Apocalyptic Pregnancy

Chapter 26

Chapter 26 Kill without mercy

But the questioning is not the authority of the death squad. They can only step on the moonlight, watching the ruined street shops, step by step.

“Wait a minute, someone!”

King Kong yelled in the communicator, and the death squad members who were advancing step by step stopped. In the moonlight, they saw a few people swaying in front of them. Everyone put on the night vision goggles, and King Kong raised his hands. Sniper rifle, shouted at the person who was walking in front of him,

“What’s wrong with you? Are you injured?”

The person walking in the forefront ignored him, dragging a seemingly weak leg, and there were bursts of hard “hoho” in his mouth. A teammate next to Ye Yu turned his head and said:

“Seeing that they are dressed as ordinary people, there is no weapon on them.”


King Kong turned his head and looked at Ye Yu. Ye Yu shook his head. Where does he know what to do in this situation? The order from above was to kill without mercy, but it didn’t say whether an ordinary injury, without the ability to resist, is also in the scope of killing without mercy.

“Please show me?”

King Kong asked again. Ye Yu nodded. King Kong helped the communicator in his ear. Before he started talking, the surrounding streets and alleys were crowded with staggering injuries. I turned my head and glanced at each other, only to hear Ye Yu’s strange opening and asking:

“How do you feel like you are acting in a doomsday movie? Fuck, they are not people, they are zombies!!”

Before his words fell silent, the injured patient who walked to the front… the zombie rushed to the nearest death fighter, and as the death fighter screamed, Ye Yu reacted quickly. Raising the gun in his hand is a series of “pops”, King Kong, scholars, and fortune tellers reacted one after another, and immediately back to back, fired at the zombies surrounded in all directions, and then Ye Yu shot back and leaned back. Of them, the four formed a defensive camp.

“I x, there are too many, make a way to the east and enter the building!”

Pointing to the side with the fewest zombies, Ye Yu shot frantically towards the east, but those zombies were not afraid of guns one by one. Except for blocking their actions, they didn’t feel anything at all and moved on. , Soon, Ye Yu was full of zombies in front of him.

He lifted his foot, kicked a zombie that came in front of him, waved the gun in his hand to open the way, and then Ye Yu discovered that using brute force on these zombies, sometimes more effective than shooting, because a kick down, those zombies Falling to the ground, the speed of getting up is slower than the speed of walking, like the body is extremely stiff, and the bones and joints are also very inflexible.

Soon, with the assistance of his teammates, Ye Yu opened a path, kicked open the door of a nearby building, and covered the teammates behind to enter the door one by one.

Then quickly closed the door and found a heavy object to resist it. Despite the zombies outside gathering more and more, the death squad members sat in the building and fell into deathly silence.

As the night continued, King Kong squatted on the ground and kept calling for the command. However, no one answered him. After calling for n times, King Kong raised his head with a rare panic in his eyes. He looked at Ye Yu and made a comparison. Crying with an ugly smile, cursed:

“No wonder they gave us such a high pension this time. They threw us in and never thought they would let us out.”

Country, nation, righteousness, in front of people like them, these things have already been engraved into their beliefs. In the face of the overall situation, no one will be stingy with their lives, but this time, they felt it for the first time. Share grievances.

When they came, no one told them what they were going to do, what people they were going to kill, or what monsters. It may be that the leaders of the German city deliberately chose to conceal layers, and wanted them to kill these zombies. , And don’t want to show off, it may be the people above them who are afraid of the spread of infection. Anyway, according to this situation, even the commander has cut off contact with them, and they have obviously been abandoned here.

Ye Yu’s complexion was blue, everyone’s complexion was not good, just because of the moonlight, his heart was heavy and angry. Suddenly, the death squad member who had been bitten by a zombie lay on the ground and suddenly twitched all over his body. Several of his teammates immediately stepped forward, lay hands on hands, and feet on feet, Ye Yu picked up his gun, looked at the comrade, and felt sad.

Everyone is aware of a serious possibility, how did the zombies and monsters outside come from? Why was the CDC in Germany unable to control the situation in just a few days and needed to sacrifice people like them to make remedies? The barbed wire fence is so high, and the electricity is turned on. Don’t think that they were airdropped in, and you can’t see the fence outside the barbed wire!

All these kinds of things told them that there was indeed the possibility of infection, and their comrade who was bitten by a zombie was probably already infected.

Some people couldn’t help holding their guns in their hands, bowed their heads and wiped their eyes. The iron-blooded man, just like the rain of guns and bullets, is oncoming, the Haoerlang, who has never blinked his eyes, is now facing the same eclipse of the past. How should a brother who was born and died in the same bed and died? They knew that maybe he should be shot, but no one wanted to be the one who shot him.

Glancing at the brothers who were obviously shrinking, Ye Yu stepped forward and saw that the brother who was twitching and struggling on the ground had calmed down. He paused, pressed his fingers on the man’s neck artery, and said coldly:

“The pulse is still beating, tie him up first, and then… we have to find a way out to find something to eat, we can’t be starved to death in it.”

The task they come in is only three words, kill without mercy! I didn’t understand it before, but now Ye Yu understands, it means to kill Wuxian, kill the zombies, kill the last zombie, and then kill them. This is the smallest sacrifice in exchange for the greatest benefit.

These interests may include social stability, and they may also include the righteousness of certain human races, but they definitely include the personal interests of certain people. As they have always guessed, certain people in Germany do not want to let things happen overnight. Out of control, he tried to hide everything that happened in the city of Xia De.

And Ye Yu and these people are the small group of people who were sacrificed, so before the last zombie was killed, they couldn’t starve themselves to death. It didn’t matter if they starved to death, because after them, there would still be others. Other special forces were fooled in.

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