Apocalypse Rebirth: Chief, Don’t Move!

Chapter 26

Chapter 26 Sister, He Is Not a Bad Guy

Bai Xiaoxi looked at Bai Ling without turning around. He was still very scared, and with a bloody smell, his heart was even more terrified, but watching her movements, she was still so calm. Courage.

He drew the sword and cut it back, “Taste the bronze sword of Lao Tzu!”

This sword body is a pattern of copper coins, so Bai Xiaoxi directly called it a copper coin sword.

But I don’t want this to be the first time Bai Xiaoxi has hit a monster, and it has just been mutated. There is still fear in his heart. The power used is naturally very large. In addition to the great power of this sword, he stunned the female zombie in half.

Seeing this scene, Bai Xiaoxi was dumbfounded by himself. For the first time, he felt that there was nothing to be afraid of besides the horrible appearance of the monster. Looking at the weapon in his hand, a confident smile finally appeared on his face, and there was another ricket ‘S zombie came over, this time he didn’t have to wait for it to pounce, but he rushed up with his sword.

On the other side, Bai Ling had put things on the table behind the back seat, tied it with a belt, and looked up at the excited Bai Xiaoxi, who was fighting with the zombies, with an invisible arc at the corner of his mouth.

Despite this, Bai Ling said that she didn’t want to be with him now, so she wouldn’t take him with him, she opened the door quickly, started the car directly after getting on the vehicle, and slammed on the accelerator to rewind.

Hearing the sound of the car, Bai Jingxi, who was Shen Jing in the excitement of killing monsters, reacted and shouted at the back, “Sister!”

It’s a pity that the car has left the corner of the alley.

Inside the car, the phone was already facing Bai Ling’s face. Bai Shan bit her lower lip and looked at her sister’s expressionless face. She didn’t understand it, but Bai Shan was really anxious.

“Sister, he is not a bad guy, and he is still so young, what can he do if he is left alone?” Maybe it is because he has children, so he can’t help but have an extra burden.

“Shanshan, I know what you want to say, but I must be sure if he can follow me!” Bai Lingyi has decided.


Seeing Bai Shan’s smart eyes with loss, Bai Ling couldn’t bear it, and explained, “No matter how powerful your sister is, this world has changed. If he is capable, or just to live with me, so sooner or later One day when someone stronger than me appears, won’t he betray me? And, with him, no matter what the cost of the journey will be doubled, unless he has my ability to look, otherwise, take him It’s just cumbersome!”

Bai Shan opened her big eyes, her heart thumped, and looked at her sister’s cold face. Bai Shan seemed to know her sister for the first time, but her words attacked her heart.

Yes, this world has changed, how many people are still alive, maybe besieged by monsters as soon as they go out, if they have no ability, they can’t even find food, and sure enough, her sister is the most calm.

Where else do you know that these are the experiences summed up by Bai Ling’s previous life. Once Bai Ling was also regarded as waste and used as a child from the team.

An unexamined life exists in the last days and the heart is ashamed, and there will be no opinions in these eyes, Bai Ling does not complain!

But not now. She doesn’t want to do this kind of abandoning her teammates. If she wants to join her, it will be strong and powerful. Bai Ling will not leave him unless he leaves.

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