Apocalyptic Pregnancy

Chapter 667

Chapter 667 Might as well walk

Su Su was still swaying on the road at this time. Along the way, too many people escaped from Chen Xiaogu’s hands. Everyone ran out and went straight to Sanqiao Town. Therefore, the general situation of the new western safety zone is still unclear. When Su Su and the others arrived, they had already collected a lot of things.

In the car, Xiao Ai was sitting on the safety seat, kicking her two calves, and was irritating with Su Su. The reason was that she wanted to play with her father’s knife, but Su Su did not allow it because she was afraid of the two on Ye Yu’s back. The saber is too heavy and sharp, and it will hurt herself, so Xiao Ai has been groaning and tantrums since getting into the car.

It was Ye Yu who drove, and Su Su sat in the passenger seat. The front and back of their three-person car were special forces cars. The body was made of pupa shells. The shells were painted with black paint, bulletproof glass, and solar panels. On the roof of the car, as long as there is light, it can store electricity and the engine can rotate. The license plate: pupa 0001 is also attached to the front and back of the car.

This is the latest electric car developed by Pupa Town. It is good for everything. It does not use gasoline. It is also particularly strong and environmentally friendly. The only drawback is that it is not fast, running too fast, and there is insufficient sunlight and insufficient power storage, so it is easy to take a break.

Therefore, the majestic and energetic special forces of the West Expedition can only stop all the way, using the speed of a scenic spot, tossing westward.

Most of the volunteers who followed were walking on foot, and they were able to catch up with this special force of the West Expedition within a few hours. There were also some who had too much expectations for the new energy vehicles in Pupa Town, and they also got a pupae. The basic situation of the shell electric car on the road is similar to that of Ye Yu and others. After driving for two hours, it will prompt that the battery is insufficient, and then have to stop and accept the sun, wait until it is charged, and then move on.

It’s better to walk! ! !

The convoy stumbled into the night. At this time, Ye Yu’s role was revealed. He hung a sun on the roof of the special forces. He could continue to store electricity even when there was no light at night. Continue on the road.

The special convoy, earlier than those volunteers, swayed to the country house group where Chen Xiaogu was located. At this time, the sky was bright and the gray sky was covering the group of **** villas, all around quietly, alone. None, the whole painting style seems very depressing.

Ye Yu leaned against the car and smoked. King Kong flew forward and returned, and whispered to him: “There is no one inside. They ran away. Some people went to Sanqiao Town, and some people entered. desert.”

Ye Yu, who was leaning on the side of the car, spit out an eye circle, dropped the cigarette **** in his finger to the ground at will, tilted his head, “chasing.”

The convoy continued to move forward. In the rear compartment, Su Su, who was sitting asleep, was awakened by the starting car. He looked at Ye Yu who was already sitting in the driver’s seat, rubbed his eyes and asked:

“Have you found Li Ying?”

“The person has already run away. In the villa group in front, it seems that a high-level earth-type ability has attacked. There is no one. We are now going into the desert.”


Su Su responded, looked at Xiao Ai who was sleeping next to him, yawned, and went back to sleep.

After passing this group of villas, the road is easier to walk a lot. On a flat road, you can enter the desert wherever you want to drive. At the beginning, you can see a lot of greenery and scattered small trees on the road. Then drive. For a half-day, the trees were gone, and the sand gradually increased. A piece of flat land with sparse grasses seemed to be endlessly wide.

The convoy stopped, and Ye Yu went to look for Li Ying and the others. Xiao Ai especially liked this vast area. After the car stopped, she called to get off. Su Su hugged her. He was running around on the land with sparse grass, standing far away and watching her.

On the other side of the horizon, a few ragged men ran over. Lixia greeted him. After asking a few words, he turned back and said to Ye Yu that these were a few who had escaped from Li Ying’s team, and Li Ying had taken them with him. A team of about 30 people entered the desert.

In the past few days, special forces have often met such people who fled during the Western Expedition. Most of them are men. Women who can run have already ran away, and those who can’t run have been smuggled out by Wang Jun. , And these escaped men all went to Sanqiao Town. There were survivors as well as ordinary people. The number was very large, and the special forces were not surprised.

Su Su stood far away, and saw that Xiao Ai had been running like crazy, and she had run more than a dozen meters away from her. She looked into the distance. Among the few escaped men, one of them was not tall, all dirty. , Just raised his head, looked at her secretly, saw Su Su’s gaze turned, the man who was not tall, immediately lowered his head, dropped his hands, and brought several other men over.

As soon as he approached Xiao Ai, he was stopped by King Kong and Gazi. The 18 special forces, seemingly insignificantly distributed over the vast land, are very cleverly positioned. They can attack, retreat and defend. Su Su and Xiao Ai were surrounded by a very safe large encirclement.

The man who was not tall quickly realized this. His thin, skinny face showed a trace of pitiful expression. He looked at Su Su across King Kong and Gazi, and pleaded. :

“You are Su Su, are you Su Su? Please help us, we have not eaten for several days, I, I can show you the way, I know where Li Ying has gone, I Take you to find her. She still has 30 powers in her hand. I can take you to find her.”

Su Su stood still, tilted her head slightly, looking at the man, Xiao Ai stopped her frantic feet, hopped to King Kong’s side, and looked at the dirty man up close. , Hugged King Kong’s leg and said coquettishly:

“King Kong King Kong, I want to fly, I want to fly, take me to fly!”

King Kong put down the hand that stopped the refugees, bent over and picked up Xiao Ai, rubbing Xiao Ai’s hair with a spoiled face, and then said to the refugee with a low head:

“Stay back a little bit. If you want to eat, go south. There are volunteers behind to pick you up. You are not allowed to come near!”

The scolding voice successfully prevented the few refugees from advancing. The small man seemed to be very obedient and prepared to withdraw southward without any danger, but Su Su walked towards them and raised his voice. Behind a few refugee men, shouted,

“Chen Xiaogu?!”

Chen Xiaogu stopped abruptly, his back stiffened, and the square inch in his heart suddenly became chaotic. He subconsciously pulled out his legs and was about to run. A chain made of ice flew from behind and trapped Chen Xiaogu’s calf.

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