Apocalyptic Pregnancy

Chapter 12

Chapter 12 New car

Su Su rolls Ye Yu’s eyes very obviously. She really doesn’t appraise Ye Yu as a kind of evil person. She thinks she helped her, so she ran to her to receive a reward?

It’s just that Su Su didn’t speak, and Ye Yu seemed a little embarrassed. He dropped the cigarette in his hand and touched the board on his head. Just about to say something, Su Su slapped the military jeep behind him with a slap. , Asked:

“This car is not bad, can you give it to me?”

“Why do you want this? I’ll get you something else, suitable for girls.”

Ye Yu is not a stingy car. It is a car used in their team. The bulletproof and waterproof cost is not cheap. An ordinary girl’s house can’t use such a good car. Besides, give this car to Su Su, Su Su. It’s a problem with oil. This is a gas tiger. She really wants a car, and Ye Yu can get her a car suitable for her in minutes.

Su Su curled his mouth and shook his head, “No, either give me this car or don’t give me anything. I think it takes up space for a car that breaks like a paper tiger in a bucket.”

This is really not that Su Su’s heart is not enough, but if there is such a car, it is extremely convenient to hit a zombie in the last days and find supplies, but it is normal if you want to come to Ye Yu not to give it. This car At first glance, he didn’t own it personally, maybe it was in their special team. If you want to embezzle this kind of public property, you have to make a report, let alone lose it or give it away.

Thinking of this, Su Su put the special watch on her left wrist away to her side. She only discovered yesterday that this watch actually has lighting, night vision and other functions. It is one more thing, I hope Ye Yu can’t remember, don’t want to go back!

Ye Yu twisted his head as he did not see Su Su’s small movements. When Su Su walked out of the bathroom door yesterday, he found his watch on Su Su’s wrist, let alone, with such a thin hand. Wearing such a rough watch, it is quite charming, she wears it if she likes it, just a watch, just send a wear report to the team and it will be done.

Seeing that Su Su stopped mentioning the new car, Ye Yu cleared his throat and thought about it. He could only say, “If you like this car, it doesn’t matter if you drive it for a few days, but you still have to pay it back. Do you have a driver’s license? ”

“Yes!” Su Su couldn’t help laughing, “Thank you, can I borrow for two months? 44 days!”

“Take such a long time…” Ye Yu hesitated for a while, and asked how he would explain this? Immediately looking at the bright smile on Su Su’s face, he immediately nodded, “Well, I will try to fool you for two months.”

Get it done! The car is hers! Su Su reached out and touched the new car. The car used by the special forces is different. The material is very tall to the touch. She has never driven such a good car in the last twelve years!

Su Su felt a circle around the military jeep, as if she had acquired a new toy, the expression on her face was very happy, and she was relieved to see Ye Yu next to him, and he did the right thing. Not living with other people’s affairs, tossing and turning around last night, he has always been in a simple mind for the first time, and now he sees Su Su smiling, and he feels a little better.

Seeing that Su Su had already opened the driver’s seat, he sat on it spontaneously, Ye Yu quickly lifted his foot into the passenger seat, waiting to teach Su Su how to drive the car, Su Su’s unscrewed the key and kicked the accelerator. Step on it, “swish”, and this military jeep slammed out like an arrow.

Ye Yu couldn’t help whistling and turned to look at Su Su, “Wow, it’s fast! The technique is good.”


Su Su shrugged and drove her car on the road. Taking advantage of the opportunity of training, he stepped on several nearby gas stations. This will be the target of her robbery in the future!

“I said sister, brother tell you something.”


“Can we go back to class?” Ye Yu, in the passenger seat, rushed to Su Su at such a fast speed, which was not good at all. Seeing that Su Su was in a good mood, he began to persuade with all his heart, “I was in school. I have already said hello, and there will be no teacher or leader asking you anything. You go back to class, study hard, and after graduation, you can serve the society…”

“Puff!” Su Su braked, stopped her car on the side of the road, turned to look at Ye Yu in the passenger seat, couldn’t help but laughed ironically: “Serve the society?! Go back to class? Don’t go!”

I really want to see the man in front of me who looks exactly like Xiao Ai. After the end of the world, will he say “Serve the society”. After the end of the world, will human beings become gods or ghosts, and serve the society? ! You hammer!

Ye Yu looked at Su Su and opened his mouth, but didn’t say anything. He lowered his head decadently. He sighed deeply. Thinking of him, the five-and-three-thirty man, he didn’t know how many sighs he sighed in the past two days. I can’t wait to come up and kick him. No one understands the pain in his heart. When he looks at Su Su, step by step away from the beautiful ranks of the motherland’s flower bones, Ye Yu feels that he is really a rascal bastard!

“Here, get out of the car!”

Seeing that Ye Yu stopped talking, Su Su pointed to the bus stop sign outside the door. Ye Yu didn’t move. Su Su raised one foot and kicked Ye Yu’s waist. He pulled away the passenger seat. The door turned around and jumped out of the passenger seat.

Su Su lifted his foot and drove the car away, as if she was afraid that Ye Yu would chase him. Ye Yu wanted to laugh when she saw him. If the car said to borrow her, she would borrow her. Why did you run so fast? ! Don’t even say “goodbye” to him! ……

Su Su drove her new car all the way to the building materials market. In the building materials market, Su Su bought some plastic films for greenhouses and some supporting plastics. For the film pole, 10,000 yuan was spent casually.

Su Su has no experience in the technical work of making a vegetable greenhouse. In the last twelve years, her energy has been used to kill people and find love. If she lacks supplies, she will take tasks and exchange points, exchange points for materials, and ask her Setting up a greenhouse is really bad at it.

But I’m not good at learning. On the way back, Su Su bought some vegetables, and then he sat on the sofa with his mobile phone and started to find out how to build a greenhouse on the Internet. I watched it all afternoon until Su Su’s When she felt hungry, she put down her phone and went into the kitchen to start cooking.

Wait, it seems that I forgot something. Su Su picked up a plate of freshly fried vegetables and sat on the kitchen table while eating while taking out her mobile phone from the pocket of her down jacket. All day today, her mobile phone There was no sound, her parents did not call her, and she did not receive any messages from her parents.

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In addition to the fixed update at 9 o’clock in the morning every day, an update will be added at 5 o’clock in the afternoon every Friday. It is set for the time being. Recently, I have been working hard to save the manuscript, but I still write very slowly. In his free time, write this book more delicately.

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