Assassin Farmer

Chapter 109

Chapter 109

109 Full Month Feast

The sixth day of the lunar month was the day when the opposite-sex twins became a full month.

The sky was beautiful. It was not snowing again since yesterday, but the sun was shining. Two days later, the snow in the village road and the center of official road was also melted.

The carriage that was settled in Xing Lai inn was arranged for 18 vehicles like the character one (“一”) ranked in the Fan Hua Town. The whole village was welcomed to the Fan Hua Town. The huge team rushed to the most delicious restaurant – Wu Qin Zhai, and the eight-horse luxury carriage now took the Prince Jing’s family with five elders and two youngers, plus the Long Xiyue and two powerful women-servants who could take care of the opposite-sex twins -ChunLan and DongMei. The luxurious and comfortable carriage was still more spacious after accommodating such a small number of people.

“Oh, the aunt Hua is coming too with her family? Isn’t it necessary to have another full moon feast?” Aunt Tian was trying to get on the carriage with Aunt Lao and her eyes sweep to the seven-people family of Hua

“Oh! You said wrong. This is the blessing of the prince and the princess, we also go to Wu Qin Zhai to open our eyes.” Wives in Hua’s made the pile of laughter. Just kidding, Lin’s villagers took all villagers to Wu Qin Zhai to celebrate the full moon feast. If the Hua wanted to run a three-days full moon feast, I am afraid that no one came to celebrate it. In addition, the head of the village also announced that this town was now the real estate of Jing Wang Fu. Prince and Princess Jing were compassionating their villagers, and insisting on taking them to the full moon feast. It was said to be the largest and most expensive and most delicious feast in the Fan Luo City. They must be going to give them enough face.

“Also, the day after today, you are no longer a part of the Fan Hua Town, and you can regard it as farewell.” Aunt Tian disdainfully glanced at the wives of Hua, and immediately got on the carriage. In front of them, she pulled off the curtain of the car.

“Hey! What kind of hell! We are not eating the Tian’s.” Wives in Hua’s also took a spit at the carriage curtain, then twisted the huge fat buttocks and turned to the carriage of the Hua’s and another family.

“Hey, you still have a fight with her. The head of the village was saying that this time the Jing Wang Fu would invite the full moon feast whether staying or leaving. If you want to go, you all can go.” Aunt Lao smiled and napped Aunt Tian angrily. It was the Tian’s that had the biggest gap and the deepest grievances toward Hua’s.

“I can’t get used to her face. Before they deliberately smashed the Shui girl to make a full moon feast. Yuck, they finished it only one day.” Aunt Tian looked disdainful the wives in Hua. She was the most unfamiliar with what they had done in front of people deferred from back people. However, it was said that they would be allowed to move all their families. Be best to get out early and save our eyes.

“All right, today is a good day. Don’t add to the mind of Shui girl.” The more people they came, the bigger blessings of the dolls would have!” Aunt Lao said with patience and persuaded her with sitting next to her. She took the small seeds of the walnuts and stuffed into the hands of Aunt Tian.

She also grabbed one in hand and chatted with eating melon seeds.

It was said that this palace is not the same as usual, the appearance lookd like an ordinary horse-drawn carriage and the arrangement inside was more comfortable than the heated floor of the home. There were three long sloping stools on the three sides of the carriage, one in the middle was a tea table with the drawers, on which were four dishes of common snacks. There were melon seeds, walnuts, rice cakes and Chinese-dates with a pot of fragrant tea, a set of twelve cups, and the recreational chess and cards in the drawer. Hey, it’s awkward to see two women who are still in aggrieved.

“Right, where was your honey? Did he come home today?” Aunt Lao asked doubtfully.

Of course, these people were all intermittently met and known in the past two months, with Situ Yun repeatedly encounting. His family, in order to protect him, had never told him that he was still a mentally impaired until a few months ago, and Lao involuntary remembered Tian Dabao who was the son of the Tian who was not very smart.

A few months ago, He wanted to go out to work, and with the support of Lin Siyao, he opened a timber shop in the next city. It was said that it operated well. When talking about Dabao, Aunt Tian would be full of smiles.

“Come, why don’t you come. We are also brothers.” Aunt Tian smiled heartily and said: “Shui girl said that Dabao was much better then ever.” She referred to Dabao’s mind. All the time. This was the important thing of Tian. As Dabao grew older, they became more anxious.

Since being accepted as an apprentice by Lin Siyao, Dabao’s mind seemed to have been slowly improved. Most of the time he was no different from the peers. Nowadays, although she hadn’t seen it for herself, she can hear from Shui girl that he can make a wood store look good. That was already amazing. At least, it had long exceeded the expectations of her and Dafu.

The daughter married a good husband, and the son regained his mind diligently. As a parent, what else was unsatisfied?


Tian Dabao had already arrived at Wu Qin Zhai before the huge carriages queuing up.

