Apocalyptic Pregnancy

Chapter 645

Chapter 645 Hard to dismantle

But he hurried to the opposite side of the tiankeng. Su Su saw Chu Xuan’s earth-type supernatural powers. From the hole he had made, he rescued a number of green glue-like mucus, wrapped them upside down in the hole. Survivor.

All the survivors are alive, but all of them are not very good, and some even cry and laugh, and have a tendency to go crazy. This is really very, very normal. Anyone can be caught by a bunch of mutant ants. In the black hole, they still use their mouthparts to feed messy food every day, just to prevent them from dying, so that they can be used by the queen to mate. Everyone will go crazy.

Most of these survivors were Chu Xuan’s people. The six Chu Xuan’s subordinates who were captured had not been fed food yet, so they were in a good state of mind. They just felt a little frightened. , Several other men seemed to have been arrested for a few days. One of them fainted without tossing twice, and Su Su, among these men, found a pale, familiar face.

“Wang Jun?”

It was Ye Yu who shouted this. At the beginning, Wang Jun and Li Ying followed their special forces to fight back to Xiangcheng from De City, so Ye Yu was quite familiar with Wang Jun.

Wang Jun looked up at Ye Yu with a pale face, then lay on the ground, vomiting frantically. He was embarrassed, and there was cyan mucus all over his body. Under the light of Ye Yu, the mucus was slowly Dissipated and evaporated, but the unfortunate experience of falling into this ant nest in the past few days is something he will never forget in his life.

So this Xie Qingyan is really unlucky. Wang Jun was clearly caught before him, but he was hung in the dark cave for a few days. The queen simply did not mate with this Wang Jun, even before that. , The queen hasn’t evolved to be able to match with any male **** of the non-my race.

When Xie Qingyan was caught, the queen just happened to evolve successfully, so Xie Qingyan became the queen’s first mating partner, and Wang Jun was lucky to escape the fate of being favored.

Su Su looked at this familiar Wang Jun, looked at it, and unconsciously remembered the scenes when he was in Xiangcheng, and suddenly realized in his heart, he pulled Ye Yu over, and lowered his voice:

“Is he the one, Li Ying’s spare tire?”

“Shhh, it’s hard to dismantle people.” Ye Yu was very conscientious and rushed to Su Su to put his head down, meaning that Su Su didn’t say anything. Now Su Su’s brain is not good, he is afraid that Su Su’s nonsense will offend people.

However, are there still few people offended by Su Su? She tilted her head and glanced at Ye Yu, dragged Ye Yu around the group of survivors, and continued to move forward. If she walked forward, she reached the foot of the hillside on the back. Feifei didn’t know where to take Xie Qingyan. , The key is that Su Su didn’t know why Feifei didn’t kill Xie Qingyan, but took Xie Qingyan away directly?

She, Ye Yu, Xiao Ai, and the three of them walked around the foot of the mountain for a long time. Fortunately, Ye Yu carried all their supplies on his back. When looking for Xie Qingyan and Feifei on the road, Ye Yu walked all the way with potatoes. Roast, eat it when it’s done, Xiao Ai didn’t think there was anything wrong with eating potatoes on the waist stool, she dangled her feet, thinking that her parents were taking her out for an outing.

After about a few hours, the sky was almost dark, and Xiao Ai yawned several times, so Su Su had to give up and continue searching. Men and women want to go wherever they want to go, but they go to bed when they want to sleep, but Su Su No, Xiao Ai has to sleep, without enough sleep, children will not be smart.

So Su Su and Ye Yu had to go back the same way. Chu Xuan’s people were still doing the final clean-up near the tiankeng, striving to make sure that no ant egg was left. Seeing Ye Yu and Su Su walk back again, Yue Under the color, Chu Xuan hurriedly jumped out, frowned, looked at Su Su and asked:

“Didn’t you go to Xie Qingyan? Did you find it?”

“No, Xiao Ai is going to bed.”

Su Su’s brain is a little bit painful, not only Xiao Ai is going to bed, she also wants to go to bed, although her headaches have been much lighter recently, but if she doesn’t sleep often, her headaches will also be severe.

It seems that from morning till night today, I have been awake for more than 10 hours, and if I don’t sleep, Su Su’s thinking will be confused again.

Chu Xuan nodded in understanding. This month, the black wind was high, and it was in this mountainous area. Su Su and Ye Yu took a child. They were really not good at chasing people, but this was fine, Chu Xuan hadn’t decided yet. Don’t kill Xie Qingyan, if Xie Qingyan is still alive, you might as well take it directly to Qingcheng like this.

“I’m almost done cleaning up here. The survivors who were rescued just now will be taken to the mountain for first aid. The three of your family will also go down the mountain quickly. We will discuss things about Xie Qingyan later. ”

After speaking, Chu Xuan turned his back and commanded his subordinates to go to work again. Su Su and Ye Yu saw this, holding Xiao Ai down the mountain, and came to the military vehicle parked at the foot of the mountain.

Some soldiers in charge of logistics were sending food to the car one by one. Through the window, they quickly dropped it into the car, moving quickly and cleanly. The food was wrapped in white paper and sent to Su Su. At the time, I also gave a copy to Su Su’s family of three.

She sat on the back seat and watched Ye Yu pick up the food that was thrown on his lap. Su Su glanced at the white wrapping paper on it, and pointed to a head logo printed on the wrapping paper, which looked like her head. The stick figure is just a smile:

“Produced in Bafang Village, person in charge: Su Su? Is it me?”

Before Ye Yu could answer, under the moonlight, a mournful cry for help sounded. Su Su turned her head to look. There was Xiao Ai lying on the seat beside her. She and Ye Yu looked out of the car window together, and only saw the black and blue color. Under the dome of the sky, a black figure came down halfway up the mountain, holding a rope in his hand, and a person was tied to the end of the rope. The call for help came from the person who was tied up.

“It’s Xie Qingyan!”

Su Su in the car window frowned, opened the door, and when she got out of the car, she turned around and said to Ye Yu who was sitting in the driver’s seat:

“You hug Xiao Ai, this world is too chaotic, you can’t leave Xiao Ai alone in the car.”

“Okay.” Ye Yu smiled at Su Su’s cracked white teeth. He liked Su Su’s way, guarding his children strictly, no matter what he did, Xiao Ai’s safety must be the first to take care of him.

After explaining Ye Yu well, Su Su walked out of the car door. Behind him, Ye Yu picked up the sleeping Xiao Ai and followed Su Su.

At this time, the two people who came down from the hillside in front of them had already arrived in the convoy, and they took Xie Qingyan away with a rope. In fact, it was not someone else. It was Feifei who saved Xie Qingyan from the queen. The rope he was holding was actually a green vine. The vine tied Xie Qingyan firmly. The two went directly to the middle of the convoy, beside the medical vehicle containing Xie Yaoshi’s corpse.

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