Apocalyptic Pregnancy

Chapter 17

Chapter 17 you are still alive

In fact, shopping before the end of the world, this feeling is the same as coming to another super-civilized world. Su Su can’t control his desire to buy. Every woman has a shopping desire that makes men crazy. It’s not that women can’t understand. So many things that are needed after the end of the world can actually be grabbed, but Su Su has bought it now.

After buying the crib, Su Su bought a waist stool and a multifunctional baby carrier for newborns. These two things are very important. Xiao Ai was born in the last days. Su Su couldn’t avoid killing zombies and mutated animals and plants. She will always No longer will Xiao Ai be handed over to anyone just because she is going to fight, so Xiao Ai has to run with her to chase and escape. There is a strap to carry Xiao Ai to her chest. Su Su will be much more convenient!

Then she bought herself some maternity trousers thickened with velvet, which is the kind of maternity trousers with a small tube but a big waist and abdomen. This is also a very necessary thing and cannot save the money.

These things cost Su Su more than 10,000 yuan, but it doesn’t matter, Su’s father’s private room card has hundreds of thousands, just Su Suhua.

After that, Su Su drove to several outlets selling liquefied gas, because she bought it privately and did not have any qualification procedures. The liquefied gas tanks are flammable and explosive items, so you can’t buy too much in one store at once, so Su Su found four or five LPG online stores, ordered five cans of LPG with each LPG boss, paid a deposit, and agreed to send LPG tomorrow. It was already past 9 o’clock at night, and she looked down. Looking at the phone, there are a few missed calls and a few unchecked text messages.

Most of the missed calls came from Xie Qingyan, and there was also a phone number marked “Class teacher”, which was the head teacher of Su Su University. All these missed calls were ignored by Su Su. She doesn’t want to talk to these people now. Half a sentence, I just want to receive a call from Ye Yu.

However, after Xie Qingyan and the head teacher, there is no more missed calls displayed on the phone. Su Su looked a little discouraged. Shouldn’t he go to Germany again? Putting all hope on Ye Yu doesn’t seem to be her style.

When thinking like this, her fingers had already clicked on the few unread text messages, all of which were sent by Xie Qingyan.

The first: “Shu, where are you now? I am worried about you, don’t hate me, okay? Everything is my fault, I love you!”

Article 2: “You have not come to class for several days. My teachers and classmates are very worried about your safety. Where are you now?”

Article 3: “Su, the moon is really round tonight. I was lying on a hospital bed. I remembered that when I was in high school, I was injured when playing basketball. You stayed with me in the hospital. At that time, the moon was like today. Yuan, promise me, will you come back?”

Article 4: “You never know how much I love you, Su Su, don’t be so cruel.”

There are five, six, seven, or eight, and Su Su is too lazy to read them. From the previous messages, Su Su knows that Xie Qingyan is now in the hospital. She wanted to come and kick her both seriously and not seriously. What’s more, she took it seriously. Xie Qingyan was kicked into the hospital. What’s not serious is, why didn’t she kick Xie Qingyan to death?

I really want the end of the world to come quickly, she immediately rushed to the hospital to kill Xie Qingyan!

Su Su, who was in a hurry, drove the car, taking advantage of the night, returned to her villa, and began to prepare for tomorrow’s trip to Germany. She was packing things in her bedroom. She heard a car rang outside the window. Su Su was surprised , Such a huge area, maybe just a place where a few people live, it’s so late, there are still cars ringing?

Listening carefully again, the car was clearly driving towards her villa, so Su Su put on his clothes, stuffed the clothes into his backpack, got up and walked out of the floor-to-ceiling windows, leaned on the balcony and took a look at the car lights in the distance. She just dangled her eyes, she squinted slightly, and the car lights flashed again, turning the high beams into low beams.

It can be confirmed that the car is indeed coming to her villa. Su Su straightened up quickly, two twisted braids drew an arc on the balcony, Su Su’s people had already ran into the bedroom, she He couldn’t even put his shoes on, and his heart was beating eagerly and fiercely. He faintly felt who was sitting in the car, but he didn’t dare to be too sure, so he hurried into the living room and opened the two open doors.

At this time, the car had arrived in front of Su Su’s villa yard. Su Su pressed the remote control button at the gate, and the iron gate of the yard opened automatically, and the black military jeep directly entered the yard.

Ye Yu jumped out of the parked car. He was covered in gray, his feet were still a little muddy, and there was a sluggish tiredness on his face. He still carried the two sabers on his back. He was obviously from Germany. Here, I haven’t rested on the way.

He just took a look at Su Su under the light of the car lights, his eyes fell on Su Su’s bare feet, without saying anything, turned and opened the rear door of the jeep, letting the people inside get out of the car and walk out. .

“Mom!” When Su Su saw the dusty middle-aged woman, she couldn’t help crying and ran up, hugged the middle-aged woman’s neck, and kept shouting, “Mom, mom, you I’m still alive, mom ”

“Oh, die!” The middle-aged woman slapped Su Su’s arm. She was about to be strangled to death by Su Su. She cursed pretendingly: “Your mother is living well, what is the fuss about?! ”

“Don’t cry, it’s like a goodbye, what a big deal!”

The middle-aged man who got out of the car behind Su’s mother was Su’s father. He was a little plump, his face was cheerful, his height was medium, and he was wearing an old army green vest. Su Su looked up. Look, let go of Su’s mother, hug Su’s father again, crying:

“Dad, you are here at last, sorry, it’s all my fault, I shouldn’t let you go south, it’s all my fault!”

No one knows why she was crying so sad. Su’s father and Su’s mother thought that Su Su was to let them come to Xiangcheng, but they were guilty of being trapped in Germany and unable to get out. Ye Yu thought Su Su was wronged. Su’s father and Su’s mother vented her extreme sadness in front of her.

When everyone didn’t know what to say to Su Su who was crying, Su Su suddenly stopped crying. She stopped crying, let go of Father Su, wiped away her tears, and looked up carefully. The eyes of the parents were still what she remembered. Except for a little tiredness, Su’s father and Su’s mother stood right in front of her, there was no hurt or knock.

“Go in and talk, your style without shoes is quite unique!”

Ye Yu pointed to the brightly lit room and glanced at Su Su’s barefoot. In November, Xiangcheng has entered winter. Although it is no better than the north, Su Su looks so weak. He stepped barefoot on the cold ground and watched. It looks strange.

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