had to change her body shape. Now, she can completely maintain Lori’s body to deal with Bai Ling, and fights Bai Ling with bare hands.

You come and go between the two, the figure moves fast, the average person can only see the shadow where the two intersect, otherwise, if you are not careful, I think there is no one here.

The voice of “Zizizi” made Yu’s hand suddenly pull out, and looked at the scorched hand that was electrified. In the blink of an eye, the hand quickly regenerated and returned to the delicate and shiny appearance, but Yu Yu’s head was actually covered with one. Something like a fine layer of blood mist.

“You really make me angry!” Yu gritted his teeth.

Unfortunately, Bai Ling didn’t want to take care of her at all, and was still attacking while she was talking.

Her blood and Tenjin Sword are both feathers, but she doesn’t know when the Tenjin Sword will be able to fight against the body.

This made Bai Ling more certain that no matter how he had to kill Yu this time, otherwise she would be strengthened and she would have fewer and fewer chips to deal with her.

Zizi, with her thunderbolt, apparently thunderbolt also appeared on Yu. Unfortunately, Bailing Thunderbolt was introduced by real nature’s lightning. Most of the lightning in Yuyu was formed by zombie viruses and abilities. Thunder and lightning, with Bai Ling’s blood, Yu was naturally at a disadvantage.

Bai Ling can only win her by thunder and lightning now, she will not stupidly kill her with a sword, because it is impossible.

The feather was finally cut, but the wound on Yu’s body healed in the blink of an eye. Although she will heal after the lightning is clicked, the movements behind her will slow down involuntarily in order to relieve the body of the lightning.

The fighting is overwhelming here, but the battle is over on Wen Ruyu’s side, and Leng Xuehan has no hands at all.

Wen Ruyu squatted down her slender body, and her eyes looked at An Min, who was lying on the ground with a trace of coldness.

An Min was supposed to be a dead man, but she was saved because of the gentleman who could create life, but she could not deny that she had become a half-human half-corpse.

Wen Ruyu kept her attacking, but he applied the potion on the defensive cover as before. If An Min had complete skin, maybe she could not touch the potion, but she was incomplete. The potion touched her muscles. Waiting directly into her body.

The more she attacks, the more potions she contacts, and slowly the power in her body will disappear.

And what brings this power to her?

The bad thing is the virus. The virus was destroyed by the potion. How can her broken body support it?

Even if An Min was still staring at Wen Ruyu at this time, it was useless, and could cause no harm to Wen Ruyu.

“Han, solve her!” Wen Ruyu said as she stood up and turned to Leng Xuehan.

Leng Xuehan heard that the sword was drawn, but he gently swung the sword. An Min was too late to even scream. The body was cut open from the head, accompanied by smelly black blood and bright red blood.

But soon Cold Blood Han reached out and stopped Wen Ruyu.

“You know mine!” Wen Ruyu didn’t look at Leng Xuehan.

“That’s a strong fight. What if you go?”

Wen Ruyu smiled slightly, “It should be possible to come up with some ideas. And I don’t know if Feng Chaoge will do it.”

“Are you crazy, actually wanting to use yourself to attract Feng Chaoge? Who do you think you are? Feng Chaoge’s current strength even makes me tremble.” Leng Xuehan was angry.

“Relax, he won’t hurt me!” Wen Ruyu smiled lowly.

“Oh, how can you be sure that he won’t hurt you, he has been looking for you before!” Leng Xuehan said he would not let go.

“If you are not worried, you can go with me!” Wen Ruyu finally turned to look at the cold blood cold, with a touch of firmness in his eyes, “Now it is not you and I want to live, but to let humanity win, don’t first Speaking of the wind and the song, Yu brought so many zombies this time, maybe I didn’t think of a complete war with us, but when you came, I said that Yu is constantly increasing its strength. If such a source is not killed, wait until What should she do when she grows up to be invincible? Watching her lead the zombies to continuously occupy human territory, and then completely eat humans, making this world a zombie world?”

Wen Ruyu saw a touch of cold blood, and continued, “This is an opportunity. Yu rarely appears. Seeing that nature has to find a way to destroy her. It is not enough to rely on Bai Ling alone, even if her strength has grown now.”

As Wen Ruyu reached out, “Give me!”


“Don’t install garlic, I have followed so many rebirth insects, I left you a copy on the way, you are the fastest, you must have been back to Beijing, since this rebirth insect is a combination of viruses, plus The blood collected from the spirit was sent back together, and now it has been more than half a year, and there can be no fruitlessness.”

Cold blood cold bit his lower teeth, and finally pulled out a bottle from his arms. The bottle was not too big with a light red liquid in it, and there was a bug in the liquid.

Originally, the white bug had a pink feeling all over the body, floating in the liquid, but twitching from time to time, obviously the bug was alive.

“This is the result?”

“The only one that succeeded.” Leng Xuehan frowned. “But… it’s also risky. Professor Zhao said that putting it on her may not succeed.”