After signing his own name, the waiter ticked in the guest book and then took him to the front of the window on the second floor so that he could look up to the main street of Fan Hua Town.

He was smiling with hearty.

After the new year, he would be fourteen years old, and he was between the youth and the adult. Fortunately, he was able to successfully recover his mind before he officially entered the adult queue.

It was good to hear that his mind was damaged, even mad to the crazy man and dementia… just like Chunbo of Uncle Wen’s. He sighed lowly. He used to be a bad bully of the stupid Chunbo. It did not mean memory elimination even if the mental recovery.

It was undeniable that his parents and sisters had always protected him well. His teacher and teacher’s wife also cheated him as a normal person. Therefore, he did not suffer a trace of damage in Fan Hua Town. He was a hundred times luckier than Chunbo who was born to be a fool.

“It is so early.” Situ Yun with smiling voice rang behind him.

“You too.” Tian Dabao returned to him with a blank eye. He was one year older than Situ Yun, but he was treated as a younger brother by Situ. In the past, when his mind did not recover, it was no problem. But now, he was awkward to respect a young boy who was obviously younger than himself.

“Oh, you are not cute now.” Situ Yun swayed and shook his head. Learning to lean on the window, he was looking at the carriage queue that was gradually approaching in the distance and deliberately sighed.

“Don’t say that! I don’t have to pay for your face with you.” Tian Dabao responded disapprovingly. “Let’s go, hug the dear brother and sister in the first place.” Tian Dabao turned and went downstairs. Since the establishment of the “Guang Jin Cai-making money from every side of the word” timber store, he had to take charge of the “Guang Ci Lou” with whistle mission, and he had been busy for a moment. His teacher’s wife gave birth to a younger brother and sister, and he did not have time to visit the Fan Hua Town. Not to mention going home every month and seeing his mother. Therefore, today’s full moon banquet, he was going to move out of his time in any case.


“This is a good day for my grandson and granddaughter of full month banquet. Everyone, I will owe you a cup.”

After all the people who came to bless and celebrate were all seated in the open 22nd tables of the upstairs and downstairs, Liang Xuanjing toasted the leading.

“Come on, you should go full of your belly. Today, we are not drunk.” Feng Caiyun also rose up boldly, and encouraged the friends of the villagers of Fan Hua Town and the friends of Su and Lin.

“Mommy—” Su Shuilian found something both funny and annoying. The only mother of Jing Wang Fu even liked a heroic woman was passionate, which was too exaggerated.

“Today is a special day. I am so happy.” Feng Caiyun applauded her daughter’s hand. He didn’t know who’s temper his daughter like. She was more dignified than who had been a princess for more than a decade.

“Yes, my sister, this time there is no prince and princess, only the granduncle of Lin Xiao and Lin Long.” Liang Enzai also said to Su Shuilian. This city of Fan Luo was thousands of miles away from the emperor, even if they fully drank. And It would not be passed to the big emperor. Even if it was really known to the big emperor, the most respected emperor of the Great Hui Guo, who was more addicted to the wine, would only blame his old father for not bringing him.

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Su Shuilian saw Liang Enzai saying, and he put down his worries. After a smile with Lin Siyao, he also made a cup with the township folks who came to congratulate him.

A hundred people of the full moon feast, everyone drank with a spring breeze.

Until the end of tonight, everyone was flustered after eating and drinking,.

During this full moon feast, the gifts of celebrating was not received, and also each person had a small purse with ninety-nine copper according to the seats. The villagers got a blush.

“Everyone, the carriages were in the Xing Lai Inn. If you were interested, you can go shopping in the city to buy some new year’s goods. Then you can go to the inn to take the carriage. Of course, the two of the same family all together would back to the Fan Hua Town” Afterwards, Liang MoMo would return to the town to properly explain the arrangements, and all the people will go to the Fang Si. After eating a big meal and eliminating food, you could also take advantage of this opportunity to purchase some new year’s goods, and returned by the carriages. They were so happy about that good thing.

“Dabao, my son, let your mother see you?” Out of Wu Qi Zhai, Aunt Tian had the opportunity to chat with his son.

“I am very good. My mother. It is you and my father who are a lot of thin. These silvers were my income in the past few months, and you get some to buy new year’s goods. I will go back home in the New Year.” Tian Dabao said with a heavy purse pulled out in the pocket of the waist and stuffed into the hands of Aunt Tian.

” Da…Dabao…” Aunt Tian stared at Tian Dabao, who was obviously different from the past. After half a moment, he and Tian Dafu who was the same horrified looked at each other and then nodded continuously. “Well, good. Father of my son, my son recovers. Good. ”

“Well, it’s good. Everything you want to do, I and your mother will support you. Just do it.” Tian Dafu, who has always been ignorant, was also red-eyed and shoot Tian Dabao who was already half a head taller than him.

