Apocalyptic Pregnancy

Chapter 646

Chapter 646 Are you wrong

“Help, help, help me, help me!!”

Xie Qingyan, who was tied up, saw Feifei stop, and immediately appealed to everyone watching around. At this time, Xie Qingyan no longer had the courage to do a piston movement on the queen’s body. He seemed to be a little more sober, but the whole person He was tired and hungry, his eyes were still deep in the sockets, and he was over-indulgent and sloppy.

The hair is half-length and not short, and the greasy ones don’t know what it’s stained on. The whole person only wears a thin coat and no pants. The whole body is dirty and smelly like a pig.

He asked for help from all those who were watching. Some of them were still in the team of him and Xie Yaoshi, but these people had long learned from the soldiers that Xie Yaoshi had slept in the queen. For such a man , They couldn’t accept it from the bottom of their hearts.

That’s the queen. When the queen is old, she is not afraid of being infected with some terrible xing disease? ? ?

Su Su stood outside the crowd. Because he was too lazy to squeeze with people to watch the excitement, he got into a car. He was wearing a small camouflage uniform with a straight waist and one foot in bright black military boots. On the roof of the car, the long black hair was pulled straight by the cold wind, and she was storing ice power in her hand, intending to kill Xie Qing diffraction.

Feifei, who was standing by the medical vehicle, turned her head blankly and glanced at Su Su. She raised her hand, opened the door of the medical vehicle, and rolled out a vine in her hand to take out Xie Yaoshi’s body. , Together with the medical bed Xie Yaoshi was lying on, were moved out and placed on the highway.

Xie Qingyan on the side was still asking for help. Feifei stepped forward and walked to the side of Xie Yaoshi’s corpse. She stretched out trembling fingers, and the tears in her eyes rolled down. She gently and cautiously covered Xie Yao. The white brace on Shi’s face came down, revealing the handsome face of Xie Yaoshi.

Xie Qingyan yelled, full of fear. He was still **** with vines, but he ran out of the crowd desperately. While running, he shouted:

“I didn’t mean it, I didn’t mean it, big brother, big brother save me, big brother, big brother, let me go, let me go.”

“You kneel down!”

Standing next to Xie Yaoshi’s corpse, Feifei uttered a word that was neither light nor heavy, her head tilted, and the corner of her eyes swept towards Xie Qingyan. A thick plant swept towards Xie Qingyan’s knee, and he “pop.” With a sound, both knees knelt on the road, facing Xie Yaoshi.

“Wrong?” Feifei asked, flicking the vine in her hand and whipping Xie Qingyan’s back. As Xie Qingyan’s screams sounded, Feifei cried and asked Xie Qingyan again, “Are you wrong?”

“Wrong, I was wrong, don’t hit me, don’t hit me.”

Xie Qingyan, who was beaten to the ground, shook his body, crawled towards Xie Yaoshi’s feet, knocked his head, and begged: “Brother, let me go, you love me the most, since childhood, no matter what you do. Whatever, you let me, no matter what I want, you will give it to me, big brother, big brother, sorry, I don’t want to kill you either, I just want to kill Su Su and kill that evil kind.”

Standing on the roof of the car, Su Su raised his eyebrows, shot an ice needle in his hand, and pierced it directly at Xie Qingyan’s body, saying that her daughter is a wicked species? It’s time to tie!

That ice needle was blocked by Feifei’s vines. She took a few steps in Su Su’s direction and said coldly, “Su Su, this is a grudge between me and Xie Qingyan. You don’t need to worry about it.”

It’s like two people are rushing to kill Xie Qingyan! Su Su shrugged, her clear voice rang out in the cold wind, and said tepidly: “As long as you want, I just want the results. I’m not interested in tossing beasts like this.”

After clarifying her position, Su Su stopped intervening. Feifei turned around and watched Xie Qingyan still crawling at Xie Yaoshi’s feet. She raised her hand and whipped Xie Qingyan’s back again, and said angrily:

“Your brother, for you, turned from a proud son of heaven to a mouse crossing the street, looking down with others, and chasing after others. If he has a bite, he can always divide you two-thirds. Xie Qingyan, how about you? You are for you. What did the brother do? What did he do?”

With another whip down, Xie Qingyan screamed twice, suddenly turned over, broke away the vines **** on his body, reached out his hand to hold the branch Feifei pulled, and cried bitterly: “Don’t hit, you Don’t fight, I’m wrong, I know I’m wrong, I…I…Big Brother save me, Big Brother save me.”

He suddenly felt that no matter how he begged and hoped that Xie Yaoshi would save him today, it seemed impossible. Because Xie Yaoshi died and died under his own gun, he could no longer beg for forgiveness. The pain and torment suffered would never be helped by Xie Yaoshi again.

Moonlight Lingling, Xie Qingyan cried and cried, and suddenly yelled a few times. He seemed to feel a broken jar in his heart, and then Xie Qingyan shouted at Feifei:

“What did I do wrong? I don’t know what I did wrong? Do you think Xie Yaoshi is completely innocent? You like him, of course you think he is completely innocent, he is my elder brother, he has spoiled me since childhood Let me, but he, he didn’t kill Su Su for me, he killed Ye Yu, killed that little evil seed, he still protected them, he was obviously capable, but avoided them, he didn’t help me take revenge, he was innocent Isn’t it? No, Xie Yaoshi is the most cruel person in the world!!!”

Su Su couldn’t listen anymore. With a wave of his hand, several ice needles shot at Xie Qingyan’s body, and Feifei stopped them again. Su Su said coldly:

“This bite is a nasty one, it’s ear-piercing, you let him go on, don’t blame me for doing it myself.”

Feifei turned around and threw Xie Qingyan a vine again, screaming Xie Qingyan, but he shouted: “I’m right, I’m right, Feifei, you love me, why? Why? You have changed your heart. You should not avenge Xie Yaoshi today. You should come back to me. We, we get married, we buy a house, and we will have many, many children.”

“Haha, this man is crazy, thinking Feifei is his queen.”

“Hey, Xie Qingyan, you should propose to the queen ant. You have a house. The ant’s nest is your house. You have given birth to many, many children.”

The crowd burst into laughter. Xie Qingyan, who was rolling on the ground, was taken aback, as if he was thinking of something very disgusting. He screamed and got up from the ground, with a body full of whiplashes, and sneered at him. The onlookers rushed over.

What is called a person who is hard to dismantle? This is called a person who is not to be dismantled. It is obviously a cross-species “love relationship” that cannot bear to look back. The onlookers have to mention it repeatedly and laugh at him. Xie Qingyan is heartbroken and angry.

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