Apocalypse Rebirth: Chief, Don’t Move!

Chapter 31

Chapter 31

Bai Ling didn’t speak, and got off the train. Anyway, he had to pass by. Staying a second longer, there will be more zombies to deal with. If you have time to talk nonsense, it is better to start.

“Sister…Sister…I…” Grit your teeth, anyway, all the monsters were killed yesterday, it’s easy to kill, Bai Xiaoxi felt a little comfort, seeing Bai Ling got off the bus, hesitated, and followed Jumped down.

But he didn’t want to meet him, but he threw a monster with half of his face at the age of five or six.

Bai Xiaoxi reflexively used the bronze sword in the first gear, and with a snap, the monster’s mouth was cut in half by the sword.As soon as he was cruel and hard, he cut it directly from the mouth, and half of his head fell off.

At night, after all, it is different from the daytime, with the addition of sunshine. This time, I saw it more clearly and clearly. Bai Xiaoxi almost vomited out the blood and brain plasma.

Bai Ling just glanced at him and sighed in his heart, but the speed on his feet accelerated.

When Bai Xiaoxi saw that Bai Ling had already gone away, he quickly ran away in disgust.

Holding the sword in both hands and waving, regardless of rushing forward, this unruly cut, if not relying on the sword and the speed of the zombie, he must have become the food of the zombie.

Bai Ling, who walked in the front, of course has been observing Bai Xiaoxi, and at the same time, he waved and dropped the zombie head in front of him, moving neatly.

“Daddy, look, there is a sister outside!” Outside the house of the petrol station, there are still zombies patting the glass door. There are more than a dozen survivors inside.

Among them was a man in his thirties who held a child six or seven years tightly.Most people crouched tremblingly in the back of the kiosk, watching the monsters eating and killing people outside through the window, causing all those left outside to become zombies.

Because of this sudden word, all the people looked out.

“Oh roar!” Apparently, the seven or eight blood-covered monsters, who were thinking about the food in the kiosk, smelled the fresh meat behind them and rushed back without hesitation.

“It’s over, she’s dead!” Although I don’t know where this person came from, it looks about one meter, six or five, wearing a bloody plaid dress, and there are some blood on the beautiful face. It looks too clear, but they know that the girl should not be too old, at most twenty-four or five years old.

Faced with so many monsters, it was like a person facing the blockade of seven or eight inhumans, and it felt terrifying to think about it.

She couldn’t see her specific movements, but in the sun, everyone only felt a flash of light in front of her eyes, and when they looked at it again seriously, the heads of those grisly monsters actually fell off?

All of them opened their mouths slightly and were shocked by this scene.

“Okay…a terrific little girl!” This is a monster, a monster that can eat and move.

I don’t know why, the people inside became a little bit excited. Is she from the country, sent to rescue them at this time?

“Sister, wait for me!” Bai Xiaoxi just felt that he was behind by about ten seconds, but he didn’t want to wait until he was out of the encirclement, Bai Ling had reached the shop, and rushed over quickly, ignoring those behind him The zombie came after.

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