“Not to say that in this case, if the son is going to do bad things, we can’t support it!” After Aunt Tian heard the words and wiped his eyes, she took a look at Tian Dafu and pulled up Tian Dabao’s hand. “My son, work hard and become the same as your teacher.” You should marry a beautiful woman like a fairy, so that she could hug her grandson as soon as possible. In my life, I would never be able to hope for this good thing again, my graandson. Unexpectedly, God had eyes. After she was worried about being uncomfortable for five years, she finally returned her a healthy and mature son.

“Pu –” Situ Yun’s laughter, which did not converge, interrupted Aunt Tian’s fascination. The same as Si Ling Shi Bo(one’s teacher’s brother)? Was that letting Dabao go to be a gold medal to kill someone? It was really funny!

Su Shuilian, who knew the identity of Lin Siyao, also squinted at his slightly stiff husband, and then reached out and held him tightly.” What Aunt Tian pointed out should be Xiaoer and Longer.” She whispered and supported him.

“I know.” Lin Siyao replied strangely. What he thought was that with Dabao’s current skills, even if he wanted to be one of the best killers in the world, it was still early. Lin Siyao secretly shouted. You didn’t think it was easy to be a killer. Didn’t he climb out of the dead heap?

“Dabao, you have a good heart. Thank you for your gift, I think Xiaoer and Longer will like it very much.” Su Shuilian smiled and thanked Tian Dabao.

“Nothing to say that.” Tian Dabao turned his head shyly. However, it was a pair of unicorn jade carvings, which was unconsciously found on the square of the crepe city by him, and he carved a pair of lifelike unicorns. He had a pair of hands that are inherited from Tian Dafu.

Although refused the celebrating gifts of other people, Su Shuilian was only received the gifts of his student and accepted them all.

“Well, Dabao, are you leaving? I will go back with you.” Situ Yun reached out and took the left shoulder of Tian Dabao. He took him to the direction of the neighboring city. “Uncle Tian and Aunt Tian, you should be relieved, I will take good care of Dabao.”

“It’s none of your business!” Tian Dabao frowned unhappyly.

“Why is none of my business? You are also my younger brother. Don’t admit that you are in the teacher door of Shi Bo, much later than the door to my teacher.”

“You are kidding!” Tian Dabao rolled his eyes and simply ignored him. And then he jumped out of the street.

Situ Yun was not willing to show his weakness, followed by the two of you chasing me to the adjacent Hua Cheng city.

“Yao, Shuilian, we really thanks to you for taking care of Dabao!” Looking at his son’s figure gradually disappeared in front of him, Aunt Tian and Tian Dafu just thanked. If there was no Lin Siyao who accepted him as a student, he learnt those high-level martial arts, not to mention the achievements of Dabao. But the bloody head of the back of the head did not know when to dissipate and restore his mind.

“It’s his own efforts. Aunt Tian and Uncle Tian can also feel at ease.” Su Shuilian shook his head with a smile and gestured to Aunt Tian who should be without thinking. Sometimes think about it, this was the fate of the destiny. After experiencing the eccentricity of the soul, she was more transparent than ever.

“Let’s go, even if you are out of the moon( one month after giving a birth), you should not blow the cold wind.” Lin Siyao nodded to the couple of Tian Dafu after saying hello. They took Su Shuilian into Wu Qin Zhai and the opposite-sex twins were still in the carriage. Though there was a father-in-law looking at him, he still worried that he was overwhelmed by his brother-in-law and sister Jiang Yingyun.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!

109 Full Month Feast

The sixth day of the lunar month was the day when the opposite-sex twins became a full month.

The sky was beautiful. It was not snowing again since yesterday, but the sun was shining. Two days later, the snow in the village road and the center of official road was also melted.

The carriage that was settled in Xing Lai inn was arranged for 18 vehicles like the character one (“一”) ranked in the Fan Hua Town. The whole village was welcomed to the Fan Hua Town. The huge team rushed to the most delicious restaurant – Wu Qin Zhai, and the eight-horse luxury carriage now took the Prince Jing’s family with five elders and two youngers, plus the Long Xiyue and two powerful women-servants who could take care of the opposite-sex twins -ChunLan and DongMei. The luxurious and comfortable carriage was still more spacious after accommodating such a small number of people.

“Oh, the aunt Hua is coming too with her family? Isn’t it necessary to have another full moon feast?” Aunt Tian was trying to get on the carriage with Aunt Lao and her eyes sweep to the seven-people family of Hua

“Oh! You said wrong. This is the blessing of the prince and the princess, we also go to Wu Qin Zhai to open our eyes.” Wives in Hua’s made the pile of laughter. Just kidding, Lin’s villagers took all villagers to Wu Qin Zhai to celebrate the full moon feast. If the Hua wanted to run a three-days full moon feast, I am afraid that no one came to celebrate it. In addition, the head of the village also announced that this town was now the real estate of Jing Wang Fu. Prince and Princess Jing were compassionating their villagers, and insisting on taking them to the full moon feast. It was said to be the largest and most expensive and most delicious feast in the Fan Luo City. They must be going to give them enough face.

