Apocalyptic Pregnancy

Chapter 14

Chapter 14 Private room card

Su Su got up and made up her mind to move her parents’ bed. She remembered that their family had two bank cards, his father’s salary card and his father’s private house card.

Because Su’s family only made money from Su’s father, Su’s father’s salary card was handed over to Su’s mother for safekeeping, but Su Su knew from a young age that Su’s father also secretly hid a private house card, which was entirely Su’s mother’s. The money that I know, such as the various bonuses of Su’s father, and the cash inheritance left by his grandparents to Su’s father, are all in this card.

On weekdays, Father Su just secretly used the money in this card to buy some cigarettes and alcohol, and basically did not move the money in it. When Su Su was a child, Father Su kept telling Su Su, “This is you.” Don’t let your mother find out the dowry money in the future!

Su Su didn’t take much effort, so he pushed the parents’ big bed open a gap, stretched a hand into the gap, took out a sock full of dust, and pulled out the quilt from the sock. The private room card that my father had saved over all his hardships, smiled, touched his abdomen, and said:

“Love baby, it depends on the level of your grandpa’s possession of things, right? Let’s take the money, first go to your grandpa and grandma, and then take them to Xiangcheng! Let’s go!”

Speaking of starting, Su Su didn’t leave immediately. She habitually swept around the house, bringing all the rice, vegetables, eggs, pots, knives, rice cookers and the like, and then took her parents and her four-season clothes. Su Mu’s gold jewelry and various treasures of jade were taken, and some of the quilts and sheets at home were also taken. The rear seat and trunk of the general’s jeep were stuffed full. When he finally left, Su Su returned it. I took away the family portrait frame on the shelf at the door.

She found a self-service ATM in Jieshi, withdrew tens of thousands of dollars from Su’s father’s private room card, and checked the balance again. There was 230,000 left on the card, and then she went to the most recent cheat chicken. I ate a fast-food meal severely, packed up ten family bucket packages, hopped into the jeep and set off for Germany.

To go from Jie City to De City, if you take the expressway, the journey will only take an hour. Su Su thought about the staff at the gas station on the expressway, and the people who had been in De City for three days did not get around, so she chose If you don’t take the high speed, just copy the national highway. It will be slower if you take the national highway. It is estimated that it will take 3 hours to get there.

The journey went smoothly, but the closer to Germany, the more traffic police scattered on the national highway, and Su Su saw the checkpoint!

There were a lot of cars stuck in front of the checkpoint. Some cars were put in, some cars weren’t. There were a lot of cars that wanted to enter the German city, but most of them came out of the German city. Everyone drove very slowly, Su Su rolled down the car window and heard that the owner of a car in front of him was arguing with the guarding traffic police.

“I’m really in a hurry when I enter the German city. Can you afford to pay if it delays my business??”

The owner of the car who was arguing with the traffic police drove a BMW. At first sight, he wanted to enter the German city to discuss business, but the traffic police refused to let in. No matter the owner gave cigarettes and money, he said that he could not enter, but he could not enter. Later, the car owner went crazy, loosened the bow tie on the neckline, pointed at the traffic policeman who was blocking the road and cursed.

The traffic policeman was not a friendly person either. He slapped the owner’s finger to the nose and confronted the owner. The owner behind him shouted and coaxed, “Hit, hit, brother, come on.” “Let’s go over, my wife is giving birth in Germany, I want to go.”

Some cars, like BMW owners, are not allowed to enter, but some cars are allowed. Su Su sat in the driver’s seat and observed carefully. The cars that can enter are all four-circle cars. This circle is the government car of the Chinese government, so those cars that can enter the German city are basically people in the government.

The collapse of a viaduct is related to the image of the country, and it is naturally enough to attract the government’s attention. It is only natural for leaders of all levels to enter the investigation and visit.

At this time it was three or four in the morning, the stars in the sky were hanging high, shining with cold light, shining brightly on the earth. On the ground, the national highway into Germany was congested. The traffic police cleared the whole night, Su Su I woke up all night, and finally it was her turn. The traffic policeman who was guarding the checkpoint glanced at her license plate, saluted, and let him go immediately!

Entered the first level, opened for ten minutes, and then encountered another level, a road that usually can be run in half an hour. Su Su just ran for more than two hours, and then she found that the traffic police was gone, replaced by soldiers. Guarding the checkpoint.

This is somewhat frightening. It does not prove that the city of Germany is not simply a viaduct landslide, or it proves that the viaduct landslide was so serious that the army had to be used.

Then Su Su’s car was stopped by a soldier wearing a camouflage uniform in front of him. This time her military license was not as easy to use as before. The soldier came forward with a gun and stood by the window of Su Su’s car. Standing at attention, saluting, assuming a standard military posture, then knocking on Su Su’s car window, motioning Su Su to open the car window.

She rolled down the window of the car, and the soldier was a little speechless. When he saw Su Su’s face, he couldn’t hold back a fart when he saw Su Su’s face, and then he signaled Su Su to lean the jeep on the side of the road. Go back to the level by myself.

Probably the other party did not expect that the driver who drove the jeep in their army was actually a woman, and she was still a teenage girl. The key point is that the little girl’s soft and weak appearance is more pure and innocent than a rabbit. At first glance, it was not a female soldier. This car was not stolen, but that the little girl was an immediate family member of an officer, and the officer’s rank was definitely not lower.

Su Su sat in the car, staring at the other person entering the command room to make a call. Her white and thin fingers, holding the steering wheel, tapped her fingertips on the black leather case lightly, calculating the current situation. Do you want to rush in, or go home?

It would be impossible for her to rush in. If she didn’t want to be shot into a sieve by the soldiers with guns, she had better not go this way.

If you go back home, you have to hide your car somewhere and walk into Germany on foot. This is more troublesome and tiring. Although after the end of the world, she has not never traveled long distances, but with her current personality, she found Parents, it will not be easy to bring them out again.

Thinking about it in my heart, the soldier who called came out of the command room, trotting to Su Su’s car with a smile on his face, saluting, and said politely: “You can go in.”

“Oh?!” Su Su raised his eyebrows and looked at the smile on the face of the soldier outside the window somewhat unexpectedly. While starting the car and entering the checkpoint, he wondered in his heart, who did the soldier call just now? It seems that I have played a few more…

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