“It’s enough to disintegrate her absorptive power.” The power is constant, rebirth is constant, and there is no weakness. Such an opponent is undoubtedly terrifying, unless the source of her power is cut off, which is naturally easy to deal with, and then confronts cold blood. Han reached out his hand, “Take me a ride, your speed is faster!”

Glancing at him coldly and coldly, “Don’t expect me to help you save someone!”

Wen Ruyu just chuckled and didn’t mind what he said. Anyway, when he was in it, he would have to save.

When the two men rushed to the fierce battle, the number of zombies and mutant beasts are still increasing, but because of the dragon and other specific mutant beasts, I don’t know when it will come. It’s not particularly heavy.

Wen Ruyu frowned because of cold blood and coldness, he immediately found the Shadow Tiger and commanded the entire battle at the same time. Until a breakthrough was found, the battle situation was temporarily stabilized before he dared to go in the direction of Bai Ling.

As for the cold-blooded cold that was naturally left by Wen Ruyu, before leaving, Wen Ruyu also specially looked at the rest of the wind surrounded by several people.

Xiu Feng came out of the Wen family and followed Wen Qing’er, how could he not know Wen Ruyu?

But he was not close to Wen Ruyu, although when he came, Xiu Feng felt a trace of fear in his heart.

After Wen Ruyu rushed to the place where Bai Ling battled the feathers, what she saw was a piece of debris, almost no intact trees, and even a lot of broken stones and dust.

Because the two people were moving too fast, he could not see clearly at all. The only thing he could know was that there were a lot of zombies and stiff corpses around, and he could see many rebirth worms creeping away.

Seeing this scene, Wen Ruyu narrowed his eyes and quickly took out the bottle that had been handed to him by the cold blood, and opened all the water in it. The pink bug suddenly wriggled suddenly and blinked. Just gathered with the white bugs. Obviously, the white bugs seemed to avoid the pink bug intentionally. Among the bugs, only the pink bug was the most visible.

It wasn’t until a long time that Wen Ruyu saw that the red bug disappeared, and then he let go of his heart.

It was not that he did not want to go, but that the battle between Bai Ling and Yu was not something he could integrate into.

Suddenly, Wen Ruyu seemed to find that she suddenly raised her head, and what she saw was her long silver hair, which fluttered down.

“Feng Chaoge!” Wen Ruyu narrowed her eyes and looked at the man standing safely in front of him.

Feng Chaoge is still expressionless, his eyes are full of indifference, but it reflects the appearance of Wen Ruyu and Junmei, “Come and die!”

I saw Feng Zhaoge’s fingers flick slightly, and Wen Ruyu was pushed like a wood and bumped against the tree behind him, creaking, the tree suddenly collapsed.

Wen Ruyu’s mouth also overflowed with some blood. Obviously, even his barrier could not protect him. The next second, Feng Chaoge’s hand actually passed directly through the barrier.

With a few words, Wen Ruyu’s barrier was looming, and Wen Ruyu’s neck was pinched under that big hand.

Rao is so, in the face of the arrogant and surly Feng Chaoge, Wen Ruyu’s beautiful face still has a faint smile, ignoring the blood that is constantly overflowing in the corner of the mouth, “Do you think I shouldn’t have caught you?”

“Wen Ruyu, if I was in a weak period, did you think you could catch me with your ability?” His biggest insult was that he was caught by Wen Ruyu for the outsiders.

Don’t blame him, it’s his psychological character.

“Did I catch you or did you let me take the initiative?” Wen Ruyu’s face was a little bit red, but the tone was still calm, because it was more uncomfortable, and he frowned, and continued, “You should know You have multiple personalities, who I met, you know very well, he doesn’t know you, but you know him, without him, how can you be now?”

“Shut up!” Feng Chaoge seemed to be stimulated by Wen Ruyu, and his strength increased.

The barrier on Wen Ruyu’s body completely disappeared at this moment, and he only felt a chest pain and fever, and the eardrum buzzed with his words, but there was a happy smile in the corner of his mouth.

“Harmful, afraid, listen? Why did you become like this? Don’t you want to know, don’t you know?” Wen Ruyu’s eyes widened a lot because of the lack of oxygen, the deepness of the eyes continued, but the tone became calm and difficult. Spit out two words, “Brother!”


The words of brother suddenly made Feng Chaoge thunderous, and the silver pupils tightened.


“Brother… I remember everything before. I remember it all.” Wen Ruyu is still suffering, because his hands are not going to separate at all. “You, why, come to me, why let me, and catch you. Oh, you won’t, I don’t know.”

Perhaps too shocked, Feng Chaoge’s hand was finally released, and the physiological reflex made Wen Ruyu cough after being liberated.For a long time, it seems to be a lot better. Facing the slender man who is higher than him, Wen Ruyu’s eyes have a touch of sorrow, and his meditation fingers pull apart his clothes, revealing the blue teardrops that are forward in the meat. s things.