“Also, the day after today, you are no longer a part of the Fan Hua Town, and you can regard it as farewell.” Aunt Tian disdainfully glanced at the wives of Hua, and immediately got on the carriage. In front of them, she pulled off the curtain of the car.

“Hey! What kind of hell! We are not eating the Tian’s.” Wives in Hua’s also took a spit at the carriage curtain, then twisted the huge fat buttocks and turned to the carriage of the Hua’s and another family.

“Hey, you still have a fight with her. The head of the village was saying that this time the Jing Wang Fu would invite the full moon feast whether staying or leaving. If you want to go, you all can go.” Aunt Lao smiled and napped Aunt Tian angrily. It was the Tian’s that had the biggest gap and the deepest grievances toward Hua’s.

“I can’t get used to her face. Before they deliberately smashed the Shui girl to make a full moon feast. Yuck, they finished it only one day.” Aunt Tian looked disdainful the wives in Hua. She was the most unfamiliar with what they had done in front of people deferred from back people. However, it was said that they would be allowed to move all their families. Be best to get out early and save our eyes.

“All right, today is a good day. Don’t add to the mind of Shui girl.” The more people they came, the bigger blessings of the dolls would have!” Aunt Lao said with patience and persuaded her with sitting next to her. She took the small seeds of the walnuts and stuffed into the hands of Aunt Tian.

She also grabbed one in hand and chatted with eating melon seeds.

It was said that this palace is not the same as usual, the appearance lookd like an ordinary horse-drawn carriage and the arrangement inside was more comfortable than the heated floor of the home. There were three long sloping stools on the three sides of the carriage, one in the middle was a tea table with the drawers, on which were four dishes of common snacks. There were melon seeds, walnuts, rice cakes and Chinese-dates with a pot of fragrant tea, a set of twelve cups, and the recreational chess and cards in the drawer. Hey, it’s awkward to see two women who are still in aggrieved.

“Right, where was your honey? Did he come home today?” Aunt Lao asked doubtfully.

Of course, these people were all intermittently met and known in the past two months, with Situ Yun repeatedly encounting. His family, in order to protect him, had never told him that he was still a mentally impaired until a few months ago, and Lao involuntary remembered Tian Dabao who was the son of the Tian who was not very smart.

A few months ago, He wanted to go out to work, and with the support of Lin Siyao, he opened a timber shop in the next city. It was said that it operated well. When talking about Dabao, Aunt Tian would be full of smiles.

“Come, why don’t you come. We are also brothers.” Aunt Tian smiled heartily and said: “Shui girl said that Dabao was much better then ever.” She referred to Dabao’s mind. All the time. This was the important thing of Tian. As Dabao grew older, they became more anxious.

Since being accepted as an apprentice by Lin Siyao, Dabao’s mind seemed to have been slowly improved. Most of the time he was no different from the peers. Nowadays, although she hadn’t seen it for herself, she can hear from Shui girl that he can make a wood store look good. That was already amazing. At least, it had long exceeded the expectations of her and Dafu.

The daughter married a good husband, and the son regained his mind diligently. As a parent, what else was unsatisfied?


Tian Dabao had already arrived at Wu Qin Zhai before the huge carriages queuing up.

After signing his own name, the waiter ticked in the guest book and then took him to the front of the window on the second floor so that he could look up to the main street of Fan Hua Town.

He was smiling with hearty.

After the new year, he would be fourteen years old, and he was between the youth and the adult. Fortunately, he was able to successfully recover his mind before he officially entered the adult queue.

It was good to hear that his mind was damaged, even mad to the crazy man and dementia… just like Chunbo of Uncle Wen’s. He sighed lowly. He used to be a bad bully of the stupid Chunbo. It did not mean memory elimination even if the mental recovery.

It was undeniable that his parents and sisters had always protected him well. His teacher and teacher’s wife also cheated him as a normal person. Therefore, he did not suffer a trace of damage in Fan Hua Town. He was a hundred times luckier than Chunbo who was born to be a fool.

“It is so early.” Situ Yun with smiling voice rang behind him.

“You too.” Tian Dabao returned to him with a blank eye. He was one year older than Situ Yun, but he was treated as a younger brother by Situ. In the past, when his mind did not recover, it was no problem. But now, he was awkward to respect a young boy who was obviously younger than himself.

“Oh, you are not cute now.” Situ Yun swayed and shook his head. Learning to lean on the window, he was looking at the carriage queue that was gradually approaching in the distance and deliberately sighed.

“Don’t say that! I don’t have to pay for your face with you.” Tian Dabao responded disapprovingly. “Let’s go, hug the dear brother and sister in the first place.” Tian Dabao turned and went downstairs. Since the establishment of the “Guang Jin Cai-making money from every side of the word” timber store, he had to take charge of the “Guang Ci Lou” with whistle mission, and he had been busy for a moment. His teacher’s wife gave birth to a younger brother and sister, and he did not have time to visit the Fan Hua Town. Not to mention going home every month and seeing his mother. Therefore, today’s full moon banquet, he was going to move out of his time in any case.


