Apocalypse Rebirth: Chief, Don’t Move!

Chapter 32

Chapter 32

“Open the door!” The door was locked from the inside. Of course, Bai Ling can cut this steel lock with just a sword!But if she cut the steel lock and looked at the people inside, she didn’t even know that she took up her arms to resist, and without this lock she would die!

After a night, all the talents had just begun to accept the fact that the world had changed. When they saw this powerful girl in front of them, these dozen people were reflective and joyful, wearing gas station staff clothes. A young man in his twenties stood busy and ran to open the door.

Seeing this scene, Bai Ling’s eyes flashed a few rays of light. If it was a month later, all living people would not be so unprepared to open the door for a stranger outside.

“I don’t know if you are sent by the government to rescue us?” After these incidents happened last night, they called the police for help, but the police station’s telephone line was always unable to get through, so Bai Ling went in and they couldn’t wait to ask Road.

“No.” Facing the inquiry of this young man for more than 20 years after entering, Bai Ling naturally told the truth, glanced at the kiosk, and then excited towards those few, but after hearing his answer, his eyes became Look at the disappointed person.

But soon someone doubted and said, “It’s impossible, you are so powerful, why didn’t you come to save us? Your leaders? Isn’t it nearby? We have to leave here, there are so many monsters here, they eat people. , We will all die!”

Obviously, after hearing these words, Bai Ling knew that these people had not really entered the state of this world.

She glanced directly at her with a cold eye, “Come out on your own!”

“You…you…what attitude do you have?” Some people started to feel upset. What they experienced yesterday naturally made them frightened and suppressed. Seeing this powerful person thought it was hope, but did not want to be so selfish. people.

“That’s why you’re so powerful, why don’t you kill the monsters outside?” Because there were monsters outside.

“Yes!” Because of this sentence, the eyes of other people also light up, as long as the monsters outside disappear, they are safe.

Thinking of this, many people stood up and made it clear that this powerful woman must be pushed out to kill the zombies.

Seeing this, Bai Ling quickly reached out his sword, his eyes sharp, his tone cold, “Dare to take another step, die!”


Seeing Bai Ling like this, especially when the sword was not near, this group of people felt a cold air, but they didn’t want this group of people to take it seriously, and they became angry.

“Why are you like this? You have a great skill but you have a sword against us? Believe it or not, the police will come and catch you!”

“No, the young girl is so young that she dare to kill?”

“If you have the ability, you will kill us all!”

Bai Ling really finds this group of people funny, she can understand that they have not adapted to the end of the end, but because she is so powerful, let her kill all the zombies outside?Do they regard her as a fairy?Can’t help but sneer, “What a stupid person!”

“You!” These words made other people unbearable. They were just insulting them. They wanted to rush over and teach this woman fiercely. She couldn’t really kill anyone!

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