“This is not from Bai Ling’s mother, but from our parents. Isn’t it? Hehe, Heavenly Sword… It’s something that our family guards for generations. The moment the Divine Sword was opened, There must be someone in the family who is awake.”

The owner of the Divine Blood may be a legend or a real existence, which cannot be verified, but the power of Feng Chaoge is real.

“At that time, you were too young, and the power in your body could not be controlled at all.” Wen Ruyu said that he gritted his teeth, “Killed my mother and father.”

Feng Chaoge seemed to hear something terrifying, and looked at this handsome face in front of him, actually scared a few steps.Afterwards, it seemed to be very terrifying. Feng Zhaoge, who never felt unwell, only felt that his head was buzzing, jumping out of a picture from time to time, in the picture he was howling and howling like a madman. Weeping, and we can see a little boy with pink jade carvings struggling with a pair of fawns, staring at him trembling with tears in his eyes.

Feng Chaoge’s hand couldn’t help but knocked his head hard, seemingly wanting to expel this kind of picture that made him very uncomfortable.

“You’re crazy…” At that time, Wen Ruyu was younger, he was ten years older than him, and even so, a ten-year-old child saw his hands full of blood when his strength was difficult to control, and two loved ones were lying on the ground The corpse, and a trembling brother looked at him like a monster, how could he not be crazy?

At that time, his hair was all white and disappeared in front of the little Wen Ruyu!

It has never appeared since.

The blue teardrops in Wen Ruyu’s body contained great power. If Feng Chaoge took it, the power was even higher, but because it was too crazy and scary at that time, his mother resolutely gave this pendant to Wen Ruyu.

Also at that time, Wen Ruyu became a homeless man, and finally met Bai Ling’s mother who was adopted by her and followed her for a while. On the day of adoption, the pendant he clutched tightly in his hand was given by him. Bai Ling’s mother reciprocated.

“I didn’t think about it, you will come to me at that time… Your hair is black.” Wen Ruyu said with a bitter smile in her mouth, “But I don’t know you anymore.”

Yes, he lost his memory as a child and forgot his brother.

“Shut up!” Feng Chaoge shouted at him harshly, but this roar did not carry any power. A pair of eyes stared at him, just didn’t want him to speak.

“You once said that no matter what happens, they will protect me.” Among the brothers, Feng Chaoge is much older than him, and naturally understands things earlier.

“I tell you to shut up!” Feng Chaoge gritted his teeth, his eyes were cracked, and his face was frosty.

Wen Ruyu was fearless, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, telling the feeling of being a child word by word, the family and Hele, carefree.

“Shut up, shut up, shut up!” Feng Chaoge shouted frantically over his head.

Wen Ruyu watched his face show a trace of pain, and finally pursed his mouth.

I never imagined that they had just calmed down on this side, and besides Bai Ling’s painful muffled sound, a sharp and sharp cry like a beast sounded through the sky.

Feng Chaoge and Wen Ruyu turned unexpectedly at this time to look at the two people who suddenly stopped fighting.

At a glance, I saw the white spirit covered with blood, and the body was scratched everywhere. I could see several wounds on her chest and back, and she could see bones. It looked terrible and terrifying.Bai Ling’s face also had a touch of pain, but he wanted his teeth to be strong.

In front of Bai Ling, you can see the feathers that were supposed to be Lori’s body. The delicate jade-like body swelled instantly. You can see that the skin is almost black but tight against her muscles, jumping suddenly. You can see surging things on the blood vessels, just like muscles. If you look closely, you can see red insects that are not muscles but the size of rice grains, but every one seems to carry energy and desperately towards her body. Squeeze in, as if to stretch her whole body.

There was a smell of decay and bad smell in the air, and they all immediately leaned on Yu’s body.

And soon, Bai Ling heard a familiar and painful cry not far away. This voice was not others, it was peaceful.

Wei Shaxing was originally on the peaceful side. They came here away from the battlefield, they didn’t want Yu to be killed by Bailing, but also wanted to find a chance to deal with Bailing.

I never thought that something like this suddenly appeared. The insects in their bodies seemed to be out of control, but they felt that their bodies were all covered with insects.Sure enough, for a moment, the bugs came out from between their skins and flew towards the feather very quickly.

Xiu Feng is also very bad as those zombies, because most of them have rebirth insects. These insects seem to have lost control of the leader as if they had lost the leader.

This time is a good time for the hard-working people and dragons, so they always have little power and support the rapid killing of zombies.

Not far from the entire battlefield, there was a mess of blood. In this flesh and blood, an invisible man covered with blood held the tearful heart of a woman who cried and broke into two sections of big belly poop.

The high-level zombies behind him were devouring the corpse, and when their eyes were about to smash the man’s head, his body was also twisted, and he saw the worms crawling out of his body.

The man seemed to perceive something, his eyes were extremely cold

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