“This is a good day for my grandson and granddaughter of full month banquet. Everyone, I will owe you a cup.”

After all the people who came to bless and celebrate were all seated in the open 22nd tables of the upstairs and downstairs, Liang Xuanjing toasted the leading.

“Come on, you should go full of your belly. Today, we are not drunk.” Feng Caiyun also rose up boldly, and encouraged the friends of the villagers of Fan Hua Town and the friends of Su and Lin.

“Mommy—” Su Shuilian found something both funny and annoying. The only mother of Jing Wang Fu even liked a heroic woman was passionate, which was too exaggerated.

“Today is a special day. I am so happy.” Feng Caiyun applauded her daughter’s hand. He didn’t know who’s temper his daughter like. She was more dignified than who had been a princess for more than a decade.

“Yes, my sister, this time there is no prince and princess, only the granduncle of Lin Xiao and Lin Long.” Liang Enzai also said to Su Shuilian. This city of Fan Luo was thousands of miles away from the emperor, even if they fully drank. And It would not be passed to the big emperor. Even if it was really known to the big emperor, the most respected emperor of the Great Hui Guo, who was more addicted to the wine, would only blame his old father for not bringing him.

Visit for extra chapters.

Su Shuilian saw Liang Enzai saying, and he put down his worries. After a smile with Lin Siyao, he also made a cup with the township folks who came to congratulate him.

A hundred people of the full moon feast, everyone drank with a spring breeze.

Until the end of tonight, everyone was flustered after eating and drinking,.

During this full moon feast, the gifts of celebrating was not received, and also each person had a small purse with ninety-nine copper according to the seats. The villagers got a blush.

“Everyone, the carriages were in the Xing Lai Inn. If you were interested, you can go shopping in the city to buy some new year’s goods. Then you can go to the inn to take the carriage. Of course, the two of the same family all together would back to the Fan Hua Town” Afterwards, Liang MoMo would return to the town to properly explain the arrangements, and all the people will go to the Fang Si. After eating a big meal and eliminating food, you could also take advantage of this opportunity to purchase some new year’s goods, and returned by the carriages. They were so happy about that good thing.

“Dabao, my son, let your mother see you?” Out of Wu Qi Zhai, Aunt Tian had the opportunity to chat with his son.

“I am very good. My mother. It is you and my father who are a lot of thin. These silvers were my income in the past few months, and you get some to buy new year’s goods. I will go back home in the New Year.” Tian Dabao said with a heavy purse pulled out in the pocket of the waist and stuffed into the hands of Aunt Tian.

” Da…Dabao…” Aunt Tian stared at Tian Dabao, who was obviously different from the past. After half a moment, he and Tian Dafu who was the same horrified looked at each other and then nodded continuously. “Well, good. Father of my son, my son recovers. Good. ”

“Well, it’s good. Everything you want to do, I and your mother will support you. Just do it.” Tian Dafu, who has always been ignorant, was also red-eyed and shoot Tian Dabao who was already half a head taller than him.

“Not to say that in this case, if the son is going to do bad things, we can’t support it!” After Aunt Tian heard the words and wiped his eyes, she took a look at Tian Dafu and pulled up Tian Dabao’s hand. “My son, work hard and become the same as your teacher.” You should marry a beautiful woman like a fairy, so that she could hug her grandson as soon as possible. In my life, I would never be able to hope for this good thing again, my graandson. Unexpectedly, God had eyes. After she was worried about being uncomfortable for five years, she finally returned her a healthy and mature son.

“Pu –” Situ Yun’s laughter, which did not converge, interrupted Aunt Tian’s fascination. The same as Si Ling Shi Bo(one’s teacher’s brother)? Was that letting Dabao go to be a gold medal to kill someone? It was really funny!

Su Shuilian, who knew the identity of Lin Siyao, also squinted at his slightly stiff husband, and then reached out and held him tightly.” What Aunt Tian pointed out should be Xiaoer and Longer.” She whispered and supported him.

“I know.” Lin Siyao replied strangely. What he thought was that with Dabao’s current skills, even if he wanted to be one of the best killers in the world, it was still early. Lin Siyao secretly shouted. You didn’t think it was easy to be a killer. Didn’t he climb out of the dead heap?

“Dabao, you have a good heart. Thank you for your gift, I think Xiaoer and Longer will like it very much.” Su Shuilian smiled and thanked Tian Dabao.

“Nothing to say that.” Tian Dabao turned his head shyly. However, it was a pair of unicorn jade carvings, which was unconsciously found on the square of the crepe city by him, and he carved a pair of lifelike unicorns. He had a pair of hands that are inherited from Tian Dafu.

Although refused the celebrating gifts of other people, Su Shuilian was only received the gifts of his student and accepted them all.

“Well, Dabao, are you leaving? I will go back with you.” Situ Yun reached out and took the left shoulder of Tian Dabao. He took him to the direction of the neighboring city. “Uncle Tian and Aunt Tian, you should be relieved, I will take good care of Dabao.”

“It’s none of your business!” Tian Dabao frowned unhappyly.

“Why is none of my business? You are also my younger brother. Don’t admit that you are in the teacher door of Shi Bo, much later than the door to my teacher.”

“You are kidding!” Tian Dabao rolled his eyes and simply ignored him. And then he jumped out of the street.

Situ Yun was not willing to show his weakness, followed by the two of you chasing me to the adjacent Hua Cheng city.

“Yao, Shuilian, we really thanks to you for taking care of Dabao!” Looking at his son’s figure gradually disappeared in front of him, Aunt Tian and Tian Dafu just thanked. If there was no Lin Siyao who accepted him as a student, he learnt those high-level martial arts, not to mention the achievements of Dabao. But the bloody head of the back of the head did not know when to dissipate and restore his mind.

“It’s his own efforts. Aunt Tian and Uncle Tian can also feel at ease.” Su Shuilian shook his head with a smile and gestured to Aunt Tian who should be without thinking. Sometimes think about it, this was the fate of the destiny. After experiencing the eccentricity of the soul, she was more transparent than ever.

“Let’s go, even if you are out of the moon( one month after giving a birth), you should not blow the cold wind.” Lin Siyao nodded to the couple of Tian Dafu after saying hello. They took Su Shuilian into Wu Qin Zhai and the opposite-sex twins were still in the carriage. Though there was a father-in-law looking at him, he still worried that he was overwhelmed by his brother-in-law and sister Jiang Yingyun.

109 Full Month Feast

The sixth day of the lunar month was the day when the opposite-sex twins became a full month.

The sky was beautiful. It was not snowing again since yesterday, but the sun was shining. Two days later, the snow in the village road and the center of official road was also melted.

The carriage that was settled in Xing Lai inn was arranged for 18 vehicles like the character one (“一”) ranked in the Fan Hua Town. The whole village was welcomed to the Fan Hua Town. The huge team rushed to the most delicious restaurant – Wu Qin Zhai, and the eight-horse luxury carriage now took the Prince Jing’s family with five elders and two youngers, plus the Long Xiyue and two powerful women-servants who could take care of the opposite-sex twins -ChunLan and DongMei. The luxurious and comfortable carriage was still more spacious after accommodating such a small number of people.

“Oh, the aunt Hua is coming too with her family? Isn’t it necessary to have another full moon feast?” Aunt Tian was trying to get on the carriage with Aunt Lao and her eyes sweep to the seven-people family of Hua

“Oh! You said wrong. This is the blessing of the prince and the princess, we also go to Wu Qin Zhai to open our eyes.” Wives in Hua’s made the pile of laughter. Just kidding, Lin’s villagers took all villagers to Wu Qin Zhai to celebrate the full moon feast. If the Hua wanted to run a three-days full moon feast, I am afraid that no one came to celebrate it. In addition, the head of the village also announced that this town was now the real estate of Jing Wang Fu. Prince and Princess Jing were compassionating their villagers, and insisting on taking them to the full moon feast. It was said to be the largest and most expensive and most delicious feast in the Fan Luo City. They must be going to give them enough face.

“Also, the day after today, you are no longer a part of the Fan Hua Town, and you can regard it as farewell.” Aunt Tian disdainfully glanced at the wives of Hua, and immediately got on the carriage. In front of them, she pulled off the curtain of the car.

“Hey! What kind of hell! We are not eating the Tian’s.” Wives in Hua’s also took a spit at the carriage curtain, then twisted the huge fat buttocks and turned to the carriage of the Hua’s and another family.

“Hey, you still have a fight with her. The head of the village was saying that this time the Jing Wang Fu would invite the full moon feast whether staying or leaving. If you want to go, you all can go.” Aunt Lao smiled and napped Aunt Tian angrily. It was the Tian’s that had the biggest gap and the deepest grievances toward Hua’s.

“I can’t get used to her face. Before they deliberately smashed the Shui girl to make a full moon feast. Yuck, they finished it only one day.” Aunt Tian looked disdainful the wives in Hua. She was the most unfamiliar with what they had done in front of people deferred from back people. However, it was said that they would be allowed to move all their families. Be best to get out early and save our eyes.

“All right, today is a good day. Don’t add to the mind of Shui girl.” The more people they came, the bigger blessings of the dolls would have!” Aunt Lao said with patience and persuaded her with sitting next to her. She took the small seeds of the walnuts and stuffed into the hands of Aunt Tian.

She also grabbed one in hand and chatted with eating melon seeds.

It was said that this palace is not the same as usual, the appearance lookd like an ordinary horse-drawn carriage and the arrangement inside was more comfortable than the heated floor of the home. There were three long sloping stools on the three sides of the carriage, one in the middle was a tea table with the drawers, on which were four dishes of common snacks. There were melon seeds, walnuts, rice cakes and Chinese-dates with a pot of fragrant tea, a set of twelve cups, and the recreational chess and cards in the drawer. Hey, it’s awkward to see two women who are still in aggrieved.

“Right, where was your honey? Did he come home today?” Aunt Lao asked doubtfully.

Of course, these people were all intermittently met and known in the past two months, with Situ Yun repeatedly encounting. His family, in order to protect him, had never told him that he was still a mentally impaired until a few months ago, and Lao involuntary remembered Tian Dabao who was the son of the Tian who was not very smart.

A few months ago, He wanted to go out to work, and with the support of Lin Siyao, he opened a timber shop in the next city. It was said that it operated well. When talking about Dabao, Aunt Tian would be full of smiles.

“Come, why don’t you come. We are also brothers.” Aunt Tian smiled heartily and said: “Shui girl said that Dabao was much better then ever.” She referred to Dabao’s mind. All the time. This was the important thing of Tian. As Dabao grew older, they became more anxious.

Since being accepted as an apprentice by Lin Siyao, Dabao’s mind seemed to have been slowly improved. Most of the time he was no different from the peers. Nowadays, although she hadn’t seen it for herself, she can hear from Shui girl that he can make a wood store look good. That was already amazing. At least, it had long exceeded the expectations of her and Dafu.

The daughter married a good husband, and the son regained his mind diligently. As a parent, what else was unsatisfied?


Tian Dabao had already arrived at Wu Qin Zhai before the huge carriages queuing up.

After signing his own name, the waiter ticked in the guest book and then took him to the front of the window on the second floor so that he could look up to the main street of Fan Hua Town.

He was smiling with hearty.

After the new year, he would be fourteen years old, and he was between the youth and the adult. Fortunately, he was able to successfully recover his mind before he officially entered the adult queue.

It was good to hear that his mind was damaged, even mad to the crazy man and dementia… just like Chunbo of Uncle Wen’s. He sighed lowly. He used to be a bad bully of the stupid Chunbo. It did not mean memory elimination even if the mental recovery.

It was undeniable that his parents and sisters had always protected him well. His teacher and teacher’s wife also cheated him as a normal person. Therefore, he did not suffer a trace of damage in Fan Hua Town. He was a hundred times luckier than Chunbo who was born to be a fool.

“It is so early.” Situ Yun with smiling voice rang behind him.

“You too.” Tian Dabao returned to him with a blank eye. He was one year older than Situ Yun, but he was treated as a younger brother by Situ. In the past, when his mind did not recover, it was no problem. But now, he was awkward to respect a young boy who was obviously younger than himself.

“Oh, you are not cute now.” Situ Yun swayed and shook his head. Learning to lean on the window, he was looking at the carriage queue that was gradually approaching in the distance and deliberately sighed.

“Don’t say that! I don’t have to pay for your face with you.” Tian Dabao responded disapprovingly. “Let’s go, hug the dear brother and sister in the first place.” Tian Dabao turned and went downstairs. Since the establishment of the “Guang Jin Cai-making money from every side of the word” timber store, he had to take charge of the “Guang Ci Lou” with whistle mission, and he had been busy for a moment. His teacher’s wife gave birth to a younger brother and sister, and he did not have time to visit the Fan Hua Town. Not to mention going home every month and seeing his mother. Therefore, today’s full moon banquet, he was going to move out of his time in any case.


“This is a good day for my grandson and granddaughter of full month banquet. Everyone, I will owe you a cup.”

After all the people who came to bless and celebrate were all seated in the open 22nd tables of the upstairs and downstairs, Liang Xuanjing toasted the leading.

“Come on, you should go full of your belly. Today, we are not drunk.” Feng Caiyun also rose up boldly, and encouraged the friends of the villagers of Fan Hua Town and the friends of Su and Lin.

“Mommy—” Su Shuilian found something both funny and annoying. The only mother of Jing Wang Fu even liked a heroic woman was passionate, which was too exaggerated.

“Today is a special day. I am so happy.” Feng Caiyun applauded her daughter’s hand. He didn’t know who’s temper his daughter like. She was more dignified than who had been a princess for more than a decade.

“Yes, my sister, this time there is no prince and princess, only the granduncle of Lin Xiao and Lin Long.” Liang Enzai also said to Su Shuilian. This city of Fan Luo was thousands of miles away from the emperor, even if they fully drank. And It would not be passed to the big emperor. Even if it was really known to the big emperor, the most respected emperor of the Great Hui Guo, who was more addicted to the wine, would only blame his old father for not bringing him.

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Su Shuilian saw Liang Enzai saying, and he put down his worries. After a smile with Lin Siyao, he also made a cup with the township folks who came to congratulate him.

A hundred people of the full moon feast, everyone drank with a spring breeze.

Until the end of tonight, everyone was flustered after eating and drinking,.

During this full moon feast, the gifts of celebrating was not received, and also each person had a small purse with ninety-nine copper according to the seats. The villagers got a blush.

“Everyone, the carriages were in the Xing Lai Inn. If you were interested, you can go shopping in the city to buy some new year’s goods. Then you can go to the inn to take the carriage. Of course, the two of the same family all together would back to the Fan Hua Town” Afterwards, Liang MoMo would return to the town to properly explain the arrangements, and all the people will go to the Fang Si. After eating a big meal and eliminating food, you could also take advantage of this opportunity to purchase some new year’s goods, and returned by the carriages. They were so happy about that good thing.

“Dabao, my son, let your mother see you?” Out of Wu Qi Zhai, Aunt Tian had the opportunity to chat with his son.

“I am very good. My mother. It is you and my father who are a lot of thin. These silvers were my income in the past few months, and you get some to buy new year’s goods. I will go back home in the New Year.” Tian Dabao said with a heavy purse pulled out in the pocket of the waist and stuffed into the hands of Aunt Tian.

” Da…Dabao…” Aunt Tian stared at Tian Dabao, who was obviously different from the past. After half a moment, he and Tian Dafu who was the same horrified looked at each other and then nodded continuously. “Well, good. Father of my son, my son recovers. Good. ”

“Well, it’s good. Everything you want to do, I and your mother will support you. Just do it.” Tian Dafu, who has always been ignorant, was also red-eyed and shoot Tian Dabao who was already half a head taller than him.

“Not to say that in this case, if the son is going to do bad things, we can’t support it!” After Aunt Tian heard the words and wiped his eyes, she took a look at Tian Dafu and pulled up Tian Dabao’s hand. “My son, work hard and become the same as your teacher.” You should marry a beautiful woman like a fairy, so that she could hug her grandson as soon as possible. In my life, I would never be able to hope for this good thing again, my graandson. Unexpectedly, God had eyes. After she was worried about being uncomfortable for five years, she finally returned her a healthy and mature son.

“Pu –” Situ Yun’s laughter, which did not converge, interrupted Aunt Tian’s fascination. The same as Si Ling Shi Bo(one’s teacher’s brother)? Was that letting Dabao go to be a gold medal to kill someone? It was really funny!

Su Shuilian, who knew the identity of Lin Siyao, also squinted at his slightly stiff husband, and then reached out and held him tightly.” What Aunt Tian pointed out should be Xiaoer and Longer.” She whispered and supported him.

“I know.” Lin Siyao replied strangely. What he thought was that with Dabao’s current skills, even if he wanted to be one of the best killers in the world, it was still early. Lin Siyao secretly shouted. You didn’t think it was easy to be a killer. Didn’t he climb out of the dead heap?

“Dabao, you have a good heart. Thank you for your gift, I think Xiaoer and Longer will like it very much.” Su Shuilian smiled and thanked Tian Dabao.

“Nothing to say that.” Tian Dabao turned his head shyly. However, it was a pair of unicorn jade carvings, which was unconsciously found on the square of the crepe city by him, and he carved a pair of lifelike unicorns. He had a pair of hands that are inherited from Tian Dafu.

Although refused the celebrating gifts of other people, Su Shuilian was only received the gifts of his student and accepted them all.

“Well, Dabao, are you leaving? I will go back with you.” Situ Yun reached out and took the left shoulder of Tian Dabao. He took him to the direction of the neighboring city. “Uncle Tian and Aunt Tian, you should be relieved, I will take good care of Dabao.”

“It’s none of your business!” Tian Dabao frowned unhappyly.

“Why is none of my business? You are also my younger brother. Don’t admit that you are in the teacher door of Shi Bo, much later than the door to my teacher.”

“You are kidding!” Tian Dabao rolled his eyes and simply ignored him. And then he jumped out of the street.

Situ Yun was not willing to show his weakness, followed by the two of you chasing me to the adjacent Hua Cheng city.

“Yao, Shuilian, we really thanks to you for taking care of Dabao!” Looking at his son’s figure gradually disappeared in front of him, Aunt Tian and Tian Dafu just thanked. If there was no Lin Siyao who accepted him as a student, he learnt those high-level martial arts, not to mention the achievements of Dabao. But the bloody head of the back of the head did not know when to dissipate and restore his mind.

“It’s his own efforts. Aunt Tian and Uncle Tian can also feel at ease.” Su Shuilian shook his head with a smile and gestured to Aunt Tian who should be without thinking. Sometimes think about it, this was the fate of the destiny. After experiencing the eccentricity of the soul, she was more transparent than ever.

“Let’s go, even if you are out of the moon( one month after giving a birth), you should not blow the cold wind.” Lin Siyao nodded to the couple of Tian Dafu after saying hello. They took Su Shuilian into Wu Qin Zhai and the opposite-sex twins were still in the carriage. Though there was a father-in-law looking at him, he still worried that he was overwhelmed by his brother-in-law and sister Jiang Yingyun.

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